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Multiple Settings Poro's Romance Plot Box (A Partner Search, Always open and always adding more!)

The Boxed Poro

Just a Poro in a Box
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to my plot box! I've got a bit of something for everyone but I do have a few requests before I get to the plots.

#1: I prefer to play female roles if the plot is Romantic and I don't do FxF or MxM.
#2: I will only be roleplaying with you if you are 18 or older.
#3: I'm looking for someone who is detailed, uses third person when roleplaying and is literate. Someone who isn't afraid to post multiple paragraphs at a time with proper grammar (A few mistakes here and there are fine, I'm not perfect either).
#4: Please don't just disappear on me, I want these plots to be a long term thing. If you lose interest or get bored, just tell me and we can switch it up or if you don't like my roleplaying style then simply tell me and we can part ways on good terms but don't just poof.
#5: Someone who can reply to me on the weekends. I work during the week and don't have time to reply Monday-Thursday but Friday, Saturday and Sunday I can reply very quickly.
#6: Let's be friends! I love making friends with the people I roleplay with, it makes it easier to get replies out when I get to know the person I'm sending them to.
#7: Don't be afraid! I don't bite, if you have ideas or requests, just ask! I'm open to most things!
#8: For some of these plots I'd prefer to do them on Discord but if you don't life discord or don't have one then doing them on RPnation will be just fine.

Alright! Now that that is done and over with here are a few of my plots ideas! And if you see something you like but maybe wanna add or switch some stuff up, just ask!

Purple- I really want to do this one!
Blue- I'd be happy to do this one
Orange- Interested
Red- Done it before and is a personal favorite

#1- The Pirates Life for me | Romance, Action, Adventure |
Character one is a simple apprentice to a blacksmith of sorts and is good acquaintances with Character two -a rich, high class character- and often works for/sells them their best works and over time one another begin to like the other (more then friends) but both know it would never work since they come from two very different classes. However, one day their little ocean side town is overtaken by pirates and Character one is taken captive and killed, or so Character Two thinks. Flash forwards a couple years and the pirates return, Character Two is kidnapped this time but what will they do when they realize their old friend is now the captain of the pirates? And do they even recognize each other?

So this plot is a bit Pirates of the Caribbean/Princess bride but I'm open to hear anything else you'd like to add. Perhaps the roles could be switched or an arranged marriage could be introduced.

#2- Mermaids are just myths...Right? | Romance, Mythological, Fantasy |

Character One is a sailor, has been since he was a young lad but now he is a young man out at sea with his crew when all of a sudden their ship is shot down by pirates, burned to a crisp and sunken to the bottom of the ocean. Every man on board had been shot or drowned. All except Character One who had been drowned by the pirates, an anchor strapped to his boots and tossed over so he could meet Davy Jones but he was saved by something only sea faring men believed in. A Mermaid, Character Two. A Beautiful creature with the upper body of a young women and the beautiful scales of a fish down below. Character Two brought Character One to her own world, the world of mer people and being a mystical creature, was somehow able to grant your character the ability to grow a tail as well, so long as they wore a certain item. Eventually it becomes clear the the ways of the Mer-folk were quite similar to the ways of some humans above. Character Two is apparently a royal and in the Mer-folk world a royal must chose a life partner or have one chosen for them. Character Two had failed to chose their own mate before they turned a certain age so now they have been arranged to be given to a rather strong mer-warrior who seems to be more cold blooded then a fish ought to be. Will Character one and Character two maybe get along better then they should?

This one is pretty corny but I like it non the less. I would be willing to swap the roles of this one, making the sailor female and mermaid a merman and so on and so forth. And any ideas you'd like to add would be quite welcome!

#3- Life after life, love after love. |Romance, Fantasy, Dark |

Character one and Character Two are destined to be together in life and to love each other until the end of their days, the only trouble is. they've met before, in another life. And the one before that one.. and the one before that one. But something always seems to keep them from sticking together. Whether it being a terrible plague, a nasty murder, a bad relationship that one of them won't get out of in time or something else entirely. It's never seemed to work out for some reason. All of that is because in their first lives they did work it out but a town witch didn't like it and grew jealous so she decided to curse them. A Curse that could only be broken if they were able to repeat their first love and admit to each other that they both loved one another but each time that is about to happen something happens right before and send either one or both into their next lives. So for this plot it is going to be filled with Drama, action, brutality, death and maybe some things that could be a trigger for some so if you are easily triggered, I'd skip past this one. However, if you are interested in all of that then please read on! For this one it's going to be our two characters living one life, finding one another learning about each other and then falling in love but never ending up together. Something will always snatch one of them away, be it death by a sad car crash or them picking someone else because they got scared. But whenever our characters chose someone else or die, they will go on to their next lives and new people with different interests, different names different looks but the same soul.

#4- The ways of the wolf |Romance, Fantasy, Mythological, dark|

Character one is a werewolf. Has been all their life and is in fact an Alpha of their pack. Character Two is a werewolf hunter, one of the best. Raised to hunt, fight and kill werewolves since they could pick up a weapon. They were taught to hate werewolves for the monsters they are, thinking that they were just beasts with a thirst for blood and nothing more. One full moon, Character Two is sent to hunt down and kill Character One but isn't so lucky and ends up getting injured badly but somehow still making it out alive. However, since this happened on a full moon, Character Two has now been 'infected' and becomes a werewolf. Character One remembers being attacked by a hunter that night but was not able to identify or see the attacker and a few weeks later Character one finds character two, still injured and bleeding out but they have lost all their hunter clothes/weapons and just look like they have been injured by another wolf so they are taken in by the Alpha. While they are being healed and treated will character Two learn the error of their ways and actually come to realize that Werewolves are just like them and not some blood thirsty beast? And what will the Organization do when they find out?

Pretty straight forward, again if you have anything to add or request, just ask!

#5- You plot |Anything|
If you have an idea that you want to do, feel free to ask me! I'm open to basically anything and I'd love to hear from you!

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