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Fantasy Poseidon is my Neighbor?


I'm just gonna make my own character here, and you guys can kind of just follow suit! Remember, there can only be TWO demigods per God. It's a first come first serve basis. And take into account that you have to side with your God. Team Hades is: Hades, Demeter, Apollo, Aphrodite, Ares, and Hermes. Team Zeus is: Poseidon, Zeus' demigods, Athena, Artemis, and Hephaestus. Hera is neutral.


Name: Jet Green (Nickname: Husky)

Age: 19

God you are following: Hermes

Any background info: Jet was born blind in his right eye. The white eye in contrast with his red left eye earned him the nickname Husky, as it is common in the Husky breed that they have different colored eyes. Jet was also born an orphan, never quite fitting in among the other children. He had been taken in by several different foster families, but he was simply just too mischievous. They ended up letting him go early, at 17. His rebelliousness set a bad example for the other children, and they simply couldn't have him around any longer. He never really cared much, though. The only thing that mattered to him is what kind of shit storm was around for him to stir up.

Personality: Mischievous, and extremely indifferent toward your feelings. He likes to stir up trouble and gets off on watching people drown in drama.

Dislikes: Boring ass shit (Most things)

Likes: Causing drama. Being a mischievous little shit.
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Dianna Achlys



Gender: Female

God(ess) your following: Artemis

Extra Back ground info:

Dianna was born into a family who cast her out at young age and she became an orphan. Despite this she always had the affinity for nature and night, and could be seen many times running through the woods at that time of night. She hated when others in her group home caused chaos and was always the peace maker. When she was old enough she started archery and was later found by Artemis.

Dislikes: Chaotic people. Liars. Yelling.

Likes: Night, the moon, archery, Nature.

Name: Juliette Lumos (Nickname: Princess(unwanted) Jules)

Age: 18

God you are following: Ares

Any background info: Juliette's parents died when she was two leading to her being raised by her uncle Maurice on her father's side. Finally having a way to create the perfect assassin he began to teach the tot how to sneak around without making a sound. Years later when Jules turned fifteen she was sent on her very first solo assignment. Her target Uncle Maurice, as he had been selling the organization secrets to enemy factions for years. After successfully completing the mission she was kicked out of the organization due to fear of her following her uncle's footsteps and betraying them. She now lives as a merc for hire.

Dislikes: Cowards, people getting in her way. Snitches

Likes: Fighting, blood sheed, making poisons
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Elle Cardinaro



God you are following


Any background info

Elle is and has always been the rational type. Being a child that struggled with the show of emotions,she was usually cast aside and isolated from other children. Her best friends were always the books,which made Elle extra aware of any person who tried to be friends with her. She always imagined they had some hidden desire,only having a few true friends in her life.

Elle's father didn't seem to care much about his daughter's well being,so he simply allowed her to fend off by herself. Elle struggled to earn his approval,but her hopes of gaining even a smile for him became impossible once her father died in a car crash,leaving her even more aware of her own feelings.


X Lack of rationality.

X Losing her patience.

X Not knowing the answer to something.

X Night time.

X Water


X Reading.

X Long conversations.

X Honest friendships.

X Intelligence.

X The Sun



Liam Banner




God you are following


Any background info

Liam doesn't know who his real parents are or why they ended up selling him to a master,but that's exactly what happened. He spent the biggest part of his life working as a slave,standing constant beatings and doing most of the job of his master. The goal he had to keep going was always the same: his master would slip one day. And then Liam would kill him and offer his soul to Hades. One day,his master did slip in his careful planning,and Liam made short work of his guards. He left his master for the last kill,mostly to keep him terrified until the ending finally came.

After he got his revenge,Liam didn't have much purpose on life until he heard about Hades. Being a slave once again wasn't his idea,but this time he finally had a chance for power and being recognized.

And also for taking Hades' place when the God had to leave.


x Light

x Being touched (scars still hurt)

x Betrayal

x Torture


x Night

x Darkness

x Sarcasm

x Smoking

x Death

x Freedom

x Power

Name: Decker Wundt

: 22

God you are following
: Apollo

Any background info
: He claims to not remember anything about his past, but the truth is he'd rather not remember living the past 5 years by himself, he'd rather not remember watching his parents killed in front of him as the attackers laughed and claimed this is what happens to those who don't pay back debts. For a time he grieved over their deaths and swore vengeance, but eventually grief was replaced with guilt and a combo of drinking problems and a gambling addiction. To pay for his new found hobbies he began to work odd jobs that would keep his mind sharp and his body fit and strong, however he soon found that these jobs were usually of a less legal nature and didn't have much in the way of moral or ethical guidelines to restrict him.

: Cowards, liars, darkness, lack of power or control.

: Light, water, people who stick to their convictions, gambling, and drinking.



Helena Mary DeWitt



God you are following:

Hera (If still available)

Any background info:

Helena was born into a family of three, which didn't last for very long. Everything seemed to go very smoothly at first, but then, out of a sudden, her father died when she was 6. She didn't get to know him for very long, but until this day, she cherishes the time she had spent with him, since he had been a caring and loving father, same as her mother, until she remarried. Her mother married another man, an usual snobish man who had four children from previous marriages. The man, as well as his children, didn't like Helena and thus bullied her. Her mother, at first, tried to console her, saying that it was just at the beginning while they didn't know her and such, but soon joined in on being cold and ignorant towards her. This led to Helena falling into a deep depression and, at 16, running away from home. She left a small note in her room, telling where she was going to live from that day on (a small appartment with no more than a room and a bathroom), in case they would somehow want to visit her. Until the present day no one has called her or visited her.

She doesn't like to talk about her past, so when someone asks her about it she usually ignores the question or tells them that her life is too boring to tell them about.


Her family



Hot weather



Animals in general

Drawing (Art in general)

Listening to music

Playing instruments herself

Reading (Literally anything)

Dark rooms



Cold weather


Video games




(I still have two little questions, if you don't mind? I was thinking about slightly extending the CS by adding personality of the character to it if possible? And about Hera, isn't she actually the godesse of women and marriage, if I remember it right? I had thought that it was Hestia who was the godesse of hearth? ^^)
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Name: Lucia “Luc” Lemieux

Age: 20

God you are following: Hephaestus

Any background info: Lucia sure has it easy being born in a rather wealthy family, the more time and resources to feed the curiosity and devotion for her hobbies. She took interest in all kinds of technology, mechanical engineering and most of the time she would hole up in her garage trying to create some mechanical abominations. She is pretty oblivious in social life since she cares about her work and hobby more than people, but like any nerd, she won’t ever pass a chance to have a long discussion on thermal killer mechas.

Dislikes: Pretentious people, stupid jokes, cold.

Likes: Mechanical devices, technology, learning new things, sci-fi fictions and movies, heat.

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Serenity Carter



God you are following:




Love, duh



Sunny days


Her friends and family





Cold days



Being excluded


Background info:

Serenity was born into a wealthy family which lived in a rather rural area. Of course she adapted to this snob lifestyle and ever since, nothing can be too good for her. This also counts for her love life. She won't be satisfied with a mere citizen. Her partner should be at least as wealthy as her.

She loves everything that shines and glitters and wishes that everyone falls to their knees to worship her, just like a godesse. Wherever she goes, she has to be the center of attention, else she'll get pouty and angry... And believe me, you don't want to interact wth her once she's angry.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7aba3c256915423c200bb6d92ccd1c3f.jpg.3a19a1b2fc630565538b62bd2b16013a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/7aba3c256915423c200bb6d92ccd1c3f.jpg.3a19a1b2fc630565538b62bd2b16013a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lisa Hollowly

Age: 20

God you are following: Hades

Any Background Info: Damiyance lived with her father a criminal which she enjoyed the life but at the same time hated it because she was treated horribly from the reputation so she had no choice but to embrace it. She was forced to learn how to defend herself and escape withoutna trace. Aside from her reputation she uses her charms to take advantage of people. During one of her criminal steak outs, Lisa was forced to kill a group of thugs after being captured from trying to steal weapons, goods anything they can find and sell or transport to their bidder. Her force slaughter caused her to go insane and sent to an insane asylum. It wasn't long till her father was taken to prison for his crimes. On her 19th birthday she broke out from the insane asylum after hearing her father had been killed in prison ordered by one the leader of a crime boss he use to work for. As revenge Lisa hunted down the boss and along the way learned how to become an expert assassin. After three month hunt, Lisa managed to avenge her father and realized her place in life was dark and cruel.

Dislikes: Being talked down to, disrespected, waste time on weak people

Likes: a challenging fight, destruction, street bikes



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Name: Alex Glint

Age: 18

God(ess) you are following: Poseidon

Background Info: Alex only grew up with her Dad after her Mom died from a fatal illness. He meant the world to her because he was the only family she had left, but he taken from her when she was 12 by some loser who needed drug money. She doesn't want vengeance or anything, but she hopes he gets what he deserves. She was bullied a lot for not having a family and got into a lot of fights. She doesn't allow herself to make friends because all the ones she thought she had turned on her and started to bully her as well.

She listens to a lot of music and likes to go to the beach or lake, just water really, because her Dad taught her how to play all the instruments he could and they would always go to the beach or lake on his vacation days. She isn't very emotional anymore, but if you get on her good side you might have a chance to catch a smile.

Personality: She is still a very kind and caring person, it's just hard to show how she is feeling.

Likes: Music, Water, Kindness

Dislikes: People, Bullies, Disrespect


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Son of Zeus

21 y/o


Owen stands at about five feet and ten inches, and possesses a lean build. His shaggy blonde hair is rather unkempt, though clean, and tends to hang over his striking rust-colored eyes. A calm, vaguely curious expression usually rests upon his face, disturbed only ever by bouts of strong emotion.

Despite being the only child born to a single mother, Owen was not without familial love and affection. His mother made sure to provide all that she could for her son, to leave him wanting for nothing. His father was never part of the picture and whenever he would ask about the man, his mother would offer only a sad smile, a pat on the head, and the assurance that she would tell him when he was older. He was curious at first in those years so long ago, but as he grow older, that curiosity grew into an insistent thirst for the truth.

He began to pester his mother constantly, but every time, she dodged the question. One night, a mere week after his seventeenth birthday, Owen stormed out in a furious rage. His request had been denied yet again. He returned late in the night─or was it early in the morning?─to find the police lined up outside of his home. Petty thieves had broken in, raided the house, and killed his mother in the heat of the moment. They assured him that it was a sloppy job, that the perpetrators would be caught quickly, but Owen wasn't listening.

His mom was dead. He was alone.

Fueled by his grief, Owen began the rest of his life as a sort-of vigilante; instead of taking down criminals himself, he patrolled the streets on his own and notified the local authorities of any suspicious activity. After all, he lacked tact and agility. He couldn't just throw himself into the fray. He refused to let himself be overtaken by a furious vengeance, he had to keep his faith in the justice system! What else was he supposed to do...?

It wasn't long before Zeus took Owen under his wing and the Elders graced the new Demigod with powers he could only dream of. Perhaps, with Zeus' tutelage, there
is something he could do, some purpose to fulfill.

In keeping with his rather blank expression, Owen remains politely detached, almost bored, in most situations. He is a polite man, always saying his please-and-thank-yous and the like, but hardly anything more than a halfhearted smile crosses his face these days. However, Owen is not some unfeeling robot who walks through life according to his master's orders.

He is a sucker for justice, which is about the only thing that gets this Demigod fired up and emotional. He will not rest until a wrong is made right and the perpetrator is behind bars to serve out a sentence. Unfortunately, it is this passion of his that leads to reckless behavior more often than not. Despite Zeus' teachings and his own stubborn clumsiness, he often rushes into situations without any sort of plan, often assuming that the criminal will come quietly when confronted. These impulsive actions have only worsened with his god's disappearance and although he doesn't realize it yet, Owen is beginning to give in to the growing vengeance in his heart.

|| Likes ||

x True crime television shows

x Jigsaw puzzles

x Mystery novels

x Superhero comics and movies
|| Dislikes ||

x Criminals

x Criminal sympathizers

x Losing

x Anything that contradicts or questions his own morals and beliefs

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Dallas Ahumai



God you are following


Any Background Info

Dallas' life has always been somehow related to water,especially because he lived near a lake with his mother and father. He had a completely regular life,but things took a turn when his father became an alcoholic. His violent tendencies grew up to the point were the beatings that both Dallas and his mother suffered became constant. One day,things reached a breaking point. When he saw his stepfather pulling a gun on his mother,Dallas didn't hesitate to kill him with a knife. But the boy was too late,and both his parents died in front of his eyes.

Covered in blood and too desperate to even think,Dallas dropped into the lake and allowed himself to drown. He would have died,but Poseidon's powers saved him,allowing him to have a new life.


While Dallas is ultimately kind,he isn't the type to be pushed around. His idea is always standing up for what he considers right,not matter the consequences.

Dallas is an adept of joking and sarcasm. People who also use both of these arts will surely gain his support.

He has a tendency to be too stubborn for his own good,and to believe that his sense of morality always needs to be perfected.


x The Dark

x Staying away from the water for too long.

x Dishonesty

x Fire

x Lightning


x Water

x Sea life

x The sun

x Friendship

(Making a temporary Zeus demigod until people get more active on Team Zeus. He can be replaced when we get some more people.)

Name: Scott [No Last Name]

Age: 17-22

Personality: Stormy (pun intended.) Can be very violent, if triggered. Personable otherwise, though.

Background: Scott is the biological child of the two previous God titles Poseidon and Athena. (I know, mythological irony.) Elder law prevents romance between Gods, but for Scott's sake, the two Gods relinquished their title to raise him. However, the Elders prevented them from claiming him properly. Hence, he has no last name. As far as he knows, his actual parents died shortly after he was born. He considers the previously titled Poseidon and Athena to be his Aunt and Uncle that took him in after their 'deaths'. Scott was born blind. He was able to use his senses to get a good
mental image of the world around him, but ever since he became a demigod, things are much easier. He is able to read the shifts in the air by constantly reading the wind flow around him. Since he does not rely on eyesight, he is much more efficient in combat. Though he has a problem identifying stationary objects, he has no problem fighting.



Crowded areas (The constant moving and shuffling in smaller areas allows him to have a greater grasp on what is going on around him.)

Conversing with others




Wide open areas


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