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One x One Pokémon: Wandering Shadows CS

Greyson McClean


‘Huh, you’re a little… younger than I was expecting.’
From a distance, Grey appears an entirely ordinary young man. Blessed with a humble height of 5’10’’ and a slender if surprisingly muscular frame, he’s the sort of man you can easily lose in a crowd. Cursed with a baby-face which has been the butt of many workplace jibes, although there is a certain rugged charm to that jawline and his ‘Hollywood bedhead’ unruly mop of dark hair. There’s not even a hint of stubble on his cheeks and his skin is smooth and well-maintained, save for a scar above his right eye.

His general demeanour blends a rebellious devil-may-cry attitude with occasional bursts of intensity. He’s restless to the point of struggling to sit still, always doing something with his hands. He maintains a constant half-cocked grin even in dangerous situations, a sort of jovial poker-face to hide his thoughts. His dark, narrow eyes almost seem vacant to the point of looking straight through you, but intrigue or antagonise him and suddenly his gaze feels like a dagger on your skin.

The theme of his entire wardrobe is ‘smart casual’, and he’s usually found wearing an ill-fitting shirt with a scruffy tie. Yes, he does know what an iron is, but no he doesn’t have the time to put it to use. No outfit is complete without a long-flowing coat, complete with a plethora of internal pockets in which to store his Pokeballs.

Grey presents himself with an easy-going charm and a light-hearted lackadaisical sense of disinterest. He’s smart and confident in a way which rarely comes across as arrogant, maintaining a level of self-assured enigmatic detachment. Whilst many clients have been caught off guard by his playful, off-kilter sense of humour and flummoxed by his seeming lack of professionalism, many others have been wooed by his quick wits, cutting honesty and the sense of ease his presence brings. Even under pressure, he rarely loses the mask of his steadfast composure. This, coupled with his eye for detail, strong will and love of puzzle-solving, make him a natural fit for his job as a detective.

By never dropping his poker face and keeping his cards always close to his chest, Grey keeps the man behind the mysterious mask a constant enigma. He’s skilled at verbal misdirection, with the earnest ruggedness of his mannerisms and his speech earning a sort of unrequited trust with friends and clients alike. Nevertheless, his apparent detachment is betrayed by both his boundless curiosity and his compassionate nature – though cold-mannered at times, he’ll soon prove just how brilliant a listener he is with an insightful remark or a kind-hearted gesture. Despite quite a cynical outlook, he’s nonetheless equipped with a strongly humanistic core which wants to believe in the good-nature of every individual, even whilst his lack of trust in any and all organisations helps him question beyond what most people dare. Whilst he has learnt caution and prefers to plan in advance, he is prone to opportunistic recklessness, especially when his mind is racing – this, when coupled with his usual sense of easy confidence, can lead to some dangerous scenarios. Nevertheless, with a spring in his step and that ever-present sly grin, even these mounting dangers are made to feel like another part of the game he’s playing.

Of course, how he acts and what he’s actually thinking are often vastly different. He wishes he could be as cold and detached as he makes himself seem, but inside he’s constantly overthinking, overanalysing and philosophising. His outer persona is perhaps a rejection of the fact that he cares too much, a projection of the self-assured, idealised man he wishes he could be. Instead, Grey is driven by a deep sense of loneliness and a deep need to find purpose and acceptance, an inner emptiness which refuses to fill no matter how many mysteries he solves and no matter how many times he makes his foster father proud. And he lacks the ability to open up, no matter how much he craves a deep connection.

Grey was born in Kanto, the son of a one-night stand between two Team Rocket members when the crime group was at the height of its power. Except whilst the head honchos revelled in the riches of elicit Pokemon smuggling and wallets of those addicted to the Celadon Casino, very little of this wealth trickled down to the lowest of grunts, who were kept in service through financial manipulation. Mothers are stereotypically multi-tasking masters, but Grey’s mum was unable to juggle the dual responsibilities of her criminal pressures and raising a small child. The young boy, blissfully unaware of the nature of his mother’s work, instead found himself caught in the existential worries of childhood. Why didn’t he have a dad? And why wasn’t his mummy around to cook and clean like everybody else’s mummies were? The cool, rare Sneasel his mum had got him was nice and all, but it was no substitute for a present parent.

Grey was still a young child when a certain teenage Pokemon League challenger called Red unveiled that Gym Leader Giovanni was the man behind Team Rocket, a revelation which sparked national outcry and lead the criminal syndicate to immediately disband. Stripped of her source of income and fearing imprisonment, Grey’s mother fled the country to neighbouring Johto.

For some, the end of Team Rocket meant a second chance at a good and honest life. But Gray’s mother had never known anything different – she’d been sucked into Team Rocket as a teenager, lacking the qualifications or skills to do anything else. The proverbial honest life proved hard to come by though not for lack of trying, and soon she found herself returning to the shady lifestyle she’d always known. Lacking consistent income and disorientated from multiple moves, Grey found himself struggling at school and often going hungry at home. And so at the age when most children begin their Pokemon adventure, Grey instead began pickpocketing, stealing whatever he could from the bustling Goldenrod streets. He had to do something to help his mum, even if she was spending less and less time at home.

Until one night, his mother didn’t come home. She wasn’t back the next night, or the night after. He learnt the news from a stolen newspaper – ‘Woman found dead in Goldenrod canal.’ An accident caused by extreme inebriation, the coroner’s report said. Soon after, men came to take what few possessions they owned away. Men he’d seen his mother with many times before, men who reeked of cigarette smoke and cheap booze, men he hated.

And so, Grey became an orphan, a street urchin forced to steal and swindle to survive. He was a good thief – he’d grown independent long before his mother’s passing, and the years of stealing here and there had proven valuable trial and error. Of course, a teenage thief is far from impervious, and eventually his luck ran out when an attempted robbery on a particularly rich and influential passerby lead him into a dead-end alleyway and into police custody. He spent the night behind bars, terrified. Rationally, a couple of years spent in juvenile penitentiary guaranteed him way more security and stability than life on the streets had. But his mum had been so scared of the law that she’d fled the country – moreover, he’d never had anybody show him particular care before, so why would these random policemen see him as anything other than a dirty criminal?

The next morning, the teenage pickpocket was summoned into the police chief’s office, facing down PC Ken Oboro, a wizened, brawny man nearing retirement. He’d seen hell a hundred times over in protection of his city, a pursuit which had left him as a life-long bachelor. And at that moment, all he could see was an unfortunate child who desperately needed a home and a second chance. So instead of sentencing him, the chief offered him a proposition – in exchange for pardoning his crimes, Grey would become his adopted son. It was an offer Grey couldn’t refuse.

For the first time, Grey finally found himself in a stable home, supporting by a caring (if busy) guardian. Old habits and behaviours were hard to lose, but Oboro proved patient and compassionate at every step. As time passed, Grey inevitably found himself drawn to his foster father’s profession, perhaps out of a sense of debt, or perhaps simply because of his street-smarts and natural problem-solving abilities. When the long-standing chief finally stood down in retirement, his last act was to provide his protégé and adopted son with an office in the constabulary from which to start his own business as a private detective, a business he has maintained to this day.

Pokemon Team

Grey’s partner since childhood, who has been with him through thick and thin. The pair have spent so much time in each other’s company that Sneasel has grown to mimic Grey’s mannerisms. Not only is Sneasel Grey’s battle-hardened ace capable of holding its own against very strong opponents, but Sneasel also seems to work alongside Grey in the detective field, often using its animal instinct to act as a voice of caution against Grey’s sometime recklessness.

Erlie the Kirlia
Erlie is the son of Oboro’s Gallade and has been trained by Grey since birth. Attuned to human emotion, Erlie sometimes assists in decerning whether a suspect is lying or not. It has also proven exceptionally handy in usings its telekinetic psychic powers to protect Grey from gunfire in sticky situations. As a male Kirlia, it’s somewhat embarrassed about its feminine appearance.

Major the Growlithe
Major was bred to be the perfect police dog, the son of Oboro’s faithful Arcanine Winston and with Absol heritage designed to give the young pup an additional danger instinct. Despite this, Major would much rather play fetch or chase after other trainers’ Pokemon. His training is very much a work in progress.

Mista the Breloom
Mista is Grey’s secondary combat Pokemon, equipped with a multitude of moves designed to make apprehending criminals a little less dangerous, using vines to ensnare, powders to immobilise and its extendable arms to reach fleeing foes. Nevertheless, it is noble and proud of its strength and loves nothing more than fighting opponents 1-1. Grey’s second strongest Pokemon behind Sneasel, although the gap in power level is substantial.

Bubbles the Seadra
Initially caught because Grey found Horsea cute, Bubbles assists with water-based investigation.

Squibbles the Inkay
Another Pokemon which Grey is particularly fond of because it’s cute, Squibbles is often brought along to help with investigation and manages to make itself useful despite its poor combat skills.

Oddjob the Oddish
A new member of Grey’s team, recently liberated from the hands of criminals. Despite the trauma it faced, Oddjob is cheerful and upbeat, which endeared it to Grey enough for him to keep it.


Marceline Zavira and Team

  • IMG_1458.jpegName
    Marceline Zavira


    "You're not from around here, are you?"

    As she comes from a remote village where they specialize in being self-sufficient and crafty with all sorts of trades and skills, all her garments are handmade and distinct. She adorns loose fitting mid-sleeve tops and pants. Underneath she wears a solid color, cotton shirt and tight forming material on her legs similar to leggings.

    Her top layer of clothing are often a striking yellow color of sunflowers that has patches on her arm symbolizing her village. She carries with her a crossbody bag that her grandmother made. She does not wear any accessories and keeps her hair in a high ponytail. Marceline keeps her appearance simple but oozes elegance without any attempt.

    She stands at a height of 5"6" and has a slim but fit physique. With constant movement required in her village, strangers often underestimate her stature. Marceline can showcase superb endurance and surprising strength when the situation calls for it.

    To paint the type of person Marceline is would be easier to start with the subjective terms others would describe the lass; straight-forward, naive, gullible, honest, strong-willed, stubborn, and intelligent.

    If there is a task that Marceline sees needs to be done, she will move right along to complete it. She will think through her steps for the easiest but smartest course of action to complete the task, but there are no other thoughts surrounding it, no ifs, ands, or buts--simply do. This straight forward thinking keeps her mind constantly occupied with immediate needs and appreciating what the little moments can offer. Every encounter and story she hears from anyone is met with an intense, steady gaze. She has her own thoughts on what someone is saying, however, she doesn't put her own input in until given permission or prompted to. Otherwise, she simply obtained information and move on.

    This of course can make her susceptible to people's words. Most of the time she will believe what anyone says since she finds no reason to mask intentions. She will openly express her emotions to sort through any issues. However, if she does not know how to progress through a situation it's not unexpected for her to bottle up feelings. For the most part, she will be quick to lay off what is on her chest, but as she meets many more personalities it will become clear to her that some adapting will need to take place.

    Which can be conflicting on her stubbornness to not change for the sake of others. Marceline can be quite stubborn on one thought, action, or belief. She will not discriminate in giving the silent treatment. Her own brother did not hear a single word from Marceline in two weeks despite them living in the same quarters. Her feelings can be clear in other ways aside from words. The people in her village sometimes call her Miasma as her aura is quite strong so when she's angry or stressed--the air is very thick and heavy. This is an impressive feat for someone who's usually chilled and not often bursting with emotions.

    This is often the usual mode of Marceline but then there are the hidden moments where she's carefree, curious and endearing like a child. Her smile often beams and her laughter can be infectious. She can easily entertain anyone and shine brightly. It's moments like this where she can become easily stimulated by anything as her threshold of calmness is surpassed. She tends to make sillier decisions and act reckless.

    There's a lot more to be said about the girl, but she's one that definitely lives by the virtues of kindness and empathy. If there's one thing she doesn't understand of others is how there can be mean actions taken on others which would be things that the perpetrator would not want upon themselves, yet they still do it. Marceline will do anything she can to makes other lives easier even if she is upset or hurt by them because she realizes that everyone is just working to survive and live.

    Marceline's history holds well within the traditions and culture of her village, Falu. The known location of Moomoo Farm is actually just the mask and one point of connection for the village of Falu. They use this farm as a disguise and distraction from straying eyes from wandering beyond its boundaries. Only those born in the village know that up in the mountains, behind Moomoo Farm, is a valley that made for the perfect environment for a pocket of people to live and thrive with their own culture and resources. Some villagers venture up the mountain that is closest to Moomoo Farm to gaze at the Bell Tower. Away from most of society in the Johto region, the people of Falu kept to certain beliefs.

    All basic necessities of a person could be made or grown in Falu. There are various families within the village and each family specializes in a trade or group of crops. For the Zavira family, they actually took a slightly different approach and decided to become more of Pokemon breeders. This was frowned upon at first since this meant contact with the outside world, however, as the years passed and it became clear that some help was needed from the outside world, the Zavira family's plan wasn't as disagreed. Marceline's family became Pokemon breeders of small, Normal type Pokemon with certain fur textures--Minccino and Bunearys. This family became quite known for the high-quality Minccino and Buneary they bred. With their source of well-bred Pokemon they were able to sell them to trainers or fashion designers or other kinds of persons. But the Zavira family made sure that contact was only minimal and for business.

    Aside from the family business of Pokemon breeding, everything remained aligned with the traits of Falu. Marceline did her own learnings of arithmetic and language comprehension on her own time but occasionally was met with tests from adults that if she did not meet their requirements she was punished with a laborious task. This was balanced with encouraged creativity as a child where children were often left to their own devices and Pokemon to do whatever they want. With various adventures and risks taken, children of Falu were allowed to learn lessons from nature and other forces of the universe.

    Survival tactics were also another part of Marceline's childhood from wood-chopping to swimming to learning how to navigate in darkness. With not so much technology and a lot of nature around, they were exposed to more of becoming in tune with Pokemon and the outdoors. At a young age though it was clear that Marceline was more peculiar than the rest of her peers. She would often tell elders that she would see strange colors around people and Pokemon alike. The colors were amorphous and always changing. They would shake their heads in disbelief at first since this was a trait that died off long ago from their people. However, the more Marceline grew up, the more apparent it was that she did have the lost gift of that the native Falu people had.

    After this discovery when she was nine, her treatment in the village shifted. Different responsibilities were expected of her. At first, Marceline hated it. She felt that she was missing out on the fun that others were having. She became a problem child because of this. But there was one person she would always listen to and felt understood her the most, Hellena.

    Hellena was her childhood best friend and someone who never discriminated against her. Even though Marceline considered Hellena her childhood best friend, she was five years older than her. Somehow Hellena made anything better. In some moments Marceline felt as though her friend should've been the one with the gift. But then she vanished.

    There were no signs of struggles or any patterns of discontentment from the girl. When Marceline was thirteen, Hellena was gone. They tried sending out search parties to see if perhaps she ran into some trouble while she was out, but there were no traces of her body. The only thing they had found on a search was a necklace she always wore. Without a second thought, the necklace had been given to Marceline. The youngster at the time was devastated and broken-hearted. She was beside herself for about six months but slowly she crawled out of the shock of the change she had to accept, but she made a vow to herself that once she turned eighteen she would leave the village to search for her friend. Marceline believed she left and that she was not gone from the world. Her conviction was also beginning to align with small rumors and whispered stories from the people of the outside society that some Pokemon were starting to act strange but that they were companions of suspicious figures. This piqued Marceline's interest as she has the ability to read Pokemon and people. Her family was against the idea of her leaving the village, but they knew since the day she received Hellena's necklace that there was no stopping the stubborn girl.


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