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Fandom Pokemon Masters Journeys: Kanto/Johto RP Interest Check


Sign ups are here: Fandom - Pokemon Journeys (2024): Kanto/Johto Sign-Ups [Open]

Also keep in mind that I removed the "Only gen 1+2 restrictions" in the RP itself.

It's been 2 years since the organization known as Team Rocket has been disbanded, or so that's what they want you to think. When Giovani left, after his lost to a Pokemon Trainer named Red, Team Rocket was in shambles but not completely out as someone different took over the top stop to run the company. However, a brand new project was in the works, one that would work best if the world thought that Team Rocket was no more. So, they stopped their operations and the ones that remained were of the utmost secrecy. Some would say they lost their presence in the Kanto and Johto Regions, but that was only what they wanted them to think. But now, it was time to do their most daring plan ever, in order to take full control of the 2 regions.

In this world, the champion sets the rules for the Pokemon League. They choose stipulations of how the gyms can operate. When there was no champion the gyms were mostly free to do what they wanted, as long as it remained in the rules. Any new champion would be allowed to make changes to the rules and adjust whenever they see fit. In fact, it was thanks to Red that the League extended itself Johto Region which spawned 8 more towns with badges. With more trainers itching to get to the league, a special tournament was now held for anyone having gained 8 gym badges where only the winner of that tournament could more on to face the Elite 4. Ofcourse, Red eventually stepped down from his position as champion in order to continue his true goal of the pokedex. It wasn't long afterwards that Lance, a member of the old Elite 4 decided to step down from his position and collected 8 battles and be the first one to beat the Tournament and challenge the Elite 4 to become the new Champion of the Indigo League. Outside of appointing 2 new Elite Four members, things remained relatively unchanged when he took over.


So who are you? Well that is up to you to decide. You can be a brand new trainer, who's goal it is to take on the league in order to beat Lance and become the Champion. Or perhaps you just want to travel with a group of individuals. Or maybe you are apart of Team Rocket, one of it's member's who is working to achieve what the criminal organization is trying to accomplish as you rise through the ranks. The choice is yours.


Rules of the RP


1) For this RP you may on use one of the 251 Pokemon from gen 1 and gen 2. (Regional Variants aren't allowed)

2) Only Gen 1 and Gen 2 Moves and held items, will be allowed. Also, I'm using the Crystal mod "Crystal Clear" to allow some Pokemon to learn moves that they normally wouldn't. Check with me if you want to know about this.

3) When Searching for Wild Pokemon, please have them appear in areas they would be in the games. Crystal Clear will be the main source for this, however if it is found there in any of the other games (like Oddish in Viridian Forest in Let's Go) then that is find too. Special circumstances are allowed but must be explained.

4) Pokemon can only use 4 moves at a time. Please "RP out" your Pokemon learning a new move once it's move set is established in the RP.

5) No Legendaries or Mythicals on your team, there will be storyline events with them.

6) You may start the RP with whatever Pokemon you like (assuming the other rules are followed). Though I'd recommend keeping it realistic. So having 100s of Pokemon may not make since for a new(ish) trainer.

7) You can be a member of Team Rocket if you like. More details can be given. Just note you'll most likely start as a grunt, but I can make exceptions to have you at least further up the chain, just not an admin.

8) Rules for Battles follows the games over the anime, but if something makes realistic sense, then it's fine. The one being hit also determines if it hit or not, but within reason. (so Faint Attack and swift should just about always hit). If there's any issues with a battle, come to me as soon as possible because if the issue is too far back I may rule in the other's favor because adjusting too many posts could be required.

9) If you wish to play as a CC, please let me know and we can discuss it.

10) If you wish to leave the RP, please let me know and write out your character (especially in the current situation). Same applies if you are going on LOA.

11) I would like this RP to be active, preferably a post a day. If you are in a conversation/situation with someone and we do not hear from you for 3 days (OOC or IC) then we will assume you're going inactive. I have the right to take over a character to get them out of a conversation/situation and to a place of 'inactive' if we do not hear from you at all in some of these situations.

12) If you know that you will be away for a long period of time and you're not in a conversation/situation, please let us know so no one will interact with your character. Also, keep in mind during times like this we can keep your character in the traveling group as 'being there' but we'll again not interact with them until you return. Keep in mind we may need to write them out if you're gone for too long or if a situation would technically need to involve the whole party.

Let me know if you want to join.

Here is the character sheet:



Appearance: *Can include a picture*


Pokemon Team: *For each Pokemon due the following*

Name: (Nickname in () )s.


Held Item:

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I ask because I am interested, but only if it is a relatively small group (I prefer to avoid large group rps).
I ask because I am interested, but only if it is a relatively small group (I prefer to avoid large group rps).
Right now I don't have an actual number in mind. But Are you talking the number of RPers as a whole, or individual traveling groups?
I should note, that I'm not expecting too many to want to join and if it comes down to even making it a 1x1 RP with someone who signs up, I am fine with that too.
Lets just say both for now (so I have the information to use to judge on whether I should join or not).

Also, do you have any good resources to check out the learnsets and mon location in Crystal Clear (I know how to get the info for base crystal, gold, silver, and hgss)?
Also, and sorry for so many questions/comments, but I have a general idea for a character I may use. Should I discuss it with you over dms, or put it here?
Lets just say both for now (so I have the information to use to judge on whether I should join or not).
I tend to prefer not to go more than 4 or 5 on rare occasions for individual traveling groups.

That being said, I'm not expecting that many people to join, so maybe 8 or 10 RPers Max, which I only include since the RP kind of has 2 sides to it. (So more like 4-5 Rockets and 4-5 non-Rockets) But again, I'm not expecting to even reach that goal.
Also, do you have any good resources to check out the learnsets and mon location in Crystal Clear (I know how to get the info for base crystal, gold, silver, and hgss)?
Well, the best resource is the mod itself. They updated the Pokedex with a lot of features which allows you to find the locations of any Pokemon, their % of finding them, TIme of day, Special things like Surfing, Fishing, Rocksmash, headbutt, etc, (And they're %) The learnset (including the "Moves not normally learned" mentioned in Rule 2). If you get the mod, go to the Pokedex, Options, scroll to find "don't require seen" to adjust it and you have access to all that information as soon as you start the game.

their is some documentation I can link you too but outside of some new locations they mentioned, I don't know if they include a list of it. You can also ask me for anything, including Pokemon locations and learnsets and I can DM them to you (or anyone who wants to know). I can link you to where you can get the mod in a DM if you like(and anyone else too). It'll be on a discord server the mod's creator has.
Also, and sorry for so many questions/comments, but I have a general idea for a character I may use. Should I discuss it with you over dms, or put it here?
DM I'd say works best to not crowd this up for other questions or interest people may have. Eventually, I'll be setting up an OOC DM chat with those who have joined.
bump Checking to see if we have any more interested.

I'll probably get started on it on Friday.
Tomorrow I'm going to be creating a proper sign-ups for this. As well as making some adjustments. Mostly I'm going to open it up to allow for Pokemon from other regions. I'll be adding the link to the OP of this for those who are still interested.

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