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Multiple Settings Politics, Murder and Magic? (fxf)


ragequit, but ~poetic~
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
Yeah, yeah, I have a request thread already, but I have been craving something very specific, so I'm making a separate one just for that. I'm gonna copy + paste the intro section from the old thread, mostly because it's still very relevant and I don't feel like regurgitating the same points all over again. I'll put it under spoiler for you guys and you can either read it or not -- you probably should because it contains important info re: who I am as a writer and what I expect from potential partners, but it's not like I can force you, lol. Just know that if you make it really obvious that you haven't read it, I will likely be displeased and not reply.

About me:

+ she/her

+ 30

+ pretentious and edgy, if you couldn’t tell from my username

+ only willing to rp gay shit, but NPCs can be of any gender/sexuality

+ able to play multiple characters at once, an avid worldbuilder, and a certified Makes Things Happen Plotwise kinda person

+ ready to smother rp partners with (appropriate amounts of) affection

+ OOC (and sometimes IC) clownery

+ okay with doubling

+ fantasy, sci-fi and horror enjoyer; romance is great, too

+ have samples, just ask!

About you, hopefully:

+ over 18

+ ready to vibe with pretentious and edgy people

+ all over that gay shit

+ happy to plot and contribute ideas, doesn’t mind juggling their own NPCs

+ speaks up whenever they’re unsatisfied with where the story is heading so that we can come up with a solution together

+ a fellow clown (non-negotiable)

Still here? Then I’m going to assume you’re at least mildly interested, otherwise you’d probably stop reading at this point.

So, let me talk about what I’m looking for in greater detail.

Do you remember that one roleplay that you couldn’t get out of your head? When you just couldn’t wait to write a response and spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about all the new plot points while waiting for a post? That's what I'm after. I’ve been able to connect with a few people that made me feel like that in the past, but life interfered and we no longer write together. I miss it, though – when two writers really click, it’s amazing! Rainbows and fireworks!

So, the main thing I want is initiative and enthusiasm. I would also like to write often, so if you can handle back-and-forth posting from time to time, that would be great. If not, that’s fine -- I’ll still be happy with a couple posts per week. Generally though, the more the better. I can handle it!

I’d describe myself as lazy lit. That means that my posts range from 300 to 2k+ words, depending on what the scene needs. I’m not awfully concerned with the length of your posts, as long as a) your writing has personality, b) I have something to respond to.

As a writer, I enjoy the following:

- conflict

- enemies-to-lovers

- terrible people being terrible, but also not

- ambitious storylines

- comedy relief is great, though

- characters being true to themselves, even when it isn’t convenient

- action, adventure, things actually happening in between posts

Now, what do I want for this story specifically? I don't really know, to be honest. There is no one plotline that stands out to me as 'omg, I need to do this now,' but there are certain vibes I've been dying for. Basically, see the title!

I want a big, ambitious roleplay that revolves around power and our characters' relationship with it. I want personal stakes -- and, at the same time, I want important decisions, Greek tragedy-tier dilemmas, and meaningful changes in the fabric of society that result from our mains' actions. I want fancy galas and shady deals. I want philosophical discussions. I want epic romance, because who the hell doesn't want that? But I also want a lot of NPCs with complex relationships to our mains, different factions clashing, all the betrayals and the inevitable revenge, everything.

Let's write a story to remember.

I'm okay with pretty much any setting for this, ranging from a high fantasy royal court to a futuristic dystopian city. We can write about royals, members of a corrupt (?) government, or mafia-like organizations -- the sky is the limit, really. Are you in the mood for anything in particular? Hit me up, make your case and see if I like it enough. My only stipulation is that I need some kind of supernatural undercurrent in a story, mostly because it's just what I like. Sue me.

Some aspects to (potentially) involve:

+ arranged marriages

+ heirs lost and found

+ fake heirs?

+ coups and rebellions

+ raving mystics who may or may not be communing with actual gods

+ meddling gods?

+ corrupt religious figures

+ dark secrets, possibly leading to blackmail

+ characters actively making each other worse, but also redemption arcs

+ edgyTM content in general

+ epic speeches

+ ... so much more I fail to remember now. Seriously, suggest anything that broadly fits the vibes and I will likely run with it!

PM me and we can talk.
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