Las noches veteran
The Gillian that peers into dreams
hello everyone, i am lich., ever had a dream...wanting pokemon real welll~ *slaps you* No you dont!!! heres why today im gunna tell you some facts...please tell me wat you think if you got any bring em up
my first is:
nice fella huh, he looks cool and yea...Hes based on THIS!!!
well....sorta, the big mushroom is in control, it spreads spores and makes parasect go into habitats it wont be in. the spores control the bug, turning him to a zombie...look at its eyes and a silent killer
my first is:
nice fella huh, he looks cool and yea...Hes based on THIS!!!
well....sorta, the big mushroom is in control, it spreads spores and makes parasect go into habitats it wont be in. the spores control the bug, turning him to a zombie...look at its eyes and a silent killer