Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown


✧ goth prince ✧
@PlaguedWithInsanity submitted a new role play.

Welcome to the world of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon!

Read more about this role play...

*copy and paste this application located below for the creation of your character(s)*

Character Application:

Your username, for listing purposes

Pokemon Species: What Pokémon are you?

Character Name: Your character's name; include nicknames if applicable

Gender: Are you a boy or a girl?

Level: What level are you? New trainees start at level 8 (# Pokemon encounters you've had).

Requested Job: Do you want to be on a Rescue Team, become a merchant, or join the evil Team Rogue?

Other Job Info: Do you have a preference of what type your Rescue Team member is? Is their a certain thing you would like to do as a merchant, be a regular merchant trainee or a dojo trainee?

Personality: What is your character like? Your character's personality should match the Pokémon that he/she is.

Human History: What was your character's life like as a human?

Moveset: Your Pokémon's moves used for battling

Also include a picture of your Pokemon here


Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Pokemon Species: Deino

Character Name: Pantera

Gender: Girl

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Team trainee

Other Job Info: Preferred partner type is fire, poison, and flying

Personality: Pantera was always a rebellious girl, always wanting to disobey her parents, always getting into trouble and missing curfew. She is rowdy and rude at times, even sometimes cruel and cold, but inside she is a very lovable and loyal friend.

Human History: Pantera had always had a history of rebellion, and over time her parents were tired of it. They had done their best in trying to fix their daughter, but nothing worked. Finally, her parent and her had gotten into a huge fight, resulting in Pantera being kicked out of her house. She wandered the streets in hope of finding somewhere to go, but instead she found a gang to take her in. She had eventually became leader of that gang, them picking fights wherever they would go.

Moveset: Dragon Rage, Earth Power, Hidden Power Flying, Focus Energy




Pokemon Species: Mega Gengar

Character Name: Rokouré

Gender: Girl

Level: Level 70

Requested Job: Team Rogue Leader

Other Job Info: N/A

Personality: Sadistic and cruel, Rokouré likes to mess with people's minds with her powers. She loves to trick and scare people. She also loves to torture others.

Human History: As a human, Rokouré wanted world domination. She wanted for people to be terrified of her, so she gained a high position in society and used it to her advantage. She eventually became known for her harsh and torturous methods of punishment, until she was known to be pure evil. She led a group of bounty hunters that would do as she asked. Nobody had enough courage to defy her, until one day. That one day came, as she had woken up to be strapped to an electrical chair, being threatened by death because of her casualties while ruling. Since she is manipulative, she was able to get out of this predicament, using her ability to change other people's minds. After being set free, she had been taken to an oracle, where she was told, "Your life will change forever because of your misdeeds and cruel nature." At the moment, she did not understand. That night, everything changed. She went through a drastic transformation, as she woke up with ghostly hands and legs, her entire body changed into a Gengar.

Moveset: Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Thunder, Focus Blast

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Gengar.jpg.8bdbc80425f469e62019d1130077ed2b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Gengar.jpg.8bdbc80425f469e62019d1130077ed2b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Pokemon Species: Shiny Espurr (ehehehe)

Character Name: Surota (means slaughter in Japanese huehuehue)

Gender: Girl

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Team Trainee

Other Job Info: Preferred partner type is flying, fighting, fairy, or normal.

Personality: Surota has a morbid mind, always thinking about creepy things, like all the ways she could murder someone at any moment, for example. She may think about the weirdest things, but inside, she is the nicest person you will find. She is sweet and kindhearted, but it is very hard to become friends with her because she refuses to let people near her because of her past. She is generally very shy and soft-spoken. She also has a bit of a multi-personality disorder, where she will mentally battle and argue with herself. She mostly has it under control, where the other identity is locked inside her head, but the 'little voice in her head' sometimes influences her decisions.

Human History: Growing up for Surota was a big battle, as she was always bullied and hated for being who she was. She loved gore, so she was always discriminated for being "insane" and "morbid", as people she went to school with called her. The people she grew up with in her grade always took advantage of her, because they knew she was too shy to say anything, or speak up about the bullying. One day, she had enough. After school, she had cornered the main person who had given her problems and killed him by a psychic pulse controlling device she had taken years to create. Once the device had become in sync with the boy's pulse and brain waves, she raised it way up, ultimately making the boy's head explode. The days following the murder were mysterious, and as to this day, no one knew that Surota had killed someone, as she was immediately eliminated as a suspect because everyone knew she wouldn't have the courage to try something on someone.

Moveset: Dark Pulse, Magical Leaf, Psychic, Scratch

(I'm using female Meowstic's movepool because Espurr learns NOTHING)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf67ca60c_ShinyEspurr.jpg.f57cc52dbbcd41ee0a0730cc2d7a8863.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20126" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf67ca60c_ShinyEspurr.jpg.f57cc52dbbcd41ee0a0730cc2d7a8863.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(Shiny Espurr is shiny x3 )



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Username: Wishtobeawolf

Pokemon Species:

Character Name: Naomi Oak

Personality: Naomi is sweet and caring, Also very lovable but a great fighter if needed

Human History: Naomi has had a very bad life since day one, She was born to two teenagers who were not careful enough and the boy had left the girl after he found out about her. She was often cold and hungry since her Mother hated her, leaving her pale skinned and skinnier than a hobo but despite it all she never hated her family or the life she was made to live. Since she had a best friend named Jake, He was as funny as could be and gentle with her.

But then a tragic day struck in her life while she was sitting in the car beside Jake and everything was happy and joyful enough that Jake's mother was not paying attention and the car was slammed into by well a bus and all the glass shattered and all Naomi could register at the moment as the crunch of metal and screech of breaks invaded her ears was the screaming of her best and only friend, That was the last thing she heard of him or his mother as they were silence forever.

She awoke in a hospital hooked up to a simple iv, she had survived rather unscathed with a broken arm and a few bruised ribs then came more bad news that her mother had given her up for adoption since she did not want to pay the hospital bills and Little Naomi was left alone with no one and as soon as she was healed, she was sent off to her first Orphanage little did she know that this would be the first of many other orphanages and Abuse leading Onward from the day she was born.

Gender: Girl

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue team Trainee

Other Job info: Really any type is good though she likes Psychic types

Moveset: Tackle, bite, Scratch and tail whip

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Username: Swift Beurezu at your service.

Pokemon Species: Zoroark

Character Name: Kiosk

Gender: Male

Level: 70

Requested Job: Guildmaster

Other Job info: (See above.)

Personality: Kiosk tends to be quiet and levelheaded in most situations, slinking from place to place. He has a Monosyllabic way of life, and he tends to dislike larger crowds. At times, he even looks as if he is insensitive to problems.That doesn't steer him from his love of the guild, however. He will always help when it is asked of him.

Human History: Kiosk was once a member of a shadier cult down in the streets of a town long forgotten. Surprisingly, this was back in the 1950s, yet he still appears to be in his prime. Pokemon time is at a standstill compared to Human time. The man had seen fights that made his ears bleed with the sound of screeching and crying. His tendency to violence vanished along with his gag reflex during the long days of dealing and running away from authorities. You would think that one who would lead the Guild, a place of hope and kindness, would be a bit soft in the head. This isn't the case with the new leader. Back in the human world, he was KNOWN for some ideas of pain he could inflict.

It didn't last long enough to be driven to legend. A fateful day came when the man was injured beyond doctor's capabilities to save him. He had been shot quite a few times in his chest area by a rival group just down the street. (That explains his heavier breathing.) During his time in the hospital, he began to really rethink what he had become. Why did he have such...bloodlust in him, if this was the fate of his victims? During the tireless weeks of fixing his broken shell, he realized that he needed some sort of way to repay his sins. What he had done in the past.

And that's when he was transported to this strange world, in an even stranger body with a new, strange name. A Zoroark.

Moveset: Shadow Claw, Torment, Crunch, Night Daze

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Username: plagued with insanity

Pokemon Species: What Pokémon are you?

Character Name: Zenta Krenos.

Gender:golurk has no gender. Golurk is all knowing. Golurk is Shrek. Golurk is Love.

Level: 90.

Requested Job: Merchant Head.

Other Job Info: As Merchant Head Zenta has three responsibilities, one is ensuring each package is delivered, even if it means he must get involved. Two is taking on the most dangerous jobs to make sure that no one gets hurt. Three is to make sure no one interferes with the packages.

Personality: What is your character like? Your character's personality should match the Pokémon that he/she is.

Human History: Zenta was a shrewd businessman. He worked day to day clocking in at the New York Stock Exchange and had rising profits each and every day only to find it all crash down during the great depression. It was in the bout of depression that he supposedly had drunk himself to death, but the truth was far stranger than this ficticious story. He found himself in a new world, one of unbridled opportunity and soon has discovered that he would be the one to help drive its economy and put it on the fast track to exploration and colonization.


Shadow Punch

Fly. Yes, Golurk can fly. Why? Because he's Golurk. Golurk is life. Golurk jimmies remain unrustled.


Power up punch.

Also include a picture of your Pokemon here

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Username: Swift Beurezu

Pokemon Species: Murkrow

Character Name: Luta

Gender: Female

Level: 23 (... Not everyone can be a noob~)

Requested Job: Merchant

Other Job info: As long as she's granted freedom in her flight, she doesn't care if her job is to eat another pokemon. She just likes to do things her own way.

Personality: It's a proven fact that Luta works better at night. The bird pokemon can be frivolous and tends to dwell on pointless things at times, but she always believes that her task should be completed before anything else. At night, she can be a rather spunky individual looking for adventure, and shiny things. ESPECIALLY shiny things.

Human History: Luta used to work in the business of trade as a human, too. However, it was more finance then anything else, keeping track of money and accounts. Luta was a trusted associate and always managed to maintain her goals while finishing it off with a good social life. This left little room for sleep in her life, so the woman tended to doze off near mid-day. Considering that was the boring area of her line of work. She LIVED at her job to make up for hours dozing. It was a thankless job, but somebody had to do it.

Night shade, Wing attack, Toxic, Drill peck

(Indeed, Luta has a pretty red bandanna on her neck.)



Username: Swift Beurezu

Pokemon Species: Ekans

Character Name: Xhiva

Gender: Female

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rouge apprentice. (pretty sure she got confused, too.)

Other Job info: ... no preference.

Personality: Can come off as quite sarcastic and almost snappy, but she'll quickly apologize for that. She almost moves around in a daze, as if she can't believe that she's alive. Xhiva can be reckless, and half the time she hasn't the faintest idea of what she is getting into. But it works.

Human History:

..That's pretty much what happened to the normal student living in peace in her small little world. There's not much to say to her past. She was an average student with a unique ability to play the violin, but that's about it. She tended to avoid people, including her own family, for preference in silence. Her existence was left to a quiet peaceful tone, and the joy of being able to play with a Pokemon game. That is, until she was sucked into a pokemon game. And...heh, look.Here she is. Now a snake.

Beat up, Poison sting, Wrap, Bite

She likes wearing a bandanna too, but in front of her face. In yellow.


Username: Swift Beurezu

Pokemon Species: Archen

Character Name: Egolix

Gender: Male

Level: 8

Requested Job: Guild member

Other Job info: He's kind of skittish around water-types...

Personality: Loyal to the point of taking a blow for another, headstrong and gutsy. He's that guy in the movies who ends up saving everyone through sheer dumb luck, but you can't hate him for it. A conversationalist, and friendly. All smiles, really.

Human History: Egolix used to be a construction worker, but instead of working he would stare off into the sunset and watch the planes go by. he had a fascination with the sky, so when someone offered him a Cargo transport job (due to family ties,) how could he say no? Of course, he had no experience with any of that, but his little heart was set on the excitment of flying.

And what an excitment it was. Five minutes and he was panicking. The sky didn't seem so fun when you were in the air, hurtling towards the ground. However, through some miracle of the strange god in the world, he survived with only a broken back, and a shattered will. He still loves the sky, but he refused to fly from that day forward.

Double team, Rock throw, Dragon pulse, Wing attack


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_17-51-15.jpeg.06735a835697aa207e3eba9dcb4f3483.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_17-51-15.jpeg.06735a835697aa207e3eba9dcb4f3483.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_17-57-27.jpeg.728bd994942a03cfd2c4c60ab99612e9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20131" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-8_17-57-27.jpeg.728bd994942a03cfd2c4c60ab99612e9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: Lunar-Eclipse

Pokemon Species: Fennekin

Character Name: Marie

Gender: Girl

Level: Level 8

Requested Job: Rescue team trainee

Other Job Info: Prefers fire, dragon, electric, or fighting.

Personality: Marie is rash and easy to annoy. She can be skeptical and jumps to conclusions quickly. But if she learns to like someone, she'll be friendly and excited to be around them. This also makes her protective of her friends and willing to do anything for them.

Human History: Marie used to live as an average girl who lived with her divorced mother. She used to be teased at school for her short height and soon picked fights with any bullies who bothered her. One day she met another girl named Diana and formed a strong friendship with her. One day her friend started to be harassed by other classmates and this made her finally lose it and was even expelled for the fight she caused. Since then she's grown more protective and had trust issues with whether or not people were going to bully her or someone she cares about.

Moveset: (Currently) Ember, scratch, Hypnosis, Incinerate

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/fennekin.png.7c1a4446207375a126e43b30ea53a191.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/fennekin.png.7c1a4446207375a126e43b30ea53a191.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Pokemon Species: Wigglytuff

Character Name: Bonbon

Gender: Girl

Level: Level 60

Requested Job: Guildmaster assistant

Other Job Info: Works to the Guildmaster and allows new recruits to sign up.

Personality: Bonbon is very enthusiastic and optimistic and always willing to help anyone who needs it. She tends to be klutzy but also very hardworking and willing to get any job done. She's an extrovert and loves to join other rescue teams at the guild when she's allowed to.

Human History: Bonbon was born into a poor family and lived to assist her mother with working as a maid at a local mansion. She never had any time to spend on her own or had the chance to make any friends making her long for some. She always put her family first and once she got old enough to live on her own she still helped her family more then herself.

Moveset: Wake-up slap, Sing, Gyro ball, Flamethrower

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Wigglytuff.png.baa531763315938c5974ce4ed3bd8f34.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Wigglytuff.png.baa531763315938c5974ce4ed3bd8f34.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Both are bulbapedia pictures so I don't think I need any real sourcing besides that
xD )



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Username: 2tall2lose187

Pokemon Species: Lucario

Character Name: Cayden

Level: 65

Requested Job: Lead Treasure Hunter For Team Rogue

Gender: Male

Personality: Doesn't like to take orders from other people. Ruthless.

Shows no mercy in a fight. Believes in total control over people for a successful society but doesn't force other people to change what they believe is right. Is neutral when in an argument between two different POV's.

Cayden use to be the leader of an elite SWAT Team in the Manhattan area but always thought that his life could be so much more. He usually kept to himself. Never married, never dated and had an apartment room all to himself. He often wondered if being a criminal would be more thrilling then to be a cop. But put said thought aside and continued his everyday life in the city he loved.

Move set:

Aura Sphere

Close Combat


Extreme Speed

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.47b65575f730c52af3dd885340812d53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.47b65575f730c52af3dd885340812d53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: Ayne

Pokemon Species


Character Name






Requested Job

Team Rogue / Bounty Hunter Trainee


Celia has a very dark nature. She is slow to form connections with other pokemon. She is very cunning, but can be reckless and mischievous at times. She will not hesitate to harm another pokemon, or to exact revenge.

Human History

She was never bullied; in fact, the whole school with all its counselors and staff were almost afraid of her. She was a big troublemaker. Very few knew why: her home situation was terrible. Her parents were never satisfied with her. She was an abused little girl. If she did something imperfectly, she would be beaten and punished... but in her part of the world, that was not a high enough offense to call the cops. Then one day, everything changed for her. She suddenly was not the bruised little girl. She was Celia, the ninja-like Sneasel. She found it surprisingly difficult to remember her past, but she soon discovered her detest for family-like setups. She hated the guild system the moment she first saw it, and quickly joined Team Rogue. All the better to exterminate those stupid places.


Quick Attack


Ice Punch

Shadow Claw


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Man, Nikki and Bobby are ALL OVER this website.


Pokemon Species: Vulpix

Character Name: Nikki

Gender: Like 75% of Vulpix are female. Males are kind of rare of my species.

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Team trainee

Other Job Info: .....I'll probably end up rescuing Bobby.

Personality: Nikki is serious and rash, running off to protect someone *COUGH BOBBY* without thinking. She is brave and loyal to any friends she makes.


A horrible one.

Moveset: Ember, Hypnosis, Tailwhip, Dig

Username: explosiveKitten

Pokemon Species: Shinx

Character Name: Bobby

Gender: Boy

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue TEAM!

Other Job Info: ....Nikki?

Personality: He is a big goofball, with a timid side. Like extremely timid. To the point that he'll run from a battle rather then fight. He tends to act as

"But as long as Nikki is with me, I'll be fine!"

Human History:


Bobby has always been Shinx.

Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Charge Beam, Ice Fang


He wears a red bandana. 

(I have plans for two more.)
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Username: TheAcroGemini

Pokemon Species: Ralts

Character Name: Anna; Doesn't mind being called by what pokemon she is.

Gender: Female

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Team Trainee

Other Job Info: Nothing much... She doesn't mind who she's partnered up with...as long as its not a dark or ghost type.

Personality: Anna can be somewhat timid at times, being apprehensive about nearly anything. She doesn't like to talk much, and usually keeps to herself. When in the presence of generally nice or happy people, her mood lightens up, and she'll be happy along with them. She doesn't believe strength is everything, but instead good teamwork is key. She isn't someone who likes battling, but will battle if she has too.

Human History: Anna didn't exactly have the best life as a human. She was bullied through elementary and middle school, getting weird names from those bullying her, and she doesn't like to recall them. She would try to hide herself from others, hardly speaking only when she was called on. It was horrid, everyday was a nightmare for her, and she could only stay silent. On her first day of freshman year, Anna met a group of people similar to her. They made her feel important, that she should continue with a happy face.

And then...she became a pokemon.


Misty Terrain

Dazzling Dream




Shiny :D It's so cute :3
Username: Huh, I don't know.

Pokemon Species: Chikorita

Character Name: Luna

Gender: Female!!

Level: 8.

Requested Job: "Of COURSE I WANNA be on a rescue team! Why else would I be here???"

Other Job Info: Something to help me combat those mean fire types!

Personality: She is shy and quiet. When she's around her friends, she is very friendly and lovey. She'll be motherly

Human History:


Luna has always been a Chikorita.

Moveset: Tackle, Razor Leaf, Heal Pulse, Energy Ball

Username: No idea.

Pokemon Species: So, I heard you liek Mudkip.

Character Name: Remus. Remember that one, ladies *winks at Luna and Nikki*


"No. You need to stop, fish boy."

Gender: I am definitely male.

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue teams! Ladies LOVE a hero! *wiggles non-existent eyebrows*

Other Job Info: No real preference.

Personality: He likes to think he's a ladies' man. A hearthrob, so don't be surprised when he tries to hit on you. He' s actually a good guy, just usually starts off on the wrong foot. He's actually a very sweet guy.

Human History:

"Yeah, no."

Remus has always been a Mudkip.

Moveset: MudSlap, Scald, Yawn, Tackle

Username: Airagog

Pokemon Species: Aron

Character Name: Van Dash. (Prounounced Vaun)

Gender: boy

Level: 8

Requested Job: Starting Merchant

Other Job Info:

Personality:Van Dash is a slightly timid pokemon. He relies on defense and prefers to hide rather than fight despite being a merchant. Be warned whenever this little runt is pushed into a corner however... You will not enjoy a direct dragon rush from the tiny steel type.

Human History: A pokemon from birth. The little Aron watched in amazement as one day he was out exploring and was mugged, but to his surprise before anyone could lay a hand on him, a massive behemoth stepped in the way and took all of their blows. The three pokemon who mugged him, a honchkrow, a tyranitar, and an infernape all seemed to cower in fear at this monstrosity that now stood between the fighters. It was none other than Zenta, the golurk. He swiftly delt with the tyranitar with his power up punch, and gave a boosted earthquake against the infernape and whenever the Honchkrow tried to run away, the aron was amazed to see the Golurk take to the sky and bash him down. Ever since then he has had dreams of becoming a merchant.



Dragon Rush


Mud Slap



Username: Airagog

Pokemon Species: Agumon! I mean Chespin!

Character Name: Gunther.

Gender: boy

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Trainee

Other Job Info: I wanna be a dojo trainee

Personality: Gunther is a funny sort. He always loves to eat and is rather naive. He spends most of his time sleeping or eating, hoping to be big and strong one day.

Human History: He was always a pokemon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-9_21-46-56.jpeg.14661c3ae2103cf860af77b94088a913.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-9_21-46-56.jpeg.14661c3ae2103cf860af77b94088a913.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Power up punch

Vine Whip




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Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Pokemon Species: Noibat

Character Name: Bonjour les Pokemon! I am Rémieaux, "Rémi" for short (Ray-mee-oh)

Gender: Boy

Level: 13

Requested Job: Forced to be an undercover spy for Team Rogue (so everyone thinks he is just a Explorer, while he is really an spy)

Other Job Info: He didn't want to be a spy- no, he'd never even think of spying- but Team Rogue had kidnapped him and forced him an undercover because of his small stature, so he could easily hide in cramped and tiny places, thus making him a good choice for the job. He also looks way too sweet to be a spy, so Team Rogue thought it would be best to use this ambrosial factor to their advantage.

As a result, he will go with any partner type, but Pokemon against ice would be best

Personality: Rémieaux has a kind and uplifting spirit, but can be shy at times. He loves to interact with others and make them smile. Sometimes, Rémi is just a big goofball, fooling around so absolutely nothing gets done by anyone because he can often get others to play along with him. He has a huge heart and will do anything he possibly can to uplift a friend's spirits when they are down and not feeling their best. He also tends to speak french around his friends, very much so that they can't understand him. (*makes typical french honhonhon laugh*)

Human History: Born as a normal boy in France- or Kalos, the France-based region- Rémieaux was raised with love and respect...except that's not exactly what the he had wanted. All the French boy craved, and already had, for that matter, was his music and instrument collection. He loved music. Making it, listening to it; he loved it all, and that's honestly all he wanted. He did have friends, however, and they would regularly come over to hear Rémieaux perform.

One day, one of his best friends had died from a long battle with cancer, and since all his friends were all friends with each other, they were all very sorrowful about the death. At the funeral, Rémi was the one to play the music for the event. Seeing everyone cry and grieve over his lost friend really hurt him inside. Sure, he was also to mourn for the loss, but it honestly pained him more to see these people, whether he know them or not, cry and grieve over the recently deceased.

After the friend had been buried, Rémieaux thought it would be entirely appropriate to lighten the situation with some happy music. Well, happier than what he was previously playing. Everyone thought it was odd, some even distraught at the boy, but soon enough, the people who had came to the funeral understood what little Rémi was doing, so their moods were indeed lifted as they came to realize that the deceased friend was better off in heaven where he could live without suffering, rather than being on his deathbed and feeling awful, sick, and just plain physically and mentally pained from dying.

One night, an angel came into Rémi's dreams, informing him that he was needed to make good elsewhere, which is why he was turned into a Pokémon, the Nagoiya region in need of his assistance. He was transformed into a Noibat by morning, because of his love of music and sounds (Noibats created sound waves), and Rémi was never really that big of a boy to begin with. A Noibat also made sense because the angel wanted the creatures of the Pokémon world to value and appreciate the small things, the ones that can make the biggest difference, like the little bat.

(Yeah, I tend to write histories of good lengths when it's 12am)

Moveset: Outrage, Shadow Ball, Gust, Bite

*And let's say he wears a big black-and-red striped scarf*

(Soooo cuuuute! <3)
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Pokemon Species: turtwig

Character Name: Em

Gender: Girl

Level: 8

Requested Job: Rescue Team

Other Job Info: shes low level so thats were she starts, but she quickly proves her strength

Personality: At first glance, em seems small and week, but great power comes in small packages and Em is an amazing example of this. She can get ticked off easily, shes a bit of a tomboy, and cares deeply for her friends. shes also a quick learner

Human History: I studied at the ranger school in almia for four years and then left for an area ranger position in the obliva region. I was ranger rank five and my partner was a Charzard, that i found when it was a charmander. Im kind of envious over my older sister, who is a top ranger who is know as "the hero of oblivia" For her efforts in taking down the societea (Gaurdian signs reference any one? no? okay) the longer im a Pokemon my memory starts to fade more and more....

Moveset: solar beam, grass knot, tackle, and razor leaf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/abcdefghijk.png.a707b6b7f400d2fe0d6d94f239cbd607.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/abcdefghijk.png.a707b6b7f400d2fe0d6d94f239cbd607.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(image from bulbapedia)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6aacf9b_abcfuckyou.jpg.08e51bc712aaf0557a29c2921648474c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20259" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6aacf9b_abcfuckyou.jpg.08e51bc712aaf0557a29c2921648474c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: MattieLee

Pokemon Species: Skitty

Character Name: Ashley or Ashe

Gender: Female

Level: 28

Requested Job: Ex rescue team member, she is now a merchant.

Other Job Info: She owns her own shop called Ashe's Place where she sells a little bit of everything but mostly TM's, Accessories, and Rescue Team supplies. She gives the rescue teams a discount and every once in awhile she might join them in a dungeon.

Personality: She is very kind and friendly which is good for business. She is also a little adventurous and rebellious at heart, she misses being part of a rescue team and that's why sometimes she will still help new trainee's out if they need some support in a difficult dungeon or just in general, although she will also head out with a more experienced team if she knows them well enough just for fun.

Human History: Ashley used to be a normal girl before she became a pokemon. She went to the trainer school in Sinnoh where she became a pokemon coordinator and won many contests, she moved all around the world and has been to every region. She especially loves her home region in Sinnoh and Hoenn and Unova although she loved seeing the ranger school in Almia. She was there visiting the students and loving how all of the students were so passionate about becoming rangers one day and helping people and pokemon. She was thinking that night at the school about how she wanted to be able to understand her own pokemon more and know how they felt all the time. And then a vivid apparition came to her and told her that she could if she only believed hard enough, which she convinced herself she could and then found herself an Eevee in an unknown location even to her... every once in awhile the same apparition will appear in her dreams and ask her if she was happy the way she was and ask if she wants to return to her old life and every time she replies no to the dark figure and that she is happy as a pokemon and has become accustomed to the lifestyle as well as attached to the people. In her early years in her rescue team she used to be very curious and would often get herself into trouble.


Attract, Fury Swipes

Sing, Dig

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/skitty__by_Effier_sxy.png.8b09e27672d0a4dd4c8bb97f304493ef.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/skitty__by_Effier_sxy.png.8b09e27672d0a4dd4c8bb97f304493ef.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Username: MattieLee

Pokemon Species: Gallade

Character Name: Xero (pronounced like the number zero)Also called X

Gender: Male

Level: 65

Requested Job: Rescue Team Legend?

Other Job Info: He says he's part of a rescue team but he usually adventures alone. His old team abandoned him but he still receives jobs in the mail so he keeps saving those in need.

Personality: He is very strong and determined. He wants to help those weaker than he is and overall he wants to be a hero, he is extremely loyal and if he knows you well enough he'd die trying to protect you.

Human History: Xero was a pokemon trainer who eventually became a psychic type gym leader, he was a good person who always helped those in need. One day when he was training he suddenly blacked out and he woke up confused as a Ralts and he eventually leveled himself up exploring to evolve into a Gallade.He doesn't remember anything about being human other than his name was Xero and he was a human at one point.

Moveset: Psychic, Focus Blast

Close combat, Jump Kick

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/gallade_lineart_colored_by_beegee12-d5dq1e8.jpg.9e1aa7be84e931e08433ac58fac4d751.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/gallade_lineart_colored_by_beegee12-d5dq1e8.jpg.9e1aa7be84e931e08433ac58fac4d751.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
@PlaguedWithInsanity I edited it... I dunno about Xero but I think Ashe is okay now?



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Username: kikinbutt198

Pokemon Species: Chimchar

Character Name: Austin

Gender: Boy

Level: 14

Requested Job: Team Rogue

Other Job Info: Bounty Hunter

Personality: Very shy, dosnt mind to take orders from people of lower class then me, Dosnt talk back much, Argues only when know im right, strong, fast, smart

Human History: Like an average nerd, get bullied by all the popular kids gets A's in all his classes, tall and shy, to get away from all the bad things at school plays Pokemon on his laptop, has a very protective brother that's gets him out of any bad situation.

Moveset: Ember, Hidden Power, leer, Scratch

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Chimchar.jpg.8755ea6be90a3d5c44a503dcbd665a3e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Chimchar.jpg.8755ea6be90a3d5c44a503dcbd665a3e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Done again :3



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Swift Beurezu. i think.

Pokemon Species: Banette (Mega...I think we swallowed the stone.)

Character Name: Serbonu

Gender: Male

Level: He's in his 90s, pretty well.

Requested Job: ...? (See job info)

Other Job Info: You can think of Sebornu like the little bottles that people find on the beach. You might meet the man in town or in a dungeon. He likes to give out missions you normally can't find anywhere else. Perhaps for an artifact, or an accesory...maybe a Blast seed if he's feeling evil. He'll give out the clues to any member of any guide. The only thing is, he won't exactly 'lead' you to the object. He'll show you the dungeon, but then he'll just smile and tilt his head. Most of the clues take place in dangerous dungeons, so beware!

Personality: ...Sebornu is kind of creepy in his own special way. You can never find him frowning, or in general, angry. If the guy wants your attention, he will stalk you. You have heard me right, he will just float behind you until you notice him, then he'll say what he has to say. He can be a bit over-the-top at times, too. But he's...okay.

Human History: Serbonu has always been a pokemon. but he has met a few humans, Or so he says.

Moveset: Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Hypnosis.

Character Application:

Ohoho. You know who I am. Who can forget my face?

Pokemon Species: Cacnea

Character Name: Lixon

Gender: Boy

Level: 8

Requested Job: "I will be a crafty merchant! Getting items only few have seen before, grabbing merchandise to assist the guild will be my goal! With me at their back, I'll make sure the Pokemon Guild is properly supplied to go on any dangerous mission."

Other Job Info: Water, dark, poison. Would like to collect items from harder to reach places. Using his high survivalist skills to find perfect merchandise for his allies. Lixon, like a Kecleon, would stay inside a desert area to buy and sell merchandise to passing by Pokemon.

Personality: (Different from my previous character.) Kind, caring and apathetic. He wants the best for others, he wishes to help those that he can. His attitude is always cheery and confident, urging fellow Pokemon to work hard. Lixon is hard worker, pushing his bounds as far as he can. As he's learned from researching about Cacnea, they can store water inside their body, surviving on nothing but that for 30 clear days. He believes this makes him the perfect candidate for heading out into desert areas, where his natural environment resides. Lixon has a natural distaste for those in any dark guild, he believes any and all Pokemon should be working together, helping each other. When he hears of the dark deeds of Pokemon, his spikes point out and he puffs out slightly.

Human History: He doesn't remember anything, just waking up as a Pokemon. Lixon finds himself waking up in the middle of the night, crying and holding himself. He doesn't understand why, a vague silhouette of a girl appears in his head.

Moveset: Absorb, Poison Sting, Seed Bomb, Brick break

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Username: PlaguedWithInsanity

Pokemon Species: Houndour

Character Name: Dominik Lucifer "Lucifire" (OH LOOK WHO IT IS KITTEN ;P)

Gender: Do I look like a girl?! *snarls*

Level: 13

Requested Job: Team Rogue, it's no question. Anyone who wants to join the Rescue Teams is utterly pathetic.

Other Job Info: Tch, the only ones who need partners are 'the weak' .

Personality: If you get in my face, I'll take you out. I'm cruel and mean. I've been called a smart-ass a couple times, but that was from people that were too weak to feel good about themselves. *cough much like the Rescue Team Pokemon cough* When it comes to fighting, I tend to be ruthless and quick, because I just want to get it over with. Well, unless you want me to make it slow and painful, which is what I can totally do.

"And on the plus side, women often fantasize about being with a guy as fit and strong as I am."

Human History: Tch, like Nikki, a horrible one. I was raised in a fighting ring up until this 'incident'. Nikki and I were taught hand-to-hand combat, and we were often sparring partners. One day though, we were told we had to fight rougher and dirtier, punching and kicking people until the bled or stopped breathing. Sometimes we were even told to break their necks to just get it over with. Once we started to fight like that, Nikki would have no part of it. I begged her to stay, mainly because I loved her and I couldn't stand being without her (and I think she liked me in just the slightest), but she also kept me sane. Without her, I probably would have snapped, which is almost what happened a couple days after she left, or should I say 'disappeared'. After she left, I had become the star of the ring, where people would pay vast amounts of money just to see me fight.

"But, it just wasn't the same without Nikki... She left before I could even confess to her.."

So one day I went out to find her, still in my blood-stained fighting clothes and bloody bandages around my hands. I knew where she lived, because we grew up together, you know? I looked through her house, not seeing anyone, even her parents. But then, the second I entered her room, my body seemed to dematerialize and I woke up, fainted on a beach. I opened my eyes, bringing up my paws to rub them. WAIT...PAWS?!

I jumped up, and landed on ... all fours?

I then looked around my body, shocked at first, but then realized that I was a Pokemon. Those creatures in those games that me and Nikki would play when we were younger.

A Mega Gengar had appeared on the beach beside me, where she had 'seen' my potential through my aura. She took me in, training me as her apprentice and teaching me how to live and battle like a Pokemon.

She told me I still have to do initiation though, just to show the weaker trainees how it's done.

Moveset: Thunder Fang, Fire Blast, Smog, Howl

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Username: BishopOfKings

Pokemon Species: Riolu

Character Name: Bishop

Gender: Pretty Sure I’m a guy.

Level: 15

Requested Job: Team Rouge: Undercover Agent

Other Job Info: Great at Deceiving pokemon to the point of gaining their trust and seeming like he’s there

Personality: Bishop is very nice. (Me Nice to people. HA! That’s Funny!) He cares about the people whom he has befriended. (Yeah of course I care about my information sources, but when they are of no use… Eh I could care less.) He is a good listener and always tries to help the people who give him problems. (Of course I’m a good listener it’s in the job. And if I don’t help every once in awhile people wont come back with new info.)

Human History: Has Always been a Riolu


Force Palm

Quick Attack

Blaze Kick

Swords Dance

*Wears a tattered black scarf

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Riolu.jpg.ec47bad23585b048f167a68d4893ea72.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Riolu.jpg.ec47bad23585b048f167a68d4893ea72.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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FOOL I have created my own application sheet

Awesomeness(how legendary are you): FOOL my legend dates back to the 12th century, or perhaps it was 11. no I am fairly certain it was 13! then again 12 is an even number...

Character Name: Dullahan, the legendary sword, the chooser of kings, the maker of gods!

Gender: FOOL! Gender does not matter when compared with incomprehensible power.

Power: FOOL! Power cannot be measured to linearly when considering a sword of my calibur!

Residence: FOOL! I reside in a quite grandeous cave, waiting for the brave adventurer to rescue me. I will grant power beyond normal imagining and even choose the newest kings! For that is the job of the great Aegislash Dullahan!

Profile: My legend dates back to the 12th century, at the dawn of computer. I was a ruffian back there, a rebel without a care in the world. I abided by the rules completely and understood that they were a part of society. I absolutely hated these rules and broke them whenever I could. My legend began on a Wednesday! Or back then it would be considered Tuesday, or perhaps it was a Monday? Then again a Saturday is a great day to begin a legend, but definitely not Sunday. Sunday is indeed a day of rest. No! I am for certain it was Thursday! Thursday I set out from my home, my mother was deathly ill and being the good law-abiding son I was I set out to find her a doctor. Little did I know that doctors had not been invented yet. It was a cruel time in the 19th century indeed as my mother passed away. A year later we visited her as she seemed to be recovering. Unfortunately this recovery would be short lived after her operation that would never have her be the same again. I enjoy long walks on the beach and always start my mornings with a refreshing greeting, a refreshing workout, and of course coffee with cream, no sugar. Also I insist that weilders only make meals using the freshest of ingredients, this is absolutely important!

Moveset: King's shield!

Sacred Sword!

Sword's Dance!

Shadow Slash!

Fake app:

Username: airagog

Pokemon Species: The Destroyer of Worlds.

Character Name: Momento Mori.

Gender: Yes.

Level: 100

Requested Job: God


Personality: None can surpass the great god that is the destroyer of worlds. Simply by breathing he is able to destroy entire planets.


Hyper beam

Spacial Rend

Roar of time


Username: explosiveKitten

Pokemon Species: Absol

Character Name: Alastor

Gender: *no answer*

He is male.

Level: 52

Requested Job: Team Rogue member. Treasure Hunter.

Other Job Info: "I work alone."

Personality: The strong and silent type. He only speaks rarely, and when he does, you'd better listen, because it's probably either profound wisdom, or a death threat.

Human History:

This guy is an ex-cop from Chicago. He worked for the force for years before a tragic accident with his canine partner left him injured and unable to continue work. He lived with his wife and two children for years, before developing lung cancer and dying less then a year later. When he woke up, he was in the Pokemon world. And an Absol.

Moveset: Flamethrower, Swords Dance, Night Slash, Psycho Cut

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Username: Cad

Pokemon Species: Patrat

Character's Name: Wes Tepass

Gender: Well, Male.

Level: 17

Requested Job: Traveling Merchant Trainee

Other Job Information: Merchant trainee plz...


Curious, but mostly lazy. Unless something perks his interest, he's not going to do anything. Some might consider him stubborn, but he just gets easily bored.

Human History: Back when Wes was human, he ran rampant about his cooking. An exquisite fast food stall chef, he traveled all around the world, serving dishes to those that would stop by his cart. His laziness could be seen when he wasn't filling orders, his feet up on the back of a seperate chair, you'd find him sleeping until the bell rang.

Moveset: Crunch-Revenge-Leer-Bide

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Username: Twilight sparkle

Pokemon species: pikachu

Character: nichole kudo



Requested job: rescue team member

Other job info:rescue team member, will help other pokemon

Personality:she's shy at first, bashful, loves to make others smile, feisty and quick thinking in battle, will protect her friends at all costs

Human history: Nichole lived a normal life with her big sister, big brother and her mother, her father left them. Nichole was being bullied sometimes at school, but had bestfriends that had her back. She loved to make others smile, and loved to bake. She's bashful at the praise most of the time. Then one day when they were all on vacation, tragedy struck. The cruise ship they were on struck a boulder in the water and went down. Nichole got all of her family and friends off the ship and to safety quickly. But when she was about to get off, a beam fell off and hit her in the head knocking her into the sea. She was unconscious and then turned into a pokemon.


thunder bolt

quick attack

electro ball


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pikachu-cutest-pokemon-31385040-544-608.jpeg.7e3cc34c73522187437e689610928f91.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/pikachu-cutest-pokemon-31385040-544-608.jpeg.7e3cc34c73522187437e689610928f91.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: I forgot.

Pokemon Species: Scrafty

Character Name: Sahsori

Gender: A chick

Level: 51

Requested Job: Dojo trainer

Other Job Info: IF She finds the room in town, she would love to build a full-scale dojo, with the ability to level-train and teach moves. but to do that, you need to learn the operation of business. So for now, she sells scarves.

And other things, but Scarves are cool damn it.

Personality: Let's just put it this way. If you thought Kiosk was awkward around Pokemon, then you haven't see Sahsori. She bears a tough outer shell with a personal motto- Physical is the best answer. She'd rather answer an argument with her fists then trying to calm someone down. She believes it'll be useless unless you teach them not to do it... ever....again. But she's pretty silly when it gets down to her core.

Human History: Sahsori has not been a human herself but she was formerly part of a group where her partner WAS. However, that partner is gone now. Fighting on adventures and all that. Dead? Lost? Supposively, it's 'In the past.'

Moveset: Low Sweep, Rock climb, Hi-jump kick, Detect

(I might as well say this now, I don't own these pictures. Unless I say otherwise. This art is too good 4 me.)

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