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Fandom Pokémon Tech! - Interest Check

Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity
Unintentional rhyming - What a fantastic way to get things started. *Ahem* Allow me to explain!

Have you ever watched the first few episodes of the Pokémon anime? Yes, I have. Hooray, hypothetical reader! You might just understand what I'm getting at. The idea is that, as an alternative to traveling one's native region - Or all the regions, in some Trainers' cases - To get badges from Gym Leaders, an alternative would be posed: A school that you have to learn the basics and not-so-basics of Pokémon from to graduate and challenge the Pokémon League.

Here's where things deviate from the show's portrayal - Instead of simply graduating, students must challenge every Type Master of the school and win. They won't be the Gym Leaders we're familiar with, as the Type Masters will be unique to the school, and will therefore... Well, be different. Most Type Masters will be students that will temporarily function as the leader of their type, though some may be teachers.

Am I making sense? Yes! Onward then, hypothetical reader!

Since this is the stereotypical school roleplay which clogs any and all of RPNation's orifices, it must have dorms. Why, indeed it does! Three main Houses (Like dorms but differently named) will exist, based on the inhabiting Trainers' starting Pokémon. The Houses are Blaze, Overgrow and Torrent. But those are the abilities for the Fire, Grass and Water starter Pokémon. Why thank you, hypothetical reader, I was getting to that. Each House is responsible for six of the eighteen types, including their parent type - Fire, Water or Grass respectively. For example, Dragon is a child type of Fire, so Dragon Trainers will reside under Blaze, and Ice is a child type of Water, so an Ice Trainer would reside under Torrent, for example.

Every day in the roleplay there would be classes - Excluding weekends, of course - And free time for a while, which could be spent doing extra training, shopping, hanging out with friends, completing assignments from teachers... That sort of thing.

Interested? I hope so! Lemme know. I might make this an actual roleplay if enough people like it.
Sounds awesome! Considering me being the biggest pokemon nerd at my school. I also got the newest pokemon game today.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
[QUOTE="Toaster Muffins]Sounds pretty rad


...I'll shut up now.

[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe]Sounds awesome! Considering me being the biggest pokemon nerd at my school. I also got the newest pokemon game today.
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

More support, hooray! I personally didn't get the newest game - Not a fan of Hoenn, personally - But I'd love to hear what you think of the game when you're finished~
You caught my interest, and if you have space I'm willing to join up! College will tie me up abit but I can do this effectively enough! If you'll have me that is.
Moribund said:
I'm interested.
One Question: Where would ghost fall under?
Because I'm sure at least one other person will be curious, here's how the types will be sorted into Houses: The idea is that each Trainer will come with one Pokémon, and that Pokémon's main type will put them into a House. The types are categorized as follows:

House Blaze

Parent Type:

Child Types:






House Overgrow

Parent Type:

Child Types:






House Torrent

Parent Type:

Child Types:






Since Torrent was made last (Not to mention Water doesn't have many types that fit it well), it's made of the remains of the other Houses. Sorry if some of the matches don't make a lot of sense.

hisokun said:
Orikanyo said:
You caught my interest, and if you have space I'm willing to join up! College will tie me up abit but I can do this effectively enough! If you'll have me that is.
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]I may join.

Hooray! Based on how things are going so far and how many people seem to be interested, I'm probably going to make this RP later today. Hopefully more people join in, too!
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heh, sounds good! All shall bow before the awesome power of the fairies!!!
This sounds very cool. I'm interested.

Oh, and I think Rock should be in the grass category and Electric in the fire category.
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cloudyblueday said:
This sounds very cool. I'm interested.
Oh, and I think Rock should be in the grass category and Electric in the fire category.
'Sounds smarter, yeah! I'll change that right away~

Oh, and if I may say, if anyone has any sort of input, it's very greatly appreciated that you give it to me. I'm not exactly the best decision maker (Which will be clear if you don't yet know me well, and should be clear if you do know me well), so I might make a poor decision, or one that's not favoured by the majority of you guys, so please tell me when you like or dislike something I've decided on. Thank you!
Sure! As long as they're not incredibly overpowered (No legendaries, they shouldn't have incredibly powerful Pokémon quite yet, that sort of thing), I'm fine with it.
Naw, no way. I thought they only came to the school with one pokemon though? At first? Or do they already have a near-full team or something like that?
Yes, that's the idea. You either come with one Pokémon or none at all (I may make an exception for one or two students, though I doubt it), and catch more during the classes provided or during your free time. Teachers can come with however many Pokémon they please, so long as they follow the rules (With some lenience).

If you come with no Pokémon, you will be provided with one.

Oh, and the roleplay's up! I'll be signing up later - I have nondescript things I must attend to - But feel free to sign up now! Make sure you read through the rules and such before you start your sheet.


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