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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Secrets of the Legendaries


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Any Legendary not listed will not be appearing in this role play, as it has not appeared in the anime yet.

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Moveset: (only four moves)

Location: (which continent, which caravan)

Items: (optional)


Minor Legendaries

  • Articuno
  • Zapdos
  • Moltres
  • Mew
  • Mewtwo
  • Entei
  • Suicune
  • Raikou
  • Lugia
  • Ho-Oh
  • Regice
  • Registeel
  • Regirock
  • Regigigas
  • Latios
  • Latias
  • Deoxys
  • Phione
  • Manaphy
  • Darkrai
  • Cresselia
  • Shaymin
  • Meloetta
  • Keldeo
  • Virision
  • Cobalion
  • Terrakion
  • Genesect
  • Diance
  • Hoopa
  • Heatran
  • Landorus
  • Tornadus
  • Thundrus

Major Legendaries

  • Celebi
  • Jirachi
  • Rayquaza
  • Kyogre
  • Groudon
  • Jirachi
  • Uxie
  • Mesprit
  • Azelf
  • Dialga
  • Palkia
  • Giratina
  • Arceus
  • Victini
  • Zekrom
  • Reshiram
  • Kyurem
  • Zygarde
  • Xernias
  • Yveltal

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Name: Argabor (Arr-gah-boar)

Species: Aggron

Gender: male

Age: 31

Personality: loves to fight, can be very understanding. Almost always hostile to anyone he dosent know.

History: was saved from a cave in as an Aron by a Latios After which he indebted his life to him. As an Aggron now, his protects him with his life. Recently Latios had gone missing and will stop at nothing to find him.

Level: 55

Moveset: Earthquake, Rockslide, Head Smash, Metalclaw

Location: Grass continent, treasure caravan

Items: None (may use a mega stone if things come to be)

Other: Has a crack in his helmet/armor over his right eye.
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Name: Reirei

Species: Cyndaquil

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Kind and considerate, Reirei likes to look out for his friends. He does his best not to make enemies, and tries to mediate every situation.

History: Reirei was born to a normal family, his mother a Typhlosion and his father a Ninetales. He had an older brother who was a Quilava, and his entire family worked together as a rescue team. Reirei, being the youngest, was the smallest, and was also able to fit into small spaces. That's why, when his family's house collapsed in a storm, he was the only one to escape. Reirei has sense been with a caravan.

Level: 13

Moveset: Ember, Leer, Quick Attack, Smokescreen

Location: Grass Continent, Treasure Caravan

Items: Pecha Scarf
Name: Omen

Species: Absol

Gender: male

Age: 16

Personality: Quite, will support those in battle.

History: Omen had a lonely life, not knowing his parents and being very antisocial. He never made any friends. Until he meet Argabor, he felt strangely drawn to him. It turns out Argabor was looking for a lost friend. So Omen wanted to help in anyway he could. And that is a lot for his support move work great for Argabor. Now they are searching for this lost Friend.

Level: 45

Moveset: Psyco cut, Swords dance, Batton pass, Shadow Ball

Location: Grass continent, treasure caravan

Items: None, but dose have a Black Scarf on his neck.

Other: there's not much more to say
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Name: Ami

Species: Gardevoir

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Smart, Loner, Secretly cares about her friends, since she is a tsundere, Will be kind after you managed to become her friend.

History: Ami was abandoned by her parents when she was a ralts, because she was a shiny pokemon.

She has always been the lonely one in the caravan, since Ami doesn't want to talk to anybody because she secretly has a fear of them abandoning her just like her parents.

Level: 60

Moveset: Hyper Voice, Psyshock, Focus Blast, and Calm Mind

Location: Water Continent: Lively Caravan

Items: Gardevoirite

Other: Ami is a shiny Gardevoir, and wears a blue bow on her head for the Gardevoirite
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Name: Kanos

Species: Cranidos

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kanos is, to put it simply, a huge dork. He's incredibly shy and quick to be flustered, although far from non charismatic, even if he doesn't fully realize it. His resourcefulness/ability to tinker with things is his biggest strength. Girls are his biggest weakness.

History: Kanos is not a fighter. He hasn't been since he hatched. Born from a Garchomp and one of the last Rampardos of its kind (being a fossilized Pokemon, after all), he's taken much more to inventing and gathering rather than fighting, mastering the art of getting away from any skirmish, but never actually gathering the bravery to participate in one. After seeing his home village be overtaken by the corruption, including watching his own parents go on a mindless rampage, he fled. He didn't know where he was going, but he wandered by himself for multiple months, staying alive with his wits and surprising agility for a Cranidos. He eventually stumbled upon the Lively Caravan, who took him in as their own. He now repairs faulty wagons and is currently trying to come up with a method for the caravan to find supplies at a quicker rate.

Level: 1

Moveset: Headbutt, Leer

Location: Water Continent, Lively Caravan

Items: Safety Goggles

Other: When he's nervous he has a bad stutter.
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Name: Awa

Species: Frogadier

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: He's not very used to talking to other people and will often shy away when attempting to interact with others.

History: Awa was born in a family of three including himself, his father, a Greninja, and his mother, a Wailord. He had a close relationship with his parents, although he was also slightly independent. When his house was destroyed due to the corruption and he was separated from his parents, he ran and ran until he reached the Lively Caravan in the Water Continent back when he was a Froakie.

Level: 24

Moveset: Quick Attack, Round, Water Pulse, Smokescreen

Location: Water Continent, Lively Caravan

Items: Focus Sash
Name: Kaitie

Species: Bellossom

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Kaitie is very much an "act first, think later" type of 'mon. She doesn't plan out anything, she just goes with her gut. She often comes across as mean or cruel because of her tendency to open her mouth before really thinking about how her words might affect someone, but she's actually a very caring and compassionate person. She just has a big mouth.

History: Kaitie comes from a long line of grass-type explorers. The single daughter of a Sunflora and a Vileplume, Kaitie grew up knowing exactly what her weaknesses were and how to get around them. Battle and exploration skills were pounded into her head from day one, however, Kaitie simply didn't and doesn't care. Her rash nature led to her getting into trouble whenever her parents took their eyes off her, and eventually they were forced to move to Treasure Town in order to properly raise her.

When the corruption began, her parents were among the first to be lost to the Mystery Dungeons. Kaiti has stuck with the Treasure Caravan ever since, using her formidable battle skills to defend the caravan from raiders and other threats. However, she desperately wishes to find her parents (or their bodies) and end the Corruption in their names.

Level: 45


Sunny Day

Solar Beam


Petal Dance

Location: Grass Continent, Treasure Caravan

Items: Persim Band

Other: Loves grilled foods, mildly allergic to rawst berries.
Name: Nova

Species: Glaceon

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Rather wishy-washy when it comes to other Pokemon, Nova will stay true to her beliefs and ideals, regardless of what others say or do.

History: Nova was hatched to Umbreon and Espeon, the scientists who worked on Magnagates. They passed on their knowledge to Nova, but once the Corruption hit, even the Magnagate dungeons became impassable. Nova had been visiting in the Water Continent when the Corruption hit, and is now separated from her family on the Mist Continent.

Level: 45

Moveset: Blizzard, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball

Location: Water Continent, Lively Caravan

Items: Never-MeltIce, Magnagate Cards













Honey is a very motherly and nurturing Vespiquen, at least to those she knows and loves. To others, she awaits to be impressed and will seem hostile or untrusting. Honey is not afraid in the least to dish out tough love, and often will not help unless she is absolutely needed. She prefers being in a leader-type role because of her ability to read others, and give out quick and strong orders. However, she is also filled with justice and will punish those who need it without hesitation.


Once a small, insignificant Combee, Honey is now a ruler of a large hive of them. She tells the many Combee of her following what to do, and has managed to accumulate her gathering overtime into large numbers. Like many other Vespiquens, she does not act unless her Combees are not able to defend the hive or get the resources they need for the grubs. Her past was not something of significance.




Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order, Power Gem


Water Continent, Lively Caravan


Always has some form of honey with her, specifically Enchanted Honey.

Keeps a supply of silver powder as well, giving it to her Combee and herself


Honey often smells of her namesake, though the smell is stronger and sweeter than normal honey. This is because of the Enchanted Honey that Honey keeps.​
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Name: Eutimio (You-tih-mee-oh)

Species: Rotom (Electric/Ghost) ; The Plasma Pokémon

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 16 (in human years)

Level: 18


  • Discharge
  • Confuse Ray
  • Thunder Wave
  • Double Team

Personality: Despite his origins, the way he found the caravan, and the world's current state, he's quite the mischievous Pokémon. He loves to cause a scene, and also enjoys creating some form of entertainment to the other Pokémon around him, whether it be manipulating his electric aura to create shapes or separating the electricity surrounding him to create multiple stems of energy, he will always aim to entertain. To add onto his goal to make those around him happy, he enjoys cracking some of the lamest of puns or jokes in general when the opportunity is given.

History: Darkness- the void is what Eutimio remembers despite the multiple attempts of remembering what happened before these apparent memories of darkness. However, after that very darkness was a shock of what felt to be ethereal energy. He found himself awakening within the depths of a dark, and electrified cavern- the rocky walls and floors seemed to all be conduits to the electricity that pulsed throughout the space, and also now through his very being- where had be been before this if, at all? Was he created here? Many questions crossed his mind as he traveled down the cavern's dark pathways. However, the more he traversed the dark paths, the more he began to notice what seemed to be a strange light coming from above further down the path he was currently on. Once he'd reached the roofless space, the light from above showed Its' true colors, the once bright light he'd seen had turned to darkness as harsh winds made themselves apparent and rains began to pour down from the dark sky above. He needed to escape. Within moments, he allowed himself a quick exit through the very opening that was letting in the weather's fury just seconds ago from above him. As he attempted to escape the storm, he found a rather large caravan nearby; they too seemed to be escaping the storm or at least trying to. Eventually, after asking many questions, he realized that this particular caravan was carrying survivors of the terrible disaster they faced- the corruption.

Location: The Grass Continent ; Treasure Caravan

The Secret Key, he holds this within his plasma body.

Other: I'll be adding a theme song for my own pleasure, but I need to find one first.

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Name: Draka (drake-ah)

Species: Dragonite

Gender: Female

Age: 40

Personality: Slightly shy, hates to see friends fight, loves children and will protect them at any cost.

History: peacefully lived as a care taker for younglings. She then had to evacuate the village when the storms hit. While she still care for Young ones in the air ship she hopes that this catastrophe will end.

Level: 45

Moveset: Flame thrower, Ice beam, Thunder bolt, Dragon pulse

Location: Air continent, The Raft

Items: Bag of berries to help others

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Name: Terrence

Species: Torterra

Gender: Male

Age: 50

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: Kind and considerate, yet stern and strict. Shows a hard exterior while being a softie on the inside.

History: As far back as Terrence can remember, he's been going into Mystery Dungeons. It's been his passion and his job for the longest time, and now having to avoid the Mystery Dungeons he's grown so fond of really seems to be taking an impact on him. Despite being what's considered an elder, Terrence still pulls his own weight with the caravan and construction on the raft, training younger Pokemon on the ways of dungeoneering so perhaps the could take his place fitting into the smaller dungeon entrances.

Level: 60

Moveset: Frenzy Plant, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Synthesis

Location: Air Continent, the Raft

Items: Miracle Seed

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