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Realistic or Modern Possessed



It's modern day 21st century, and like always, people are born, and some die. And like always, there are anomalies. Anomalies who contradict the meaning of death. For them, death isn't the end, it's the beginning. Having unfinished business, and strong will, there are those who are able to escape their end. Unable to be put to rest they start a new life possessing another's body.

However, doing as they please is not possible. There are rules. In order to possess a body, the original owner must be emotionally unstable,the more unstable, the easier. Next the possessor and the possessed must have similar soul wavelengths, the more similar they are, the less work it takes to possess them. When possessing a body 1 out of 3 outcomes can happen. One, you are able to successfully fully take over the body, in which the original owner is gone. Two, you are partially in control, although you are in control now, the original is still there. This outcome leads to the possibility of the owner able to take back his/her body. Or third, the possessor and original soul's end up merging. Another rule is that one must be within the body for a minimum of one year before being able to possess another.

Lastly, the time when they finish all of their past life's goals will be the time when they finally sleep. No exceptions. If midway they lose sight of their past goals, the same ending occurs. But most possessors are not put to sleep by any of those two. Instead, most are forcefully put to sleep by exorcists, followers of god who define possessors as evil spirits. Since centuries ago, there have been many acts in by them in order to rid possessors.

Those who survive soon went into hiding in remote areas and created an organization meant to protect other possessors. Over the years, as more people died, more possessors appeared and the organization has grown remarkably with not just possessors, but ordinary humans who were willing to help them, Currently the amount of safe havens in which the organization amounts to within the world is around 90, and 30 are centered in North America, the largest one being Portland, Oregon. A city which is not influenced much by religious institutions, which is a perfect place for possessors to freely live.

However, along with strange happenings going on with new possessors, a new mayor is elected, and is highly insistent on bringing more religion within the city threatening the existence of the possessors currently residing in Portland.

I've been having this idea since this month, since Halloween is coming up. /coughs. I wanted to do something of the sorts, And with this being one of the ideas I was looking forward to in 1x1, although it sadly never got too far, I felt it was perfect. Probably going to be a casual/detailed rp with expectations of at least 1 paragraph, unless the situation does not call for a lengthy response, such as dialogues. When this gathers enough interest I'll make the thread. ^^
MoltenLightning said:
Sounds cool! Are you only able to be a possessor? Or can you be a human?
Yes there can be human civilians, or humans who help the possessors. I was also thinking of allowing one exorcist to be made after 3 possessors/humans.
Alright, cool. Sounds like I might just join, we'll have to see what my schedule allows! But you can count me interested ;3
I'll try to get the thread up today. o3o

Lel and I just noticed I accidentally tagged Brent xD @Koffee

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