Pokemon: The League [Completed]

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
How It All Works

Mechanics - Part 1: Dice

If you don't know already, the site has what you call a dice-roller. It can be found here:
https://www.rpnation.com/dice. Or by clicking the Dice link next to Members on the black row near the top of the page.

On the dice page, you will see a blue button that says

When you click it, there will be 4 white spaces. For this role-play, we will only be using the 2nd and 3rd.
Roll a total of dice, means how many dice you want to roll. Set this to one.

Faces, means the number of sides on the die. Set this to fifty-one.

When you're done, click roll. Your username will come up with what you rolled as a link and BBCode. Copy the BBcode and place it in your post. It will look like this:


We will always be using one die with fifty-one faces. That's it for part 1!

Mechanics-Part 2: Condition

Condition is your Pokemon's health. The stronger your pokemon, the higher the condition. If your Pokemon's condition reaches 0, it will faint.

  • Every player will start off with 12 condition that they can split up in any way they'd like. A few examples are here:

Charmander: 4

Bulbasaur: 4

Squirtle: 4


Charmander: 3

Bulbasaur: 2

Squirtle: 2

Geodude: 2

Pidgey: 2

Ralts: 1


Blastoise: 7

Charmeleon: 5

It all has to add up to 12. That's it for part 2!

Mechanics-Part 3: Battle

  • Whenever your Pokemon attacks, roll a die. Your opponent then has to roll a die to dodge/block.

If your number is higher than the opponent = the attack hits and their Pokemon loses 1 condition. At zero, their Pokemon faints.

If your number is equal to or lower than the opponent, they can block or dodge the attack; whatever they choose to do. Their Pokemon does not lose any condition.

After you dodge/block an attack, you can either attack back, or switch to another Pokemon and attack with them. You can only switch out after a dodge/block, and before you attack.

Easy! That's it for part 3!

Mechanics-Part 4: Pokemon Type Chart
Yes; this RP will have strengths and weaknesses. When you attack another Pokemon and the hit works, look at this chart. The 2x means double. Take away 2 condition instead of one. The 0x means the attack doesn't affect that type at all. Take away 0 condition. The red 1/2x means the attack is half. Take away 0.5 condition. The white 1x means take away 1 condition like usual.​

  • In the case of double types, you will need to add and subtract the weaknesses and strengths. It will get a little confusing, so ask me and I will do it for you. I'm sure another player would be willing to help you out too.

Click the chart to make it bigger. Finished. That was the last section! If you have any questions, ask me in the OOC!

Mechanics-Part Bonus: Forfeit

You may forfeit a match at any time.
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Sounds interesting but I haven't yet decided whether I'll join or not. First of all, how would the RP work? In other RPs you play someone who interacts with his environment directly, which of course isn't possible in this case (unless you start running around, punching Pokemon). Would I simply play a guy who screams around, telling his Pokemon what to do and then a dice gets rolled or would I focus more on what the Pokemon actually did?
Encreedem said:
Sounds interesting but I haven't yet decided whether I'll join or not. First of all, how would the RP work? In other RPs you play someone who interacts with his environment directly, which of course isn't possible in this case (unless you start running around, punching Pokemon). Would I simply play a guy who screams around, telling his Pokemon what to do and then a dice gets rolled or would I focus more on what the Pokemon actually did?
This is up to you. It's not a regular dice-roleplay where almost everything is locked. This is still a free-form role-play. All the dice decides is whether the attack works or not.

You can jump out of a plane as entrance for your character. Leave the arena to jump into the stands and kiss your love-mate. You can have your pokemon taunt another's. You can kick or punch your own Pokemon for messing up. You can get on a cell-phone call and ask your home-town professor what to do next. Have lunch while the battle goes on. All of that is legal. Just for blocking/dodging/attacking, you follow the dice.

You can even have your Pokemon spit on the other one as long as it doesn't count for an attack.
QuirkyAngel said:
Ooooh...pokemon league! Olympia's totally joining this xD
If it's Olympia and Clear in the final, that would be awesome!. Too awesome for me ;_:
QuirkyAngel said:
Have the match-ups been decided 0.0?
Yup. Most of them are there already, just a few more people needed to fill in the blanks. There's Luce, and a few people with interest, but I may just look for the other two and get things started
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris].

Hm. It won't do anything to actually help, but if you can make it look like it did with the dice, go for it =P. That goes for Levitate too. Go on and be creative
Ah, that's good to know. I was also curious about how supportive moves, such as toxic spikes, and health draining moves would work. I'm probably asking too many questions, but I want to make sure that I don't mess up during the actual roleplay.

My CS should be posted soon. I've mainly been trying to determine which conditions to apply.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Ah, that's good to know. I was also curious about how supportive moves, such as toxic spikes, and health draining moves would work. I'm probably asking too many questions, but I want to make sure that I don't mess up during the actual roleplay.
My CS should be posted soon. I've mainly been trying to determine which conditions to apply.

Ask away. All of those things have no real affect on the battle, but if you get good rolls, you can write them in, sure.
I need help with the character sign up... having to take away the periods/dots confuse me and made things complicated when it was already filled out
LunaCrosby said:
I need help with the character sign up... having to take away the periods/dots confuse me and made things complicated when it was already filled out
Gotcha. You would copy and paste the full thing into a new post. Take out my information and put in yours. When you're done, delete all the periods and it will look perfect when you hit post.

You can always post what you have and I'll edit it for you so it looks right ^_^
I think I managed to fix the issue with the CS image, so it should be visible now.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I think I managed to fix the issue with the CS image, so it should be visible now.

Yup. All good. Interesting choices. Your character is all matched up :5/5:. It looks like it's gonna be good.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]*tilts head*
Are Mega-Evolutions a thing in this?

Sure, go for it

Alrighty, the competition will start today. Just checking whether Luna is still coming in. Prepare ya'll. One loss and you're out (:3)
I love, love pokemon but I've never been in a dice rollin' rp so this is interesting for me xD

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