Pokemon RP Anyone~?

Moonlight Sonata

New Member
It would be set in the PMD Universe, I'm looking for a team of four to take on the dangerous dungeons and fearsome foes! To venture into lands unknown and discover treasures unheard of!



  • 1st Stage Evolution's only, that includes Pokemon with no evolution's.
  • Our characters will not be veteran Rescuers but may come from other teams that they have left or disbanded.
  • No legendaries for now.
  • Accessories are allowed.
  • No one is perfect, not that I think I need to tell you folks this.
  • Please use correct grammar!
  • Write as much as you want but please, no one or two-liners.
  • After we have our team, we shall discuss plot lines and locations.
  • Ask if you have any questions~


Application form:


Pokemon Species:


Any special features (scars, bandannas, etc):

Profile (include a little backstory if you want):

Picture (optional):

I shall begin:

Name: Arthur

Pokemon Species: Eevee

Gender: Male

Any special features: He wears a blue scarf around his neck as a memento of someone important to him. The scarf has a small bell on it.

Profile: Arthur is a determined little Eevee with a reckless heart and the shortest of tempers. His loyalty however is unwavering and has the greatest of compassion for others. When he was young, his best friend, a Poochyena, went missing after a group a Sableye attacked Treasure Town. He wants to form a Rescue Team in hopes of finding her.
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