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Multiple Settings Plotting with a Grumpy Lion(update:7-11-17)


Not Actually Grumpy
Hello, people! It's me, Lion, and I'm looking for a partner!

Below is just a list of expectations that have.
  • At least two solid, well-phrased paragraphs, please. Often times I write between 4-6, more or less depending on my mood/time frame/motivation.
  • Please be willing to work with me in coming up with a good plot that we'll both like.
  • Good grammar is something I'd want, but I'm probably too shy to tell you if you have bad grammar.
  • Do not just leave the roleplay without telling me, please! If you're bored, you're bored, I get it. Just tell me and we can either stop or come up with something to spice it up. Also, expect me to latch onto your leg and refuse to let you leave if I really like you.
  • I have no age requirements. I'm eighteen if you wanted to know.
  • Everything we do must comply with RPNs rules. I'm not getting banned for you.
  • I'm willing to play any gender, though I'm not as good at playing male. That shouldn't stop you from asking me to play a male for you, as I'm all for gaining more skill.
  • I'm fine with any pairing.

I don't really have any serious triggers, but some of my pet peeves in roleplaying are as follows:

  • "Perfect Characters" there has got to be something wrong with your character, there's no way I'm going to put in a lot of work on developing my character's flaws and livelihood if you're just going to make your character the epitome of every writer's nightmare.
  • Constant attention seeking/"Damsel in distress syndrome". It's annoying, okay? My character is not going to be saddled with dragging your character everywhere, that's not what you're signing on for with me.
  • "Filler Text". In other words: "Riiight, the poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison." If you're going to write a block of text, I expect it to not be the exact same thing repeated over and over in different wording. Also, if your character goes on some annoying ass tangent about how pretty that one dress was on that one day I will slam my face into my keyboard and let that pass as a post.
Now! On to plots. I'm currently steering clear of fandom roleplays, but I might have some later on. Here are some pairings. (bold means I'd like to play that character, and no bold means I'm okay with playing either. interest in rp measured by "!")

Non-Romance Pairings and Plots​

  • Foster Parent X Foster Kid "!!!!!!": This is something that I would find really interesting. I've done roleplays like this in the past and they've turned out really interesting. This might be triggering for some of you, so please do not take this if you don't think you'll be able to handle it well.
  • Serial Killer/Mentally Insane x Psychiatrist "!!!!!!": Again, triggering topic for some. I'd really like to play the mentally insane character in this because I'd really like to do all the research on multiple different illnesses and then give your character subtle hints as to what those illnesses are instead of giving you a list. If you get them right... Well, idk what you win yet! Give me ideas!
  • Arranged Marriage"!!!": This falls under non-romance because for this plot I think it would be cool if the prince and princess or whatever refused to marry, but instead worked together to bring their two kingdoms together in other ways.
Romance Pairings and Plots​

  • Supernatural Creature X Human: Preferably a werewolf, vampire, angel, demon, mermaid, etc. Preferably not a terrifying tentacle monster.
  • Supernatural Creature X Rival Supernatural Creature "!!!": Like our very own vampire and werewolf (and literally any other pairing) Romeo and Juliet. Whether or not they kill themselves, in the end, can be debated, but will most likely not happen. However, something super dramatic is certain to happen. Say one of our characters' family or pack finds out about this affair and takes it out on them violently. Totally open to suggestions!
  • Alien X Human "!!!!": THEY'RE REAL. I doubt this would be an abduction. Instead, it would be cool to have the human be on another planet for whatever reason. The human could stumble upon the alien or vice versa. Preferably humanoid aliens, though weird determining features aren't excluded.
  • Time Travel "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!": I FREAKING LOVE TIME TRAVEL k. So one of our characters is from the future or the past or whenever the time machine is created. They travel to the future, landing in a time where everything is different. The Earth could be taken over by cow robots or something. The other character is the leader of a resistance who is fighting the new order of things, and they enlist the help of the time traveler. Lots of crime fighting and more time travel ensues. May or may not lead to romance, depending what we decide.
  • More Time Travel "!!!!!!": Our two characters are playing around with a time machine when they accidentally switch it on and end up getting sent back in time! Now they have to figure out how to work it while exploring different timelines and meeting different people along the way! Whoo!
If anything here sparks your fancy, reply here or send me a pm if you can! I'm also open to mixing any of these plots together to make an even deeper plot. Also, if you guys think I might be interested in one of your ideas, let me know! I love talking to people ooc, so even if we don't come up with something we can still chat! <3

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Are you still looking to write if so let me know!! (:
I'm going to PM you. First I wanted to let the world know this is the first time a search thread made me LITERALLY laugh out loud.

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