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Fandom Pokémon: Wandering Shadows



Forever Wandering
Marceline Zavira
The water stretched towards the line of horizon, not a sight of land to be seen. With only the sky and ocean as the views, the vastness of the world settled finally on a young woman's mind. Her eyes traced the surfaces of the waves until the tips of a small creature's ears disrupted the scenery. She gazed upwards and met the big, brown eyes of a Minccino. "We're sure far from home, Meeca." The girl's murmur was met with a soft chirp from the rodent Pokémon.

The Minccino called Meeca slid down from the top of his partner's head down to her shoulder keeping his front paws on her neck. A Ducklett standing next to the pair quacked once to grab their attention. "What's up Della? Did you see the shore of Goldenrod City from the sky?" A single, loud quack from the Ducklett confirmed the girl's question. She bent down and picked up the Ducklett before walking down the deck of the boat they were currently riding on. From the direction the front of the boat was pointing it was clear that it was approaching the coast of Goldenrod City.

Only three days ago was the girl and her companion Pokemon, Meeca and Della, in a whole different part of the Johto region.

"Miss Marceline, we'll be reaching the docks in about twenty minutes," an elderly fisherman stepped from around the controls of the boat and approached the girl and her Pokémon. A lazy Slowpoke groaned slight discomfort as its partner had moved from his station. Its eyes followed the man until an Eevee scurried past it and fell into the same pace of the man's stride until he stopped close to Marceline which it too stopped in its tracks. "Are you sure you'll be fine on your own once we reach the city? You did say you were from up in the mountain regions past Moomoo farms, correct? Goldenrod City is sure a different beast compared to the woods. You can stay with my granddaughter in the city. After all, you did help heal my dear Daisy here," his attention shifted down to the Eevee right by his heels for a moment before they returned to Marceline's face.

"Thank you George. I may take you up on that offer. I will admit I may not have fully thought this through, however, I needed to take my chance or my parents would have held me back." A warm smile lifted up the edges of his beard. He gave a single, slow nod to express his empathy of the situation. "I will notify her of your arrival. This should be her address. I'm sure there's someone at the Pokemon Center, police station, or post office that can point you to the right direction. Now, make sure you have all your belongings and hold on tight to the railings. While I've been sailing these waters for decades, the waves along the coast of Goldenrod City sure aren't forgiving," a soft chuckle followed after his words as he turned around and walked back to his post, Daisy his Eevee following close behind him.

George the fisherman had not been sugarcoating his words to Marceline on the magnitude of the city. She felt her heart pounding faster than its normal rate and her breathing becoming quite shallow when she first found herself on the corner of some streets. Everything about her surroundings was foreign to the girl from the concrete grounds to the bright lights of store signs. Marceline couldn't even lift her head comfortably up to grasp the heights of the buildings in the area.

It was an overload of stimuli to the girl.

On top of the different factors of things around her was the array of auras around people and Pokémon. There were plenty of hues floating about. The Minccino on her shoulder must've sensed her anxiousness as he placed a single paw on her face. His cold pawpads grounded the girl back to reality as her gaze turned to the small Pokemon standing next to her face. "Thanks Meeca." He squeaked happily when he felt how she calmed down a bit. It was only short-lived though as her Ducklett companion quacked for their attention loudly. "What's wrong Della?"

The bird Pokémon was flying close around a body lying on the ground. There was not a lot of people around, but the few that were had walked around the body or crossed the street to avoid it. Marceline jogged over to join her Ducklett on its discovery. As she approached her, Marceline noticed a faint aura around the body. Whatever it was still had some life in it. Strangers gave her an odd look as Marceline stood out with her foreign attire, however, she ignored all the curious looks as her attention focused on what she learned was a Pokemon on the ground. It was a Hondour to be exact. Wounded and defeated on the ground. She knelt down and looked around to see if there was any person responsible for the pup. It bewildered her to think that someone would just leave their Pokémon hurt and alone, however, that seemed to be the reality of the situation. Her amazement strengthened to how indifferent the people were to the weak Pokemon on the ground. She could feel a slight heat of annoyance and anger course through her body as she knelt down and did her best to scoop the canine Pokemon into her arms.

Marceline didn't need to put much effort in lifting the Houndour up which worried her. With the Pokemon in her arms, she took a few steps forward until she realized that she did not know where a Pokemon enter was or really what they looked like. All the buildings were similar in appearance. Fortunately, a woman that was walking with her child noticed the panic expression on Marceline's face, "The Pokemon Center is down this street and to the left. They should be able to help out your poor Houndour there." A small smile of relief appeared on Marceline's face as she gave a slight bow of gratitude, "Thank you." The woman gave a small wave of her hand before she continued her stroll, child in toll.

With a set mission in mind, it was easier for Marceline to explore the city without allowing a sensory overload to disable her. The pressure and weight of the Houndour in her arms calmed her. Following the woman's directions, Marceline was able to find her way to the Pokemon Center. More, new stimuli was exposed to her as she entered in, but Meeca and Della made sure to maintain her focus as both took a few steps forward to lead the way for the girl. A nurse and her Chansey saw the trio and the weak Houndour in Marceline's arms, "Oh dear. Put him on this stretcher." Without wasting a breath, she beelined over to the stretcher and rested the Houndour on it. "Can you tell me what happened?"
"I'm not sure. We found him on the ground just down the road in this condition."
"Okay, give us a bit as we examine him. From what you said, I can safely assume that this Houndour is not your companion?"
"He is not."
"And you did not see anyone around him that was familiar with this Pokemon?"
The nurse sighed, "Another abandoned Pokemon." Her choice of words piqued Marceline's curiosity, "Another abandoned Pokemon?"
"Yes, it's not uncommon for people to do this, however, it's been on the rise as of recently. People leaving behind their "weak" Pokemon in favor of these new, "stronger", "more obedient" Pokemon." The girl's desire to know more further increased from the nurse's strange use of air quotations around certain words. "You do not have to wait for this Pokemon. We'll take care of him and report it to the police."

The nurse placed her hands on the side of the stretcher getting ready to wheel away the Houndour. "I, uh, I actually want to wait for the Houndour." Marceline cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed on how she tripped over the beginning of her sentence. The nurse's eyebrows raised in surprise, but there was a happy smile on her lips as she gave an eager nod without saying another word and finally took the Houndour to the back.

While Marceline waited, a colleague of the nurse that was taking care of the Houndour, which the girl learned was named Joy, had reached out to the police to report the case. They came fifteen minutes later and started their questioning with the Falu girl. She gave them as much information as she could, but it was very little much to their disappointment, but one did mention similar words that the nurse was saying earlier about the situation.
"Maybe we can get some input from McClean?"
"Maybe. For now, let's get this report sent in the station."

Before the officers left, Marceline approached one of them, "Hi, um, I wanted to know if perhaps you can help direct me to this address I have." She pulled out a small piece of paper that had the fisherman's writing on it. The officer grabbed the paper and read it. Her eyes widened and she looked up at Marceline, "Where did you get this?" The officer's response startled Marceline, "From a kind fisherman named George." Marceline had to take a step back as the aura dancing around the officer was shaking with panic until she heard the name George. "That's my grandfather. He must've helped out another stray," she sighed and crumpled up the paper in her hand, "How did you run into my grandfather?" Marceline told her of her departure from Falu and then crossing paths with George at some point.

"Well, I do have a couch you can crash on in the meantime. You sound sincere with your story. I guess stay here at the Pokemon Center for now until my shift is over. You're also waiting for the Houndour right?" Marceline nodded, "Yeah. I want to be sure he's going to be okay." The female officer nodded. A Growlithe standing close to her barked once to grab her attention. "Yes Blitz. I know we need to get going. Guess I will be back to grab you-"
"Marceline Zavira."
"Zavira. Unique surname. Officer Jeannie Plutz. You can call me Jean. I will be leaving now. I will be off my shift in about an hour. In the meantime, get situated with the Center and well..." her words trailed off as she examined Marceline from head to toe noticing only a messenger bag with the girl, "We're going to have to get you supplies later. Just stay put." Marceline nodded and took a seat in the closest empty chair with Meeca and Della making themselves comfortable on an adjacent seat.
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