Pokemon Humans? The Start of a New Beginning

Should Team Shade (The bad guy team) have a bad guy rival called Team Dazzle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • How about a good guy team?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care, whatever works

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Apocalyptic Mad Hatter of Zombie Wonderland


Victoria Isa Xineral - 17 - Polysexuality - 71 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Collin Andrew Rosald - 17 - Bisexual - 61 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Lance Orvil Longsar - 18 - Pansexual - 68 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Scott Oliver Solial - 19 - Homosexual - 50 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Jaxson Alexander Gorogal - 19 - Pansexual - 60 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Scarlett Iris Lina-Koros - 16 - Asexual - 27 - Page 1 - AWarriorcat

Alexander Anthony - 17 - Heterosexual - 56 - Page 1 - ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Valeria Kotchi Iunsetyn - 13 - Bisexual - 51 - Page 1 - Kanra

Dr Anita Anthony - 50 - Homosexual - 71 - Page 1 - ThatGuyWithSouvlaki


Full Name:







Favorite Type: (of Pokemon)

Pokemon Team: (Max is six, min is two, include levels (Under 70) and genders (Genderless must be gendered)


Number One Pokemon: (Meaning their partner/starter/favorite pokemon/pokemon team leader)

Rival: (Optional)

Travel Partners: (Optional/Meet In RP)


Looks: (Anime preferred but not limited too) 

Full Name: Victoria Isa Xineral

Nickname: Vick, Vicky, Tori

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope

Sexuality: Polysexuality

Favorite Type: Dragon

Pokemon Team:

Drapion, Level 49, Male

Flygon, Level 53, Male

Jolteon, Level 39, Male

Metagross, Level 71, Male

Arcanine, Level 42, Female

Salamence, Level 68, Male

Personality: Victoria is a smart, brave, outgoing girl that is very talkative and sweet to her friends but a little more awkward and shy with new people. She makes friends in a heartbeat and is extremely loyal to all. She's very smart but has semislow reflexes but reacts quickly once she realizes that something is wrong and such; Her and her pokemon are very close.

Number One Pokemon: Flygon, Salamence and Jolteon

Rival: Nope

Travel Partners: Looking for some




Full Name: Collin Andrew Rosald

Nickname: Colly, Col

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope

Sexuality: Bisexual

Favorite Type: Fire

Pokemon Team: Arcanine, Level 62, Male

Lapras, Level 36, Female

Luxray, Level 40, Male

Noivern, Level 61, Male

Gardevoir, Level 49, Female

Torterra, Level 35, Male

Personality: Collin is an easily annoyed, short tempered type of guy, he has a short fuse but seems to attract people that like to try and light it. He isn't always a nice guy or a sweet guy, but sometimes, he'll be nice or sweet to people he really likes. Collin loves meeting new people but often scares away people because of his weird and spazzy personality. He stumbles with words often, causing people to leave him. This boy strives to be perfect and wants to become the best pokemon trainer ever!

Number One Pokemon: Arcanine

Rival: Jaxson

Travel Partners: Lance

Other: He's almost always wearing his hoodie unless it's too hot

Looks: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3


Full Name: Lance Orvil Longsar

Nickname: Lan

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope

Sexuality: Pansexual

Favorite Type: Poison

Pokemon Team:

Scolipede, Level 68, Male

Chandelure, Level 51, Female

Mightyena, Level 26, Female

Absol, Level 38, Female

Espeon, Level 30, Female

Samurott, Level 49, Male

Personality: Lance has a dark sense of humor and pranks often, his version of fun is misery to others. He is a sarcastic, dark, full of energy sadist, he flirts often but never with any real meaning and can turn stone cold in seconds. Lance hardly ever gets mad, but when he does, watch out, you may find yourself a hell on Earth with his wrath.

Number One Pokemon: Scolipede

Rival: Too much trouble

Travel Partners: Collin

Other: He's blind without his glasses and he usually goes around topless

Looks: Picture 1, Picture 2


Full Name: Scott Oliver Solial

Nickname: None

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Boyfriend: None

Sexuality: Homosexual

Favorite Type: Ice and Grass

Pokemon Team:

Leafeon, Level 47, Female

Frosslass, Level 32, Female

Haxorus, Level 50, Female

Dedenne, Level 39, Female

Pyroar, Level 41, Male

Lucario, Level 46, Male

Personality: Scott is silent, awkward and shy, it's hard for him to make friends and his quiet demeanor has made him a targert for bullying and abuse. Scott is the type of person to ignore them all but in reality, he could beat them all up because he's very strong, smart, brave and flexabile. Scott is uncomfortable around people though so it's hard for him to make friends and people call him a freak. Scott is actually a genius for his age and has super good memory but his silent demeanor makes it hard for people to notice.

Number One Pokemon: Haxorus

Rival: None

Travel Partners: No

Other: The horns are real, star hair and the glowing tattoo are natural, he was saved by an unknown legendary Pokemon as a child and was marked forever.

Looks: Picture 1, Picture 2


Full Name: Jaxson Alexander Gorogal

Nickname: Jax

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Male

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope


Favorite Type:

Pokemon Team:

Shiny Charizard, Level 57, Male

Scizor, Level 59, Female

Croconaw, Level 49, Male

Aggron, Level 60, Male

Salamence, Level 59, Female

Nidoking, Level 41, Male

Personality: Jaxson is a lazy, flirty, annoying jerk. He is handsome and ladies flock him but most guys hate his cocky, arrogant attitude. He flirts with males and females but only females fall usually. He can cut ties in a heartbeat as most people mean very little for him, he enjoys traveling on his pokemon's back because his distaste of walking... or moving.

Number One Pokemon: Scizor

Rival: Collin

Travel Partners: None

Other: Nope

Looks: Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3


Full Name: Scarlett Iris Lina-Koros

Nickname: Scar or Let

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Female

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nope

Sexuality: Demisexual

Favorite Type: Ice

Pokemon Team:

Braizen, Level 23, Female

Zoroak, Level 27, Male

Stunfish, Level 19, Female

Persian, Level 23, Male

Personality: Scarlett is shy and unsocial, she is easily embarrased and hurt. She's sweet, understanding and always says yes. Her self esteem is low and she is fairly dense at times, she blushes constantly but sticks up for her friends, she is completely oblivious to signs unless you basically write it down to her. Scarlett is very close to her Pokemon and rather clingy to her friends, she has retreated into a shell with only her Pokemon allowed in.

Number One Pokemon: Zoroak and Braizen

Rival: None

Travel Partners: None at the moment

Other: Scarlett is almost always listening to music with her Braizen and Zoroak out, sometimes Persian too.

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Full Name:Alexander Anthony

Nickname:Ali, Alex






Favorite Type: Fighting

Pokemon Team:

Personality:Alex is athletic developing above average physical size for a guy his age and rough manner making him seem imposing, However he is a good soul, always joking and helpful when he can be. He despises laziness and will push others to be more active. Has a close bromance with his Monferno which he keeps out of his pokeball most of the time.

Number One Pokemon: Monferno

Rival: Jax

Travel Partners: (Optional/Meet In RP)



:D Accepted, let's start, everyone is just waking up, how about Victoria, Jaxson and such are all staying at the same town? With yours?
Full Name: Valeria Kotchi Iunsetyn

Nickname: Vera Catch Inusett (For ones who aren't Russian)

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Crush: none

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none

Sexuality: Bisexual

Favorite Type: Psychic

Pokemon Team:

Meowstic, Level 42, Male

Chandelure, Level 51, Male

Jellicient, Level 49, Male

Sylveon, Level 38, Female

Personality: Very cocky but sweet, Valeria is a bittersweet person and you'll never know if your conversations will be good or bad. She always has tricks up her sleeve and is skilled with strategy. You'll just never know what she'll pull on you.

Number One Pokemon: (Meaning their partner/starter/favorite pokemon/pokemon team leader)

Rival: Olivia Kotchi Iunsetyn

Travel Partners: looking for one

Other: Is very relaxed and calm when with her Pokemon


Full Name:Dr Anita Anthony

Nickname:Doc, Anita, Quack






Favorite Type: Female

Pokemon Team:

  • Lilligrant (f) level 65
  • Kangakhan (f) level 59
  • Metagross (f) level 69
  • Froslass (f) level 71
  • Nidoqueen (f) level 42
  • Manectric (f) level 39

Personality: Direct, intelligent and opinionated coupled with short a mind that cant hold on to a topic for for the a minute, she had made few friends in the scientific community nor she cares to. A recluse her only cares are her work with pokemon and a bit of a lesser extend her family.

Number One Pokemon: Froslass

Rival:Professor Oak

Travel Partners: N/A



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