Pokemon Mystery Dungeon interest check.

Kokino Hu

Junior Member
Hey ya'll!

I was wondering if anyone would ever join a PMD roleplay. For the "version," I was planning on making it resemble more of a Time/Darkness/Sky setting, since we'd be able to have a better opportunity at interaction that way. One or two guilds will suffice. Is anyone interested in this concept?

If I get a decent amount of responses, I'll put up a poll to determine whether people would generally prefer to play as Pokemon, as Pokemon-human hybrids, or as regular humans in a PMD sort of sitch.

Thanks for reading. I know it's not much to go on, but I'd rather not invest time in something if nobody's gonna be interested.
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Hi there i would very much be interested in joining a PMD and the concept that you have is interesting as it's not you normal PMD RP either.
Gauging interest before moving forward with your idea is a logical approach. I am interested in the concept of a PMD RP which follows the Pokemon, provided it is of sufficient quality, of course, but that cannot be determined at this stage. For now, then, I shall keep an eye on this thread, but I believe that if the RP were to be based on Humans or Hybrids in a PMD seting, it would be an unfavourable outcome.

I'm guessing that there will be inherent limitations as to the Pokemon people may choose? For example, no legendaries, first-stage evolutions only to begin with etc.
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I'm very interested with PMD, so being that there's a possible Rp, I'll keep my eyes on this.
Oho, well then. This could actually be a doable, if it keeps going the way it is.

@Demoness - Would you? Lovely. I'm flattered you think it's unique already, but at this point I'm really basing all my plans on an official game. Wouldn't say it'll be that original or different; it'll probably be pretty normal, but hey, we'll see. Thanks very much for the compliment, though! I truly do appreciate it.

@Chronozoa - Alrighty, wise approach. To answer your question, yes. There's gonna be limitations to the Pokemon, since we really oughtn't have, say, a Nidoking or a Rayquaza in a Normal Rank rescue team. Should this roleplay come about, we'll be sticking strictly to the run-of-the-mill guys we might possibly see regularly in the anime. In the beginning, at least.

@Xenomorphic - Gotcha. Thanks for responding!
I believe she considered the potential approach of using Humans or Hybrids in a PMD setting to be unique (correct me if I'm wrong), at least, relative to the actual games, which I admittedly have not played many of at all. At any rate, I'm hoping more interest is shown soon.
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@Chronozoa - Oh yes, that occurred to me. Only, I believe hybrid idea's been done before...suppose it might be a bit different in a PMD setting, though, you're right on that.

Edit: Yep, hopefully we'll be seeing some more interest soon.
I would prefer pure pokemon, but I could tolerate hybrids. Making the characters entirely human just takes all the magic out of it - there are also moves that require anatomy humans don't have(e.g. Megahorn, Wing Attack, Iron Tail)

In any case, I'll see how this turns out. This could be fun.

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