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Fandom PokéPirates


Eternal Light

Somewhere upon the waves of the Aquias ocean channel, a bottle drifts afloat with a map of forgotten riches. The map landed there after a family bond began to crumble. Siblings inherited the map to share, but each desired the hidden riches for selfish intentions. After heated debate, the map tumbled overboard during a storm - tossed to fate. With the map lost at sea, the siblings rely on mere memorization of the maps clues to try and seek out the treasure before the others finds it first. Talk of the lost bottled treasure map spread across the seas and pirates from all around keep an eye out and ear perked for the very bottle with the promise of inconceivable fortune stored inside.

Main Ships

SeaKeeper Captain Laszlo's Dragonair designed ship that braves stormy waves and flies the skies.
It may not be the fastest ship in the sea, but it's unique ability to ride wind currents gives it advantage over other ships.

WaveWrecker A Deoxys inspired ship which is the fastest known ship on the sea.
The ship was once shared by Vadette and Maxton until Maxton seized full control after his sister was driven to escape.

AquaLaw The largest fortified ship in the Aquias naval fleet commandeered by Admiral Dragoray.
The Cloyster styled ship's impressive defensive design makes up for it's lack of speed.​

Port & Islands


Port Rockypeak
A mountainous port near the outskirts of Gambit town in the Aquias region. For decades, Rockypeak has been a key zone for ship commerce between Aquias and her neighboring region, Epica. Governor Zardchu's mansion resides at the peak of the harbor and he and his lineage have governed the port since the beginning of it's foundation. With the help of the Aquias Navy and authorized Privateers, Rockypeak remains secure from any pirate attacks.

Pixieblade Island
Mystical ruins and radiant jungles make up the majority of this magical island. Fairy and Grass pokemon are mainly found in this serene environment. Some may spot a Togetic flying gracefully within the canopy and a family of bulbasaur scampering along the jungle floor. Traces of human existence is speculated, but the distinct ruin structures are also believed to have been made by the fairy pokemon themselves.

Buzzvolt Island
An island where the roar of thunder is constant and lightning rains down daily. The buzzing volts of lightning are harmonious with the buzzing hums of the local bug pokemon. This electrifying island is ideal for the electric pokemon who inhabit the island as well, and the active electricity strengthens most of them. Exotic hives of various designs are scattered and grouped across the island in unique locations.

Blackfrost Island
The dusky and frigid isle where dark and ice pokemon reside. Sharp pillars of ice are seen all around the island surface with darkened snow from the gloomy weather. An ice pokemon paradise with mounds of snow, frozen lakes, and sparkling icicle forests. Dark pokemon make their homes beneath the snow, along the mountain cliffs, or within the shadowy caves.

Serpentwings Island
Scaled and feathered wings share the skies above this floating mass of land. Daring dragon types challenge eachother regularly, while the territorial birds compete in their own races throughout the sky. A Braviary can be spotted over watching the land on the highest tree, and a Noivern and Salamence clashing within fray in the wind. Forests and hillsides make up most of the island along with deep canyons.

Terrafist Island
Surrounded by mountains, Terrafist is a barren island with badlands for the fighting types to face off and for ground types to live comfortably. Ancient temples are located here where people practiced the fighting styles of the pokemon who live here. Plenty of mines and caverns exist here which people and pokemon have made use of as well. Underground tunnels made by the ground types have made access to certain locations more convenient.

Metalmind aka Ironwill Island
A psychic and steel type sanctuary with twisted metal structures which makes up a small city-like pokemon village. The psychic pokemon were the designers, while the steel pokemon aided in construction. The modern appeal of the island surpasses the era and many are initially hypnotized by it's extraterrestrial aura. Many people avoid the island, because of a rumor of human experimentation done by the psychic pokemon.

Hellfire Island
Home to the ghosts of dead pokemon and fire spitting "demons". Hellfire is a cursed, dreadful island which is believed to be a piece of hell on earth. Fire and ghost pokemon inhabit the half-molten lands contently. The entire place consists of piercing volcanoes and volcanic pillars. The ghosts haunt the fire types frequently which causes them to become flustered often which keeps them aggressive to human travelers.

Deadthirst Island
Many a people have died from drinking the waters on this marsh filled island. Venom from various poison types leach into the water and only the water pokemon here have evolved to filter the toxins out through their gills. Some areas of water are perfectly clean and are easily detected by the water pokemon, but finding these areas is like a game of russian roulette for humans. The island consists of several swamps and there is very little surface area of land.​


Governor Zardchu (Rockypeak's Governor)
Living in a ridiculously large mansion above the Aquias Naval headquarters, Gov. Zardchu regulates the island's policies. His mansion is like one big pokemon fan club and he's known to have a habit of rescuing stray pokemon. Different sorts of pokemon fill his home and he has pokemon merchandise in every room. He's a friendly fellow, yet he has a whacky sense of humor that tends to repel people. Abandoned pokemon and any kind of pokemon merchandise make great gifts for him.

"I have space for one more pokemon.. sure I do!"

Admiral Dragoray (Navy Commander)
A blunt leader, Dragoray mainly speaks when giving commands or handling sea affairs. As an officer on the Aquias channel, he and his fleet purge the waters of pirates and foreign enemies. When not on the waves, he's providing public safety to the civilians in Rockypeak. He can mainly be found at the Naval Headquarters or on his ship. Little is known about what he likes, but he despises bright things.

"My aim is to cleanse the waters from pirate filth..."

Zev Marshleef (Ship Repairman)
Marshleef is Rockypeak's renowned "Ship Healer". Captain Laszlo is a loyal customer of his, yet the two share a complicated acquaintanceship. If Zev's not at his shop crafting new parts or fixing broken ones, he's at the docks inspecting ships as requested. He's a fair priced man, but he also has a hell of a temper with difficult customers. He likes Sharpedo tooth necklaces, fossils, and preserved Krookodile heads for gifts. On his freetime, he's at the tavern drinking it up with all the other unruly folks.

"Ship sure needs a healin! Can mend her for a good sum."

Elease Charchamp (Blacksmith)
The fiesty and dependable weapon craftsman/pokéball maker in Rockypeak. When's she's not forging blades and such, she's on the beach training others with their weapons. She has a slight crush on Paine Bashbone, but she doesn't favor his behavior when it comes to gambling and women. Elease admires ancient coins, custom made weapons, and she is addicted to Paine's Belue Berry liquor at the Tavern Inn. When she has extra time to spare, she enjoys browsing the antique shops in town.

"Blade? Barrel? I'll have it to you shortly!"

Jaena Ulíga (Mystic)
A nomadic spiritualist who seeks the Golden Lugia. She feels a connection to the rare legendary beyond logical comprehension. Her intuitive understanding of Pokémon drives her to speak with the majestic Pokémon and to learn of it's mysterious history. She currently resides in Rockypeak where she helps trainers work out problems with their Pokémon. Jaena can be found meditating near her hut at certain hours and sometimes she can be completely missing for days. She enjoys collecting evolution stones and making mega stone jewelry.

"Pokemon are like our spirit guides. They aid us to our destinies."

Esmerée (Voodoo Sorceress)
Making a home from a cavern beside the abandoned church, Rockypeak's witch spends her days here. Those brave enough to find her, may experience the power of her bizarre practices. The only time Esmerée is found outside her cave, are nights under a full moon in the graveyard by the cliff. She likes to spend most of her time with her unsettling pokémon pets. Gifts she favors are viles of pokémon poison, skulls, and dusk stones.

"Dare not enter my home of shadows without caution."

Paine Bashbone (Tavern Inn Keeper)
Rockypeak's gambling addict, bartender, and womanizing room keeper. Many will find him wasting away pokécoins or valuables at his own tavern while his trusted Charmeleon serves the drinks. After hours, he's flirting with his female guests or placing bets on ship races and other things. Whenever he can, he likes to bring the blacksmith pokemon bones for her to make them into weapons for him to use. Shiny things peak his interest and he appreciates ingredients to make drinks with for his bar.

"Bet your best boys, it's all or nothin!"

Special GMPC

Vadette Amelie
As Vice-captain of the SeaKeeper, Vadette provides the missions concerning the Aquias treasure. She's a generous, flirtatious spirit with a tough edge. With her team of Pokémon, her duties are to help guard the ship (when docked) and to guide the crew to their ultimate goal. If she's not found conversing with Laszlo or managing the ship, Vadette usually spends time with her pokemon at the edge of the man-made pokemon pool on deck. After the fallout with her brother, Maxton, Vadette joined the Privateer Laszlo so that her intentions for the treasure are rightfully met.

Captain Laszlo
Hired privateer and decisive leader of the SeaKeeper crew. With the number of pirate ships on the rise, Captain Laszlo was authorized by naval officers to attack and help rid the sea of pirates. Experimental in his tactics, Laszlo tries new ways of handling situations often and embraces the outcomes. Naturally aggressive yet humble, he can also be unknowingly charming with his behavior. As captain, he primarily sails the ship and lets his crew deal with any sea bandits. This is his way of evaluating his crew and letting them take the spotlight in glory. When absolutely necessary, he steps in to help with no hesitation.

Maxton of the Wave Wrecker
An impulsive, hostile boy with a temper like a blazing wild fire. Aside from his coarse behavior, Maxton can be skillfully innovative and he use to keep a sketch book full of useful inventions when he was younger. His latest design, is his flame proof suit with fire expelling claws inspired by a Heatmor of untold significance. Driven by a lust for power and vengeance, Maxton hunts for his sister who he believes is guarding the lost treasure map. Vadette's manic younger brother has been labled a pirate by the Navy, because of his attack on naval vessels. With his emotions spiraling out of control, Maxton intends to devastate anything or anyone in the way of his plans.​
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Colour me intrigued. What is the general idea for us as RPers in this? Do you have a plotline in mind that you'll be guiding us down, or is this more of a sandbox world for us to fill with Pokepirate characters? What sort of post rate and length are you expecting?
This will be an Open world RP with a 'from the ground up' style in the beginning phase.
Entry level RPers will start with lower-level Pokémon and join/be recruited and trained on a crew or as a cadet

Once I see that a player is responsible enough for a higher-level character, they will be promoted or allowed a character of higher ranking.
The underlying plot revolves heavily around the missing bottle with the treasure map (for the first arc), so that will be a big piece that ties the characters together.

The post rate will be twice a week at minimum. Post length should be at least three, story invested paragraphs.
Posts should be player interactive or Gm friendly for characters to engage with or seize an opportunity for, and not dead-end posts with nothing to piggyback on.

Any character ideas or plans should be shared with me in advance, so that we're all on the same page and to see if I'm on board with your plans or not as GM. These can be shared with me privately if you wish to keep them a surprise or twist for the other players.

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