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Fandom Pokemon RP Partner Wanted! (Closed)


Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Hoyo everyone!

GojiBean here!

I'm on the hunt for a role-play partner for a Pokemon RP. But not just any Pokemon RP.

No, this one will be a bit of an acquired taste that runs counter to the norms of the games and anime/manga. So if you're looking for a more classic Pokemon adventure where nothing needs to make sense, then this won't be the RP for you.

For everyone else, please keep reading! :D

The Changes!

The Pokemon RP I'd like to create involves several major changes from the anime/manga/games. Mostly, these are in regards to realism to a certain extent. And I emphasize "certain extent." Like we don't really care what the exact science is behind the Poke Balls or the exact explanations for how trades work and all that stuff. Instead, the changes are about some basic principles of how the world works and why it is that things have changed between this RP idea and the source material.

Also, I don't mean to sound like a stiff when writing these out. But I think it's kind of inevitable since I'm talking mainly about what's not going to happen in this RP. I'll be talking about the things that can and still do happen afterwards. So please stick around and give it a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised by how closely I stick to the source material despite some of the changes I'm about to list.

So here goes!

1) Pokemon Trainers do not start their journeys at the age of 10. What kind of sick culture would actually promote or allow such a thing? Pokemon are wild animals. And just like real wild animals you would have to be either insane or just plain stupid to allow a 10 year old to just walk out into the woods and say "hi" to every creature they meet. If they were to meet a grizzly bear, chances would be very high that your kid would become a very dead sack of meat and bones resting inside the bear's belly before long. As well this RP will use a semi-futuristic setting given the tech of Poke Balls and healing capsules and chambers in Pokemon Centers and such. So going on a Pokemon Adventure will only be allowable for ages 18+. No exceptions, no matter who your family knows. (And yes, some in the past when I've either participated in such RP's or made them myself have attempted to ask "But what if my dad was part of the Elite Four and taught me everything he knew by the time I was 12?" For one thing, fat chance I'm giving you that kind of familial connection and clout. And two, the idea that you "learned everything" by such a young age? Yeah, no.)

2) Pokemon do not instantly trust you upon capture, nor will they magically trust you if you "help" them. No matter the capture method or whatever it is you do on their behalf, wild animals wouldn't just magically forget or ignore their basic instincts for survival. That wild animal will still want to escape and return to the life it was previously living before you took it from its home. So to get a captured Pokemon to trust and work with you, you'll have to do basic trust building exercises with it regularly as well as tending to its basic needs like food and water and rest. And this will not be a one or two post thing. When I say you need to earn its trust and respect, I mean it will take potentially a dozen or more posts before you even get to the point where the Pokemon will recognize and/or acknowledge whatever name you've given it and at least look your way when you say it. And it will take many more posts before that Pokemon is actually getting more friendly with you.

Also, as alluded to in the first sentence of this change... There will be no "Capture By Friendship" that we see so often in the anime/manga (which is happening for story/plot convenience, by the way, and to reinforce that tired trope that friendship conquers all (even if there was no friendship before the big save)). That kind of thing doesn't happen in real life with a wild animal. The moment you jump into harm's way that Pokemon you were after is gone and leaving you to face the consequences of your foolish actions while it retreats to its den or to be with others of its kind for safety in numbers. It's not going to think "Awwww, that human saved me... I should help them back" and then afterwards they'll poke the Poke Ball on your hip with their to capture themselves for you. Not. Gonna. Happen.

... However, there is a caveat to this change which I will address in the second half of this long-ass post. So don't abandon me just yet. Stick around for a lil' while longer, please. :D

3) Pokemon attacks are able to harm and/or kill human beings. This isn't going to be a kid's show where a perpetually 10 year old Ash can get zapped, soaked, burned, and blasted by 10,000 Pokemon attacks and still somehow be alive. For example, the heat inside a Charizard's body reaches and exceeds temperatures of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit according to official sources. Rocks begin melting at approximately 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit. So a Charizard can create a flame that melts rock. What temperature does human skin begin taking irreparable damage from heat? Around 160 degrees Fahrenheit. So how long do you think it'll be before a Charizard literally cooks and melts a human being alive using its Flamethrower attack? About 3-5 seconds. After that you're human soup.

So yeah. Pokemon have the potential to kill you depending on what the attack is and how powerful the move itself is. A Water Gun from a Squirtle, for instance, will probably not kill you unless the attack throws you of your feet and you slam your head into a hard surface with great force, or it knocks you off a cliff. A Gust from a Pidgey will probably throw you off your feet for a little ways. But otherwise it would just result in scrapes and bruises. But if you were to take a full force Vine Whip from a Venasaur... Yeah, chances are you're dead due to the G Forces involved at the tip of the whip-like vine it's using as it strikes your body and basically liquifies your insides due to the transfer of energy upon impact.

4) Legendary Pokemon cannot be captured. Sorry. They can only be bonded with providing an encounter that warrants a bond takes place, which I will be allowing much later in the RP.

The reason for this is because Legendary Pokemon are supposed to be Legendary. They're so rare most Trainers never get to see them. And on top of that, they're supposed to be immensely powerful and dangerous as a result of their power. So the idea of being able to capture such a Legendary beast is kinda far fetched no matter how you try and justify a stance to the contrary.

But since I am very fond of many of the Legendary Pokemon, I am allowing a bond to be formed with them during/after an encounter. So if you have a Legendary or two you'd like to encounter (no more than 3, cause remember, "Legendary") then let me know what they are and we can start working on planning how you'll encounter them later in the RP.

So that's it for the "negative" changes. Let's get to the "positive" changes which I think a lot of people will appreciate (hopefully, lol)!

1) Gym Badge collecting and the Elite Four and Pokemon League Championship are just a few of the many lifestyles Trainers can have. In this Pokemon RP world you can literally be anything you can be in the real world whether it involves Pokemon or not. A restaurant owner, a fire fighter, a police officer, a sports athlete, a politician, a teacher, a doctor, whatever you want. When it comes to Trainer specific professions, there are also many options available to you such as the Pokemon Ranger corps, Pokemon versions of the fire fighting, police, medical rescue teams, Breeders, Pokemon Olympic Competitions, Capture Competitions, the Style/Fashion Competitions, and much, much more. You are not limited only to what we've seen in the games/anime/manga. If you can imagine living a specific lifestyle with Pokemon, let's talk about it and hammer out the details and make it happen!

2) Pokemon Battling is still a turn-by-turn endeavor, but it comes with a few basic rules and guidelines to follow for the sake of fairness in an otherwise more realistic world.

Rule 1 - Turns, and Silence.

Trainers may only issue instructions to their Pokemon during their turn and before they issue a command to attack. Once the command has been given, the Trainer must maintain total silence until their next turn. Any violations of this rule will result in the Trainer's disqualification from the bout and will be instantly recorded as a Loss on their Win/Loss record stored in their Pokedex.

Rule 2 - Healing.

To use a Healing Item in a battle, the Trainer must announce that they are skipping their turn to use the item. In response, the other Trainer must wait until the one using the item is safely clear of the battle space to initiate their next move. Any violations of this safety rule will be met with an instant suspension of the offending Trainer's License, and potentially their arrest if they're guilty of doing this multiple times.

In short, the Pokemon League takes Trainer safety very seriously.

Rule 3 - Battles and Rewards.

In a 6v6 match, the winner earns 1,500 credits, and the loser earns 750.
In a 5v5 match, the winner earns 1,200 credits, and the loser earns 600.
In a 4v4 match, the winner earns 1,000 credits, and the loser earns 500.
In a 3v3 match, the winner earns 800 credits, and the loser earns 400.
In a 2v2 match, the winner earns 600 credits, and the loser earns 300.
In a 1v1 match, the winner earns 500 credits, and the loser earns 250.

In the event of a draw, both participants earn the "loser's" credit sum based on the conditions of the bout. So a draw in a 6v6 match will see both participants earn 750 credits

Rule 4 - Credit Abuse.

Pokemon Trainers may not repeatedly engage one another in "private" bouts for Credit earnings. Once a bout has concluded and the appropriate Win/Loss records and Credit earnings are updated in the Pokedex, the participating Trainers are locked out of Official bouts with one another for a period of 7 days. Any attempts to declare an official match again before the time limit is up results in a Warning that is stored in the Pokedex's memory. If you violate the Warning three times, Pokemon League Authorities are notified and both Trainers will have warrants issued for their detention and they will be questioned about the offense. Depending on the circumstances, they will either be released with an official League Warning, or they may potentially face the suspension of their Licenses.

Rule 5 - The results of the match are to be recorded in the Pokedex as part of your Trainer Win/Loss record. Any attempts to evade a negative Win/Loss ratio will result in the temporary suspension of your Trainer's License, as well as the loss of half your total earned credits as a Trainer. Upon the lifting of the suspension, you earn a permanent black mark on your record which potential employers and/or Competition organizers will see and it will be at their discretion whether or not to hire you or allow you entry into said Competition.

3) There are no TM's or HM's in this RP world. All Pokemon that swim and are large enough to support your weight can ferry you across the water. All Pokemon that can fly and support your weight can fly you through the air. All Pokemon strong enough to smash a boulder can do so to get them out of your way. Etc.

4) All Pokemon are capable of learning any technique their physical and elemental anatomy allow for. So a Pokemon like Zubat, thanks to its anatomy, could learn just about any technique involving its mouth, wings, its two little tails, or any special techniques like Supersonic or Confuse Ray. It would also be able to learn Tackle, Body Slam (though this would be far less effective than it would be for a larger Pokemon), Quick Attack (the result of combination of flying speed and small, lightweight body movement), etc.

Techniques outside the Pokemon's physical anatomy and elemental type, however, are not learnable. So a Rhydon, even though it can learn "Surf" in the games, cannot learn Surf in this world because its typing doesn't allow for it. As a Pokemon weak to water and boasting such body density thanks to being part Rock, it would sink the moment it went into water even if it wasn't weakened by it.

So consider your Pokemon's anatomy and elemental attributes, and you can learn just about any move that is feasible given those two parameters. If you're uncertain about a specific move, ask me and we will take a look at the possibilities together!

5) Trainers.

When you become a Pokemon Trainer, you do so by registering as one and earning your Trainer's License (also known as your Pokedex). In order to live a life with Pokemon directly, you must go through this process. Ordinary civilians without a License are not permitted to have Pokemon in their household, or their possession. To violate this is a felony that earns a minimum of one year in jail and a real world fine of up to $10,000.

Because Trainers are such a unique group, they acquire their Pokemon-related goods at special "Poke Marts" which are closed to the general public. To get into a Poke Mart, scan your Pokedex at the entrance and the doors will open for you. Once inside, you can use your Credits to purchase any Pokemon-related goods like Potions, Poke Balls, Antidotes, Status Healers (yes, they're a thing), etc.

Because this is a realistic take on Pokemon there are no Rare Candies, stat boosters like X-Attack or PP Up or HP Up, etc. Only the basic Battle and Healing Items are actually a thing in this RP. Real animals don't have "stats," nor do they have "levels" which you can manipulate via a simple piece of candy. As real living things, your Pokemon's performance in battle is entirely dependent upon your skills as a Trainer. So if your Pokemon is on a losing streak, maybe stop and train them instead of looking for a quick-fix with stat/level manipulation.

6) Evolution and other Pokemon tidbits.

Pokemon evolve in this RP based on four primary factors: Age, bond with their Trainer, battle experience, and mental/emotional readiness. ("Stone," "Item," and "Trade" evolutions are not a thing in this RP)

Age and mental/emotional readiness are the two most important things to consider. A Pokemon who's still a "baby" will not evolve no matter the circumstances because their bodies simply aren't ready for it, nor are they mentally or emotionally ready for the process. Conversely, a Pokemon that's approximately 4 years old and has been with their Trainer for at least 3 of those years likely will be mentally/emotionally ready to evolve, as well as having the battle experience to reinforce and legitimize the change.

A Pokemon who was just caught, as another example, could be a special case. If it's already between 3-6 years old when caught and has been through some battle experience in its fight to survive out in nature, it will likely be ready to evolve almost immediately after capture. A bond with and battle experience under the Trainer are not necessary when the age and mental/emotional preparedness to evolve are present in a Pokemon of that general age range.

7) Team Rocket.

Team Rocket is the only "bad guy" organization of this RP (sorry fans of other "Teams"). And a major change is that they're not a bunch of bumbling idiots who get outdone by children at every turn. They're a highly organized and dangerous group of people who use Pokemon, underhanded means, and weapons like guns as a last resort if things go wrong.

So if you encounter Team Rocket, you're either in for a fight or you'd better run away. They never travel alone. And they're all competent and dangerous people even as individuals.


Aaaaaaand, I think that's everything? Maybe?

I'll probably remember something later and edit it in or let you know if you're interested in joining me on this advnenture!

Speaking of...

The RP

The RP will focus on our two characters as they enter the Pokemon Trainer world as newbies. And when I say "newbies," I mean to the practical application of anything they've learned or studied beforehand. In short, even if you learn about what Potions are from reading books, actually using it on a Pokemon efficiently in the middle of an actual battle is another. So it would be expected that your inexperience with the practical side of things will rear its head and give your character a learning experience.

As for what can't be taught in books, such as bravery and retaining confidence after losing your first battle, you're on your own.

So here are the basic guidelines for preparing your character:

1) Make sure that their provided backstory gives a solid and believable reason for them to pursue whatever "profession" your character wants to pursue.

For example if they want to become a Pokemon Ranger, why? What have they seen or experienced that would make them want to pursue it. And please do try to come up with something better than "they saw them in action on TV and wanted to do the same ever since." While that technically works, it's really flimsy and not compelling.

2) Stay true to your character throughout and don't try to change their behavior or mentality at the drop of a hat to adapt to a situation in a favorable way.

I see way too frequently that younger and/or inexperienced writers will abandon their character's genuine responses for something more contrived that fits the moment and makes the outcome favorable for the character. For example, if the character is usually argumentative but agreeing with another character will get them something that they as the Player want, they'll make their character just up and agree without a fight so they get what they personally want rather than let the character be true to themselves and argue the other way like they should.

3) You may choose any first-form Pokemon you want as your starter so long as it's not on any of these lists:

Mythical: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Melotta, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Megearna, Marshadow, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zarude.

Legendary: Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Heatran, Regigigas, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Cresselia, Cobalion, Terrakion, Verizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorous, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Null, Silvally, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tepu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Nihilego, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Calyrex, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Kubfu, Urshifu, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier.

Sub-Legendary: Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Goomy, Dreepy, and Fossil Pokemon

If you have questions about a specific Pokemon being chosen, please ask away!


That's everything (that I can think of/remember, lol)!!

I'm hoping someone out here would enjoy this kind of RP experience with me! If so, please send me a PM and we can discuss any details you're unclear on or any other major concerns you may have about the RP.


~ GojiBean
Hoyo everyone!

GojiBean here!

I'm on the hunt for a role-play partner for a Pokemon RP. But not just any Pokemon RP.

No, this one will be a bit of an acquired taste that runs counter to the norms of the games and anime/manga. So if you're looking for a more classic Pokemon adventure where nothing needs to make sense, then this won't be the RP for you.

For everyone else, please keep reading! :D

The Changes!

The Pokemon RP I'd like to create involves several major changes from the anime/manga/games. Mostly, these are in regards to realism to a certain extent. And I emphasize "certain extent." Like we don't really care what the exact science is behind the Poke Balls or the exact explanations for how trades work and all that stuff. Instead, the changes are about some basic principles of how the world works and why it is that things have changed between this RP idea and the source material.

Also, I don't mean to sound like a stiff when writing these out. But I think it's kind of inevitable since I'm talking mainly about what's not going to happen in this RP. I'll be talking about the things that can and still do happen afterwards. So please stick around and give it a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised by how closely I stick to the source material despite some of the changes I'm about to list.

So here goes!

1) Pokemon Trainers do not start their journeys at the age of 10. What kind of sick culture would actually promote or allow such a thing? Pokemon are wild animals. And just like real wild animals you would have to be either insane or just plain stupid to allow a 10 year old to just walk out into the woods and say "hi" to every creature they meet. If they were to meet a grizzly bear, chances would be very high that your kid would become a very dead sack of meat and bones resting inside the bear's belly before long. As well this RP will use a semi-futuristic setting given the tech of Poke Balls and healing capsules and chambers in Pokemon Centers and such. So going on a Pokemon Adventure will only be allowable for ages 18+. No exceptions, no matter who your family knows. (And yes, some in the past when I've either participated in such RP's or made them myself have attempted to ask "But what if my dad was part of the Elite Four and taught me everything he knew by the time I was 12?" For one thing, fat chance I'm giving you that kind of familial connection and clout. And two, the idea that you "learned everything" by such a young age? Yeah, no.)

2) Pokemon do not instantly trust you upon capture, nor will they magically trust you if you "help" them. No matter the capture method or whatever it is you do on their behalf, wild animals wouldn't just magically forget or ignore their basic instincts for survival. That wild animal will still want to escape and return to the life it was previously living before you took it from its home. So to get a captured Pokemon to trust and work with you, you'll have to do basic trust building exercises with it regularly as well as tending to its basic needs like food and water and rest. And this will not be a one or two post thing. When I say you need to earn its trust and respect, I mean it will take potentially a dozen or more posts before you even get to the point where the Pokemon will recognize and/or acknowledge whatever name you've given it and at least look your way when you say it. And it will take many more posts before that Pokemon is actually getting more friendly with you.

Also, as alluded to in the first sentence of this change... There will be no "Capture By Friendship" that we see so often in the anime/manga (which is happening for story/plot convenience, by the way, and to reinforce that tired trope that friendship conquers all (even if there was no friendship before the big save)). That kind of thing doesn't happen in real life with a wild animal. The moment you jump into harm's way that Pokemon you were after is gone and leaving you to face the consequences of your foolish actions while it retreats to its den or to be with others of its kind for safety in numbers. It's not going to think "Awwww, that human saved me... I should help them back" and then afterwards they'll poke the Poke Ball on your hip with their to capture themselves for you. Not. Gonna. Happen.

... However, there is a caveat to this change which I will address in the second half of this long-ass post. So don't abandon me just yet. Stick around for a lil' while longer, please. :D

3) Pokemon attacks are able to harm and/or kill human beings. This isn't going to be a kid's show where a perpetually 10 year old Ash can get zapped, soaked, burned, and blasted by 10,000 Pokemon attacks and still somehow be alive. For example, the heat inside a Charizard's body reaches and exceeds temperatures of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit according to official sources. Rocks begin melting at approximately 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit. So a Charizard can create a flame that melts rock. What temperature does human skin begin taking irreparable damage from heat? Around 160 degrees Fahrenheit. So how long do you think it'll be before a Charizard literally cooks and melts a human being alive using its Flamethrower attack? About 3-5 seconds. After that you're human soup.

So yeah. Pokemon have the potential to kill you depending on what the attack is and how powerful the move itself is. A Water Gun from a Squirtle, for instance, will probably not kill you unless the attack throws you of your feet and you slam your head into a hard surface with great force, or it knocks you off a cliff. A Gust from a Pidgey will probably throw you off your feet for a little ways. But otherwise it would just result in scrapes and bruises. But if you were to take a full force Vine Whip from a Venasaur... Yeah, chances are you're dead due to the G Forces involved at the tip of the whip-like vine it's using as it strikes your body and basically liquifies your insides due to the transfer of energy upon impact.

4) Legendary Pokemon cannot be captured. Sorry. They can only be bonded with providing an encounter that warrants a bond takes place, which I will be allowing much later in the RP.

The reason for this is because Legendary Pokemon are supposed to be Legendary. They're so rare most Trainers never get to see them. And on top of that, they're supposed to be immensely powerful and dangerous as a result of their power. So the idea of being able to capture such a Legendary beast is kinda far fetched no matter how you try and justify a stance to the contrary.

But since I am very fond of many of the Legendary Pokemon, I am allowing a bond to be formed with them during/after an encounter. So if you have a Legendary or two you'd like to encounter (no more than 3, cause remember, "Legendary") then let me know what they are and we can start working on planning how you'll encounter them later in the RP.

So that's it for the "negative" changes. Let's get to the "positive" changes which I think a lot of people will appreciate (hopefully, lol)!

1) Gym Badge collecting and the Elite Four and Pokemon League Championship are just a few of the many lifestyles Trainers can have. In this Pokemon RP world you can literally be anything you can be in the real world whether it involves Pokemon or not. A restaurant owner, a fire fighter, a police officer, a sports athlete, a politician, a teacher, a doctor, whatever you want. When it comes to Trainer specific professions, there are also many options available to you such as the Pokemon Ranger corps, Pokemon versions of the fire fighting, police, medical rescue teams, Breeders, Pokemon Olympic Competitions, Capture Competitions, the Style/Fashion Competitions, and much, much more. You are not limited only to what we've seen in the games/anime/manga. If you can imagine living a specific lifestyle with Pokemon, let's talk about it and hammer out the details and make it happen!

2) Pokemon Battling is still a turn-by-turn endeavor, but it comes with a few basic rules and guidelines to follow for the sake of fairness in an otherwise more realistic world.

Rule 1 - Turns, and Silence.

Trainers may only issue instructions to their Pokemon during their turn and before they issue a command to attack. Once the command has been given, the Trainer must maintain total silence until their next turn. Any violations of this rule will result in the Trainer's disqualification from the bout and will be instantly recorded as a Loss on their Win/Loss record stored in their Pokedex.

Rule 2 - Healing.

To use a Healing Item in a battle, the Trainer must announce that they are skipping their turn to use the item. In response, the other Trainer must wait until the one using the item is safely clear of the battle space to initiate their next move. Any violations of this safety rule will be met with an instant suspension of the offending Trainer's License, and potentially their arrest if they're guilty of doing this multiple times.

In short, the Pokemon League takes Trainer safety very seriously.

Rule 3 - Battles and Rewards.

In a 6v6 match, the winner earns 1,500 credits, and the loser earns 750.
In a 5v5 match, the winner earns 1,200 credits, and the loser earns 600.
In a 4v4 match, the winner earns 1,000 credits, and the loser earns 500.
In a 3v3 match, the winner earns 800 credits, and the loser earns 400.
In a 2v2 match, the winner earns 600 credits, and the loser earns 300.
In a 1v1 match, the winner earns 500 credits, and the loser earns 250.

In the event of a draw, both participants earn the "loser's" credit sum based on the conditions of the bout. So a draw in a 6v6 match will see both participants earn 750 credits

Rule 4 - Credit Abuse.

Pokemon Trainers may not repeatedly engage one another in "private" bouts for Credit earnings. Once a bout has concluded and the appropriate Win/Loss records and Credit earnings are updated in the Pokedex, the participating Trainers are locked out of Official bouts with one another for a period of 7 days. Any attempts to declare an official match again before the time limit is up results in a Warning that is stored in the Pokedex's memory. If you violate the Warning three times, Pokemon League Authorities are notified and both Trainers will have warrants issued for their detention and they will be questioned about the offense. Depending on the circumstances, they will either be released with an official League Warning, or they may potentially face the suspension of their Licenses.

Rule 5 - The results of the match are to be recorded in the Pokedex as part of your Trainer Win/Loss record. Any attempts to evade a negative Win/Loss ratio will result in the temporary suspension of your Trainer's License, as well as the loss of half your total earned credits as a Trainer. Upon the lifting of the suspension, you earn a permanent black mark on your record which potential employers and/or Competition organizers will see and it will be at their discretion whether or not to hire you or allow you entry into said Competition.

3) There are no TM's or HM's in this RP world. All Pokemon that swim and are large enough to support your weight can ferry you across the water. All Pokemon that can fly and support your weight can fly you through the air. All Pokemon strong enough to smash a boulder can do so to get them out of your way. Etc.

4) All Pokemon are capable of learning any technique their physical and elemental anatomy allow for. So a Pokemon like Zubat, thanks to its anatomy, could learn just about any technique involving its mouth, wings, its two little tails, or any special techniques like Supersonic or Confuse Ray. It would also be able to learn Tackle, Body Slam (though this would be far less effective than it would be for a larger Pokemon), Quick Attack (the result of combination of flying speed and small, lightweight body movement), etc.

Techniques outside the Pokemon's physical anatomy and elemental type, however, are not learnable. So a Rhydon, even though it can learn "Surf" in the games, cannot learn Surf in this world because its typing doesn't allow for it. As a Pokemon weak to water and boasting such body density thanks to being part Rock, it would sink the moment it went into water even if it wasn't weakened by it.

So consider your Pokemon's anatomy and elemental attributes, and you can learn just about any move that is feasible given those two parameters. If you're uncertain about a specific move, ask me and we will take a look at the possibilities together!

5) Trainers.

When you become a Pokemon Trainer, you do so by registering as one and earning your Trainer's License (also known as your Pokedex). In order to live a life with Pokemon directly, you must go through this process. Ordinary civilians without a License are not permitted to have Pokemon in their household, or their possession. To violate this is a felony that earns a minimum of one year in jail and a real world fine of up to $10,000.

Because Trainers are such a unique group, they acquire their Pokemon-related goods at special "Poke Marts" which are closed to the general public. To get into a Poke Mart, scan your Pokedex at the entrance and the doors will open for you. Once inside, you can use your Credits to purchase any Pokemon-related goods like Potions, Poke Balls, Antidotes, Status Healers (yes, they're a thing), etc.

Because this is a realistic take on Pokemon there are no Rare Candies, stat boosters like X-Attack or PP Up or HP Up, etc. Only the basic Battle and Healing Items are actually a thing in this RP. Real animals don't have "stats," nor do they have "levels" which you can manipulate via a simple piece of candy. As real living things, your Pokemon's performance in battle is entirely dependent upon your skills as a Trainer. So if your Pokemon is on a losing streak, maybe stop and train them instead of looking for a quick-fix with stat/level manipulation.

6) Evolution and other Pokemon tidbits.

Pokemon evolve in this RP based on four primary factors: Age, bond with their Trainer, battle experience, and mental/emotional readiness. ("Stone," "Item," and "Trade" evolutions are not a thing in this RP)

Age and mental/emotional readiness are the two most important things to consider. A Pokemon who's still a "baby" will not evolve no matter the circumstances because their bodies simply aren't ready for it, nor are they mentally or emotionally ready for the process. Conversely, a Pokemon that's approximately 4 years old and has been with their Trainer for at least 3 of those years likely will be mentally/emotionally ready to evolve, as well as having the battle experience to reinforce and legitimize the change.

A Pokemon who was just caught, as another example, could be a special case. If it's already between 3-6 years old when caught and has been through some battle experience in its fight to survive out in nature, it will likely be ready to evolve almost immediately after capture. A bond with and battle experience under the Trainer are not necessary when the age and mental/emotional preparedness to evolve are present in a Pokemon of that general age range.

7) Team Rocket.

Team Rocket is the only "bad guy" organization of this RP (sorry fans of other "Teams"). And a major change is that they're not a bunch of bumbling idiots who get outdone by children at every turn. They're a highly organized and dangerous group of people who use Pokemon, underhanded means, and weapons like guns as a last resort if things go wrong.

So if you encounter Team Rocket, you're either in for a fight or you'd better run away. They never travel alone. And they're all competent and dangerous people even as individuals.


Aaaaaaand, I think that's everything? Maybe?

I'll probably remember something later and edit it in or let you know if you're interested in joining me on this advnenture!

Speaking of...

The RP

The RP will focus on our two characters as they enter the Pokemon Trainer world as newbies. And when I say "newbies," I mean to the practical application of anything they've learned or studied beforehand. In short, even if you learn about what Potions are from reading books, actually using it on a Pokemon efficiently in the middle of an actual battle is another. So it would be expected that your inexperience with the practical side of things will rear its head and give your character a learning experience.

As for what can't be taught in books, such as bravery and retaining confidence after losing your first battle, you're on your own.

So here are the basic guidelines for preparing your character:

1) Make sure that their provided backstory gives a solid and believable reason for them to pursue whatever "profession" your character wants to pursue.

For example if they want to become a Pokemon Ranger, why? What have they seen or experienced that would make them want to pursue it. And please do try to come up with something better than "they saw them in action on TV and wanted to do the same ever since." While that technically works, it's really flimsy and not compelling.

2) Stay true to your character throughout and don't try to change their behavior or mentality at the drop of a hat to adapt to a situation in a favorable way.

I see way too frequently that younger and/or inexperienced writers will abandon their character's genuine responses for something more contrived that fits the moment and makes the outcome favorable for the character. For example, if the character is usually argumentative but agreeing with another character will get them something that they as the Player want, they'll make their character just up and agree without a fight so they get what they personally want rather than let the character be true to themselves and argue the other way like they should.

3) You may choose any first-form Pokemon you want as your starter so long as it's not on any of these lists:

Mythical: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Melotta, Genesect, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Megearna, Marshadow, Zeraora, Meltan, Melmetal, Zarude.

Legendary: Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Heatran, Regigigas, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Cresselia, Cobalion, Terrakion, Verizion, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorous, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Null, Silvally, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tepu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Nihilego, Solgaleo, Lunala, Necrozma, Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus, Calyrex, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka, Blacephalon, Kubfu, Urshifu, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier.

Sub-Legendary: Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Goomy, Dreepy, and Fossil Pokemon

If you have questions about a specific Pokemon being chosen, please ask away!


That's everything (that I can think of/remember, lol)!!

I'm hoping someone out here would enjoy this kind of RP experience with me! If so, please send me a PM and we can discuss any details you're unclear on or any other major concerns you may have about the RP.


~ GojiBean

This sounds cool. I would actually like to try this if you are still willing.
This sounds cool. I would actually like to try this if you are still willing.

Hi there!

If you'd like to send me a character concept, I'll definitely be happy to give it a look see. Since I have others interested and want to give everyone their fair shot, please be aware that I may or may not choose you depending on what all the submitted characters are. I can only choose one, after all. Lol.

Hi there!

If you'd like to send me a character concept, I'll definitely be happy to give it a look see. Since I have others interested and want to give everyone their fair shot, please be aware that I may or may not choose you depending on what all the submitted characters are. I can only choose one, after all. Lol.


Oh that's okay.
Hi everyone!

Thanks to you all for throwing your lot in!

I have chosen my RP partner, so this Partner Wanted ad is now closed.

Cheers to all you Pokemon fans out there!

~ GojiBean
Awe damn, this was something I'm actually into (and vastly prefer over the more wish-fulfillment style of the universe). XD Once you are open, can you let me or say so on the ad? Because this is amazing and this ad was definitely what I was looking for!
Awe damn, this was something I'm actually into (and vastly prefer over the more wish-fulfillment style of the universe). XD Once you are open, can you let me or say so on the ad? Because this is amazing and this ad was definitely what I was looking for!

Apologies. I had only just chosen my RP partner this morning and had to run to do errands afterwards. I just marked it as "closed" and left my comment a short time ago in hopes to avoid this exact situation. Lol.

But thanks so much for your interest! It's nice to know that there are others out there who like this kind of Pokemon world other than just me.

Awe damn, this was something I'm actually into (and vastly prefer over the more wish-fulfillment style of the universe). XD Once you are open, can you let me or say so on the ad? Because this is amazing and this ad was definitely what I was looking for!

I d be willing to do this with you instead if you would like
Your idea is spectacular. I would have loved to do this. Shame that it's closed. If you made a group posting about this for literate or at least semi-literate RP it would be extremely popular. I for one would join it immediately. If at any time you want to start another one or you current one dies out or gets slow by all means message me. I already have a character primed for something like this and it would be wonderful to set him loose in a world like this.

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