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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:01 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    “I used to work on a ranch in Galar, I’m friends with the owner’s daughter. I can recommend you as a stable renter—they shouldn’t charge you too much. Actually… you wanna get in some trainer basics, farms and ranches are great places to work. You get a chance to work closely with Pokémon and usually the job includes food and boarding. You won’t get paid a ton, but it’s valuable experience.”
    Given Theo’s unique circumstances he obviously wouldn’t be able to afford anything like a private island but Esther wasn’t so callous as to have suggested a pie in the sky. She was sure Theo could secure a few stable slots one way or another. If not through her, then through...
    “Naka might also be able to help with that, her lab might have stable slots too.”

    The Lab route wasn’t too certain; Esther imagined lab-related trainers needed to meet a higher standard than small farms and ranches. Then again, maybe Theo could bluff his way to a slot, he was pretty confident, after all—
    “Challenge moi~?”

    The Oblivian fluttered her eyelashes, dramatically laying a palm against her chest—disbelieving. It was one thing to have challenged Theo when she hadn’t known much about his circumstances, but now that she knew he’d hardly been a trainer for what…a week? Hmpf, she was no bully. That said, the choice was hardly up to her. The scale-clad ball in her arms had come alive at the suggestion of a battle and Esther couldn’t bear to deny her partner.

    “Sure, we can play around.”

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
g ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) & Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)​

k "You have an interesting philosophy, but certainly paints a more inviting picture." Desmond admitted to Aldon as the trio walked to their destination with his Politoed happily close with Desmond though Desmond had taken note of the extra company as he seemed to have a sweat drop at the sight of the pair of Wooper.

"Skol seems to have made new friends..." Desmond mused, as Politoed became fascinated by this as it hopped over by Skol and by extension the pair of Wooper. Emma seemed to enjoy the company as she seemed to admire the view as it painted a bit of a picture in the mind of the young man.

"Must've been quite the view." Desmond admitted, and

far as plans go on his agenda he seemed to agree. "Yeah, this lighthouse was on my bucket list since I arrived in Johto. And, honestly, it seems to be living up to the promise." Desmond admitted a bit, as they saw the Lighthouse ahead of them he took some snap shots of it outside before the entered inside and prepared to use the elevator.

Desmond had done a good job avoiding a panic during this, though Aldon's comment caused the young man to scowl as his heart raced slightly.

"Please do not entertain that kind of dark humor." Desmond said with a shiver as Politoed patted the back of its partner as they all had gotten inside.

~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond, Emma...~

Seeing everyone's pokémon interacting really put a pep in Aldon's step as the group continued it's wonderous journey spiraling up the elevator of the lighthouse. For the moment, Aldon patted Skol and the the two woopers seemed friendly enough, too bad he didn't have room on his roster for the two. He held Zippy in his other arm and began laughing at Desmond's comment.

"I have no clue how he does it but seemingly on a whim at times, but its..." Aldon paused for a moment. "It hasn't really caused any trouble yet..." Aldon squinted his eyes and cocked his head back cautiously taking in the wooper situation but ultimately deeming it safe seeing how carefree and aloof Skol and the two wooper were.

"Same wavelength honestly..." Aldon leaned back against the rail, listening to Emma and Desmond chat. Occasionally petting Magnemite. A strange confusing action considering he had no particular idea of knowing for sure if Zippy even felt his hand touch. Zippy seemed to react positively, but that may be a reaction of the magnemite physically seeing Aldon petting him and reacting accordingly. Aldon didn't know, but it was a fun ponder thought as he waited to reach the top. Glancing back at Desmond, Dolan's relaxed carefree demeanor twisted and warped into a sadistic grin as he saw the opportunity to poke fun of the situation.

"That's not dark humor. Dark humor is lying in a hospital bed on the fourth floor in the middle of the night in a cold dark room with nothing but the sound and humming of the hospital machines in the room to fill the void and out of the blue, or rather purple... bright purple flames and what appears to be two glowing eyes on what seems to be a lamp(lampent) floating outside your window. You see it gaze at you as it floats outside your window and wonder if its going to pass by or if it's there for you, you feel drained. Tired. Eyes heavy and then you fade to dreams" as Dolan concluded his little story, the elevator opened, and he smiled cheerfully.

"Looks like our stop is here! Nice beautiful weather today. Which is great because the view is spectacularly gorgeous. The ocean, the city connecting to it and the sandy beach and the farmlands in the distant north horizon. Today is shaping up to be a good day!" Dolan said throwing some positive light in after such a dark story nobody asked for.
Emma Argentston, Olivine City Lighthouse, Rank 48,679, July 25th

Emma walked with the group, including the wild Wooper that decided to join them. She then heard Aldon say something.

"I've never seen a Trainer's Pokémon pull off something like Skol did, that Is a bit of a surprise."

Emma then turned to Desmond when she heard him say something about what she had said earlier. She smiled a little when she heard him talk about the view. She was getting more excited, and nervous by the minute. She then heard Aldon's response to Desmond's comment. It was scary, as, if her memory served her correctly, if a wild Lampent showed up to you in a hospital, it meant you were about to die. Emma looked at Aldon with some surprise.

"My mom remembers having to scare off multiple Lampents when my dad was in the hospital right before they started dating," Emma responded, "Oh, We're here!"

Emma then arrived at the Lighthouse, it was imposing, but like the Battle Maze, it had a good vantage point on the top of it. She could barely contain her excitement, and looked to Desmond. Emma then stepped in, trying to run off towards the top, but looked back to Desmond.

"We're here! Let's get a look from the top of the Lighthouse!"

It seemed like a perfect day, no poacher sightings, no calls stating that someone almost died, no one on her team hurt. Maybe she could let someone out, probably someone who wouldn't cause too many shenanigans or flies. So Emma opened a Pokéball, revealing her Weedle, who immediately sat on her shoulder. Emma had the biggest smile on her face as she stepped towards the elevator.

Reginald Valerias1724467571634.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter
Mentions: Reina Cortez
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (Red)

Now that the two young men were properly protected from most electrical mishaps, Reggie went on to explain some basic tips about bathing - or in this case, spit-bathing - Electric-Types. He helped Andy clean the rubbery parts and the tail of Flaaffy's body, careful to not get the wool wet. He then gave Andy some dry shampoo for them to massage into the wool with their gloved hands, and then gave Andy another wide-toothed comb to help get rid of any dirt and help the dry shampoo get further into the wool. The dry shampoo helped to loosen the dirt and break down oils. Tesla was starting to have a sweet floral smell. He also had Andy brush Tesla's teeth with consumable toothpaste, just in case. He didn't want to get anywhere near another Pokemon's mouth that wasn't his own.

Once they were done, Reggie pulled at some of the tufts - not enough to even tug - to help the wool look bouncy and more puffed up. He did use a spray bottle to dampen the wool a little bit, allowing them to dry naturally - especially with how warm it was - and letting it create those beautiful curls naturally as it dried. Because of their massaging of the wool, it should have generated some sort of static charge.

Reggie clapped his hands together, then pulled off the gloves. "Alrighty, almost done. Now all he needs is an accessory. I think letting Tesla's tail glow is a good idea, just don't let him have too much of a charge. We don't need any accidental discharges." He chuckled sheepishly. "Now, does Tesla have a favorite color? If not, we can always give him a black bowtie." He looked between Andy and Tesla, unsure of what to do now that they were pretty much done.


Nakano Saito1724470149372.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Theo's predicament with his Tauros had her chuckling. Poor guy. Well, at least he knew now that he should at least get the rest of his Pokemon stronger and take it on.

Naka realized that Esther did not hear her at all. She chuckled, shaking her head, but liked Esther's points about the storage system and how the ranches worked. "Ah, yeah. Forgot to tell you, but I use the Pokemon Lab's space to store my Pokemon. I don't use the Storage System for that reason. I'd feel like a horrible trainer if I forgot them in there." She chuckled sheepishly. "As for possibly getting a stable slot and work at one, we'll need to ask around."

She just about died when she heard his attempts at saying Gorebyss, making her sigh before she continued with her explanation.

When asked if anyone has tried to manipulate the numbers, she gave a worrisome look. "Well, these are still living and breathing creatures after all. Messing with the numbers would only cause the numbers themselves to change, but not the Pokemon themselves. I can't imagine what would happen if someone were to try and it were successful though..." She shuddered.

She nodded at his next question with how the Pokemon were displayed. She also nodded as he was starting to understand the pentagonal graph, her eyes suddenly darting to Esther and Theo as Theo challenged her to a fight.

With a smile, Naka left the Pokemon Center, climbing atop her Sceptile, who stretched and began walking towards a battlefield next to the Pokemon Center. "Since you wanna fight, I'll oversee it over here." Her Sceptile walked over to the edge of the field, standing in the middle.

There, they waited for the two kids to duke it out, her Chikorita humming a sweet tune as she watched with some reserved anticipation.

Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Cleaning the sheep proves to be an exercise in silliness. While no electrical zaps happen, Tesla is a pink,wiggling,wooly goofball that made this as adorably difficult as possible while being given a bath. By the end of this, everyone is soaked and smelling like flowers with Tesla bleating happily
sticking his tongue out and prancing around like a goofy sheep.

"Alright, you had fun now can you stay still please?" he says , Tesla nodding while Andy combs out his shampooed wool, and brushing his teeth to get nice pearly whites. The wool quickly develops a static charge but nothing too shocking.

Reggie asks if Tesla has a favorite color,"Well he does really, more a dark yellow, slightly darker than his mareep or Ampharos color" Andy nods while Tesla gives the two a few nuzzles, Reina may possibly show up to see two wet guys being cuddled by a sheep

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
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Thursday, August 12th, Marko Village, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Mareep Festival

Reina made her way back, her sheep outfit stuffed into her backpack as she wore a new hat. She looked like she had been running, but still had that smile spread on her face. "Oh! Tesla te ves bien guapo!"

Reina walked up to the duo with her hands on her hips. "I just won a salsa tasting contest!" Reina pulled a small ribbon out of her back pocket with a small flame pin medal. "Me and the other final guy had to eat Toga Spear Salsa with nachos. But I won because he had to drink water and I didn't drink water or nachos. I asked for the receipe but the old lady took my number instead and wants to spencer me or something."

Reina sighed and wiped the sweat off her forehead. "Oh, I also learned to talk like a farm person here. Y'all rowdy up em tooshies n get-er move on, ya here?"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic mdebourg mdebourg

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



[Iris] Rapidash ♀
[Pearl] Dragonair ♀
[Zephir] Leafeon ♂
Click for Character Sheet RICK
Date: Thursday - July 28th
Location: Violet City
Interations: --

Three days into the Flight Course, Rick was starting to embrace the harsh reality that trying to pass a theory exam without ever looking at the manuals probably wasn't the best idea. It didn't help the fact that his pokémon who did look at them didn't have the means to tell him the answers, and that's going from the assumption that any of them could understand what was written in the books in the first place (if they even cared). "Who the hell came up with these questions? Does it matter if I know this?" He mumbled. Zephir hoped to the window to peek at the sheet. "What's the answer to 2-B?" Rick whispered, pointing the pen at a multi-choice question. The cat looked aside in disapproval and went off. Rick huffed. "Thanks for the help. Not."

So, after failing the exam and being told to come back at another time once he was ready, he went to the Pokémon Center to rest his brain and do a quick update with Chris. "I'm stuck with this crap for three days now!" He slammed a fist at the table while talking. "Why do I need to know about air currents, carrying weight, G forces..." He rumbled. Meanwhile, Chris was just sitting back on his chair with hands in his pockets and a look of indiference. "Uhum, that sucks... anyways! I assume you're not coming back before mid August then?" Rick looked at the screen with a raised brow. "Why?" Rick asked. "Well, there's a Medieval Fest going in Kalos from 4th to 13th of August. I got a ticket, courtesy from Sycamore. But as you know, I'm not in a position to attend, so..." Rick started perking up at the mention of a Medieval Festival. "A what?"

"Since you're not available I think I'll just give it to Volkner instead. No outages for the next two weeks sounds genius if you ask me." Rick immediately stoop up, holding the monitor. "Hold my Soda Pop!" Then darted off the door without even hanging the call. He ran over to the library to get a new manual, since two out of the three they gave him were out of commission already. Iris had eaten the pages, and Zephir had used one as a scratching toy. Fortunately Pearl had no limbs. Who knows what she could do to the third. He grabbed a thick manual and rushed to the nearest table. "Gimme an hour and I'll have this crap all memorized!" He grabbed a bill from his beltpocket and wrote a note on a piece of paper, sticking it to Iris's horn. "Go grab me some Soda! I need all the energy I can muster!" He said urgently, putting the bill in her mouth.
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Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic , Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Huh. That did raise the question. Were there boxes of pokemon out there, just waiting for their trainer to to pull them back out of storage, unaware of the fact that their trainer has passed away? Surely not. Surely there was a department within the registration system that handled things like that, right?....right? Shaking the thoughts away, Theo nodded at Esther's question. "Only if...you think I can keep up?" Sure, have a battle with her. Why not? It could be fun, and it would most definitely be informative. He glanced to Naka when she left the center, finally righting his head back upright so he could look at Tauros' information one last time. He wanted to study more on his other pokemon, to see how their stats compared to the raging bull's, but at the moment he no longer had the time. "One day I'll be ready to take you on." he muttered to the computer before logging off like Naka had suggested.

He waited to see if Esther followed after Naka, following as well so he knew where to go. He thought he spotted a potentially good spot to have a battle outside the pokemon center on his way in, which was only confirmed when he stepped outside and spotted Naka standing next to it and offering to oversee their battle. "I'm good with that." He told her, then looking back to Esther "I'm still...fairly new to pokemon battles, but I'll try not to disappoint you. Want to keep it a simple, one-on-one?" That way even after one of them lost, they would have another pokemon to keep them safe if they decided to leave town. Examining the arena, Theo walked with his Shinx in tow to the far side. He remembered all of the factors he had taken in to account earlier in the day when he and Esther were going to have a battle. She was a seasoned trainer, with a couple badges already under her belt. She had the clear advantage in terms of experience and knowledge. Her pokemon knew what to expect from her, and she in turn knew what to expect from them. While he on the other hand had been at this for a whole week, and still felt like he didn't grasp the basics of raising and taking care of pokemon. Him challenging her was like David challenging the Goliath without his slingshot.

There wasn't a snowball's chance in hell he could actually win, but it was still something he felt like he had to do. He had to see where he stood in terms of other trainers around his own age, even if their abilites far outpaced his. To him, it was a no brainer who his pokemon companion should be for the coming battle. He pulled a Safari Ball from his belt and expanded it, pressing the button on its front. Standing and giving a gentle shake a Riolu would take form and stand, glancing around to take in her surroundings. Spotting her Chikorita friend Ro smirked and waved, glad to see her grass type companion seeming to be in good hands.

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    It wasn’t often that uhh—actually...often? Wasn’t this a first?

    Esther couldn’t remember a battle where she’d been the more experienced trainer by a mile. But that was no surprise; she’d only started training this June. She’d been a trainer for two months—almost.

    That wasn’t a lot of time, but it wasn’t a trivial amount either. This was a battle where she held the advantage. Was she…going to abuse her position of power? Commit unspeakable acts of violence against this poor, fledgling youth?

    Yes. Yes, she was.

    Esther had thought about it. Briefly, but deeply. There were many other options available to her. 'Nicer' options. She could pull her punches; could use this battle as a platform to test her new ideas; could do as she’d said and just—‘play around’. But…the thought of any of those left a nasty taste in her mouth. The taste of hypocrisy. It wasn’t right, it wasn’t respectful. She hated when it happened to her and she wouldn’t subject Theo to the same. A man could be beaten, but not humiliated.

    “You know,"
    she begun.
    "I’ve always hated being handled with ‘the kids gloves’. Coddled, treated as less than an equal. Why? Because I was new; because I was more inexperienced than everyone else; because they wanted to spare my feelings? I hate it. Pity wins are the worst. Let me earn it or show me how much further I have to go but don't...make a show of my incompetence. Maybe you don’t feel the same but…this is my way of taking you seriously, of affording you the respect you deserve. As a battler. As an equal. You may not be there yet, but if I treat you like one then you can at least see how far you've got to go."

    “Pyrrha, Pyrrhichios! ”

    Before her name had even left her trainer’s lips, the drake, all too eager from the first mention of battle, had leapt onto the battlefield. Dark yellow eyes sized up her first opponent in…forever! Strong limbs, firm stance, steady gaze…it looked light on its feet but more than capable of dishing out devastating blows. GREAT! A worthy opponent! Pyrrha roared, a soundless fury! Battle-lust boiled!

    Three strikes! Three beats! Three notes! Her tail as the mallet, her metallic scales as the instrument. The battle gong rung! Deeper, louder, even more resounding! Jangmo-o’s battle dance—Pyrrha’s pyrrhichios—begun with the bellow of steel and—silence.

    Esther had returned her. The resonant scales abruptly ceased.

    The Oblivian took a deep breath, her empathy seeking that blazing corona of emotion in-hand. In a moment she tapped her partner’s emotions; a wave of excitement, zealous, uncontrollable. Esther’s lips curved upward,
    “My first tip to you,”
    Her arm cocked backward.
    “the battle begins”
    Gravel crunched as she swept her leg backward.
    “from the first…”
    Esther took aim.

    A bolt of red zipped across the battlefield. In but a second it had arrived before Riolu and the drake came out swinging! Dragon Tail descended!

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Mentions: Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Theo offered a small grin to Esther when she spoke, nodding his head in affirmation. "I do. And I appreciate it. Best way to learn is to first know exactly where you stand. If where I'm at is at the bottom of the food chain, then that's where I am. Thank you." This was going to be a very hard learned lesson, but one he needed to learn. "Rotom. Could you record the match for me please?" He asked without taking the phone out of his pocket, the Rotom Phone moving on its own as it had several times in the past. The phone floated over towards Naka and flipped sideways, entering video record mode and even yelling Ȁ̶̮̥̻̳͂͝͝c̵͔͍͗͆̓t̴̟̔͛̚i̶̮̬̔̿̔ö̴͎̼́̏͝n̵̼̦̿͂!̸̨̦̞̥̆͗̐͝ in its robotic voice.

When the small bundle of scales and feathers lept from Esther's arms and on to the battle field Ro gave the creature its full, undivided attention, taking on the same battle stance as it had against the Tauros earlier. She took up a basic defensive stance her father had taught her and the others of their community while she was growing up, the appendages next to her ears standing on end to help her more easily read what her opponent was about to do. She was surprised when her opponent's trainer recalled her to her ball before the battle started, one arm to defend herself from the incoming attack while keeping one arm free to prepare a counter attack. Theo watched as Esther's pokemon's poke-ball flew back to her hand after being thrown, wondering if they were designed to do that, or if Esther was just showing off her trick poke-ball throwing abilities.

With Esther's pokemon taking form so close to Ro, Theo decided there wasn't enough time to try and dodge the attack. Instead, he'd have to hope for the best. "Ro, block it and strike back with--" he stopped, a confused look on both his and his Riolu's face when her form outlined in red and she was recalled to her Safari Ball, Eos' Safari Ball next to it suddenly popping open and releasing the fire horse in the center of the battle field. With a loud neigh the Rapidash reared up and kicked at the air in the tiny pokemon's direction while Theo quickly fumbled for her Safari Ball on his hip and recalling the Rapidash. "Sorry! Sorry. I...I don't know what just happened. I didn't mean for that to happen, I swear!" he called, looking from Esther to Naka, and then back to Esther. "I'll um...I'll get Ro back out, promise!" What had just happened? Did this count as a disqualification? Neither of them seemed to be saying anything to that effect, so maybe that was supposed to happen? Esther's advice rung in Theo's mind, a plan formulating as he replaced Eo's Safari Ball with Ro's. The battle begins from the first throw. That gave him an idea. "Ro, use Force Palm!" He called, pointing Ro's Safari Ball in to the air. The Riolu again took form, this time mid air with one arm out, aimed to strike her opponent from the air.

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    Ah? The side-effect of Dragon Tail…? That shouldn’t have triggered in a 1-on-1… Why would it—Oh. She should’ve known, Theo didn’t know how to adjust the settings on his Pokéballs. Small oversight. It was an explanation better left for Naka; Esther was hardly an expert in the myriad functions of the Pokéball. Furthermore, the battle required her full attention. She would, at least, refrain from further Dragon Tails.

    While Theo scrambled to switch Pokémon, Esther focused on her connection to Pyrrha. This was…new…strange…thrilling! There was a world of difference between the emotions of a trainer who stood on the battle’s edge and a Pokémon in the thick of the conflict. The confusion of the recall, the rush of rocketing towards a foe, and then sweet success of a connected blow. The satisfaction was different; it wasn’t the vindication of a play well-executed, rather…it was the gleeful joy of a prize…falling in her lap?

    Was that how it seemed?

    Maybe Pyrrha was still a bit too young... She couldn't yet draw the connections between Esther’s actions and how they affected the state of the battlefield. She just listened to orders and then somehow, her attacks landed. The drake didn’t seem to put any further thought to it. At least, none that could be gleamed from her emotional state.

    A surge of second-hand adrenaline pulled Esther’s focus back to the battle. Riolu was back, descending from above. She should’ve called protect, using the rebound to keep Riolu in mid-air, an easy target for Dragon breath. It was a good play but…it didn’t feel satisfying. Pyrrha would obey but what she wanted was…

    Pyrrha rose up, balanced on her hind legs. Excitement in her eyes as she met Riolu head-on, smashing her head scale towards the incoming force palm. A moment of weakness passed through her body, but the drake held firm, flexing her legs to launch the martial Pokémon away with a flick of her neck.

    Esther rolled her eyes. Paralysis on the first attack? Talk about beginner’s luck!
    “Pyrrha, Dragon breath!”
    The odds were in their favor and Pyrrha’s movements were unimpeded by paralysis. Her lungs filled with air but out came dragon fire, chasing Riolu as she landed. With a bit of luck, they’d even the odds.

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

When the connection was made with her opponent Ro could feel the dragon's legs giving out from under it a bit, likely the aftershock of her attack. She wasn't sure if that's what the human had intended, but right now she was going to take whatever she could get. Spring boarding off the dragon's head she landed some distance between the dragon and its trainer, turning just as the <<Dragon Breath>> was launched in her direction. She shook her paw. Her opponent's skull was thicker than she had anticipated. Instinctively she began to dart to the side, glancing to her human for further instructions.

Theo on the other hand wasn't sure how he had even managed to get this far in the battle, but here he was. Knee deep in the thick of it. When the <<Dragon Breath>> was called out, Theo was taken aback. Dragon? He wasn't sure what he thought it was, but he sure didn't think it was a dragon! What could he even do against dragons??? He quickly ran through all of Ro's moves mentally before deciding on his next one. "Ro, try...try hitting it with your Meteor....Mash!" Meteors could take out dragons, right? Surely. They took out the dinosaurs easily enough. With a war cry of Riiiiii~~~ the Riolu charged her Jangmo-o opponent, her fists glowing pale blue as she gathered the raw concentrated power of a star and launched herself forward, cutting through the <<Dragon Breath>> attack. As she ran through the attack she felt her legs go weak, knowing from being on the other end of Force Palms in the past this was the same thing she had just done to her opponent. But she was in it now. The shortest route between two points was a straight line after all.

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    Meteor Mash? Esther hadn’t heard of that move before, but it sure sounded strong! Force Palm had already been quite the blow. it wasn’t devastating, but the resounding force was disorienting—Pyrrha was more shaken than pained. Meteor Mash could only be worse and with the threat of paralysis looming, Esther knew she’d have to maximize her long-term benefits. So while Protect offered her most immediate gain, the right choice was—
    “Iron Defense!”

    Pyrrha lunged forward—a motion to parry. Her body tensed, muscular micro-adjustments aligning each feather until the locked together in rigid form. Steel Type Energy flowed, and the drake crossed Riolu with the bellow of steel!

    As the Pokémon clashed Esther knew this was their chance to punish.
    “Nail it, Scale Shot!”
    Steel-hard scales clattered off Pyrrha’s body to swiftly sieve through Riolu—or it would’ve, but the after effects of Force Palm made themselves known. The sudden weakness arresting the dragon in her tracks.

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

With the <<Dragon Breath>> having ran its course, Theo just barely caught a glimpse of the new attack Esther had called for. <<Iron Defense>>. A literal coat of arms shield immediately took form in front of the tiny dragon, shielding it from the brunt of Ro's attack. When the Riolu's <<Meteor Mash>> fists came in to contact with the <<Iron Defense>> shield, a stream of stars of every color of the rainbow sparked from the blows. The effects of what he was seeing was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. He was sure that had this battle occurred at night, it would be even moreso. Esther's call of <<Scale Shot>> brought Theo back to the here and now, taking note that the tiny dragon had attempted to do something, but nothing actually happened. It reminded him of watching Krem try to use Hydro Pump for the first time. "You got this Ro! Keep up the <<Meteor Mash>>es!" If it wasn't broke, don't fix it. The punches might not be doing as much as they could have been because of the shield set between them, but if they were doing something then that was better than changing tactics and potentially giving Esther and her dragon a chance to recover ground.

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    Consecutive Meteor Smashes? Esther licked her lips. High risk, high reward!
    “Bide your time!”

    A single Bide would end the match, she just had to gamble on paralysis not activating for three exchanges. Easy, right? What was the probability on that? 27/64? There odds weren’t in her favor buuuuut, whatever! Gamble! Gamble! Gamble!

    Sparks flew with each strike that landed on Pyrrha’s scales. Once, then twice! She trembled, not in pain but with an abundance of energy as bide reached its peak! Suddenly Pyrrha erupted with brilliant light, a single blow to flatten her foe and—full paralysis. Lady Luck was a bitch.

    Thankfully, Iron Defense paid in dividends and not even the repeated punishment of Meteor Mash could fell the feisty dragon.

    Exasperated, Esther just let Pyrrha do what she wanted. A flurry of scales around as Pyrrha returned fire with Scale Shot!

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Bide your time? What was this Bid your time business? I mean, if she wanted her little dragon to just stand there and take Ro's punches like a champ, Theo wasn't going to complain. Or should he? Was this her fighting without the kid gloves on? He didn't kn.....ooooooh Bide your Time was totally a move pokemon could learn, wasn't it?? "Ro, get back!" He called too late. The tiny dragon was glowing with such a brilliant light he thought it was going to expode. And then....nothing. Wait, nothing? That couldn't be right. He shot a confused, head tilted to the side look to Esther, quickly over to Naka, and then back to the battle as it was unfolding. Ro had done as she was instructed and jumped back as the <<Scale Shot>> was fired, the first just barely grazing the top of her head as she fell in mid air. The second <<Scale Shot>> caught her in the shoulder, and the third strike hit their mark square in the face, the force of which sent her skidding backwards in the ground towards Theo. She stopped almost where she initially landed after springboarding off the Jangmo-o's head from earlier, lying there motionless.

"...Ro?" Theo said, looking at the unmoving small creature. Shit shit shit shit shit. Had they gone overboard with their battle? Was...was she dead? He was about to break out in to a full on sprint over to his Riolu when she weakly held up a thumbs up, paw shaking from exertion for just a few seconds before falling back to her side. Panting, Ro slowly forced herself to sit up, her uninjured paw on her hurt shoulder while her other paw was on her head where she had been hit. Theo did still go over to her and kneel down, looking her over for any injuries. "I think we can call this one your win." He called over to her, satisfied that if Ro had been seriously injured one of them would have already stepped in.

Ą̴̰̻̳͍̭͙̥̼̘̍͛͛̓́ấ̷̩͙͍̗͖͋͗̈́́̃̔̋̈́̃͋a̷̡̻͒͊a̸̘̠̪̪̯̖͎̟̰͐́̾̂̌̀̀̄́̈́͌́̒n̴͖̭̈̃́̈́͗͗̒͂̍͝d̸̡̛͇͖͉͎͉̫͙̮͉͉͍͜ ̴͖̝̈C̴̗̥͔̰̲͍̦̘͔͈̮̘̹̾̊̑͋̄u̶̗̘͇̻̥̰̜͇̤͆̀̋̏̆̀̕t̶̗̑̈̌̈́̕!̵̨̡̨̞̳̰̜̾͌͌̿̿͒̒́͛̈́!̵̨̡̧̲̙͕̙͙̼̟̖̜̜̿͆̿͘͝ his rotom phone cried out, ending the recording and floating back over to Theo. With a grunt of pain Ro stood and walked slowly over to her opponent, resizing the dragon up before smirking and holding out a fist to Pyrrah as a sign of respect. Now relieved, Theo stood and dusted himself off, reaching back in to his backpack and pulling out a notebook and a pen. "Well. That was...a really good battle? I think anyway. Got any notes for me coach?"

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713


    It was over? Despite her exasperation, Esther hadn’t expected the battle to end quite so abruptly. Riolu, it seemed, was a bit of a glass canon.

    ”Notes, huh? Well, best advice I have is to learn about your Pokémon, so let’s see what the Dex says about Ro.”

    The little fighter was back on her legs, felt held out in a gesture that was only getting her curious sniffs from Pyrrha who had never come across the concept of a ‘fist bump’ . Esther’s pokétch lit up, the speakers crackled to life and—

    “Bzt~ Riolu, Dex Entry #447 The Emanation Pokémon

    Riolu can detect a mystical energy known as “aura,” best described as the “essence” of all living things. Everything alive emanates aura; a being’s vitality determines the size of its aura, while its character determines its color and shape. Riolu can “read” the auras of beings around them to determine their emotions; the more passionate the feelings, the more easily they be sensed. They can detect strong feelings like joy and rage most easily.

    They are exceedingly energetic, with enough stamina to keep running all through the night.”

    A thoughtful hum precluded the Oblivian’s conclusions.
    “Looks like Riolu hits hard and had plenty of stamina, but she isn’t bulky. You can play two ways: offensive, to overwhelm your opponent before they can dish out much damage; or intensive, to exhaust their energy and stamina. Either way, I think your greatest advantage is Riolu’s ability to use aura. If you can incorporate that into your battle style you’ll always have a leg up on your foes. I dunno how you’re gonna do that, but it’s a start.”

    “Oh, and if you haven’t already then you should download the Dex Suite of applications on your Rotom Phone. The PokéDex and AttackDex are ones that I use a lot, they’ll probably help you too.”


Nakano Saito1725142093217.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka watched in silence. As the Riolu was sent out, the Chikorita trilled happily, waving his head leaf around to cheer her on. Minnie the Mienshao also escaped her Pokeball, watching the battle once it started, her arms crossed. Naka smiled, scratching the top of Minnie's head and chuckling as she melted a little against Sceptile, who was currently laying on the ground, watching the two Pokemon fight each other.

It was an extremely quick battle, but these battles tended to not last too long. Inexperience and Pokemon that weren't as trained as some of Naka's own wouldn't last long, even if the damage output of some of their peers attacks weren't as much as an exceptionally trained Pokemon.

Naka smiled as Esther showed that she wasn't going to go easy on Theo just because he was new. No one else did, and honestly Naka didn't either. Good to know that Theo thought the same.

Their fight commenced, with Esther launching her Jangmo-o by releasing her from the ball and using Dragon Tail. She chuckled as it pushed Riolu back into her Pokeball and brought out the Rapidash. Honestly, Theo's reaction to that was hilarious.

Dragon Tail that sent Ro back, Force Palm that caused paralysis, Headbutt, Dragon Breath, Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Scale Shot, Bide...

Interesting moves, Pyrrha looked to have been really well trained, and Ro had the training she underwent with the Fighting-Type community atop that mountain in the Safari Zone. At least she was okay, but Naka couldn't help but giggle at Theo's concern for his Riolu. It was honestly really cute.

Naka let Esther help Theo understand his Riolu a little bit better, and suggested the apps on his phone. She nodded. "I would highly suggest those apps. They will tell you about those moves you encountered. When a Pokemon uses a move, this app can scan it and it will tell you what it does, how strong it is, and how accurate it is. Let me do a quick rundown of the ones in this fight, including your own." She began using her fingers to count the moves as she went through explaining them.

"Dragon Tail, a Dragon-Type Physical attack that takes a moment to charge up and can force a Pokemon to switch out. There's a special mode specifically for one-on-one fights to prevent a switch in on the Pokeballs themselves. Force Palm, a Fighting-Type Physical attack that has about 30% chance to paralyze, and Paralysis halves the Pokemon's speed and has a chance to prevent them from moving any time they try to use a move. Headbutt, a Normal-Type Physical attack that has a 30% chance to flinch, which can just prevent a Pokemon from attacking briefly. Dragon Breath, a Dragon-Type Special attack that has a 30% chance to paralyze. Meteor Mash, a Steel-Type Physical attack that has a 20% chance to raise the user's physical attack. Iron Defense, a Steel-Type Status move that sharply raises the user's physical defense. Scale Shot, a Dragon-Type Physical attack that can hit 2-5 times, and it can raise the user's speed and lower their defense. Bide, a Normal-Type Physical attack that has the Pokemon persevere for a couple rounds of attacks, and then they unleash all the damage they received twofold onto the opponent." She relaxed her hands.

"You can check these out in your Attackdex, and both apps will have a type chart. You'll need to make sure you memorize that chart." She gave a sneaky smirk, then realized something as she looked between Esther and Theo. "Oh, speaking of moves, is there anything your Pokemon would like to learn?" She wanted to make sure she wasn't missing anything.


Reginald Valerias1725153096288.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter
Mentions: Reina Cortez
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (Red)

Reggie felt like he was getting a workout, having to scrub down a wiggly sheep. Though, it was friggin' adorable, so he couldn't be upset. Reggie looked through an accessory kit, and he had a set of bows. He had a few yellows. Pulling out a few, he put them in front of Tesla. "Alright, which one do you wanna wear?" Once Tesla chose a bow, Reggie would help clip it into his wool, setting it under Tesla's head. Pulling off his gloves, he gave Tesla a rub on his head. "You did so well~."

His eyes widened when he heard Reina's voice, and he turned to see that she had changed. He had no idea what she said, but it sounded cute. All he knew was that she was likely complimenting Tesla. He smiled, standing up straighter. "Ohhhh, niiiiice. Oh, wait Touga???" He chuckled, rubbing his chin. "That's a really spicy berry. Probably one of the spiciest." He chuckled at her 'spencer' mention, shaking his head. "I'm sure she meant sponsor. She'd probably wants to pay you just as long as you compete in more of these competitions and promote their salsa. But that's awesome though." He grinned wide.

He laughed at Reina's attempt at sounding like a farmhand, shaking his head. "You're too cute. Too bad it's too hot to have you in that wooly costume. Oh, speaking of wooly." He looked back at Andy, smiling. "Now that we got Tesla looking spiffy, all you need to practice is Tesla walking around, doing little twirls here and there, and making his tail glow without using a move. That's all. Any questions?" He asked, looking at his phone to check the time.

It was almost time.

Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Theo nodded as she spoke, writing down both suggestions for good measure. Maybe, just maybe, he could find some sort of middle ground and achieve both at the same time? It would take a lot of research, but he thought it might be possible. And given that Ro wasn't a Tauros, maybe finding research material would be easier. It would really help if he could find another trainer who had a Riolu to bounce ideas and knowledge off of. "I know I have the poker...poker.....pokedex app. Do we have the rest of the apps, Rotom?" The phone floated over, beeping a few seconds before dinging a confirmation ding. If he didn't before, Theo was sure he did now. He gave his full attention to Naka as she explained all of the moves that had been used in the battle, several things clicking as she gave her explanation. "So that's why it seemed like Piera was trying to do something in the battle and nothing was happening. She was paralyzed from <<Force Palm>>. Didn't know that. She used it against Tauros earlier, so I figured it was a good way to start things off. Question. Do all attacks do secondary things like that, or are there only certain ones?" Another thought crossed his mind, Theo turning his attention back to Esther "I wanted to ask: The Throw. Is that something you did, or is it a pokeball feature? It coming back to you like a boomerang I mean." he had other questions he wanted to ask, but he didn't want to overload the two of them with what would otherwise be considered basic information.

While the humans spoke, Shinx would wander over and join both Ro and Pyrrah, greeting the latter with a happy cry. Ro grinned and took a seat once her former opponent had sufficiently sniffed her outstretched paw, rubbing her injured shoulder. That <<Scale Shot>> had really packed a punch. She didn't know if the dragon understood spoken language, so she instead reached out with an aura ripple to convey her feelings. With her irises faintly glowing blue, a warm sensation would come over the Jangmo-o, carrying with it a sense of respect. An ear perked up when she heard Chickpea's human mention something about learning new moves, jumping up and running over to the human. "I....think that's a yes?" Theo chuckled. Ro continued to jump and wave, looking over to Minnie before back up to her human. She knew what she wanted to say, but how did she convey it? She jumped at Theo again, snagging her own Safari Ball off his belt. She had an idea, she just hoped it got conveyed correctly. Turning again to look at Minnie's human, her irises again faintly glowing blue. She read the woman's aura, already knowing that she could be trusted, but hoped that her plan to convey what she wanted to learn got through. She then held up the Safari Ball and motioned around its circumference with her other paw. She didn't know the word for sphere, but she knew that she had seen her father use the attack in question before and it had the same shape as the ball in her paw. "Blue eyed ball? Blue...blue.... ball? I'm normally really good at charades." Theo mused, scratching his chin.

  • PokéCenter Battlefield
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:05 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    “Pokéball feature. It’s designed to handle recall and it even teleports itself if you go over the party limit.”
    The exact mechanics of the Pokéballs ‘recall’ wasn’t something Esther knew too well, it also didn’t always activate—she had lost more than a few Pokéballs to bad throws.
    “If you wanna chat more then we can do it inside, status conditions don’t disappear after battle.”

    “As for new moves?”
    Esther pondered for a moment and shook her head.
    “I want to master the moves my Poikémon currently have before I think about expanding their move pool. I’ve got a few ideas I want to play around with…”

    She’d only gotten through Pyrrha’s move set in her earlier musing and she was determined to spread the love and affection among her party members.
    “Pyrrha! Healy time!”

    The Drake stopped goofing around with the weird feely feelings Ro had projected and bounced over to Esther’s side, following her into the Pokémon Center.


Nakano Saito1725245019629.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka chuckled as Theo finally realized what was going on in the fight. She sighed, shaking her head at his question. "Not all. Moves like Water Gun and Hydro Pump have no other secondary effects."

Esther helped explain the Pokeball functions a bit better, which she nodded in thanks to her. Also, with Esther wanting to go inside to heal her Pokemon, Naka decided to focus her attention back to Theo and his Pokemon.

Naka, Minnie, and Brontis watched as Ro came over in a hurry, and tried to recreate something. Naka raised an eyebrow, but before she could come to a conclusion, Minnie generated a blue spherical shape with her aura between her paws. Naka nodded in understanding, smiling. "Well, you'll have to evolve if you want to learn Aura Sphere, darling. Plus, once you evolve, you'll be able to learn it quickly on your own. Riolu many years ago - before humans settled into one of their ancient homes - naturally learned it as their environments were rather harsh, but nowadays it seems they've lost the capability. Maybe you'll get lucky, but it requires a lot of mental and physical conditioning before you can start to control your aura in such a way. Please, train diligently and don't take shortcuts. You'll end up hurting yourself if you try too fast." She then glanced up at Theo. "And, don't forget your trainer. He may be new to this, but maybe you might be able to learn something from him. Allow yourselves to grow naturally on your journey and train throughout, and you'll learn how."

Minnie nodded, dispelling her sphere and crossing her arms. Naka looked up at Theo to explain. "Manipulating one's own life force to create a sphere and launch it is a very draining task at first. If Ro messes up and tries too soon, she could get herself pretty hurt. This is why I don't want to teach her Aura Sphere for right now. I could help teach her any other move though. Once she evolves and has trained a bit more, the way to use Aura Sphere will naturally come to her, but I'm sure Minnie wouldn't mind teaching her friend once she does evolve." Again, Minnie nodded.

With a yawn and a quivering stretch of Silenus's legs, the Sceptile got up, his throat making clicking noises as he took Naka to the front of the Pokemon Center. Minnie followed along, with Brontis swaying his head leaf about and spreading the good smells of nature.

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) & Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)​

"Yet being the key word..." Desmond mused a bit though he hoped it remained that way as they began to sail up the elevator up the lighthouse. Either way he could agree with Aldon that his partner and these Woopers seemed to be quite like minded of course. Though Desmond being in a more confined space in this elevator with several Pokemon around had been a challenge to his anxiety.

His Politoed however seemed to be intrigued by this, as he kept close to Desmond but also evaluated the new Woopers, as it attempted to wave and ay hi to them, fascinated to them much like Skol in kinda. Then Aldon went into his little story about dark humor and one could swear to Arceus you couldn't hear a pin drop as he finished his story before the elevator door opened as Desmond looked at his friend with a bewildered look of horror on this Lampent account. Emma's own admission only seemed to add to that.

"I-if we ever cross paths with a Lampent be sure to never let it get near me..." Desmond muttered to both Emma and Aldon as he followed them out of the elevator. However, the view once they stepped outside seemed to for once cause the fear to subside as he looked at the...well, no other word for it stunning view as his eyes widened a bit as the view from here, seeing the beach and the farmlands and more it seemed to really capture the imagination.

On reflex, he gripped his locket tight for the moment.

Emma's words seemed to snap him out of it, as he for a rare time had a smile present as he shook his head. "Hey I don't got Extreme Speed you know." Desmond mused as he followed Emma with Politoed hopping by his side in toe.
Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

With the bath out of the way, now it's time for decorations, Tesla going for a yellow bow to wear while enjoying the headpats given by Reggie and Andy, "You are a very precious sheep" he smiles

Andy then hears Reina arrive though due to the 'accent' he had no clue what was being said though seems like she was endorsing a salsa ? He didn't know at all.

Meanwhile, Andy and Tesla are now just walking around, the teen having the sheep do little spins and prancing about the area, though the tail glow bit results in slight discharges and sometimes tripping rather clumsily. It was still adorable as all heck though.

"No, I should be fine?" he says a bit unsure still while the pile of wool sparks a bit while prancing and blowing raspberries to be silly. The contest was moments away.

Hecotoro Hecotoro Merciless Medic Merciless Medic
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

"Aah" Theo nodded slowly, taking an empty ball from his belt and looking it over. It didn't look like there was a panel on it for any sort of configuration. Must be another app he needed to download. He looked to Ro when Esther informed him about status conditions not disappearing after battle, seeing a streak of blue electricity darting up her leg and between her ears. "Yeah....Yeah that's a good idea." Ro looked like she already had the energy to go another round, but he would feel better if she got checked out by the nurse before anything. Placing the ball back on his belt he quickly jolted down his questions and both of their answers, not for fear of forgetting anything but more that there was so much he had learned in the past week it was hard to keep up with all of it. Once what she had wanted to convey had been Ro gave Theo back her Safari Ball, nodding her head vigorously when Minnie showed off her ability to use <<Aura Sphere>>, looking a bit dejected when she was informed that her friend's human wouldn't teach it to her yet. She knew she could learn it easier once she evolved, she just wanted to be like her father. She remembered the stories about how he had mastered it before he had evolved, and she wanted to do the same. She never once thought that that might be all it had been: A story. She turned her attention back up to the woman before giving a nod, shuddering from the paralysis.

Theo looked back to Naka as she explained how <<Aura Sphere>> worked, glancing to her Mienshao before back to her. "I appreciate it. Might take you up on that later. I...still need to look over the other attacks she knows. And Krem....and Shinx...and Eos. I know their names, but I'm not 100% sure on what all of them do yet. I think I should familiarize myself with them first before I dig in to expanding their move pools. But I will put a pin in that."

Once they made their way back in to the center Theo quickly read over what he had written from today's line of questions. "So some attacks do other things besides just damage, but not all attacks do. The...Attack Dex is a list of those attacks and what they do or don't do." He got back in line to hand over Riolu's ball to the nurse, who in turn returned Krem's ball. Almost immediately Krem forced himself out of his ball, the Totodile jumping in place and looking around. Where was that bull? Where was he!?! Theo chuckled, kneeling down to the water type. "Easy Krem. It--" he stopped and stepped out of line for the next person before continuing. "It's been...put on pause. We're going to go back to it...at some point. And I promise, you'll get another go. I'm glad you're ok." he grinned before recalling the Totodile to his ball. When they were ready Theo would join Naka and Esther at whatever table they had seated themselves at, bringing Shinx's page up and looking at his attacks. "This might be a weird question. Is there somewhere I can go to specifically for training? Like, a gym of some kind? But not a badge gym. With like, work out equipment for pokemon? Is that a thing?" If it wasn't a thing he might have to look in to setting that up.

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