Positively Angelic


Junior Member
It was cool, even for the end of summer, Kalin thought as she walked along the sidewalk, heading east towards the lakeside. The wind buffeted her face, tugging insistently at her ponytail as she zipped her hoodie up a bit higher and buried her hands in her pockets; it was late, late enough so that she probably shouldn't be walking out alone, but it had been a long day at work, and she was tired, but too restless to sleep. Her slight figure passed in and out of orange pools of streetlamp light, patiently measuring time until she arrived at the beach: the lakeside always helped to relax her, the sound of waves driving other thoughts out of her head.

Usually, there would have been a few more people around, smoking blunts or playing music loudly in the absence of the afternoon crowds, but it was surprisingly empty tonight, and the low hanging clouds that would typically reflect the enormous glow of the lights downtown had disappeared as well, giving a rare view of the stars beyond the light pollution. Kalin inhaled deeply, enjoying the fresh air as she looked out over the dark waters. Her apartment seemed far away and cramped, compared to the enormous expanse of water stretching out before her. Without thinking, she bent down and began to tug her shoelaces untied, stepping out of them before pulling off her socks and stuffing them inside. Carefully, she picked her way down to the water, avoiding litter the beach occupants had left early that day. The night was filled with sounds of the waves and the trees, and the traffic beyond that, but it seemed quiet to her in her solitude, she mused, idly splashing a foot in the chilly lake water.
Lailah felt the weird. There was no other word for it because it was a new feeling to her. Her skin hurt, felt as though it was burning. She was unsure what hurt even felt like, but she knew the definition. She assumed that whatever she was feeling was pain. The searing pain seemed focused on her back, and she felt something lapping at her skin in a violent way. There was a ringing in her ear, and they popped repeatedly.

Unknown to her, she was falling down through the air. The skin was lashing at her beaten body, and there were giant gaping holes in her back. She was falling towards a lake, and the ringing in her ears was her screaming bloody murder. The popping noise was the changing in air pressure. She was falling towards water, a small lake where there were few to no people. With her speed, she would break multiple bones. Her blonde hair was stained red in most places, and her limbs were bent in odd angles. When she hit the water, there was a large smacking sound. Her scream grew louder, worse than any human or animal screech, but it was slightly muted because of the water pouring down her mouth. The water was red now, due to her blood. The landing was harsh, and it injured her even more. A normal human would not be capable of living through it.
As Kalin stood at the water's edge, she became aware of the wind picking up, keening through the trees as stretched, careful not to let her socks fall into the water. The keening, however, continued, becoming louder and louder until she realized that it wasn't the wind -- there was someone screaming. Quickly, she looked around, eyes darting back towards the street lights, then down the beach in either direction. She should have known better than to come out this late alone, but she couldn't see anyone, who was - her thoughts were interrupted as a few feet away behind her, there was an enormous crash in the water, and she saw a hand vanish beneath the surface as larger waves came to knock against her ankles.


Her voice was carried away over the water, but there was no response, only smaller and smaller ripples emanating out from where the splash had come from. Before she had time to doubt herself any more, she was unzipping her hood and shoving it off her shoulders before balling it up and leaving it on the beach with her shoes. Then, with a deep breath and without another thought, she plunged into the lake. The water was freezing, and her jaw started to chatter the moment it hit her chest, but she pushed on, using her feet to propel her further out until she was swimming in full. There: a few feet away, the water had a different, murky coloring in the dim light of the moon, as it peaked out occasionally between clouds. Was it... blood? Her heart stopped, but she pushed the thoughts away, and inhaling sharply, she dove. The water stung at her eyes as she swam deeper, looking for whatever had fallen, and then she saw it. Feet beneath her and still sinking, she caught a glimpse of white fabric. Lungs bursting for air, she kicked harder until she saw the outline of a body, and stretching out her fingers, she caught a wrist. Gotcha. Pulling her burden with her, she swam back to the surface, her head bursting above the waves with a gasp as she pulled the other person up with her, grabbing her collar -for it was a girl, she realized - and making sure her head was above the surface. Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, the thought repeated itself, running through her head as she swam towards the beach again, one arm around the girl's waist as she tried to make sure her mouth and nose were clear of the waves.
Lailah felt like she was on fire, not that she actually knew what that felt like or had anyone to confirm the feeling she felt was burning. She felt something grab her, and she did not fight. Her brain was so shocked and confused as to what was going on. She did not know what was happening to her, was these feelings were, and how she should react. She was chocking and spluttering on what she had in her mouth and throat. It came out for the most part, but then more would come in.

Whatever was dragging her knew what was going on. She was so unsure, her mind was in absolute shock. 'What do I do? What is this? This is right! I don't know! What is right? What does burning feel like? Is this pain? I know these things by definition, but not actually knowing what these things feel like,' She thought. Lailah, despite falling from heaven, could not die. She was immortal as always, but she did not know that. She knew nothing and understood nothing truly. Her brain hurt, but she couldn't even process what a headache was. All she knew was that she did not want any of these feelings ever again. One wave of water made her head go under for a while, making her choke and splutter, but she resurfaced due to the person pulling her and refrained from drowning.
With a final push, Kalin got them both to shore, pulling the other girl with her onto the sand. Her breath was coming in gasps as she collapsed beside her, staring up at the night sky as she slowly recovered and her breathing evened out, until she got up with a groan and turned to inspect the person beside her. She looked to be about the same age as Kalin herself, but with long, strawberry blond hair and a slighter frame. Bending down, she held an ear to her mouth to check to make sure she was still breathing: it was there, but very faintly. Kalin hoped to god that CPR was as easy as it looked on TV, and began to push her hands on the other girl's chest, hoping to make her spit out some of the water she had swallowed. What had she gotten herself into? she wondered, looking towards her jacket, where her cellphone was safely tucked in a pocket. She'd call an ambulance soon; she just had to make her spit out all that water first.
Lailah couldn't stop her shaking, her body forced her to shiver intensely. Water was stuck in her throat, and she felt a pressure on her chest. She did not understand, but then the water was coming up. She choked on it, spluttered, and coughed it out. Her vision was blurring, and she tried to wipe at her eyes, but her arms were limp at her sides. She couldn't sit up, and all she felt was pain. She coughed more of the vile liquid out, and she her throat burned from the screaming and the choking. Her throat was too sore to continue the screaming fit, and her eyes blinked slowly. Her vision was still blurry, but she could see purplish hair and blue eyes. The hair was long, so she assumed it was a girl, but her mind couldn't focus enough before she lost focus again.
As the other girl began to cough, Kalin rolled her onto her side so that she wouldn't choke any more than she already was. For a moment, she seemed to have regained consciousness as she stared up at her, but her eyes almost immediately went out of focus again, and she began to shiver more violently than ever. As the worst of the coughing passed, the purple-haired girl reached out and grabbed her jacket, wrapping it around the other girl's shoulders as she pulled out her cell phone.

"911, what is your emergency?"

Kalin's teeth were chattering from the cold lake water and the wind as she explained to the operator what had just happened, pulling the other girl's head up into her lap as she did so to try and keep her warm. Hopefully she would regain consciousness soon... Where had she fallen from, anyway? She hadn't seen a boat, and there weren't any cliffs nearby. If she'd fallen from a plane, there would be no way she could survive. Questions that hadn't seemed so important before began to boil up within her as the sirens of an approaching ambulance grew louder. Gently, she shook the other girl's shoulder. "Are you okay? What's your name?"
(Sorry for the late response. Alerts :banghead: )

Lailah heard speaking, but she couldn't focus. The pain being to much for her to handle. She felt slightly more warmer in temperature when a jacket was placed on her, but her skin was still ice cold to touch. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, but she couldn't seem to understand one little thing.

The girl shook her, and it made her arms, back, and shoulder scream in pain despite the fact that she shook her gently. Lailah screamed, a high pitch sound that gave her a headache. She stopped, gasping for breath that burned as she swallowed the air she did not need gratefully. Her eyes watered in pain, and she tried to shake her head no. Lailah didn't have a clue anymore.

Her voice shook uncomfortably, "I don't know."
As the other girl began to scream again, an overwhelming wave of panic washed over Kalin; she was having difficulty keeping her breathing regular as she quickly held the girl still, trying not to aggravate her injuries any more. "It's alright, it's alright. Don't worry about it, there's an ambulance coming soon--" she could hear in now, the sirens wailing in the distance and getting louder by the minute, "you'll be fine. Don't worry."

She felt lucky that there was a hospital nearby. They had only been waiting for a few minutes, less than ten probably, when the red and blue lights flashed into view, and she heard car doors slam behind them as paramedics began to unload stretchers, running closer. Kalin barely remembered anything she said afterwards as the wrapped her in a thermal blanket and a policeman took down notes about how she'd found the other girl, who the medics had gently lifted onto a stretcher after examining her for any mortal wounds. She could vaguely tell that the policeman was looking at her with suspicion, but there was no evidence in the area to contradict her story, and she was bustled off to the ambulance behind the girl she had found to ride with her back to the hospital.

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