Pokemon X and Y Adventure [Inactive]


Thesis of Hope
StrawberryDessert submitted a new role play:

Pokemon X and Y Adventure - Join a new team of Trainers! (Needs only 3 members)

This RP takes place 3 years after the initial game- Team Flare has been dispersed, Geosenge Town has been repaired and Kalos has become even more radiant than before with the inclusion of things such as Pokemon Contests! But, a new darkness falls over the region as a new, corrupt organization begins to grip the region...
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Blake got up sluggishly looking around his eyes falling on his calender before his eyes widened slightly when he remembered that today was the day when he would be getting a pokemon. He smiled getting up and getting dressed in his usual attire before packing his bag with the essentials he would need for his journey.
Jess straightened her skinny jeans and fixed the black in her hair before scratching behind Glaceon's ear. "I get to receive my first Pokemon today Glace!!" She bent down and scratched her favorite Pokemon between the ears. Glace nipped her lightly "I'm sorry Glace.. I don't think I can take you with me." She picked up her previously packed bag and went downstairs, Glaceon on her heels.

"Mum, I'm headed out!" Jess smiled brightly letting her mom hug her and place another change of clothes into her bag.

"You be careful Jess. And be sure to visit me when you come by!" Her mother hugged her and then without another word, Jess went on her way.
Blake having packed his bag went downstairs to get something to eat before turning holding a cereal bowl to see duskull floating behind him. "hey buddy how are you" He asked eating his food before taking a hondew berry and holding his hand out to duskull. "you hungry" He asked as duskull ate the berry happily. "he got up getting his bag before heading for the door. "bye mom i'll come visit soon, bye duskull" He ran out the door without waiting for an answer.
*an hour or so passes and she gets off her train at Vaniville town* Jess glances around at everything and pulls out her map of the area. 'I wonder when the others will arrive'
Blake sighs as he gets off his flight, he looks around before popping a ganlon berry in his mouth and walks to the train station to see if either of the others had arrived.
Bridget's alarm began to blare, and she was out of bed a second later. Today was the day! She had pre-packed her bag, so all that was left was to go eat something and say her good-byes. She hurried downstairs and Furfrou met her at the bottom. Bridget gave him a quick snack before preparing her own breakfast. No sooner did she sit down to eat, then she heard the stairs creaking. She must've woken her mom up. They exchanged the usual good mornings, but her mother was clearly unhappy about her leaving. Once she finished, she ran to get her bag and dragged it downstairs. She gave hugs to her mom and Furfrou before heading out the door. "I'll be fine! There's really no need to worry. I'll visit whenever I can." So as to not prolong it too much, she ended it with a quick wave and left, shutting the door behind her. She hurried to get on her plane. It wasn't much of a walk to Vaniville town, but her mother had insisted on her taking a plane, since she didn't want Bridget walking through the tall grass until she had a pokemon of her own. She got on the plane and got herself settled, her head full of wonder (and lots of questions) about the journey she was starting.
She beamed at the timid boy "do you know who the third person will be? I'm so excited! Which Pokemon will you choose? I think I'll go with Chespin, he's SO cute!" She babbled on
Blake stared at her backing away slightly as she spoke."No i don't know who the third person is. I want to get fennekin and sure chespin is cute why not" He spoke quickly and to the point answering her questions.
The plane ride seemed painfully long, even though it couldn't have been more than an hour. Bridget was just too excited! After all those years of boring quiet routine in that boring quiet town, something was finally going to change! She took a deep breath as the plane landed and Vaniville came into sight out of the window to her left. She collected her bag quickly and hurried off the plane. She began to look around. She had been notified that others would be getting pokemon today, but she wasn't quite sure who to look for. She began to wander around, looking just as lost and confused as she felt.
She reaches out and takes the berry and shrugs, "might as well give it a try!" She pops the berry into her mouth and makes a face, though she doesn't like the taste, she manages to swallow it. "I think Ill prefer sweeter things in the future" she laughs
She bites her lip nervous and looks around spotting a lost looking girl nearby "Blake! Think that might be the third person!?" She grabbed his arm and pointed in the girls direction
It took Bridget a moment to even register that someone was talking to her, but as soon as she did, she turned around to see who was addressing her. It was another girl, and a sullen looking boy followed a few feet behind her. She cocked her head, unsure of why the girl was talking to her. "Uhm, hey! My name's Bridget." She thought for a second. "So, um... who are you?" She was a little puzzled, usually people just don't come up and talk to strangers. Suddenly, it clicked. "You're not... the other new trainers, are you?"
Jess giggled at the girl, "yep! You guessed correctly! I'm Jess! This is Blake!" She motioned towards him.
Meanwhile, a young man waited in Aquacorde Town's central plaza, holding a glass case of three Poke Balls. Two Pokemon were sleeping in his arms, a Plusle and a Minun.

"Those two jokesters are so cute when they're asleep..." He pet their heads. Electric mouse-type Pokemon tended to be for little girls, but he had become attached to the cute Pokemon he had caught in Lumiose.

"I wonder when those new Trainers will be here..."

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