[Poison and Fire]

The age-old tale of the socialite and the recluse finding a way to maintain companionship while learning to be adults in the big, beautiful world!


Anthony Holloway

Age: Eighteen

Hobbies/talents: He is a writer, mostly a poet, but scribbles the occasional short story as well.

Personality: Anthony is your average recluse. He has a huge imagination but a very low amount of self esteem. He loves to get out of the house, but not necessarily to interact with people. Instead, he likes to observe as others live their lives, and once he does get to know you he just likes to listen. Sometimes he opens up, if he's close to you, and tells you all about the strange world inside of his head, but it got him picked on a lot in the past, so he's less open these days.

He's a great friend though, despite being a recluse, he tries to do everything he can to always be there for the people who matter the most to him, and he enjoys putting others before himself.

He can be a little dreary, though, because sometimes he wants to be more sociable, but he's too timid to try to learn how.

Brief bio: His life has been fairly simple. Nothing really tragic or extravagant has ever happened to him. He's got a few friends, but the one he made in his freshman year of highschool is the one that he treasures most. She's a socialite, and he has always admired her way with people.

Now he is attending the local community college, majoring in literature, and working at a coffee shop.

Anything else: He is a tea enthusiast.

((I didn't add an appearance because I didn't know if you wanted to use real pictures, anime pictures, or just describe them? I try not to use anime pictures usually, but whatever you're comfortable with!))


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