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Fandom › 𝗽𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻: 𝗳𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆



Alfie bounced as the bus hit yet another pothole which jostled the large metallic vehicle, his teeth clattered together as he gripped the worn leather bench in front of him to keep steady. The ride out of Lumiose City had gotten bumpier and bumpier as the meticulously kept roads of the grand city had long given way to the... lax maintenance standards of the more rural areas of the Kalos region. The open green fields made Alfie miss home, the Kalos region wasn't like the Galar region, wasn't quite as cold and didn't rain nearly as much, but he hadn't seen Galar in nearly three years now, so maybe it was nothing more then nostalgia putting a lovely filter over what was probably a cold, damp shit hole of a place. His parents had been so sure that a 'change of scenery' would do the trick, a fresh start in a new region would change their fortunes. It didn't. They went from living in a hole in the wall in Galar to a hole in the wall in Kalos, a tiny studio apartment that somehow was supposed to fit four... three, people. He let his head rest against the warm window, his forehead making a slight squeak as it rubbed against the dirty glass pane. He was the last one on the bus now, the others having hopped off at Santalune city, many of which were other fellow aspiring trainers about to graduate from the Trainer School and get their starters, like how most people in the Kalos region got theirs, but Alfie had other ideas. He was following a trail, she had started in Aquacorde where she had met Professor Sycamore and, once again, Professor Sycamore was handing out pokemon and a pokedex to three aspiring trainers. He had no idea who the other two were, and he wasn't even sure there was a third, but nothing a good round of pitiful begging couldn't do to earn a pity pokemon, right? Right. Totally. Probably. Maybe if he cried a little because nothing was worse and uglier then a grown man crying.

"Hey, kid, why you heading to Aquacorde? Thought you'd get off in Santalune with the rest of them, get your first pokemon partner," the nasally voice said from the front of the buss, Alfie didn't take his forehead from the window but did glance up to the driver. The man was old, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know how long he had been driving buses, he looked so thin as if a strong gust of wind would pick him up right out of the bus and there was something morbidly amusing at the sight of such a thin, small man handling such a massive vehicle. Perhaps that is what drew him to it in the first place?

"Nah, my parents could never have afforded to send me to the pokemon school, but I heard Professor Sycamore sometimes gives pokemon out," Alfie said, the moisture from his breath fogged up the window.

"Oh, I didn't know you were one of the special few! My, I am lucky! Hasn't been a trainer that got a pokemon from the Professor that hasn't gone on to do well. I might even be talking to the future pokemon champion!" his voice held a certain edge to it, not quite excitement, but not quite mockery, somewhere in between.

"I wouldn't hold my breath," Alfie said as his eyes locked onto a small bird pokemon, one he had seen around the Kalos region.. everywhere, "My sister was more the trainer. I am more..." his voice trailed off.. He was more.. what? Nothing really. He was just there. He existed.

"I hear ya," the driver said, "I tried being a pokemon trainer when I was younger, still have my Liepard, Nancy, been with me since I was a kid. Sold the others, you know, put the kids through school, I remember this one time.." As the bus driver drove into his story of damsels, dragonites and danger.. or whatever it was, Alfie toned him out, his eyes upon the great blue sky, maybe it'd all work out.... For someone.


Alfie paused at the large door, was he ready to do this? What if the professor told him to buzz off? What if he failed? What if he got to her and she was.... What if. What if. Was this door a push or a pull? So many questions, so many possibilities, so many fears. Alfie closed his eyes and tried to gather himself, he wasn't Elizabeth. He wasn't driven like her. He wasn't.. This was not his destiny. This was hers. This had always been hers. He was just lucky enough to be part of it, but they hadn't heard from her in.. a long time, so.. Maybe... Maybe he could find her, give her the push she needed to achieve her destiny, be the first in their family to do anything. Alfie gathered his courage, curled it into a ball and with as much strength as he could muster pushed the door... And then pushed again. He blinked once. He blinked twice. He looked to his left sheepishly to see an older woman watching him trying to hide her eyes, but he could see her shoulders shaking as he chuckled. Slowly, he pulled the door open and stepped inside, because of course that was how his journey would start.

The inside was lit and so... white. It smelled of disinfectant yet there were papers strewn all over the place, an interesting mix of organized, sterile and yet dirty and lived in. It was... He wasn't sure what it was. Perhaps like a retirement home? With that hospital that was pretending to be a home feel, "Hey, anyone here or am I talking to an empty room like some kind of creepy loser?" Alfie called out as he stepped into the building.

He heard something rustle behind a bookcase and a man with dark hair that looked wild but upon closer inspection was meticulously groomed and styled to give off that appearance, "Hm? Oh, hello there! I wasn't expecting anyone to get here for another few minutes! Terribly sorry, I was reading a facinating discovery recently, my where are my manners? I am Proffessor Sycamore and you must be," Alfie watched the man's brow furrow as he tried to recall his name, likely trying to place his rather uninspired face with one of the trainers he had summoned to his lab, "... Who are you?"

"Al Bridgeton, my sister, Elizabeth, came here a few years ago to start her pokemon adventure and I was hoping I could do the same? Probably a shot in the dark, will warn you, I am not as clever as she is, I am kinda like that 'other kid' so if you have like anything at all, maybe a pokemon that no one else wanted or like... Honestly, I'll even take a rattata just whatever you have," Alfie said a bit too fast as the words almost blended in together.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down there!" Sycamore said, a large smile on his face, "I remember Elizabeth! I haven't heard from her in awhile, but she was excellent! Perfect trainer material... A pokemon," Sycamore cupped his smooth chin as seemed to ponder the request, "I do have two trainers coming in to get a pokedex and pokemon from me, marvelous kids, potential like I haven't seen in... well, since I became a professor! And I do have three pokemon I brought with me," his voice trailed off as he seemed to think more about the situation.

"Please," Alfie said, his voice so soft he almost didn't hear it, "I have to do start my journey here. I won't let... I can't promise that, honestly, I'll probably fuck this up because that kinda runs in the family and I totally will let you down, but I'll try my best to not let that happen, I just... need a chance," the time had come to bank on that pity pokemon and Alfie could only hoped he looked as pathetic as he felt.

"How could I say no to such an impassioned request? Alright, Al, I'll let you pick one of my pokemon with the others and I'll even give you a pokedex, its a bit older then the others because, well, I only brought the two so its a leftover but it'll be a great help, I know it," Sycamore smiled and Alfie felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, "Oh, and you know, before they get here," he said pulling a handkerchief from his sleeve and motioned to his forehead.

Alfie reached a hand up and rubbed only to pull back a soot covered hand... The window, "Typical. Just.. Just typical."

deer deer

❛ aurora wynters ❜
oft, whistle-like chimes echoed in the crisp morning air, accompanied by the delicate chirps of Fletchlings and the rustling of leaves underfoot, hinting at the presence of local Mamoswines and Abomasnows. The forest, cloaked in a blanket of frost and snow, seemed to hold ancient secrets within its icy embrace, fueling the mysterious legends whispered among Snowbelle City's children. The city itself sparkled with the vibrancy of glittering ice crystals, a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants in adapting to the frigid climate.

Snowbelle City was by no means small, especially for those who lived their entire lives in one place. It was normal to know most of the civilians living in the city, and that familiarity rang true for none other than Aurora Wynters. The day was supposed to have started like any other day. However, this time was different. She was finally going on her own adventure!

In her cozy room, the pale light filtering through the frost-covered window cast a serene glow. Aurora glanced around at her belongings, neatly packed bags sitting by her door. Excitement and a hint of nostalgia filled her heart as she prepared for the journey ahead. Among her belongings were varying seasonal clothing, carefully chosen to navigate the diverse landscapes of the Kalos region. Alongside them, a few cherished books on Pokémon training and exploration nestled beside trinkets from her childhood, each holding a memory or a dream of adventure.

Pausing to look at a framed photo of her and her mother, taken on one of their visits to Professor Sycamore's lab in Lumiose City, Aurora felt a mix of determination and anticipation. Yet, beneath the excitement, a subtle sense of conflict lingered. Recent disagreements with her mother echoed in her mind, highlighting the clash between tradition and independence. Aurora often felt shadowed by the weight of her mother's legacy as a gym leader, yearning to veer off that path.

Before departing, Aurora took a moment to bid farewell to her Pokémon companions—a friendly Snorunt named Frost and a curious Espurr named Luna. Leaving a heartfelt letter on the dining table for her mother, expressing her gratitude and determination to carve out her own legacy in the world of Pokémon, she felt ready for the journey ahead.

As she made her way out of the city, her last shift at the local hospital for Pokémon care included tending to injured or sick Pokémon. Aurora approached the job with gentle care and dedication, having a knack for understanding the Pokémon's needs and comforting them during their recovery.

Soon she traversed the familiar streets one last time, a familiar face caught her attention—the local breeder Violet known for her impeccable care of Pokémon and dedication to their well-being.

"Good luck on your journey, Aurora," Violet said warmly, tending to a litter of newborn Pokémon. "Remember, caring for Pokémon is not just about strength and battles. It's about understanding and compassion."

Aurora nodded, a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you for everything. I'll make sure to remember your words."

With a final wave and a heart full of determination, Aurora set off towards Lumiose City, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited her. Her train journey became a bridge between past and future. Through the window, she watched the snowy landscapes gradually give way to lush fields and bustling towns, each passing moment reinforcing her resolve to pursue her dreams independently.

────────── {♛} ──────────​

Arriving in Lumiose City, Aurora was greeted by the pulsating energy of the bustling streets and towering buildings. The sight of Professor Sycamore's lab stirred a mix of anticipation and butterflies within her, signaling the beginning of her own Pokémon journey and the quest to define her path amidst the vastness of the Kalos region.

As Aurora stepped off the train, her thoughts were momentarily interrupted by a familiar face in the bustling crowd. Ryu, her childhood friend, stood there, a quiet but knowing smile on his face.

"Ryu," Aurora softly whispered, her eyes gazing towards him. His hair was the perfect shade of brown as it always was, but his cat-like eyes held the same intrigue of thought and curiosity.

"Aurora," Ryu replied, a hint of warmth in his voice. "It's been a while."

"Where have you been all this time?" Aurora asked, a smile tugging at her lips. "It's like fate that we meet here, just as I'm starting my journey."

A small smile made its way towards Ryu's lip. "I've been around, exploring and learning. Maybe fate did play a part in our meeting again."

Their eyes met briefly, exchanging unspoken words of encouragement and understanding. Aurora felt a surge of confidence as she greeted Ryu, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her in front of Professor Sycamore's lab.

As they entered the lab's main area, the atmosphere seemed to shimmer with anticipation. The air carried the familiar scent of potions and wild berries, igniting memories of Aurora's childhood adventures. She could almost see a faded memory of herself as child, running around the lab with untamed excitement, trying to keep up with a mischievous Pacham that always seemed to find its way into playful trouble.

"Professor Sycamore!" She called out, "We're here!"

Amidst this familiar yet dynamic environment, Aurora's attention was drawn to another figure, a young man possibly close to both her and Ryu's age. Aurora's friendly smile widened as she approached him, her footsteps echoing lightly on the lab's tiled floor.

"Hello there!" she greeted warmly, extending her hand in greeting. "Are you here to meet Professor Sycamore too? Getting your first partner as well? I'm Aurora, and this is Ryu."

Ryu nodded in acknowledgement, standing a few feet away as Aurora initiated the introduction.

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tag: Cosmo Cosmo

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