Poetry [Poem] Human 2.0


New Member
Hey everyone,

If you didn't see my introduction thread you probably don't know that I am an aspiring writer, another detail I left out is that I have Bi polar disorder which is something I struggle with quite a lot. One of the ways I am able to cope when I am on a manic high is to write poetry, seriously when I am high language becomes nothing but a toy. Anyway, this is a poem I wrote about technology.

I want to be the Human2.0,

to evolve update, plugin and grow,

But what does it mean,nobody knows,

But it seems to me theway the future goes.

My eyes could be acamera that could record all that I see,

but my mind could becontrolled and never again freed.

My ears would be filledwith a celestial music collection,

my memories so vivid,so many hours in reflection.

But my perception couldbe interrupted by commercial advertising,

No one could of guessedthat the future could be so dehumanising.

I could cheat death andlive forever with no food or water,

but hostility betweenman and machine could create a slaughter.

Racism towards themachine would be held by some,

but years later thoseviews would be ignorant and dumb.

I want to be the Human2.0,

To evolved, update,plug in and grow.

everyone’s scared ofa post-human future,

I don't know why,because I'd love to a computer.

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