
Elder Member
Hey, it's me Lazy of course. This will be another poetry thread apart from my other one. The idea behind this one was to challenge myself creatively. Some friends of mind gave me 5 words/ideas and I tried to incorporate the ideas in one poem within 30 minutes. I might do this more often. I was just going to do this for myself, but if anyone else wants to do poetry challenges feel free to post here if you want. If you would like to give me some ideas personally just hit me up on my profile, or on discord if you're friends with me, with your five words, phrases, ideas and I'll let you know when I start. Hope to do some more of these in the future.
Myyrh, Ceramics, Simp, Capitalism, Parsley

Dear God,
It's I care too much
Im there too much
I bear too much
but can't bear to be without her
It's simple, not a simpleton I know enough
been around the block, taught me to be tough
Love languages return to sender I know it's rough
Smooth the edges so I can stand it
Gathered my own stones never handed
The wise man can mold his thoughts like clay, Ceramics
Then watch it blow up like smoke on a pipe second handed
Watch reality shatter them all
watch those shutters fall
Then shut everyone out put up the walls
Until a meteor calls
you out for being generic
Stranded on Earth and Vegas
Pull up the kick stand hold a brush to the sky and paint a canvas
It's a prayer without mirth
It's a prayer without worth
A prayer for rebirth unanswered because it's a prayer without myyrh
I pray can't go without her I'm begging
Borderline obsession it's giving lovesick
Sick of love, if you never get a par on green you get snipped
Afford to change my focus from parsnips to parsley
We all fall to the market eventually don't mock me
What's a heart worth?
Subsiding pain and goodbyes
Comfortable lies
Leaking eyes.
Thorns hurt but they're heart to let go
Like the words I love you and I told you so
This persona comes with expectations and you gotta know
I'm feeling more like Morgana everyday so deeper in the delusion I gotta go
Build a palace from the soul it fits me
Cupid's arrow hit a king, it bit me
Checkmate write a check she can cash its worth
until it bounces no consumer demand capitlism at it's worse
and at worse I'd bankrupt with a smile so online I search
the girl of my fantasy is giving birth.

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