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Fandom Pokemon: Aetheric Platinum || CS


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Trainer form

Age: (mid to late teens for new trainers)
Pokemon Team:

Pokemon form (optional)

Level: (5-12 for new trainers)
Personality: (nature also works)
I hope it's okay to post characters now <3 Please tell me if there's anything that needs changing!


Name: Sebille Banon
Age: Sixteen years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual

Sebille's a fun soul, like ocean waves dancing to the warm breeze. She's silly and weird, often times making outlandish remarks that are frowned upon. She's usually teased for being the last to understand something, or for just being dumb in general, but she embraces it. Most people enjoy being around the girl, she's giggly, easygoing, and quirky. She's constantly moving around. Sebille will always being touching someone, dancing, tapping, or bouncing. Not to mention talking, the girl could talk for hours. These traits tend to annoy people, and it isn't rare for people to easily get fed up with her. Nonetheless, she brings a fresh and energizing aspect into a friendship.

Furthermore, the girl is curious and interested in the world around her. She takes a genuine interest in learning more about other people, her community, new pokemon, and the outside world. She strives to learn more. However, this natural curiousity has lead to downfalls. Occasionally the girl doesn't think, she just does, which results in consequences. (One she got attacked by a wild Zangoose.)
Sebille presents herself with a lolita-like aesthetic, she strives for everything cute, pastel, and pink. This sometimes produces mixed responses; most of the time she stands out compared to the average traveler in jeans and a t-shirt. Sebille stands at roughly 5'5" with a naturally slim build. The girl has long legs, which she likes showing off, paired with awkwardly long arms. The girl sports long straight ice-blue hair that's screaming for a trim. It's grown out and split-ends are rampant, but she doesn't mind. Usually her hair is left to hang around her shoulders, but can occasionally be seen in a ponytail or pigtails. Bangs frame her face and fall over her forehead, coming short of her large blue eyes. Her eyes usually hold a dreamy gaze.

Sebille's been teased before for putting so much effort into her appearance. On the average day, she can be seen wearing a dress of some-sort or a shirt tucked into a skirt. If the weather calls for something warmer, she'll pair leggings and a skirt with a blouse or sweater. It's also common for her to be seen wearing jewelry and other accessories.
Sebille was born on the chilly seaside of Anistar City, Kalos, to Cybele and Darick Banon. Her mother helped the local pokemon center and her father worked as a fisherman. Her childhood was filled with running barefoot through the city, swimming with the local Skrelp, and watching the clouds saunter across the sky. The family also owned pets: a Spritzee, named Sweets, Gogoat named Pal, a Pyroar named Buff, and a Dedenne named Chitters. From a young age her father would take her fishing, occasionally letting the young girl fish on her own. While Sebille rarely ever caught anything-she was far too impatient for the hobby- her father caught an injured Inkay when she was about nine years old. Sebille insisted that she keep the pokemon and nurse it to health. After much persisting and persuasion, her parents finally gave in. The young girl promptly named the pokemon Valerie, after the gym-leader in Laverre City. (The girl had an obsession with gym-leaders, and aspired to be one herself.)

When Sebille was around fourteen years old, she began her pokemon journey, taking her Inkay and the family Spritzee. She was able to beat the two first gyms, the girl found she was better at contests. She managed to win three ribbons in a year. However, around her fifteenth birthday, her grandma fell ill. Her mom's mom, who lived in Sinnoh, was losing her ability to function alone and needed assistance. As a result, the family decided to move to Hearthome city. While Sebille was disappointed at having to leave her friends, she was thrilled to enter Sinnoh's competitive community of coordinators.

Pokemon Team▼


Name: Valerie
Species: Inkay
Age: 7 years old
Gender: Presumed female ?
Trainer: Sebille
Level: 13
Nature: Quirky
Moveset: Constrict, Peck, Reflect, Psywave


Name: Sweets
Species: Spritzee
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Trainer: Sebille
Level: 7
Nature: Gentle
Moveset: Fairy Wind, Sweet Scent, Sweet Kiss, Wish


code by pasta
Name: Kyle Tsuda
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Dark blue straight short hair, sapphire eyes, light skin, about 5' 7" in height, slightly athletic build, waterdrop necklace, plain blue t-shirt, dark brown cargo shorts, green-grey crew socks, black and grey running shoes, standard purple trainer backpack.


Personality: Kyle Tsuda is the kind of guy to have his head in the clouds. At times, he is easily distracted, but is generally full of conviction. Kyle firmly believes that Pokemon are friends, not tools. He tries to bond with all his Pokemon, considering them all family. He tends to be a compassionate person, and isn't keen on hurting others. Regardless, he is quite willing to protect his friends, and try his best in battles. Kyle hates the feeling of being trapped in any way and likes wide open spaces. Unfortunately, he can be a bit shy, preferring to focus on his Pokemon over people. Because of his anti-social nature, he sometimes will only begrudgingly follow others unless he is passionate about something. While not wholly stubborn, it takes Kyle a bit of convincing to completely believe in the ideas of others. He tends to retain some doubt until entirely sure of anyone. This has led to him having no strong friendships. Kyle has a strong sense of self determination and a desire to be an individual. In direct contrast to his upbringing in a city, Kyle has always preferred nature over life in more developed areas.

Kyle Tsuda comes from Mauville City in the Hoenn region. Growing up in a big city allowed for Kyle to have an appreciation for culture that most people from smaller towns would lack. He was raised by caring parents who had helped in the construction of New Mauville. Despite living in Mauville, Kyle had always had a vague sense of dislike towards Electric and Steel type Pokemon, likely due to his distaste for technology. He instead prefers Ground and Water types, mostly out of a desire to be his own person in a city devoted to electricity and modernity. Kyle had always felt that his parents were a bit of a pain since they always pushed him to be more social. Whenever he felt alone, he traveled to the desert north of the city where he played with the Sandshrews, making friends with them. Other times, he played with the Pokemon in the lake near the desert. And when weather didn’t permit travel, he stayed home and read books about the greater world. These books had beautiful illustrations that showed the many different places that existed. He wished that someday he could see it all.

As Kyle grew older, he started to feel lonely. He had begun to realize that because Pokemon could not speak, he was lacking something important, although he wasn’t entirely sure of what it was. Eventually he decided to make friends with people, if only to see if it would fill the growing hole in his heart. He could make friends with people who also shared his level of interest in Pokemon, he had thought. While very difficult, he formed friendships with other children who enjoyed nature greatly. Over time, he felt able to bond with people in the same way he could with Pokemon, but deep down he always felt a strong sense of reservation towards people.

At the age of 15, his family moved to Jubilife City in the Sinnoh region due to a job opportunity. His parents were offered a chance to work for the city maintenance committee. In the hopes of helping with the transition, Kyle's father, knowing he loved Ground types, gave him a Sandshrew to have as a pet. Kyle saw this as an opportunity to finally see the world. He recalled from his books that the Sinnoh region is rich with differing environments. He knew he had to go out and see the world. He just had to find out where to start. Perhaps the local Pokemon professor?

Pokemon Team:

  • Name: Iblis
  • Species: Sandshrew
  • Age: Young
  • Gender: Male
  • Level: 5
  • Personality: Docile
  • Moveset:
    Defense Curl
    Sand Attack
    Poison Sting
  • Other: Likes to be pet; Is generally cute
Cross Laurel-Elm

Cross is a pretty average looking young woman, lightly tanned skin, a smattering of freckles and curly brown hair that's normally pulled back. Only thing not average about her is her eyes, which are a surprising pale green, and her muscular build. She could bench press a Graveler if she wanted to. That and the burn scars that are all over her hands and arms.
For clothes, she's always seen in a green hoodie and blue cargo pants with tons of pockets. Along with that, she has black hiking boots on her feet. In the way of accessories, she has a green striped scarf, light blue fingerless gloves and an antique Silver Wing attached to a silver chain. She got this silver wing from her father ages ago. She also has a floral print backpack she keeps everything in.
Cross has always been a bit of an odd bird. She used to separate herself from people as soon as she could. But with time, she has grown to enjoy the company of others, usually travelling with her team and a buddy of hers.
She is most often regarded as an introvert- More comfortable on her own or one-on-one then with a large group of people. But she doesn't let that get in her way of making friends. She does actually like people, but she can be a bit prickly when meeting people. Especially when you interrupt her research. But as long as you don't get on her bad immediately, she'll be friendly, especially with pokemon. Just in general though, she a nice person, if not a bit sarcastic.
I was thrown into the adoption system the moment I was born. Annnnnyway I was adopted by a very nice but rarely home rich family with like four other kids in Blackthorn City. The parents were more often then not gone, leaving me with at least two other kids if the others weren't off doing some rich people activity, like competitive croquet or something. But the one night that everyone is home, the freaking mansion burns down. Juuuuust my luck, huh? It kills my entire family and leaves me homeless and alone. So obviously the one thing I do is go stumbling down the mountain instead of going to the police like a normal six year old would. No, I go running down the mountain, cuddling with the Swablu and avoiding the Ursaring and that mean Skarmory couple that made a nest in that one tree... I'm getting off topic again.

SO ANYWAY, I soon find myself in New Bark Town. Enter Professor Elm. He comes running out of his lab, mumbling about Mister Pokemon and Pokemon Eggs, and guess what? He runs smack into me, sending us both toppling, I'm covered in scrapes and bruises and in only a cute little night dress, and his papers are flying everywhere, and I'm crying, and he's apologizing, and I'm crying some more, he apologizes more. Eventually he fixes his things and takes me into his lab and patches me up with band-aids, and then he asks me who I am because he doesn't recognize me as one of the town's resident kids. I tell him the whole tearful story about how my house burned down, and my life is over. More crying. More tissues in the trash can.

Then Professor Elm made a life changing offer.

"I've already given my Cyndaquil and Totodile to two other kids," he said, "but nobody seemed to want the last Pokemon. She's a real sweetheart too, and it makes me sad that she's alone. Much like yourself, I suppose... Will you take care of my friend? She's a Chikorita, a Grass-Type Pokemon." He held out the Pokeball and opened it. Out popped the Chikorita. She looked around for a while, then looked up at me. Our eyes met, and she smiled at me, and pretty soon I was squealing and giggling and ALLLLLLLL my troubles are forgotten! I HAVE A POKEMON! Me and Luna hit it off immediately, we just got along so well! After that, Professor Elm adopted me into his small, modest family, and I couldn't have been happier there. Professor Elm is so nice and clumsy and ridiculous and a HORRIBLE cook, but I loved every moment I spent with that family. I was LIVING, not just existing. My dead family of seven had been replaced with a small family of three. Well, four. If you include Luna.

About two years ago, after I beat the gym challenge in Johto, I started with my summer job of helping Professor Elm with his research. He sent me to Kalos to study the migration habits of the bird Pokemon in the region. I found... Well first I found it was really difficult to keep track of birds in the sky. Second, I figured out that... Well, you really don't care about migration patterns of Pidgey, do you? Um, I found I really enjoyed sitting out in the field with all the wild Pokemon around me, just watching their behavior. It's kind of interesting.

Anyway, a few months ago, Elm sent me to Sinnoh to do some research about the native Pokemon for him, and I happily said yes, but he also suggested that I leave my usual team at home this time. At first, I was adamant about keeping them, I mean, Luna, Graceon, Cherry, Nikki, Zero and Clark are my babies! They've been with me through everything! But with some convincing, Elm did manage to get me to leave my kids behind, with the promise that they would be cared for and I would get a new Pokemon when I got to Sinnoh. And indeed, the local Professor Rowan did provide me with one of his region's starters. Obviously, I pick the Grass type. Turtwig. Hmm.
Anyway thats why I'm here. Kay? Good.
Pokemon Team:
(Name||Species||Gender||Level||Nature||Ability||Held Item)


Patton || Turtwig || ♂ || 12 || Relaxed || Overgrow || Big Root
Tackle ~ Withdraw ~ Absorb ~ ---


Desert Rose || Gligar || ♀ || 11 || Impish || Hyper Cutter || Pretty Wing
Poison Sting ~ Sand Attack ~ Harden ~ Knock Off


Angel || Buneary || ♀ || 10 || Naughty || Run Away || Shell Bell
Defense Curl ~ Frustration ~ Pound ~ Endure
Name: Freya Gardener

Age: 14

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Green eyes, long raven colored hair with streaks of purple all held in a side ponytail.

For her outfit I wanted it to stay true to who she was by adding stylish elements while maintaining a degree of comfort which Freya deeply prefers. Her outfit of choice for this region (assuming this RP goes well and we decide to explore other regions) consists of a black and white long sleeve tee-shirt, jean shorts, ripped up black stockings and brown boots. The sleeves of the tee-shirt reach up to her elbows and are striped with the same colors as the shirt. In the chest area of the shirt lies the face of a sleeping Snorlax as its logo with a small group of the letter Z for the added effect.

Because of her time in the dojo Freya is disciplined with a smidge of carefree by her mother's part. All of this lead up to the upbringing of a charismatic down to earth young girl who is not only beautiful but smart as well. In battle she tends to get more serious, patiently analyzing her opponent's moves by baiting them into unleashing their true strength and creatively countering them.

To explain her history I must first explain Pokekido.

A martial art founded on the principles of 'hapkido' the base of what westerners use for self-defense classes. It was founded by Freya's great-grandfather during his travels through the Jhoto region. This man was already well versed in the martial art to the point where he could be a considered a master so imagine his surprise when a Pokemon met his fighting style. His and this Pokemon's meeting would be the catalyst for this up becoming the form of fighting, Pokekido! The Pokemon's name was wobuffet and to this day it remains as pokekido's mascot. Freya's great grandfather, alongside his newly found partner, took their findings to Hoenn where in just two generations made it big in the region.

Baxter, Freya's father, is the new face of pokekido and a third generation master of this fighting style. As a student, he trained alongside the infamous Norman, the petalburgh gym leader while as a master he educated many pupils but Brawly is the most well known to this day due to his gym leader status.

Behind every great man, there is an even greater woman and this woman takes form as the lovely Maribelle. Maribelle is a rising Pokemon artist alongside her partners Mime Jr. and smeargle. She's been in the business for well over two years and already her work has been seen throughout many regions.

Let us not forget about the star of this show, the gardener's shooting star, Freya! Freya has been under the tutelage of her father for years and by the time she reached thirteen she was already a black belt. Baxter was more than ready to pass on the title of master to his daughter when the time was right. But due to his wife's constant intervention, he had come to agree that Freya should be left to decide her own path. And like every kid out there, she wanted to become a Pokemon trainer and set out on her own journey. At the age of fourteen she did. Because of pokekido's success her father had the idea of branching out to other regions, Sinnoh being his first choice.

This leads us to now. Freya and her mother had just moved into their new apartment in the Sinnoh region, her father is still back at Hoenn working out the transfers.

Pokemon Team: Turtwig and Starly so far.

  • Starly will be caught during the beginning of the adventure.
    • Baxter's partner is a Snorlax.
    • How her parents met is still to be decided.
    • Her parents made sure to keep Freya away from the limelight as much as they could since they didn't want her to feel like she needed to live up to anything and find her own path.
    • Shooting star is a nickname that was given to Freya because of her infamous throws in the dojo.
    • The gardeners are quite humble even though they've basked in the limelight.
    • Freya and her father made a deal that if she became a black belt, she could go on her journey.
    • parents names if not last names are subject to change.

Name: Bobo

Species: Starly (lvl 7)

Gender: Male

Personality and background: Freya's Starly is, for lack of a better word, a pompous pokemon. Another pokemon whose ego needs some serious adjustments but it's not all hopeless. His speedy antics are second to none as well as technique. If it wasn't for his mild obsession with his looks he could have prevented most of his losses.

Ability: Keen eye-
Keen Eye prevents other Pokémon from lowering the accuracy stat stage of the Pokémon with this Ability.

Effects that decrease accuracy without using stat stages, such as Wonder Skin, are unaffected by Keen Eye.
This Ability can be ignored with Mold Breaker, Teravolt, and Turboblaze. Keen Eye now also ignores any increases in its target's evasion stages.

Hidden ability: Reckless- Reckless increases the base power of moves which cause recoil or crash damage by 20%, except Struggle.

Attacks (so far) :
sand attack
quick attack

Name: Laurel

Species:Turtwig (lvl 12)

Gender: Female

Personality and background: I decided to take bits and pieces from Ash charizard (pre jhoto) and greninja's stories for Laurels personality. This turtwig is unbelievably strong for its age and it's quite aware of this. This way of thinking had left Laurel uninterested in ordinary battles and as a result tends to ignore it's trainers and take a nap during the midst of battle. Laurel is opposed on using her power on the weak even if it's to score a win. This has left this poor turtwig to be abandoned at the lab countless times with all trainers complaining about its attitude and how weak it was. Laurel just rolled her eyes every time. It wasn't her fault no one understood her. Laurel kept repeating to herself. The thought itself began to comfort her and slowly began to believe no trainer would take her through the threshold.

Ability: Over Grow- Instead of boosting Grass-type moves' power, Overgrow now technically boosts the Pokémon's Attack or Special Attack by 50% during damage calculation if a Grass-type move is being used, resulting in effectively the same effect.

Hidden ability: Shell Armor- Shell Armor prevents Pokémon from receiving a critical hit.

Attacks (so far):
razor leaf (soon)
Name: Cete Boris
Nickname: Seven, Sev, Sven
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Cete is a hardworking young adult who has a passion for battling and loves Pokemon. He is calm, but funny when he needs to be, and has been by himself for 4 years. He trains his Pokemon seriously and has been trying to teach any newbie as best as he can.
History: Born on Saffron City, Sven was the only child of the master of the dojo that is right next to the saffron city gym. He was trained on there by his father on the arts of martials, but unlike his father his father who loved Fighting Pokemon, Sven loved every type and chose to take a different route than becoming a black belt. He left with his at the age of 13 to Mauville city. A year later he started his Pokemon journey with his trusted treecko, and has been on a Pokemon journey by himself since them. Winning the Pokemon champion tournament twice, once in Johto and once in Kanto.
Pokemon Team:
Banette lvl 36 F
Gardevoir Lvl 36 F
Metang Lvl 35
Mamoswine lvl 34 F
Jolteon lvl 35 M
Umbreon lvl 35 M
• He other team is barely mentioned at all
• Spend most of his time in professor Rowan lab, playing with the starters Pokemon With Banette always by his side.
• Most of his Pokemon Reside with Professor Oak
• Wants to become a Pokemon professor like Professor Rowan, but is currently a assistant
(I was told I could make an expert trainer that helps out beginners, so he will be an assistant to Professor Rowan)
Celest Bowen




Appearance: b47702387e4d1cb8bab07f82bc52c41a.png

Celest is a tomboy with a heart of gold. She tends to keep to herself prefering the company of pokemon to other trainers, She has a love of baking so always has some poffin's in her bag. Even though she seems cold Celest is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. When not busy she can be seen Reading or taking walks with all her pokemon, though Her zorua and Arcanine are usually out by her side at most times.

Celest is the only daughter of a former gym leader and baker in Lumiose City, Kalos. She had been given her Arcanine(at the time Growthe) at a young age by her father. Celest would usually help out in the bakery or in the city looking for something intresting to do. She had a love for Fire and Dark tyoe pokemon but all types of pokemon were interesting. At the age 13 she set out to collect more pokemon to aspire to her dream of becoming a Pokemon professor. She still travels every know and then and hopes to make her dream come true or make a strong bond with her team. Now she spends her time at diffrent labs.

Pokemon Team:
'Electro' Shiny Zorua/Female/Lv 5/ Naughty
Moves: Lear, scratch and Persuit
'Manannan' Wartortle/male/ Lv 15/Bold
Moves:Bubble, Tail whip, Water gun and Withdraw
'Doona' Arcanine/Female/ Lv 25/Hardy
Moves: Body slam, Burn up and Thunder fang
'Wubb' Wabbuffet/Male/Lv 17/Timid
Moves: Counter, Destiny bond,Mirror coat and safeguard


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