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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Secrets of the Legendaries


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  1. Be kind to your fellow role players.
  2. Take debates and arguments to PM.
  3. Have basic role play etiquette. (No God-modding, perfect characters, autohitting...)
  4. Post at least twice a week. Let me know if you're going to be gone for longer.
  5. I go by a three strikes system as far as removing people from the role play goes. You will only be removed immediately if you do something really bad.
  6. I reserve the right to withhold information, both in character and out of character. This includes reasoning behind why you were removed.
  7. This is marked as casual, but please try for at least two paragraphs per post. If you post a one-liner, that will count as a strike.
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I'm sure you have seen me RP in my Shadow story one, so you know I don't make 2 paragraphs unless I'm having a conversation with my own character. While I will never post a one liner unless there is nothing I can do I will try my best to keep things long. But it may not be like that.
You aren't required to post two paragraphs, but you're expected to at least try, is what I'm asking.
I'm getting additional tabs for in character role playing, one for each continent this role play will take place on. I'll have it labeled at the top which continent is each tab.
I took a look at your Legendary list and wanted to know why Latios and Latias are in the Major
Because there's only one of them. I guess they could also fall under the Manaphy category, wherein they're one of a kind but not important enough.
We were waiting on the second and third IC tabs to be put up, but they're here now. Once I get the first posts on the new tabs up, we can start role playing.
Okay, so the first posts are up with basic plots for each continent! Please look them over and post about your character in the proper tab! I'll be joining in shortly after I make my characters!
I must say, the plot has developed quite vigorously since we first began! Who knew you could fit so much detail and development in two whole posts!
Man, I was only kidding before, but are we seriously going to let this RP die before it barely even starts? Talk about a bummer.
Gah, sorry. I've been busy lately. I'll start typing up responses.
Noivian said:
Because there's only one of them. I guess they could also fall under the Manaphy category, wherein they're one of a kind but not important enough.
I must have not looked at this properly the first time. There is more than one Lati@s.

Example 1: At the end of Pokémon Heores, Two Latios and one Latias could be seen flying over head as ash took off. This could not have been the Latias in Altomere for she is now alone, both brother and Father dead. So if there was two more Lati flying with Latias then who were they. They couldn't have been Her father and Brother for when her Brother became a spirt he had a crystal form. They didn't have that look to them as they flew.

Example 2: Tobias. When ash went to the Pokémon league in Dimond and Pearl he faces a trainer with the name of Tobias. He beat ash with only two Pokémon. A Darkrai and a Latios. This also proves that there is more than one Darkrai. If there was only one Latios. Then that Latios died in Pokémon Heros. If so then how did Tobias get one.
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And also who thinks Genesect is a Legendary. He basically a fossil Pokémon who's been modified. Does that mean if we modify an Aerodactyl does it become a legendary. I highly doubt it, so why is Genesect a Legendary
Latios said:
And also who thinks Genesect is a Legendary. He basically a fossil Pokémon who's been modified. Does that mean if we modify an Aerodactyl does it become a legendary. I highly doubt it, so why is Genesect a Legendary
It's for the same reason as why Mewtwo is a legendary pokemon.
Blackrose7 said:
It's for the same reason as why Mewtwo is a legendary pokemon.
Mewtwo was created FROM a legendary. Genesect it seem came from a Kabotops or something similar.
There is only one of them being created however, and I am not counting the anime because they can freaking breed.

If Magiana: The man-made pokemon can be a legendary then so can Genesect.

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Just because theirs one dosnt make it a legendary. If your based of the games here's an example. Sodowodo (pardon my spelling), in Emerald there is only one sodowodo that you can catch. If you fail to catch it you will never get another chance (unless you restart the game, and even then you can only catch him at the end)
Genesect is a legendary pokemon, because Pokemon said so. So yeah, pokemon can make no sense at times; but they can still get away with it. xD

Florges: Pure Fairy type, and not a Fairy/Grass type. It has a bunch of grass type moves, and has flowers on it's head.
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Blackrose7 said:
Genesect is a legendary pokemon, because Pokemon said so. So yeah, pokemon can make no sense at times; but they can still get away with it. xD
Florges: Pure Fairy type, and not a Fairy/Grass type. It has a bunch of grass type moves, and has flowers on it's head.
Yeah, you never know. When I played that game for my friends let me use his for the day I kept useing fire attack and thinking why isn't it super effective

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