drama queen
Nutshell - Pokemon. This story idea I have revolves around our small mess of young adult characters going after some real bad guys spreading a very bad virus. Basically, Pokerus but with much more negative or unruly affect on most Pokémon in general, some worse than others. Dynamax surges, some intense wildlife, lots of world saving while trying to find a cure of some sort even. this has nothing to do with Covid, I had this idea way before, so please don’t. I’ll answer a lot more if I can get minimum two dedicated people to at least join in with me. This will be on a discord server most likely.
Few notes:
Timeline will be AU, but post all games in series thus far. Ages are at least about 17-19.
Yes, you do have to be up to date on Pokémon.
No, you may not play as a Pokémon, grunts, or gjinka.
Our characters will already be established on at least a basic friendly level, please come intending to write as an additional protagonist.
No superpowers. No psychic inclinations.
Posting length - Minimum one solid detailed 6 sentence paragraph.
(Negotiable) maximum - Five paragraphs.
Posting Activity - Twice weekly minimum, I reserve the right to remove anyone who cannot adhere to this or warn me in advance. However I’m super understanding cause life comes up, just keep in mind dead momentum kills.
I am looking for max 2 other people at this time, and I’m looking for unique characters (even alter ego characters!) that are not so awkward or painfully shy that they can’t participate.
Few notes:
Timeline will be AU, but post all games in series thus far. Ages are at least about 17-19.
Yes, you do have to be up to date on Pokémon.
No, you may not play as a Pokémon, grunts, or gjinka.
Our characters will already be established on at least a basic friendly level, please come intending to write as an additional protagonist.
No superpowers. No psychic inclinations.
Posting length - Minimum one solid detailed 6 sentence paragraph.
(Negotiable) maximum - Five paragraphs.
Posting Activity - Twice weekly minimum, I reserve the right to remove anyone who cannot adhere to this or warn me in advance. However I’m super understanding cause life comes up, just keep in mind dead momentum kills.
I am looking for max 2 other people at this time, and I’m looking for unique characters (even alter ego characters!) that are not so awkward or painfully shy that they can’t participate.
More to be discussed in ooc. I am extremely sick right now due to a personal medical issue so my posting is largely on the slow halted side but I’m here for ooc at the minimum as I recover. hope to see you there!