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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)

  • Pokémart
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:50 a.m.


    Esther’s slapped her cheeks.

    Pah Pah!

    Pain, fierce but fleeting, sharpened her mind and steadied her heart. Esther felt...Esther knew, that she was on the cusp of a life-changing decision. Before today, she had had never truly considered the implications of her empathy all too deeply before, but her conversation with Rick had kick-started the thought process and... she wasn't sure she liked her conclusion.

    The average trainer didn't, couldn’t share the pain of battle with their Pokémon. Not in the literal sense. But...she could and she…should...no? To know there was a way she could alleviate the suffering of her Pokémon, a way that she could share in their pain, and then to turn away from it?

    ‘To him that knows the good they ought to do and does it not, it is a sin.’​

    And it would be an especially heinous one at that, given her Pokémon were only injured on her behest. The teachings of Arceus were clear.

    It was increasingly and manifestly evident that the usage of her ‘talents’ was not only the right thing to do, but refusal to do so was demonstrably wrong. To boldly declare her ambitions and then shy away from the required sacrifices was...

    'You gonna throw in the towel and quit
    As soon as your body starts bleeding?
    You'll say goodbye to glory
    Next "hello" to never succeeding'

    Time to put her money where her mouth was, big talk and fanciful ideals were just that without action. Was this why Pokémon Battles had never become popular in Oblivia? It was one thing to watch two Pokémon fight, it was another to share their pain...

    And yet, even if she’d resolved to do so, she was not so foolish as to do it recklessly…again. Her bond with Pyrrha had not been without consequence, the bond went both ways. She could bond with her other Pokémon, but what were the effects? Would her other Pokémon afflict her with a barrel of emotional gunpowder? And if they did... so what? Her Pokémon could weather physical pain in the service of her goal, a goal she had yet to even share with them…who was she to cower from a little emotional distress?

    That was her cross to carry, but she would need to be careful... She’d had weeks to discover and cope with Pyrrha’s emotions, but six Pokémon? The difficulty would be, at least, a magnitude or two greater. And when they evolved? Esther knew Pyrrha’s evolution, Hakamo-o, would be accompanied by an even more combative disposition. She hadn’t the slightest clue how her other Pokémon could affect her. She wasn’t afraid but…idiocy was idiocy.

    When the dragon spoke, it wasn't pretty. It was...brutal. That trainer's Krabby...that Dojo Breaker's Hitmontop... if she wasn't careful things could only get worse.

    She’d…better ask Shayan or her parents. Actually, when was the last time she’d called her parents? A few weeks? Heh…Mama would be mad.

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  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:55 a.m.

    “It just kinda…happened, y’know?”

    “You just ‘kinda happened’ to turn up on the other side of the planet? What happened to Galar?”

    A wry smile, “I get around? Anyway, could pick me up? Pweaaaase, Onii-chan?”

    “Gwauk—I think I hurled a little… Don’t do that. Sigh. Sit tight, I’m in Hoenn so it shouldn’t take me long. A couple hours, maybe?”

    “Hehe, you’re the best! Thanks!”

    The holo-call ended, and Esther let a grin split her lips. Step 1 was a success. She’d ‘forgotten’ a few of the regular check-in calls she was supposed to make and after several weeks of radio silence, the Oblivian know her mom would be a little antsy. And what better way to avoid a scolding than a surprise visit? It couldn’t hurt. A week or two to screw her head on straight and figure things out, that sounded perfect. In addition, Oblivia was the best place to figure out how her talents could best be utilized. When the Ranger has saved Oblivia a decade ago, they had done so with the assistance of the legendary Celebi and its temporal powers.

    Much of the knowledge Oblivia had about its past came or had been derived from the Ranger’s first-hand account of the past and their assistance in divining the location of ancient ruins. The Steelhead armor that had galvanized her own empathic sense had been excavated from one such ruin and it only made sense that those ruins would also be her best shot at learning more about her abilities and how they worked.

    But it wasn’t easy to move in or out of Oblivia, outside of those fellows over in Tilt Village, shipments of anything were rare. Even the Rangers, whenever they visited, flew in on Staraptor. Soon enough Esther would need to acquire a flying type of her own, until then, she could only pester her brother.

    Now that she had a few hours to kill, she’d need to spend at least a bit of that saying goodbye to her compatriots. Who knew when or even IF, their paths would ever cross again?

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma), ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon)​

Desmond listened as Emma gave advice about how settling with a new party member took time, made even more complicated given his own well...conflicted feelings with Pokemon. Thankfully the chocolate bite helped and Mimikyu eventually released his leg which he seemed to appreciate as he sighed a bit. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the advice." Desmond mused to Emma.

As they docked down, Aldon made a joking comment of ladies first as Desmond rolled his eyes. "Haha." Desmond muttered to Aldon but as he returned Mimikyu his Politoed released itself which spoked Desmond and his partner hopped off as it took the first enthusiastic steps towards Olivine City as Desmond worked to produce a path to the lighthouse on his Pokesketch. "Am curious to see the view this place has to offer." Desmond admitted to Emma and Aldon.

"Politoed~!" Politoed hopped up with a bit of a spirit as it walked by its partner, Desmond glancing to the side and in spite of it all the positivity the frog had was...enviable to a degree.
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond, Emma...~

"Passerby sounds like such a nasty word. I like to think of it as a scenery city. Come by and see the nice sights and smells. cities like this usually hide the best gems tucked away in some isolated cave or whirlpool." Aldon mused thinking about adventures and grandiose tales of his favorite fictional treasure hunters. Skol wandered around with two wild wooper following behind him. where did the wooper come from and why were they following skol? Aldon didn't know, and Skol presumably didn't even notice them.

"Helloooo hellooo hellooo hellooo" Aldon repeated his words since they would not echo in the old lighthouse. With the lack of response from upstairs, Aldon proceeded to walk towards the elevator. Aldon stepped inside it. Zippy followed alongside Aldon, occasionally glancing at the windows and tainers in a almost erratic manner, never focusing on one particular thing for more than two seconds.

"Watch the elevator just like not work or plummet down from near the top or just stop in between floors. What do you think, Skol?" Aldon chuckled.


"I was just joking Skol, chill! Not like it would happen. no way."
Emmaline "Emma" Argentston, Olivine City, Rank 48,679, July 25th.

"No problem, Desmond, I'll keep your talk in mind."

Emma giggled a bit at Politoed's Appearance, as she returned Gastrodon, making sure her Pokéballs were all in order. The positive energy that Politoed had was something that she had never seen before in a Pokémon.

"I'm wondering for myself, Desmond, from what I've heard, it's going to be a View comparable to back

As she walked with Desmond and Aldon, she noticed something odd, two Wild Woopers had been following the very go with the flow Slowpoke that belonged to Aldon. It seemed like the Lighthouse was in View, from what Aldon's comments had elicited, or rather, had possibly Arrived (Need more info). Emma was getting nervous by excitement, as she was trying not to jump. She was holding it in.

"When I planned this trip to Johto, the Olivine Lighthouse was on the list of things to see, Desmond. This is going to be a great day!"

Nakano Saito1722742546722.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys
Mentions: N/A

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Before Naka left the Pokemon Center after her bout with Johnathan, her ears caught the familiar sound of a girl she hadn't really talked to much since the start of the boat ride. Pausing before she walked through the doors, she looked over at Esther, having finished a phone call with someone. She remembered her and Theo were competing against Rick and on his flying Rapidash, of which she didn't get to see much of the spectacle. She was surprised such blatant use of fire was used onboard, but the ship was fireproof and they were trying hard not to let it spread past what was considered safe, so she didn't have any qualms.

She didn't know what was going on, but she should at least say high. Fixing her arm so it stayed in its sling as her upper arm was still fractured, she walked up to the Oblivian and waved with her uninjured hand. "Heya, Esther. Heard you were talking to someone. What's up?" She asked, her voice unusually calm and chipper. Which was likely a good thing, considering she wasn't feeling the emotional whims of a Water-Type nearby.


Reginald Valerias1722742921289.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez, Andy Richter
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro mdebourg mdebourg
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Andy's lamenting really caught Reggie's attention. Yeah, he was in need of some serious help. It wasn't helped that Reina had stapled a sense of urgency on the matter.

He smiled at both of them with an eager nod when asked to help Andy by them both, snapping his fingers and then giving a thumbs up in quick succession. "Hell yeah. You can count on me."

He quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek before she ended up leaving to get drinks, and then he hopped right out of his bench to lean over the table and prop his head up with his hands as he looked at Andy, his body a perfect right angle. "So, pageants are a bit different from the normal contests you see on the telly. They aren't as bombastic and you don't need to show off any moves. We just need to get Tesla to look as good as possible, have a cute little routine of maybe some jumps and flips and showing off all his good sides, and then you're done. You'll be on the stage for less than a minute and at the end, you both bow and leave the stage. At the very end, they'll announce the winner, you come up and get your stuff, and then leave. Doesn't really require too much effort. What will require effort is getting Tesla to look good and set up some sort of cute routine."

He stood up straight and put his hands on his hips. "Tesla looks really friggin' adorable, but we gotta emphasize that even more. Let's see if we can find a place to give him a bath to make his skin extra squeaky clean. You got a comb for that wool?" He asked, already looking around the area to see if there were any exits out of this particular spot.


  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:56 a.m. Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

    “Oh, Naka! Nice timing! How was the ride?” The Oblivian hadn’t stuck around Naka’s cabin as the two had pre-planned, the researcher seemed to be doing fine when she left and since she hadn’t called her, Esther figured things hadn’t devolved. Still, she held some concern for the rough n’ tough researcher and frankly, Esther pinned Naka as the type who’d ‘swear it was just a cold’, until it developed into pneumonia and they had to drag her kicking and screaming towards the nearest hospital.

    Actually, that little epiphany was reason enough for Esther to ignore the next words out of Naka’s mouth—surely some nonsense tough-girl act—and simply extend her own empathic sense for a wittle checksies. While her senses tickled at Naka’s, Esther carried on.

    “That was my brother, I asked him to pick me up—but never mind that, I wanted to ask you some things!

    “See, I just talked to Rick, ya? That horse guy we met when we battled Blastoise—and he was yapping about the ethics of Pokémon battles. So that got me thinking. You’re an empath now, right? Does that change how you train your Pokémon? Usually, trainers and Pokémon can only share so much of the burden of battle, right; but with empathy…don’t you think that changes things?”

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Nakano Saito1722745758890.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys
Mentions: N/A

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka smiled wider as Esther asked how the ride was. She just shrugged. "Could be better, but it wasn't too bad. Got hit with a nasty case of an angry Water-Type, but otherwise it wasn't too bad." What Esther would feel with her empathy sense was that she's acting like herself now, and she seemed to be suffering from emotional fatigue. Naka had no reason to tell a facade, excuse, or a lie to the only other person with empathy abilities, regardless if Naka knew Esther could just feel it.

Naka did feel a tickle, which only had her smiling a bit more as she held back a chuckle.

As Esther replied, Naka's expression morphed from chipper to weary. Ethics was something she had to exercise caution around, as it could make or break her career, but with Esther it should be fine.

She nodded, mentally lost in thought for a brief moment, before returning to the land of the living with a weary smile. "Ethics is always something that is rather difficult to discuss. It can boost or destroy someone's career; it could do a great many things. But for this little topic, I wouldn't mind telling you a few things I have thought about, but probably to a lesser degree than what you've been doing."

She bit her lip as she chose her words carefully. "I don't know Rick, I just know he exists and he helped me out." She shrugged. "As for what he said... the normal model is that the trainer commands and the Pokemon follow. But there's a lot more nuance to it. Having empathy does change how you would respond to it, but I don't think it should change that too much. While we're sort of the on the subject, if your Pokemon are still willing to train and battle for you and take your commands and you can feel that, that is enough consent from them."

She then held up a finger. "Having empathy doesn't mean you have to take on their pain." She relaxed her hand as she looked down at her Chikorita, who left his PokeBall and trilled quietly up at her. "My Pokemon already understand that if I'm having them fight, that is a package they are opening willingly and they know of all the contents already. They would prefer me to keep a level head, so I shouldn't feel pain. Arceus knows I already suffer a lot from just battle anxiety." She chuckled nervously.

"But that is a conversation you should have with your Pokemon. Try it out a little with them and see what works. If you believe you should and your Pokemon share their opinions, that's enough for you to decide. The thing with ethics is that it's up to the person themselves where their morals lie and how they should go about these ethical problems since they are rarely ever black and white." Her expression shifted to nervousness and guilt as she continued, her brow furrowed. "My empathy works a bit differently. I'm unsure if you'll take some of the burden of their pain when you connect to them, but for me? Feeling a Pokemon's pain doesn't actually lessen what they feel. I just feel it and there's no good thing that comes from it aside from me knowing what hurts, so unfortunately it's more detrimental for me as someone who has to command their Pokemon."

She pointed towards the door that led deeper into the facility. "I felt a Water-Type with a bad injury and it made my eyes water and vision blurry, and I could barely walk. I can't be further compromised during a battle, no matter if it's for a life-and-death situation or for sport. But, if my empathy could be used to lessen the pain of a Pokemon, I'd do it in a heartbeat. And I do wish I can do that, even before I got this empathy ability. At least I know my suffering has a purpose, no matter if I sound like a martyr just then." She gave a small chuckle, her Chikorita waving his head leaf around as he smiled up at Esther. "I do have to say though, it's a good idea if you want to train on making decisions and your actions under such pain. I'm planning on doing that, too, so I don't feel blindsided later. And it's good to know what parts of your own Pokemon feel pain so you can help them handle it better." She gave a sheepish chuckle, scratching a part of her arm just above her cast. "Hope that helps." She nodded with a sort of head bow towards Esther, honestly hoping she can find what was comfortable for her later.

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  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:57 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

    In the end it was down to her own personal beliefs and morality, there was no easy answer other than the one she found for herself. Esther sighed, it wasn't a straight forward answer but when was it ever?

    Her fingers made a bird's nest of her hair and the moment of impotent frustration passed when her hands fell to her side.
    “You know what—fuck it, we ball! Thanks for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind.”

    The differences between her natural born empathy and whatever the Great Sea Spirit had done to Naka were unknown, but Esther felt, no she knew that the problems that plagued Naka would not be the same problems that plagued her. She was certain she could share, even suppress the pain experienced by her Pokémon. Her confidence wasn’t without reason. The Ranger stylus could calm rampaging Pokémon and had some function that suppressed the pain and discomfort a Pokémon felt; since the ranger stylus was (most likely) Oblivian in origin, Esther was confident she could do something similar. If not now, then soon enough.

    Esther huffed, blowing away a stray lock of hair.
    “I’m gonna head back home… to Oblivia. I’m a bit homesick and I need some time to work this out with my team—and to work on my team. I’ve…been lucky to encounter strong Pokémon who joined my team, but I haven’t trained with them. They’re strong in spite of me, not because of me. I don’t feel like a trainer, y’know?

    “A few days to catch my breath and then BAM, right back at ‘em! Got any suggestions for where I should go?"


Nakano Saito1722753584879.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys
Mentions: N/A

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka gave a grimace as Esther made her frustrations known, feeling a bit bad for not giving her a cut and dry answer, but Naka didn't want to rob Esther of her growth by just telling her what she should believe in. That wouldn't do as a researcher or as her friend, no matter how little acquaintances they were.

She did laugh at her response to it though. 'Fuck it, we ball' was a very iconic phrase she found hilarious.

Naka nodded as Esther told her of her plans for now. Her brain only clicked into more ponderings when Esther asked for any suggestions. Blue eyes widening with an excited gleam, she knelt down and scooped up her Chikorita with one arm to help suppress her bounciness. She normally wasn't like that... Maybe there was a happy Water-Type nearby...

"I getcha. I will give you a few suggestions then~. Since you want to work on and with your team, start getting into tournaments and the like. You're also a really groovy gal, I wouldn't be surprised if contests were right up your alley." She took a short pause upon continuing, having felt the happiness suddenly leave her range and she felt normal and calm again.

"While the gym circuit serves as a benchmark of personal knowledge, they don't really test your wit and knowledge with the populace around you. These tournaments will serve as live benchmarks, so you know where you are at among the crowd. If you have already gone through a region's gym circuit, I would also suggest going back to that gym circuit and trying the gym leaders on harder difficulties. I would prefer to do this when I'm certain I'm stronger than the average trainer and I need more in my fights. I am not sure if you've gotten to that point, but that's just a future bullet point for when you're ready." The energy that came from her excitement in Esther's journey had her clasping her hands together, her grin wide as can be. Honestly, she weirdly felt like a proud aunt or mother...

"Either way, strength, wit, and knowledge go a long way, and I see a lot of potential in you. You got all three in spades, you just need to tap into that potential and smooth the edges." She gave an encouraging grin, her Chikorita trilling in eagerness to potentially see Esther and her new growth later.

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  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:58 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

    “Aww, you think? You’ll make me blush!”

    “But what you say make sense, I joined a tournament in Unova a few weeks ago and well... Ran into some asshole and his Crawdaunt in the first round. I got blasted. Fun times.”
    But that was exactly the selling point, ever tournament Esther had ever been in had challenged her far more than any of her Gym Battles. That wasn’t to say the Gym Leaders weren’t skilled, but the standard Gym Battles weren’t designed to push trainers to their limit.

    In any case, Esther completely agreed with Naka’s assessment. More tournaments were on the menu. The experience would be great and if she managed to win a few TRs then she could even diversify her moves. Ah, before then she should work towards mastery of her existing moves. Susu was an excellent show of what a Pokémon could do when they’d mastered their moves. If she could raise all her Pokémon to that standard…heh.

    The PokéCenter’s door opened with a bark and in entered a trio of Pokémon carrying luggage. Esther clapped and cheerfully welcomed her Pokémon who brought the luggage she’d left in the ship’s cabin.
    “Great work darlings! You can take a break, return!”
    Aside from Halay & Pyrrha, All Esther’s Pokémon returned to their pokéballs.

    Esther’s attention returned to Naka; her eyes fell onto the Pokémon within her arms.
    “You know…I was originally going to find a battle to celebrate Pyrrha’s everstone. You caught some new Pokémon in the Safari Zone, right? Wanna dance?”
    The goth’s face brightened with a grin, but then her eyes went to Naka’s arm and she frowned,
    “Better yet, I didn’t get to battle Theo before we got interrupted. Do you wanna act as referee? Theo and I are both relatively new trainers, so maybe you could offer some tips? Just don’t favor your boy-toy too much, I’ll complain hehe.”


Nakano Saito1722796876635.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka chuckled at Esther's response to her compliment. She listened as Esther recounted her tale with the guy who had a Crawdaunt. She raised an eyebrow, wondering who that could be.

Naka just hoped that Esther can get there. It was going to be a long and grueling journey, but thankfully Esther didn't seem like the type to give up.

Three Pokemon ran through the door, carrying luggage. Seemed to be her Pokemon. Her Pokemon seemed to be in good spirits. She smiled at the Houndour and Jangmo-o, only to return her attention to Esther. Brontis trilled as Esther looked at him, waving his head leaf in salutations to her and her Pokemon.

Upon the topic switch, Naka smiled at the thought of having fun in a fight again. But when Esther wanted her to referee for her fight against Theo, she chuckled. "Oh? Thought you wanted to fight me." She chuckled. "Brontis seems to be around your level. But I don't mind refereeing-..." Her face contorted to one of disgust. "Boy toy? That's gross... He's around your age and thus too young... Not to mention I'm dating a punk of a man already." She felt like she threw up in her mouth a little. Even though she wasn't technically dating Ron, she wasn't going to entertain the thought of being with anyone else.

"You have a better idea of being a trainer than he does. He's new to this whole Pokemon thing. Where he comes from, there are no Pokemon." And that was the closest she was going to get to spoiling his secret. She didn't talk about his trouble with the Unown, or that he was from a completely different world, but hopefully Esther understood. "I hope he learns from you too." With that, she began walking out of the Pokemon Center. "Let's go find Theo. He's probably still trying to figure out how to work Pokemon." She chuckled, her Sceptile bursting out of his PokeBall once they were out of the PokeCenter. She climbed atop his back as he leaned down, letting him carry her, while Brontis sat on his back in front of Naka.

Naka looked back to see what Esther was doing, and then looked around the place, now that she had a higher vantage point. She decided to text him, but realized she had received yet another picture from the pesky Rotom (or was it the same one from earlier?), and... Nothing.

She threw him a text message, then sent her phone in her pocket.

Whatcha doing? Esther's gonna be leaving soon and she wants to battle you.

"Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to chit chat as we walk around." She smiled, her Sceptile's tail wagging slightly. "So, before you leave, what would you like to do while you have me?" She knew that she was opening a whole can of worms, but honestly? She wanted to have some fun, too.

That's when she got another buzz. Eyebrow raising, she went to look at it. Hey. Need some quick help. Meet me in the pokermon center?

Her lips pursed. "I guess Theo will be coming to us."

She sent another text message. At it right now.

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  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 10:58 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

    Esther startled, eyes widening.
    “You’ve got a boyfriend? A punk? Like—a real one?”

    Theo didn’t fit that description, so it had to be someone else. But then…the pieces of the puzzle weren’t aligning. Esther lowered her voice, keeping a shifty vigil.
    “So it’s one of those ‘open-relationships’? I mean—you’ve got pictures of Theo in bed, and he told me he was whacking your—errr, ‘bush’… honestly, I didn’t think Theo had it in him, he looks kinda…soft, y’know? Like…the type that’d want to call you Mommy. But nevermind that, after the Whirl cup you were also walking really funny, you can’t fault a girl for connecting the dots. It looked like he wacked your bush real good.”

    Her conclusion was flawless. Could there really be some many coincidences around the same time period? Esther was doubtful. It wasn’t impossible but… it really did just look and sound like Theo was laying some PVC pipes for their resident researcher. If Naka wasn’t already her friend, Esther would’ve bought some popcorn, kicked up her feet, and watch the drama unfold. Punk-lord boyfriend vs soft-boy boy-toy, a battle for the ages.

    “Open relationships sound kinda messy, but if you think you’ve got it handled…”
    Esther shrugged, signifying that she didn’t really care who Naka wanted to let clean out her pipes. Instead, she switched topics to something else Naka had said.
    “No Pokémon, like at all? Guess there are all sorts of places out there, huh?”

    Was there even a region devoid of Pokémon? Esther had never heard of one, but what reason had Naka to lie? The Oblivian mentally shrugged, not quite believing Naka but uninterested in pushing the matter either.

    “Oh! While we have time, why don’t we go for a makeover? I’ve gotta re-dye my hair soon and, not to be rude, but your hair’s a bit of a mess. You can def do better than that; or you can at least, make the mess look more intentional with some light brown to dirty blonde roots. What do you think?”

    Personally, Esther favored dirty blonde. It better fit the blonde hair blue-eyed look that Naka already had going. They could then coif the rest in a faux-hawk or pixie-cut. Something short to match the tough-girl look. Then again, something longer might still work...

    “Oh, Theo's coming here? Then we can wait.”

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Nakano Saito1722811255405.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys
Mentions: Theo Hightower

CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka chuckled and nodded at Esther's look of incredulousness. Only to widen her eyes and slowly look at her in mild alarm and amusement as Esther continued to speak about what she heard.

She actually laughed. Esther couldn't be serious, was she?

It finally dawned on her that Esther was unfortunately serious and she had to cut her laughter short, clearing her throat. "Haha, very funny. No, bushwhack is a term jungle explorers use to slice up vines and large leaves with machetes to make traversal easier. After your stunt with your Shellos, I had to clean Ludwig's hairs and Swampert's skin. Theo offered to help clean Ludwig's hairs and - during that - spoke of how well he could use a machete, which obviously got my poor Grass-Type very alarmed." She chuckled, remembering that time. "I think you saw me walking funny by me being exhausted trying to clean up my poor Pokemon, and because I was sitting for too long."

She sighed with an amused grin, shaking her head. "And we were never that close and the mommy kink can go die for all I care. I hate it." She made a disgruntled look on her face, her disgust palpable in her own aura. "After I gave him a Rotom for his phone, it would randomly snap pictures of him in compromising positions just to tease him and make me laugh." She chuckled, gaze staring off into space. "My relationship with my boyfriend is complicated. He actually told me that he wouldn't mind if I laid with other people, but I-..." She paused, eyes downcast. "I didn't want to. Even though I told him he could do the same, I could tell that he didn't want me to, he was just trying to distance himself from being too attached and would prefer I did the same. Honestly, if he weren't carrying so much emotional baggage, he wouldn't share me at all." She chuckled, but it sounded sorrowful.

"Anyway, yeah, Theo came from a place where there's no Pokemon. If you ever heard him saying strange things and places that you've never heard of, that's probably why. Once he becomes more accustomed to you as a friend, he'll tell you in more detail how he got here. It's normal to not believe him at first though, what happened to him was rather unbelievable. I found him on the beach cowering and so confused. Looked like he got Teleported here and he looked extremely lost. All he had were the clothes on his back, so I helped him." She looked back at Esther, giving her a weary smile. "If he goes with you, please make sure he's alright."

On the topic of a makeover, she hummed in thought and smiled. "You know, I was just thinking of dying my hair. Not sure to what color. I was thinking of making the tips green." She chuckled, her two Grass-Types making adorable noises when they heard their trainer wanting to match colors with them.

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July 25, 2022
Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Huh. Weird. He had gotten a message from Naka, but the Rotom Phone didn't go off. Or maybe it did, and he had just missed it. He had been pretty wrapped up with something after all. The second message he heard ping off loud and clear. She was already in the Pokemon Center. Well. That made this easy. ::Awesome. I'm on my way:: he text back, stepping up his pace. Poor Krem was out cold because of his underestimations, and the sooner he got the water type to the Center the better. What made him think he could actually handle a Tauros, just because he had watched a few videos online? He really was an idiot, wasn't he?

It took him longer to actually make his way to the Pokemon Center than he would have cared to admit. He didn't remember the way there, and was too stubborn to ask the Rotom Phone for a clue, let alone a map and directions. He finally figured it out when he saw other trainers heading in to the building with the red roof, one that stood out being a young trainer carrying what looked like a giant purple rat and being followed by a floating metal sphere with magnets attached to it. "That...that can't be real....right?" Surely not. And if it were, surely no one would want it around their electronics. It would devastate any electrical device that it came in to close proximity to, wouldn't it? "Rotom?" he asked, the Rotom Phone coming out of his pocket and scanning the pokemon in the distance.

M̷̀̅a̸̢̓g̵̼̓n̷̩͝e̸̪͛m̵̆̎i̶͗te, the Magnĕt̷͗̕ ̸̈́͘P̴͎̚o̸̕kemon. Ì̷̖ť̵̬ ̶̈́is born̸̓͘ with the̱̅ ̶̓͂a̶͖͐b̶͈̅ḯ̴̚l̶̪͂ity to def̉y̴̚ gra͒͝v̶͙̀ĭ̸̯t̴͛́y̴͛͘. It flo̴̿͊ats ̴̃in aḭ̸̛r̸̍̚ on power̸͒́f̸̛̒u̷̱̽ĺ̵̟ electromag͇̾n̵̠̾è̶tic ͑ẇ̵̔ȁ̴̀v̶̮̕e̷͖̐s. Huh. That was...something. Why did he think that couldn't be real? He himself was currently carrying a horse, a bull, a small dog, and an alligator in small spheres on his belt. Was a self propelled, living magnet really that much more of a stretch of the imagination? Shaking his head to clear all of that from his mind Theo quickly made his way towards and in to the Center, grinning and waving when he saw both Naka and Esther. "Hey guys...er...girls.....ladies?" Did it really matter? He shrugged, looking back to them "Gimmie one second. Krem needs to be seen by the doctor here." he side stepped the duo and got in line to have his pokemon taken care of, stopping short when he got to the counter and saw Nurse Joy. "I...you...did you ride the boat in too? You were definitely just at the Whirl Cup." A bit of back and forth with the Nurse Joy later and Krem was in her capable hands, leaving Theo free to rejoin Esther and Naka. "Right then. Still confused. But alright then. Naka. My question. I caught a Tauros in the Safari Zone." He had heard the name said enough times to know how to say that properly at least. "He does not like me. Or anything. At all. I've tried talking to him, buuut he likes to go on a rampage the second he's out of his ball. I don't think I'm ready for...all of that. Not yet. So I was wondering if you, or you Esther, could show me how to use the storage system? The way he is right now, I don't think I can even feed him without him trying to bash my face in let alone try to tame him. I only captured him in the Zone because he was seriously hurt, and they wouldn't let me back in just to release him after his Center visit."

  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:00 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    “So…you’re not his sugar mommy?”
    Esther remained a bit skeptical, but Naka’s explanations were reasonable so maybe she had jumped to conclusions. Bushwhacking was meant literally, not figuratively and Theo had probably just butchered Ludwig into lewd. Naka hadn’t denied her open-ish relationship, but frankly that sounded way out of Esther’s depth. A few raunchy jokes and innuendos were fine, but this seemed far more serious.

    Esther thought it over for a moment: couple’s bonding? A psychic therapist? There were a few options, but before she could mention any of them, Theo strolled through the doors and the Oblivian shut her mouth. She’d have to get on Naka’s case for that green hair bit later…

    Switching tracks, Theo had an obedience issue with his Tauros and while Esther wanted to suggest a battle to solidify the trainer-pokémon bond, she didn’t know if that would actually help or just exacerbate the problem.

Desmond Andrews (Unranked)
Olivine City, Johto (July 25th)
g ThAtGuY101 ThAtGuY101 (Aldon) & Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 (Emma)​

k "You have an interesting philosophy, but certainly paints a more inviting picture." Desmond admitted to Aldon as the trio walked to their destination with his Politoed happily close with Desmond though Desmond had taken note of the extra company as he seemed to have a sweat drop at the sight of the pair of Wooper.

"Skol seems to have made new friends..." Desmond mused, as Politoed became fascinated by this as it hopped over by Skol and by extension the pair of Wooper. Emma seemed to enjoy the company as she seemed to admire the view as it painted a bit of a picture in the mind of the young man.

"Must've been quite the view." Desmond admitted, and far as plans go on his agenda he seemed to agree. "Yeah, this lighthouse was on my bucket list since I arrived in Johto. And, honestly, it seems to be living up to the promise." Desmond admitted a bit, as they saw the Lighthouse ahead of them he took some snap shots of it outside before the entered inside and prepared to use the elevator.

Desmond had done a good job avoiding a panic during this, though Aldon's comment caused the young man to scowl as his heart raced slightly.

"Please do not entertain that kind of dark humor." Desmond said with a shiver as Politoed patted the back of its partner as they all had gotten inside.
Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Andy lightly smiles as Reggie says he would help, "Hell yeah. You can count on me."

"Thank you Reggie" he says while Reggie explains the difference between pageants and contests, apparently there was one.

"So, pageants are a bit different from the normal contests you see on the telly. They aren't as bombastic and you don't need to show off any moves. We just need to get Tesla to look as good as possible, have a cute little routine of maybe some jumps and flips and showing off all his good sides, and then you're done. You'll be on the stage for less than a minute and at the end, you both bow and leave the stage. At the very end, they'll announce the winner, you come up and get your stuff, and then leave. Doesn't really require too much effort. What will require effort is getting Tesla to look good and set up some sort of cute routine."

Andy just takes this all in for nowtrying to process all of it for now, Tesla himself just does the confused dog expression as Reggie now mentions needing to give him a bath and comb his wool.

"No, I don't have a comb or anything like a groomer kit as I didn't expect to really expect to enter pageants or contests in general. " I would guess that this place may have a space for that?" Andy asks, luckily there are a few exits out of the place, Andy may need alot of time to prep for a minute or so performance.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Hecotoro Hecotoro

  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:00 a.m.

    Whilst Naka and Theo pondered their bull problem, Esther’s mind wandered. Move mastery. How was she going to achieve that—or more aptly, what moves could she bend for her purposes? Pyrrha was back in fighting form, so naturally her partner received the first consideration. Pyrrha didn’t have too many moves: Dragon Breath, Scale Shot, Dragon Tail, Headbutt, Protect, Leer…? She was definitely missing a few. Pokédex time; she was missing—Bide, Tackle, Work Up, and Screech…

    Okay, what could she do with Dragon breath? The move was relatively straightforward—bathe the opponent in draconic flames. Cool, how did she make it less straightforward? Pyrrha could…snort it through her nose? Did two streams of dragon breath mean twice the chance to paralyze? Doubtful… Could Dragon breath be utilized from some other part of the body? Well…it was a breath attack so that didn’t seem likely. Then again, it was a breath attack so with better breath control they could better control the attack? Hmmm, that was certainly area to explore.

    Scale Shot was next. Esther actually had a few ideas for this move already. Jangmo-o were feathered reptiles and Pyrrha performed scale shot by hardening her feathers before she launched them. What if they just…skipped the hardening? Could they get a variant of scale shot that ‘floated’ like a feather would? Could they create large scale projectiles by locking together multiple feathers? Maybe she needed to do more research into the type of feather’s Jangmo-o had. Bird Pokémon had…down feathers, flight feathers…what else? Would that even apply for Jangmo-o? She’d add that to the list of things to explore.

    Dragon Tail was…errr, there really wasn’t much she could do to modify that move…was there? It wasn’t like Pyrrha could…manipulate her tail? Not beyond the obvious, anyway. But there was that tail scale…maybe she could do something there? Dragon Tail into Scale Shot? Scale Snipe? Would it be any stronger? Guess she could look into it…

    Headbutt was…uhhh. Yea, nevermind.

    Protect? Leer? She’d need some inspiration on those. Maybe she’d look at how some other trainers used those moves. Trainer battles were oft recorded, she’d find something. Surely...


[Iris] Rapidash ♀
[Pearl] Dragonair ♀
[Zephir] Leafeon ♂
Click for Character Sheet RICK
Date: July 25th
Location: Pokémon Academy - Violet City
Interations: --

After arriving at Violet City, Rick made his way towards the Pokémon Academy to sign up for the Flight Course. He sighed in exasperation before entering the building and walking to the receptionist. "Hi! I'd like to register for the Flight Course, please? Well... not that I would like it, but..." He handed his ID Card to the receptionist, who checked his information. "Ah yes. We were expecting you." After filling a sheet on the PC, she slid over a sheet for Rick to sign. "I think you know this, since you already have the Riding License. It's similar. It starts with theory classes, followed by an exam. Once you pass that, you move on to the practical classes. The course ends with the practical flight test. Pass that test and you get your Flight License." She explained.

Rick had an elbow on the desk. He hadn't even started the course and was already bored. "Can we at least skip the theory classes?" He asked. The lady was silent for a moment before talking. "You can try... if you think you got all knowledge already. I recommend not to." She then put a pile of three books at the desk and pushed them towards Rick, whose eyes widened as he saw the pile. "Oh my, what is all this?" He asked, mostly to himself. The lady tilted to look at him behind the pile. "Well. Your manuals. Now you understand why I suggest you don't skip the theory part?" She said, grinning. Rick sighed. "Well... can you at least wrap it all up. You know... for ease of transport."

Back outside, Rick walked over to his pokémon that were waiting outside. "Hey!" He started by walked to Iris turning his back to her and passing over a wrapped-up box with a fancy tie on it. "Happy Birthday...ish." Since Rick actually didn't know when Iris's birthday was, he would just celebrate it whenever it was convenient for him. Sometimes he would celebrate it twice in a year. Who cared? It was just numbers. So Iris grabbed the box and started tearing the wrapping, all the while thinking whether she should munch on the apples or carrots first, since that was the typical random gift. As it turns out, it was just a flight manual. She sat on the ground, staring at it with a tilted head. "I thought, since you're the one doing the flying, it would make sense for you to be the one doing the studying instead." Rick said, shrugging.

Next to her, Pearl peeked at the book, only to start giggling. If only she knew what else was inside that box. "What are you laughing at? You must've forgot you're my main flyer! Here! Happy Birthday for you too!" He outstretched an arm with another book in hand, right in front of the dragon's face, before dropping it open on the ground. Pearl just stared at it with a sad expression. Rick then slowly turned his head to Zephir. The cat let out a sigh of relief, being the only one in the group that was really incapable of flight. Opening his eyes upon hearing a thud, the leafon gasped as he saw another book dropped right in front of him. "And don't think I forgot you can learn Aerial Ace! That's flying if you ask me. Even though I never thought it to you." He told him, before walking towards a tree and lying down on its trunk. "It's all about sharing experiences, guys! And you're about to experience what school feels like."
~Aldon Charlton...~
~Skol the king of gods, Bran the bronzor, Zippy the magnemite, Huck the golett, Wunder the Sigilyph and Bolly the Baltoy...~
~July 25th...~
~Johto, Olivine City...~
~interactions: Desmond, Emma...~

Seeing everyone's pokémon interacting really put a pep in Aldon's step as the group continued it's wonderous journey spiraling up the elevator of the lighthouse. For the moment, Aldon patted Skol and the the two woopers seemed friendly enough, too bad he didn't have room on his roster for the two. He held Zippy in his other arm and began laughing at Desmond's comment.

"I have no clue how he does it but seemingly on a whim at times, but its..." Aldon paused for a moment. "It hasn't really caused any trouble yet..." Aldon squinted his eyes and cocked his head back cautiously taking in the wooper situation but ultimately deeming it safe seeing how carefree and aloof Skol and the two wooper were.

"Same wavelength honestly..." Aldon leaned back against the rail, listening to Emma and Desmond chat. Occasionally petting Magnemite. A strange confusing action considering he had no particular idea of knowing for sure if Zippy even felt his hand touch. Zippy seemed to react positively, but that may be a reaction of the magnemite physically seeing Aldon petting him and reacting accordingly. Aldon didn't know, but it was a fun ponder thought as he waited to reach the top. Glancing back at Desmond, Dolan's relaxed carefree demeanor twisted and warped into a sadistic grin as he saw the opportunity to poke fun of the situation.

"That's not dark humor. Dark humor is lying in a hospital bed on the fourth floor in the middle of the night in a cold dark room with nothing but the sound and humming of the hospital machines in the room to fill the void and out of the blue, or rather purple... bright purple flames and what appears to be two glowing eyes on what seems to be a lamp(lampent) floating outside your window. You see it gaze at you as it floats outside your window and wonder if its going to pass by or if it's there for you, you feel drained. Tired. Eyes heavy and then you fade to dreams" as Dolan concluded his little story, the elevator opened, and he smiled cheerfully.

"Looks like our stop is here! Nice beautiful weather today. Which is great because the view is spectacularly gorgeous. The ocean, the city connecting to it and the sandy beach and the farmlands in the distant north horizon. Today is shaping up to be a good day!" Dolan said throwing some positive light in after such a dark story nobody asked for.
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Nakano Saito1723504641738.png
Date: July 25, 2022
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther Sophys, Theo Hightower
Mentions: N/A
CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Theo713 Theo713
Pokémon Team:
Brontis the Chikorita
Silenus the Sceptile
Mudster the Swampert
Minnie the Mienshao
Hattie the Hatterene
Apollo the Paldean Blaze Breed Tauros

Naka looked at her phone when it buzzed again, letting her know he’d be arriving. She chuckled as Esther asked if she really not Theo’s sugar mommy, which had her chuckling. “Gods no. He needs to get on his own two feet. I can’t babysit him. But I’m not gonna stop helping him either if he’s got a question.”

The Sceptile she was riding on distanced himself from the oncoming people, one holding a Rattata with a Magnemite in tow, while she waited for Theo. It must’ve been an emergency because Theo greeted them as he ran inside and said he needed to get his Totodile to the lady. Naka sighed. “Yeah, honestly, I’m not surprised if someone has to babysit him…” She groaned a bit to herself. Silenus made disgruntled clicks as he slowly sat down to the side of the Pokémon Center’s entrance.

Naka stretched her shoulders, watching Theo struggle with the lady there because she was a similar Nurse Joy to the one on Yellow Rock Isle. Naka chuckled, slapping her forehead with her hand. With Theo coming back once he gave away Krem briefly, Naka raised an eyebrow at his hurried question. She nodded slowly, chuckling as he was complaining about the Paldean Combat Tauros he got. The knitted corners of her eyebrows perked up as he continued, earning a strangled amused smirk at his predicament.

Humming, she tapped her chin, trying to recall what had happened to the Tauros right before they caught it. A seriously hurt Tauros battling a Rapidash, who was also seriously hurt… Then, they caught the Tauros right before it could hurt the Rapidash that Theo ends up catching later-...


Naka giggled, scratching the back of her head. “Huh… Yeah, I could see why he doesn’t like you. Let me give you some advice when handling Tauros. They are generally very direct, simple creatures who solve things with rage and violence. Combat Tauros are specifically bred for, well, combat.” She then began to count the traits it received from selective breeding on her fingers. “Blunted horns, a stockier build, and a fiercer disposition.” She relaxed her hand and began to massage on Silenus’s shoulder, earning a purr. Her Chikorita relaxed upon Silenus’s back, making sleepy trilling noises. “So, they have a very black-and-white take on what is weak and strong. They are irritable and bullheaded, generally. Tauros fight each other, and the winner becomes the leader of the herd. It doesn’t help that it can likely smell the Rapidash on you that he was just fighting and is charging you to goad you into using the Rapidash to have a rematch. But that fight will end poorly for both Pokémon, so don’t let him fight the Rapidash until he realizes he doesn't need to fight life-and-death. Having a rivalry with her is okay. Tauros are generally quite difficult to train due to their anger and stubbornness, so I wouldn’t doubt you’d wish to put him in stasis. Once you get stronger Pokémon, battle him. If you win, Tauros will see you as his leader and will calm down. The difference is like night and day.”

She noticed Esther was in her own little world. Not wanting to forget her, she waved at her to hopefully get her attention. “You seem lost in thought. If you got any questions, I don’t mind answering them either.”

Her eyes widened as if she had a sudden revelation. She slung her backpack around and fished inside. She pulled out a white cylindrical container with a blue Pokéball on the cap. It looked like a thermos, if the thermos had a hinged cap, a string attached to it, and a strange rectangular blue LED screen. “This little guy is a Pokémon Box Link. You put a Pokéball in through the top-” she pressed a button under the lid and it popped away with a small click. It had four curved pieces inside that looked to be anti-mischief pieces. “-and then you close the lid again and this blue LED screen will let you know the transfer is in process.” She closed the lid again. “The blue Pokéball symbol on the cap will turn red when it’s in transfer. It should only take a few seconds. Then, you can go onto your phone through an app and see the Pokémon in the boxes that this little gadget transferred it to. Every registered trainer gets several boxes to put their Pokémon in. It connects to the Pokémon Box servers to be able to do this, so if you don’t have an internet connection, the Box Link won’t work and it’ll let you know by flashing the red Pokéball. If you can’t afford one of these-” She shakes the cylinder before putting it back in her bag. “Then you can use the storage system in the Pokémon Center, which I’ll show you. I tend to forget I even have the Box Link.” She snorted.

Leaving her Sceptile on the ground, she walked back inside the Pokémon Center. She walked up to a computer, and inserted her trainer card into the card reader. It dinged and spat it back out, similar to an ATM in Theo’s world. She began going through the different options. “This is a bit more sophisticated. You can store and withdraw Pokémon and items, move items Pokémon may be holding and withdraw only the held item, organize them, and look at a graph that shows a generalization of their combat capabilities in a pentagonal graph of sorts and anything else about them like height, weight, type, abilities, and moves.” She began looking at a generalization of Huntail’s pentagon spread. It shows that he has generally good physical attack, physical defense, and energy attack - dubbed as Attack, Defense, and Special Attack - while he had middling performance in the other capabilities - dubbed HP, Special Defense, and Speed. It looked like video game stats. She pointed out what the words meant briefly and what it translated to. “It kinda feels like a video game, but in reality, you put a Pokémon into a computer, and a computer is going to spit out numbers. It won’t actually show you how well trained or experienced it is aside from giving you an arbitrary number. That’s just how it is.” She shrugged.

Moving on, she showed him how to move Pokémon around and such. She then showed him the teleporter, putting away her Mienshao into the computer, and then withdrawing her. “Pokémon who go into stasis don’t realize time has passed, so they may be a bit discombobulated coming out.” She logged off and let him have a gander at it. “Please, don’t forget to log out.” She gave a nervous chuckle. “It does log you out after a couple minutes of no input, but we really don’t want anyone going into your PC and stealing your Pokémon if they catch it fast enough.” She scratched the area of her arm where the itchy cast rubbed again.


Reginald Valerias1723504678163.png
Date: August 12, 2022
Location: Mariko Village, Route 33, Johto
Interactions: Andy Richter
Mentions: Reina Cortez
mdebourg mdebourg Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940
Pokémon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Large Marge the Drifblim
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (Red)

Already missing Reina, Reggie sat up straighter once his explanation was over. He smiled as Andy told him he didn’t have anything for this. He gave a triumphant grin, as if he had just predicted this. He pulled out a grooming kit from his backpack, opening it up for Andy and Tesla to see. “Gotcha covered.”

Snapping the kit shut, he finished up his food and waited for Andy and Tesla to follow. “They should have some on site. We’ll need to selectively wash him, since having water on the wool could end up shocking us and it would take forever to dry. If we wanna go in and clean the wool, we gotta spray it and comb through it. Preferably with rubber gloves to prevent being shocked.” He chuckled.

After a bit of walking around and guiding Andy, they did manage to find several basins in a row with cleaning supplies. Some trainers of Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Wooloo, and Dubwool were here cleaning their Pokémon, pinning cute accessories - mainly ribbons - to their wool or wrapping ribbons around their necks.

Reggie picked a basin that seemed to have fresh water already filled in it. He made sure the water was actually clean before setting down a stool for Andy’s Tesla to sit on. “Alright, Tesla. Time to make you look gorgeous~.” He fell into falsetto when he practically sang that last syllable, grabbing a pair of rubber gloves and tossing them at Andy. “Aite, you ready?” He looked at Andy, an excited gleam in his blue eyes as he put on his own rubber gloves.


  • Pokécenter
    Olivine City, Johto

    July, 25
    | 11:00 a.m. | Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Theo713 Theo713

    ‘For Halay, I could probably…Huh?’ Esther blinked, snap back to reality. Naka was looking at her; had she…said something? A question? What was the last thing she remembered? Theo had asked…if she could teach him how to use the PC storage system? The question was probably something related to that, yea? Yea…definitely.

    “No, sorry. I don’t use the Storage system. My parents own a farm, so I send my Pokémon home to relax.”
    That seemed to do it, cause Naka smoothly took over an in-depth explanation of the PC system. It was a useful piece of technology for sure, but not one the empath envisioned herself using much. She’d never needed it before, and Robert had been sure to warn her of the downsides. She could at least share them.
    “Some people believe the PC Storage system is harmful to Pokémon in the long-term and caution against its usage. There are other Pokémon ‘Storage’ options available, but you need to have a bit of luck or some money. Gyms have stables and ranches where they allow Gym Pokémon to reside and they often have extra space which they rent out to trainers who can afford it or those associated with the Gym.”

    “Gyms aren't the only places that do that, though. Some farms and ranches also offer that service to trainers to earn a little extra income—I’ve also heard you can buy plots of land, even uninhabited islands, where you can create enclosures for your Pokémon. That kind of Free Range lifestyle is the best for your Pokémon’s health and happiness but…it’s pretty expensive.”

Friday August 12th Marko village (mareep festival)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Andy looks into Reggies kit to see pretty much everything possible for grooming: brushes, shampoos and the like. They should have some on site. We’ll need to selectively wash him, since having water on the wool could end up shocking us and it would take forever to dry. If we wanna go in and clean the wool, we gotta spray it and comb through it. Preferably with rubber gloves to prevent being shocked.”

Andy nods as he and Tesla follow Reggie to some basins. Trainers of all varieties of sheep would be cleaning their wool and putting some various ribbons on their wool.

Tesla would take a seat on the stool while Andy gets some rubber gloves to avoid getting zapped . "Alright , I'm ready" Andy says letting Reggie lead this one not exactly sure if there is some proper way to groom pokemon

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Hecotoro Hecotoro
July 25, 2022
Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon Naka Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

She knew why Tauros didn't seem to like him? Why? Please, fill our poor boy in on what he seems to be missing. He listened to Naka, gave her his undivided attention. When she spelled it out like that, it seemed like common sense. "Yeaaaah, about that. I kinda tried that already. That's why the nurse is looking at Krem right now. Got smacked right in to a tree and couldn't get free. Ro was able to put up more of a fight, but I think in the long run just a few hits from Tauros would have had her in even worse condition than Krem. I did recall him before he suffered any serious injuries, but I thought he should be seen regardless." So if he got stronger and rechallenged his Tauros to a battle and was able to win, then the bull would accept him as its trainer? Why couldn't the videos he had seen just say that? It took Naka all of a minute to explain better what nearly a half hour of research done in vain couldn't.

When Esther chimed in he turned to her, trying to imagine the various alternatives she was offering as she listed them off. A farm? A gym leader? Ooh ooh!! An island. Yes! That was it! That's what he was looking for! Yes! An island!....ooh wait. She meant like an actual, physical island. With land and trees and other things. "Yeaaaaah...and I'm in a position to buy an island right now." He didn't know anyone who was, here or in his home world. "For now, free storage it is. But maybe one day I'll be able to afford the farms or gym options. Thanks, Esther." He really did appreciate the advice she had given him. And if this whole Pokemon training thing didn't work out, maybe he could save up some money and start a farm service of his own. He'd had to learn a lot of different things about a lot of different pokemon, but learning was one of his strong suits. As long as the information was reliable anyway.

Theo looked back to Naka when she pulled the thermos out, tilting his head to the side. "Huh~" he squeaked out as she spoke, examining the device as it was explained to him. It put him in the mindset of what a smart water bottle would look like if it were designed by the same people who developed the smart fridge. He started to ask if there were any sort of poke-balls the device couldn't transport, but that seemed unlikely. "I can't." he quickly quipped in when she mentioned not being able to afford a Box Link with a grin, nodding at her statement. It seemed almost anything you needed in relation to pokemon training could be done here in a pokemon center. Like the lost puppy he was Theo would follow Naka to the pokemon center's computers, peeking over her shoulder to try and catch a glimpse at what some of her pokemon were. There were tiny, 8-bit versions of two pokemon he thought he might actually recognize, but he couldn't put a finger on it. When she brought up Huntail's information, the two of them were greeted by a 3d rendering of the water pokemon. Theo lit up at the sight, nodding. "I remember him! My Whirl Cup buddy. Then the other one must be....um....Gory abyss!" He realized he had interrupted and shut his mouth, looking to the pentagonal graph. "Yeah, I can see it. Pokemon go in, numbers come out. Question: And I hope the answer is no. Has anyone ever tried....manipulating the numbers? Like, from the way I'm understanding it, Pokermon...pokemon in storage are digitized. 0s and 1s. Surely no one has ever tried manipulating a pokemon's 0s and 1s while they're in storage, right? Like a cheat code or something? Gods I hope that's not a thing." That didn't even sound pleasant. Such a thing had to be illegal. He wasn't even sure why the thought had run through his mind, but it was a question and it needed an answer.

The tutorial on how to move pokemon and items while they were in the box was quick, informative, and easy enough to understand that even a complete newbie could understand. "I see...and the pokemon aren't actually moved around, right? Just the way their information is displayed for the viewer?" At the start of it Theo had pulled out the notebook that had his notes thus far written in it and wrote as Naka spoke, opting to write in his language so he could write and follow along with the instructions at the same time. This was something he had learned to do before coming here, and he hoped to one day put in to practice with this world's language as well so he could stand out less. But for now, his own language would have to do.

When it was his turn Theo gently placed the Tauros' Safari Ball on the transporter and zapped it away to storage, breathing a sigh of relief. In truth, this whole time he had expected the bull to burst out of its ball and start wreaking havoc in the pokemon center. The fact that he didn't was a relief to the newbie's soul. Theo sat at the computer and inserted his card like Naka had, taking it when it had been returned to him. There on the screen was his Tauros in all his bull like glory. His stats, height, weight, type, ability, and move set just like Naka had said. His ability was Intimidate, which he knew was also Shinx's ability. So pokemon of different species could have the same ability. How many were there in total, and what factors determined what pokemon could have what abilities? Was it by some grand design, or was it something else entirely? The stats for the Tauros on the screen didn't mean much to Theo, but he did make a note of it in his journal as well as out loud, though more a muttering than anything. "Stats seem to be based on a scale larger than 1 - 100. I'll need to do some research on the scale of the parameters." He relaxed some in the seat, glancing up to Naka before back to the screen. "So if I'm reading this right..." he pointed at the screen "Tauros energy attack capabilities are...low.....because it places an emphasis on physical attacks. He did seem to favor using his horns earlier." He rolled his head back over the back of the seat, looking in the now upside down Esther's direction. "And we never had our battle, did we? Rick interrupted us on the boat. Still wanna go? I just want to make sure I've got this down first, if that's alright."

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