Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Ampharos' Guild (Always Accepting)


Check Mate

Name (Can change color)

"Character quote"

  • Species:




    Assume the Pokemon age as humans. I know, it's inaccurate and stuff, but who cares?

    Appearance: If deviant from normal. I have no problem with shiny Pokemon.

    Level: Just here so everyone is aware that you will all be starting at level 5

[center]Name (Can change color)
"Character quote"[/center]


[Tab=General Information]
Age: Assume the Pokemon age as humans. I know, it's inaccurate and stuff, but who cares?
Appearance: If deviant from normal. I have no problem with shiny Pokemon.
Level: Just here so everyone is aware that you will all be starting at level 5

Where did your character grow up and how did they come to the guild? Family?

1 paragraph or at least five good sentences required.

How does your character interact with others? What effects them mentally?

1 paragraph or at least five good sentences required

Three likes and dislikes required. Do not have "good Pokemon" and "bad Pokemon." Have things that are unique and more specific to your character. 


[Tab=Pokemon Info]

Limit of six. Limit of one egg move and the other moves have to be learned by level up. Thus, you can only have the moves of a level 5 Pokemon.

Battle Strategy

How does your character battle? What different combos do they use?

Three good sentences required.


Any other information needed. Any questions, comments, and concerns too.
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"So what if I'm a girl, I won't let you go easy on me."

  • Species: Shinx

    Name: Audra

    Ability: Guts

    Age: 13




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Riley is the heir of a rich family, the Johannasons, who

live in a far-off region. His father is an astounding painter, and his father

has the greatest parties. However, Riley didn't like the life of a rich person;

he craved adventure. So, he set out to look for adventure, and this wound

him up here. Also, he has a banana for some reason.

Species: Riolu

Name: Riley

Ability: Steadfast

Age: 12

Appearance: Doesn't have knives on hands, only one black triangle on torso.

Level: 5

(cont in next post. Sorry, I'm new here.)


Riley is always looking for adventure, and will take one up every chance he can. Despite this, he's actually very quirky. He'll pretend his banana is a gun and reject rules because it is "an attack by the Kingdom of Knowledge" and crazy stuff like that. He is, though, relatively friendly, and will think outside the box to solve a problem. Riley, altogether, is a good person to have on your team.




-Dog Pokemon

-Being recognized for being rich



Detect (Egg)


Quick Attack



Riley will tell his allies to not pay mind to him at the start of every battle. He will stay behind the enemy until the time is right.

Then... wham! Attack from behind. This works most times.

I've already used Riley in a bunch of roleplays on Miiverse. Also, I have a dream to become a rhinoceros. Because

elephants are too mainstream.
Accepted! Sorry, is hould apologize for not putting te code in. I'm new as well, but have a bit of coding experience. I'm on my tablet, so I will add it tomorrow.

I'm accepting, but I ask that you explain a little more on history. I said five GOOD sentences. You say he has a banana. I understand it's supposed to be a quirky little thing, but why? It seems like it was jist there to give you a fifth sentence. (Not that you did)

If you want your code to have the tabs side by side, I'm guessing you have several
  • tags. If you take jut one of the plural tag and ut it around all the others, it will make it in a row.

Sorry, I'm not new, but I still don't know how to work the code here... Do you mind if I just post it all at once?



"I say when it ends!"

  • Species: Houndoor

    Name: Salem


    Gender: Male

    Age: 15

    Appearance: Salem has a medium-sized scar across his left eye,

    Level: 5


"I'm not delicate!"

  • Species: Kecleon


    Ability:Color Change


    Age: 20


    Level: 5

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"You think we'll find some rare treasure?"

  • Species: Growlithe

    Name: Arya

    Ability: Flash Fire

    Gender: Female

    Age: 13

    Appearance: Normal except her bushy fur is a pale silver instead of the tanish color

    Level: 5

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"Exploring is all happy and fun, and saving others just makes you feel all fluffy and warm inside!"

  • tumblr_my7kbpF9nW1sppt1io1_400.png


    Name: Hannah

    Gender: Female

    Ability: Early Bird

    Age: 18

    Level: 5

    Appearance: Hannah is a special Girafarig, whom in which has heart spots instead of the usual rounded squarish shapes along her body, yet they still follow the same color scheme as a norm creature of the species. As far as artificial additions, she wears a sky blue bow around her neck, while her little tail buddy has himself a little top hat with a pink band as well as a little pink bow-tie. This can be seen in picture form here. She is taller than most Girafarig, standing at 5'2 with long and skinny legs, rather than the usual 4'11. Her tail friend seems to be a little livelier as well, almost as if its intellectual levels are just a little bit more than that of the norm.

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@Kori Zanos @WishingWell Everything seems in check, you are both accepted!

@Pastel Yosuke I know you aren't done, but everything seems to be good. I'm just gonna go ahead and accept you. No need to rush. Just let me know when it is completed.

@PlaguedWithInsanity Forgot to check the second page. Based on what you have, I'm just going to go ahead and accept you. I know you'll fill out the rest just fine. Just let me know when it is completed.


"Hey, do you want to be friends?"

  • Species: Eevee

    Name: Grace

    Ability: Adaptability

    Gender: Female

    Age: 13

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpeg.38a64cc66cab9929a4e7ab6fef5f013e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/images.jpeg.38a64cc66cab9929a4e7ab6fef5f013e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Level: 5



  • images.jpeg
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@Wild Born is pending. Despite having a run-on, you only had three sentences in your personality. Even if you split it into more sentences, I would like you to expand on your personality and history some. I said what I required but I would like more than bare minimum.


"It's all in the shadows!"

  • Species:Shuppet






    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Shuppet.png.f659444fa6b30737835cb8b4a9244eaf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Shuppet.png.f659444fa6b30737835cb8b4a9244eaf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




  • Shuppet.png
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Well we can't have OP characters that would make winning to easy
Check said:
@Wild Born
To be perfectly honest I had to use Pokemondb.net to get the ability and moves cause I haven't played Pokemon in forever xD . Also I do understand details like that, I've been in so many combat centered roleplays that I understand I will have to be adaptable to be successful.


"Go on, make an impact so big they won't want to forget you"​

  • Species: Scraggy

    Name: Lance

    Ability: Moxie

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Appearance: No deviations with the exception of a dark grey snecktie.

    Level: 5

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@SteamFirefly is accepted! For your question, you cannot learn TMs naturally and cannot have them to start. You can go to Blissey's Move Service where you will be able to purchase them and use them.
Check said:
@SteamFirefly is accepted! For your question, you cannot learn TMs naturally and cannot have them to start. You can go to Blissey's Move Service where you will be able to purchase them and use them.
Oho May that makes sense thank you


"Trust in me."


  • Species: Gatsby

    Name: Treat

    Ability: Cotton Guard

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Appearance: Shiny

    Level: 5


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