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Fandom ❝𝐏𝐌𝐃: 𝐍𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐈𝐂❞

ARC 1: The Trials
Summer, in Nebuline, is an extravagant spectacle. The breeze carries far across the ocean, flowing through the verdant grass and animating the flora. The gentle rustling of the leaves gradually deafens with time. At first, it falls into an ambient noise, and eventually… the mind forgets the noise is there entirely. Everything is alive. Motion is present in every corner, whether it be the avians stealing the sky’s crest, or the Beedrill plucking fresh nectar from a flower’s core. There is never a quiet moment in Nebuline; in Dewspire Isle, they say that even the trees have mouths. The city’s din is carried by the ocean breeze. The delicate words from the market are audible on the footpaths leading to the town. Dealings of all sorts are made, while the Isle-renowned Kecleon Shop stands at the forefront–the heart of the district. Further in, behind the clatter of coins exchanging hands, is the town’s beating heart. Central Park. Ribbons of all colors sling from tree to tree, post to post. At the Park’s entrance is a large banner, with the exploration guild’s logo planted front and center: a Murkrow with a single piece of hay held in its beak. Painted by the hands of a Smeagle, the symbol is minimalistic yet beautiful in its simplicity. Individuals gather here for one of Nebula Guild's famous recruiting festivals, previously an annual event–now held monthly. Wooden planks crudely form a large platform at the center. The grass is tramped underneath the mass. Civilians gather around the stage, while individuals wearing the Guild’s crest stand by to answer questions. The Guild’s mass recruiting festivals each bring something different. No matter of study or practice is great enough to escape the power of sheer whimsy. Curiously, there have been reports of a strange noise coming from the center platform. It is a simple wooden strange meant to house a speaker. The interior is hollow, and the composed wood is thin enough for noise to easily travel. “Snrrrkkk. Phew-phew-phew-phew,” the noise lowly vibrates through the wooden stage. A bystander Caterpie eyes it curiously. Antennas raised high above their head. It stills for a moment, compound eyes staring intently. A second passes and their antennas fall low before they slink off to become another figure in the surrounding crowd. “Wake up. Idiot! We have to take the stage!” A voice cries out from behind the barrier. A feathered chop comes down hard on a furry yellow head. The electric Pokemon jolts from his sleep, paws scratching at the air, while bright yellow rivets form connections between his body and the ground below. The Zeraora opens his mouth to scream, but he is stopped before his vocal cords can process the sound. The same ebony wings secure his mouth. A look of recollection glosses over the feline’s eyes in recognition and its guard lowers. “Awh boss, already??? I swore it’s only been a few minutes…” The Zeraora speaks, defeated. The Murkrow gives no response–save for the look of sheer irritation that twists his face. A long, drawn-out sigh, breezes through his pursed beak as he shakes his head. “Come on. Let’s not waste any more time.” Outside of the structure, the festival begins to crescendo. A gossamer of hope mists over the eyes of many of the youth gathered here. There is tacit respect in becoming a member of a guild. Given freely by all denizens here. You are seldom to find a child without hopes of finding themselves among their ranks, one day. Tragically, not everyone is cut out for the job. Pokemon begin to turn toward a mysterious silhouette. There is an aura about them, one that trespasses traditional conceptions of authority. Murkrow's gaze passes across the throng. His dark eyelids are low in appraisal. He meets each of their faces with a stern, yet challenging glare. He says nothing, but his demand for silence is loud. To his side is a Zeraora with a dazed expression. Droopy eyelids and slack shoulders. His tongue enters a room before he does. It hangs slightly from his maw, pink flesh perching on his lower lip. He yawns. His bright white fangs catch the sunlight, and for a moment, the crowd’s heart hitches in their chest. An off-note in an otherwise lackadaisical tune. As carefree as he appeared, those who knew the Zeraora were wise enough to not underestimate the Guildmaster’s second hand. That old crow did not keep him around due to obligation or nepotism. “Good evening, everyone,” the Murkrows voice is baritone. It reverberates freely through the open space. “Thank you all for coming today. It brings me joy to see so many eager faces.”Today, I come to you all with high hopes for your future. An old bird like me can’t do this forever.” A soft snicker comes in at his side. Wordlessly, Murkrow stares at the offending Zeraora, then returns to his stream of thought with an introductory couch. “As I was saying.. you are the future. So I come to you in a request for aid. A new phenomenon requires new minds. And with this danger we face, the urgency for powerful and talented individuals is greater than ever.” As he speaks, two Machoke begin to bring out unmarked crates from the interior of the stage. They are small enough to fit into a human palm. “In keeping theme with this urgency, we are doing something very new this time. In these boxes, are a collection of badges. There are seven different badges, each with a different color.” “Collect one of these boxes. Once you have the one you desire, open it. Then, gather under the flag with the matching color.” The Murkrow raises a feathered wing and points it in the direction of a set of flags, spaced apart by a couple of meters. “Those that gather under the same flag are to be your team for the future.” “Afterwards, please await further instructions. While we will begin this day with seven teams, by the end of it–there will only be four.” A collection of chatter resounds at Murkrow’s conclusion, as numerous bodies begin crowding around the boxes. Hope dims into uncertainty… then, anxiety. The trials to come are not known. But knowing Murkrow, there is a promise that they will not be easy.
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@ user

This was it. It was her chance. Her moment, to seize the dream that had steadily been building over the course of a few months.

Mauve had never been born dreaming of being apart of a rescue team. She didn't desire for fame, and actually quite liked her privacy. The idea of multiple eyes watching her every move was suffocating, but she had no intention of letting something as small as nerves stop her from her goal. Today was her day, she wouldn't entertain the idea of any other outcome. Even with the high stakes, the sneasel had an iron clad resolve, born of not just her own hopes - but others back home. A purple tipped claw absentmindedly strokes the multicolored fabric tied in a scarf around her neck.

'I won't let you guys down.' she thinks resolutely to herself, eyes lax but determination brewing beneath the surface.

Maroon colored eyes steadily watched the Murkrow as he talked, taking each word in as seriously as she did with most things. When her eyes settle onto the boxes, anticipation gnaws at her chest, a claw poking at one of the strands of the scarf that was a little more loose then the others.

She draws forward, the decision heavy but movements slow and fluid, avoiding others as they move forth. Mauve sets her sights, and heart, on a box, and swipes it. Opening it feels more nerve wracking then expected, and a polished blue color welcomes her.

'Blue Team'. She determines, taking the badge out and holding it firmly in her claws. There's no name for it quite yet, but the feeling that thunders through her chest is almost unrecognizable, a swirl of emotions. Shes on the peak of something, it's like her body knows but not yet her mind.

"Right then." She clutches the badge, holding it in an almost absentminded fashion between her two claws, before making her way over to the corresponding blue flag. She doesn't know who else will be on her team, and if they'll even make it as one of the final four. But she's also filled with the firm belief that they have to, there's no other choice. She has plans, and this is the first step.

♡coded by uxie♡
Yamp the Yamper
Move List: Tackle - Normal-type - Physical Move A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body. Tail Whip - Normal-type - Other Move The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stats. Nuzzle - Electric-type - Physical Move The user attacks by nuzzling its electrified cheeks against the target. This also leaves the target with paralysis. Bite - Dark-type - Physical Move The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch. RP: Today was the day and he couldn't be more excited! He practically pranced with each step from his little fat paws powered by stubby little legs. Many would laugh and giggle seeing him so happy, but he didn't mind in the least. Making others smile and happy was a good thing after all! When a hush drew over the crowd, it was hard to settle down as well and listen in. He wanted to prove he was more than just a 'silly puppy'. He was strong! Even if he looked different... Or got distrac--oh wait he was supposed to pick a box! Whoops. He looked over the Murkrow, and the Zeraora, both so well respected, he was in awe to see them up close! He only gave an excited wiggle before practically bouncing to the boxes. He watched as a sneasel quickly snagged a box and he curiously tried to peak at what she got. He didn't get a good look but they moved away and towards one of the banners. Oh maybe they could be on the same team and be friends! He turned then, hurriedly getting a box. Sitting back to open it with front paws he was so excited, seeing the little green badge he lifted it into his paws, his eyes seemed to sparkle with the joy he had. Green! He got green! He was going to be the green team! He grinned looking around once he had it, not wasting time in getting the badge where he needed to for it to be safe and displayed. Green banner Green Banner. There! He saw the banner and got to his feet and quite literally scampered over with a happy bounce to his step. Green Green Green! He was going to do his very best and prove he could do this! He wouldn't let his team down! When he got there though... He was a little sad, no one else was here? He looked around.. Well, he did rush in picking up a box.. Maybe...? He was surely to have a team with him right?

The day couldn't get brighter than this, surely. And it was funny to say since Momo was simply just a ghost of whirling mist. The Pokémon that were just around were on the ground and safely away from his wandering heights, or were besides him too. The Murkrow's speech had been plenty long, but only stayed in the Misdreavus' head for only a while. This and that, as expected. But why had he joined in the first place?

If it weren't for his Mismagius-for-a-sister that 'coaxed' him into this, as in scolding him NOT to join so Momo of course did the opposite, he wouldn't be here. Or at least, wouldn't necessarily know much about it. This was just a new system that could change his life past Ebonshade Isle; where Momo had grew up at. Though, the itch always had to be scratched, so that's exactly what he did. A slither past tall trees and his gaze would meet a vast new world he would get a chance to explore.

The motion of more 'mons carrying small boxes out to the gathered crowd caught his attention. The tiny things were supposed contain something that resembled a foe's team. The idea was flimsy, yet again, the Guildmaster had mentioned that it was a new way to express what they wanted. Momo couldn't help but hold a bit of a frown as he gazed at all the options.

"Does the old bird seriously expect me to open a box with these things? Oh great, he wants me to BITE it." Momo muttered exasperatedly, fluttering the ends of his 'dress' at the very ends of his body. It was merely a sarcastic comment, because all he had to do was fling his hair a direction and anything like those things laid out would fly right open. He drifted off to a lone box, peeking right inside.

A faint glimmer of a blue hue shown, and his curiosity got the better of him, so before long Momo was juggling a blue badge with his spiraling strands of...whatever one would call it. It just looked like a mane of poison, if anyone really had to label it with common sense. The item was like a toy to him, but rules were rules. His figure went straight to the pole that held up a matching flag. Someone else had gotten to it before he had, though, but was Momo really going to make a pleasant greeting?

His future team member was a Sneasel-purple and white though. Did a Sneasel really have a variant? In Momo's opinion, a Sneasel looked just fine as is. After a few moments of thinking had the creature finally clicked right in his brain. A Sneasel went to a Weavile, whereas this Sneasel went to a Sneasler. It was a bit terrifying, to just think about the to-be tall 'mon. Even his evolution wouldn't match up with this Pokémon! She seemed to be confident, or maybe overly confident. If he underestimated her, so be it. It wasn't like a Pokémon around here was able to read minds or anything.

the misdreavus


♡coded by uxie♡
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Stella the Joltik
Stella hates being in a crowd. They're too chaotic for her liking, and there's always risk of her being accidentally squashed by some strangers. Fortunately she found a good safe spot in the form of the back of a rhyhorn. The rocky pokemon didn't even realize that she had been hitchhiking on him ever since he entered the avenue. Still, even though she hates mass gathering like this, she couldn't deny that the sight of such a large number of pokemons gathered in one place was quite inspiring. Only here she could find such hype surrounding a job that was basically freelance helper, something she wouldn't able to find back in the human world. Listening to the guildmaster's speech, Stella let out a sigh when the Murkrow instructed the participants to pick up a box. She didn't want to jump in recklessly so she waited until the rhyhorn slowly walked towards one of the box, bodying other nearby pokemon away, before whispering to him. "Give me one of the box." The rhyhorn mindlessly handed her one and Stella quickly snatched it away by throwing a silk net on it and pulled it onto the rhyhorn's back. Finally realizing that someone was on him, the rhyhorn spun around trying to see his own back but unfortunately the rock plating of his own armor prevented him to do that and he soon just gave up and picked another box. The joltik used her claws to tear the box and revealed the blue badge inside it. Her head tilts around until she saw the blue banner in the distance. "Thank you for the ride!" She said to the rhyhorn before she shoots her web at a passing cramorant. The bird pokemon was flying towards the direction of his own flag when he felts something stuck his rear and he saw the joltik dangling on him. "I'm dropping there, thank you." Stella pointed at the blue flag. The cramorant rolled his eyes but decided to just entertain her antic, he flew above the blue flag before he swung his entire body to threw the joltik off. The bug pokemon landed right on the tip of the flag and then smoothly slides down the pole as if she was an Italian plumber. "Greetings people, The bright Stella has arrived!" She announced her arrival. CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT Minteafresh Minteafresh
Castle The Hisuian Growlithe
The trees formed a mosaic of greens and whites above, like a canopy of stained glass. Castle sat beside the pond, bathing in a beam of foliage-tinted sunlight as he stared intently at his own mirage reflected in the clear water, adjusting the flower crown that rested on his head. The crown, made of white and orange wildflowers, sat neatly on the Hisuian Growlithe's puffy mane, almost embedded in it, with blooms peeking through the dense fur. "Hm, okay... I think this will do." Castle held his breath and adjusted the crown one last time with his paw before letting out a long exhale. "Looking good, Castle!" he cheered, sitting up straight, his tails wagging. He mimed a finger gun with his paws, gesturing at his own reflection. "Hm..." He sat back down in a loaf position, half-mindedly staring into the pond as his thoughts wandered. "I think it’s almost time for me to head to Central Park..." "Me? In a rescue team? I hope this is the right thing to do..." "I might not even make it past the trials." "But I'll try my best. I’m feeling great... I’ve even been doing some training." "But what if I-I just… don’t belong?" "Gahh!" Before he could finish his theatrics, Castle’s fur bristled. He jolted up from his seat, noticing a pair of eyes gazing back at him from beyond his reflection in the pond. A Magikarp, seemingly on cue, slowly surfaced from the otherwise still water, more ghost-like than even a true ghost type could appear. "Oh... hi-hello! I didn’t notice you there." Castle, still recovering, quickly blushed as he realized the Magikarp had probably been staring at him the whole time. "Oh! I’ve never seen a Magikarp this close before. I-I’m Castle. My dad says I’m a Hisuian Growlithe. It’s a pleasure to meet you!" The Magikarp remained completely still, its eyes staring beyond Castle, sunlight glimmering in its moist, wide-open gaze. "Uh, um, I-I was just trying on the flower crowns I made. The flowers here are so pretty! We don’t have many like these back in Auroradrift, so I’ve been obsessed with them since I started traveling, hehe..." Castle gestured to a small pile of wildflowers beside him, some already woven into crowns. "I’ll probably meet some new friends during the trials, so I figured I’d make these as gifts." He carefully grabbed a flower crown with his mouth, leaned forward, and gently placed it on the Magikarp’s head from the edge of the pond. The Magikarp remained unresponsive, but Castle didn’t seem to mind. His first interaction of the day in awhile, bizarre as it was, filled him with a newfound excitement for the day ahead and the potential friends he might meet. "So, uh... did you hear everything?" he asked sheepishly. "I guess I might as well finish what I was on about, hehe." "The truth is, I’m more nervous about the idea of being in a rescue team than the trial itself... " "Sometimes I feel like my father was the only one who really knew me. Now that he’s gone, I can’t help but think no one will ever recognize me—or even care who I am." Castle lowered his gaze. "That’s why I decided to join the guild. To make a name for myself, maybe..." He sighed and looked back at the Magikarp, a small smile forming on his face. "I wish I could stay with you longer, but I have to head to the recruiting festival now." He leaned closer, nuzzling the Magikarp lightly before prancing off, following the trail toward Central Park while carrying a few flower crowns around his neck.
Castle wove through the bustling crowd and joined the throng gathered around the stage in the middle of Central Park, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and unease. The vibrant energy of the city thrilled him—the laughter, chatter, and countless Pokemon moving about—but moments of alienation and solitude lingered in his mind. He fazed out briefly, growing less aware of his surrounding, but Murkrow’s sharp, commanding voice quickly pulled him back to reality. Castle blinked and focused on the stage, where Murkrow stood tall, addressing the crowd with an air of authority. Though Castle wasn’t entirely sure what had caused the guild’s sudden need for new recruits, or much about the guild’s storied legacy, he couldn’t ignore the palpable sense of importance in the atmosphere. The way Murkrow carried himself, the eager eyes of the Pokemon around him, and the murmurs of admiration from the crowd filled Castle with a dawning realization that he was involved in something much more important that he initially assumed.
Castle reached into the box and took a small badge in his paw without looking. "Red badge?" Castle murmured to himself, the badge gleamed in the sunlight, catching his eye for a moment before he tucked it into the tuft of his mane. Recalling Murkrow’s instructions, Castle began scanning the area for a red flag that marked his checkpoint. He puffed up his chest and straightened his posture, trying to channel as much confidence as he could muster. His heart raced as he spotted the red flag swaying in the breeze. With determined purpose, Castle marched toward it, weaving through the bustling activity around him. When he arrived, he planted himself under the red flag like a proper British guard, standing tall and resolute. Despite his composed exterior, his thoughts buzzed in the background, swirling with doubt and anticipation for what lay ahead.
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