Pokémon Frontier [SU]


Auburn Mystery

Pokémon Frontier


Instead of the usual one trainer starts out on their mission to become the best trainer in the world, a group of friends decide to take the challenge together. They plan to find and obtain the best and strongest pokemon ever and through their trials become world famous amongst their peers.

How Progression will work:

I’m try to make this as open ended as possible. That being said. There is no plot. The ultimate goal is to enter a championship and win title of worlds best. So basically In character you will have to talk about your goals, where you wish to go, what you want to do, pokemon you want to see. Based on that information, Mini plots will form and adventure will begin.


This is a Semi canon, Semi alternate universe. That being said. Named people may show up, places may be traveled to. Settings may be altered as we see fit, pokemon may mutate or evolve in... unique manners not seen within the anime or game.


Starting pokemon will differ from the games however you may need to choose wisely. A thread for your pokemon will be created at a later date. This thread will constantly need to be updated with what pokemon you have and what skills they have acquired. I may even keep plot update int that.


Your pokemon are intelligent. They will not sit idly by and do nothing. They have personalities just like you. Please remember then and design them well. For this also may play into plot.

Everyone will be starting in


This will be A LOT more realistic than the anime/game. Injuries may be severe. Death will not occur without permission but may be possible for any and all pokemon. There will be cuts, scraps, bruises, blood, burns, frostbite, paralysis, poison, mind melting, soul bending, teleporting, and much much more. Tread carefully.


http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/national - For pokemon database and stats.

http://hapuriainen.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-trainer-dress-up-125433419 - If you feel like being creative.

Character Template:




Job:[Trainer or other, can be anything, be creative]


Bio: [Possibly put future goals? Pokemon one wishes to see or aquire? Places to see or go? Any other things relating to pokemon stuff?]

Misc Info: [Optional]
Appearance: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=original+pokemon+trainer+male#/d36739r

Name: Cecil Phasma

Age: 17

Job: Pokemon Medium

Personality: Good attitude, willing to help others, and he always puts other people and Pokemon's needs ahead of his own.

Bio: Cecil was never a normal child. He grew up seeing the spirits of deceased Pokemon, which frightened everyone around him. He however wanted to help these poor souls find a resting place. He would often lead them to holy ground where they would find a place of happiness. Growing up knowing only this, he made a trade of it, going to people's homes and contacting their passed on friends. The pay wasn't great, but Cecil didn't care. He just wanted to help people and Pokemon alike.

Misc. Info: Being around spirits all the time, Cecil prefers Ghost-type Pokemon. He's also a low-level Chancellor.

Light, freckled complexion with hazel eyes and long, medium brown hair with a light bleaching from being out in the sun. Her hair is naturally curly like her sister's, but she styles it straighter and wears it either down or in a low, sloppy, over-the-shoulder ponytail. Her and her sister are both lean and an average height. She dresses in a baggy, striped, sleeveless top, it looks more like a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off than a tank top. Her top is tucked loosely into low-rise, denim cut-offs, rolled at the ends, with denim straps similar to suspenders('suspender shorts?') though it is fairly common for one strap to be hanging at her hip instead of resting over her shoulder. On her feet she wears simple flats with no socks.

Name: Arden Campbell

Age: 15

Job: Trainer


She is adventurous, compassionate, competitive, and even though they tease each other and sometimes fight, she is protective of her sister. She is a little tomboyish and can be a troublemaker sometimes, but in general is a hard worker, friendly and she knows how to behave when she needs to.


Arden's only sibling growing up was her twin sister, Aubree. Their parents met while their father was a gym leader and their mother was on a journey with her own pokemon. When they started a family though, their mother ended her pokemon journey, having become a regional champion, and their father gave up the gym in order to focus on their new family. But when their father wanted to get back in the game and reclaim his position as a gym leader and their mother wanted him to stay home, the two ended up splitting up. For years their father tried to reclaim his title, but with no success. If he couldn't do it, then Arden would, if only to make her father proud. She convinced Aubree to come with her and their mother didn't stop them. Having two parents that had been pokemon trainers, Arden had always had an interest, now she had the motivation to start a journey of her own.

Misc Info: Arden and Aubree are identical twins.

Has short, loose curls surrounding her baby-face; while her sister usually takes the time to fix hers, she leaves her lighter-tresses messy. Has the matching fair skin, hazel eyes and freckles as her, although spread differently. She stands at an average height; usually wearing spandex shorts with a tank top under a longer, one-sleeved one and a bandana around her neck. Trainer gloves cover her hands, and her bag is ready at her side, pokeballs and all.

Name: Aubree Campbell

Age: 15

Job: Trainer


Very affectionate towards People and Pokémon, as she is very friendly and gets along well with others. Although it may seem like she and her sister hate each other, they just like to play-fight a lot to bond. Seems both disoriented and unfocused but is determined to reach her goal, with her sister at her side.


Both Aubree’s mother and father were trainers before her, tough enough that he managed to be a gym leader and her, a regional champion. The difference was that her mother gave it up, and her father tried to get back into the game, causing their split 8 years in.

The situation caused a little fear of Pokémon to dwell in Aubree until her sister had set her straight; her influence also brought on the idea of wanting to be a Pokémon trainer. Not only that, but a Pokémon gym leader so their father wouldn’t have to.

Misc Info:

Is Arden's Identical Twin
Appearance: http://kirara1fan.deviantart.com/art/Rickey-Grey-202326915

Name: Rickey Grey

Age: 15

Job: Trainer and World class pain in the...well rear end xD

Personality: Hes the silent tpye Cuz im too lazy right now :3 His personality may differ from person to person, day to day or even minute to minute so dont be surprized if he acts or talks differently the next time(s) you meet him.

Bio: He plans on being 'The Very Best Like no one ever was". His Future Team would be: Togekiss,Delicatty,Umbreon,Arcanine,Flygon and his fave cute pokemon...Tepig(pokabu)

Misc Info: He loves cute pokemon on the down low. He may treat his pokemon harshly but he loves them dearly and is doing it for their own good, toughing them up for later reasons.

Appearance: Will post when i get it.






Scientist in training.

Pokemon fanatic.


Easy going. Creative, excitable, challenging, never gives up, medic, People for the protection and enhancement of pokemon. [PPEP]


Her father is one of the greatest pokemon scientists in the world. As such he is rarely home, and only has time for his family via phone calls. She wishes to one day go and visit him in his far away lab and show that she is as great of a scientist as he is.

Misc Info:


Everyone above this line is accepted. for now, Trainers are closed. At least starter ones. If you wish to apply as a trainer i may have you battle the group and join them at a later time. (soon enough you can RP though! xD ). Be creative and try something else. I will be posting the enlishted pokemon thread soon. Get ready >3
Appearance: http://www.extreme-gaming.de/screenshots_thumbs/500,500,9246_Cycpf.jpg

Name: Ryu Hikoma


Traveler/challenger. Set out to wander and test the vast reaches of the world.


Bio: Growing up, Ryu was never a winner, a lady's man, or even a high grade scholar. He was in fact a great Pokemon coordinator. Him and his pokemon seemed to not only understand each other, but they seemed to be the 'same' entity in two different bodies. They moved together, spoke together, even ate together. They were all inseparable. Even throughout the years, they still stuck around and are still traveling together.

Misc Info: [Optional]

Suiken Hawke


Job: Ranger

Personality: Quiet, reserved, reclusive, protective, has a slight dislike for most trainers for personal reasons.

Bio: Suiken grew up as the son of a ranger, he could hardly remember his father though since he only returning home shortly twice in Suiken's memory. As soon as Suiken was old enough to pull stakes, he applied for a position in Kanto's rangers program, and headed off into the wild along with his Lucario, Pokemon that his father had given to him as a Riolu at a young age.

Misc Info:
Appearance: http://chogumi.deviantart.com/art/pokemon-trainer-boy-174119010?q=gallery:chogumi/13405033&qo=12


Age: 13

pokedex cataloguer/ trainer

Personality: Jack is very naive which makes sense giving his age. At times he can be preachy and tends to rush into things. But he is usually a good judge of character. He hates liars and those that exploit the weak.

Bio: Big cities are always tough places to grow up in. The eat or be eaten mentality strengthens it's youth. Jack is no exception he is straight out of Hoenn region. He lives in a place where the gym leader has gotten much too comfortable. He hasn't had a good challenge in years. Everyone knows that if you let something sit out it spoils. The gym leader is corrupt. Jack knows this his mother and father know this, but Jack's mother and father don't want him to get caught up into the politics of the region. So defiantly Jack has gone to Kanto to begin his journey as a trainer!

Misc Info:

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