• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Plotting Everything Premium (just a boring ol´long search thread)

What do you think of this thread´s presentation?

  • Perfect, 100%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burn Him for Cursing Our Eyes!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It´s nice and shiny, not sure what else to say

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It´s good, but the gifs are too distracting

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • So-so

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Decent, needs more organizing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Decent, needs less tabs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • TMI bro, but I liked how the thread looked

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You´re one scary/weird person. I probably shouldn´t be voting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I hated the colors, but the rest was good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Indecisive/a gradient of another answer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (is there even another stance?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

<img alt="19bfc928a7eacfa13336a068fbf893578404013d" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/attachments/19bfc928a7eacfa13336a068fbf893578404013d_hq-gif.328703/" />
Meet the glorious well, great, I mean ok, decent, workable, who am I kidding I`M A MONSTER! *cries* (introduction)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjHrvvy3ajOAhVJbBoKHQQgCmgQjRwIBw&url=http://i.ntere.st/a/336044399/p&psig=AFQjCNHL8NmqygbCZYI0TmUufx1cJ6hQJQ&ust=1470433513347490" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="yshino_zpsxdl8gygh.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/ah154/otakuslatinos/Date%20a%20Live/yshino_zpsxdl8gygh.gif&key=9b4499d66ced764e7eb29afaa902b8c6d05963117e7c2926e1552bd16d45d8cf" /></a>
Hey everyone! Welcome! How´s it going? As you may have guessed this is your least favorite hydra, @Idea , speaking. Among my million other projects and because I can´t help but procrastinate when I feel stressed, I decided to build something I´ve wanted to do for some time now: A new, fresh and shiny 1x1 search thread with mild BBcoding and tons of google-taken material! Below you will find a TON of information about me and my preferences. I hope you enjoy the read, and that at least one of my jokes manages to make you laugh. :)
Let me tell you of my time in the world wars. I was born in 1999... (About me)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi6pdaB4qjOAhVDlxoKHXO9BnQQjRwIBw&url=http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2551227&p=84253300&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNExn1SaOWr4TZhfNkKpuz4onX7bEA&ust=1470434567898688" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="nCsigEr.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/nCsigEr.gif&key=d33315fe2e3e534ce9c18791766f7a50a3895acb70734e80aab4baf4b8b52e4b" /></a>
If you reincarnate as a dog, sadistic owners are a great form of exercise.
</em> So, I think it´s fair if we begin by discussing a bit about me. You probably already figured out some of my limitless weirdness by this point, but I promise there´s more to come, so stay tuned. Anyway, introductions: I am @Idea and that´s what you should call me. Friend will also do, if you see us that way. I am a seventeen year old straight guy from Portugal, currently studying to become an economics journalist (direct translation). I´ve been roleplaying for three-four years , having begun in a site called DFRP (digimon forum roleplay), and have since grown into a detailed 1st person roleplayer. I am a critical, opinionated and demanding person. If I hold an opinion, I will not hold it back, as I believe if I have an opinion then I must believe it´s true and if I believe it´s true, then there is no reason not to share it. In spite of me being, in fact, demanding, fear not: I am not judging anyone here, I am simply a bit controlling and need some order to things in order to wrap my head around them. I actively oppose the idea of judging someone like that, and for that reason, I am against the very idea of writing samples. If you wish to give me one, I will not refuse it, but I will not give one to anyone nor will I demand you give me one. I do have a pretty hectic schedule, but I assure you I am trustworthy. You can rest assured that even if I am a bit forgetful and often get stuck in stuff out of the blue, that I am dedicated to every roleplay I am in and if anything happens that changes that, I discuss it with you so we can deal with the matter to the best of our capacity. If necessary, shut down the roleplay. That said, I am someone who is willing to listen to your problems if you have any or if you just need to vent. If you want advise on whatever it is, I can´t fix your problems, most likely, but I can promise to aid as much as I am capable. <img alt=" :) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=" :) " width="20" /> That said, I´ll now answer my staple questions. These are a series of questions I will also ask you, which are meant to help me find out more about my partner´s tastes so I can design a plot we are both excited about. <strong>1.What are your favorite genres?</strong> My favorite genres are fantasy, comedy and battle. I am also quite a fan of romance, slice of life and mystery and I enjoy scif and adventure. I am currently starting to explore musical and military, and I hate realistic and horror (although I am fine with gore). <strong>2. What are your favorite time periods?</strong> While I enjoy medieval, modern and futuristic, my absolute favorite would be mixing those. Anything else, no. Setting aside the fact that most of those periods are just not appealing to me, I hate the idea of being restricted by historical accuracies. I am a roleplayer not a historian. I don´t want the added pressure. this isn´t to say my roleplays don´t have a certain level or realism, but that their level of realism corresponds to the sort of topics I would be interested in researching on, rather than one that bores me to death. <strong>3. What are you favorite themes (ideas or concepts that are heavily explored by the plot, world, characters or narrative)?</strong> You can check out my themes of interest in a slide below. My favorite themes would be transformations, age gaps and any philosophy-based theme. <strong>4. What are your favorite pairings?</strong> It´s complicated to say. I would say I don´t have a favorite pairing, mainly because I don´t tend to think of plots in terms of pairings. You can still find some that interest me in a slide below. <strong>5. What is your preferred gender and gender pairing?</strong> I prefer to play a male for MxF pairings. I am willing to do FxF as well, but you need to really get me drooling over the plot/world idea you pitch at me to get me to do that. <strong>6. Do you prefer lighter or darker moods?</strong> I generally prefer lighter moods, though I can really do either and even both. I seek emotion from my roleplays and truthfully, I prefer to end up laughing my lungs out than crying my eyes out. Still, crying is still better than 100% dry humor, but even dry humor is better than raw drama. <strong>7. Are there any (anime) fandoms you enjoy?</strong> You can find them a few slides below. I always roleplay fandoms with OCs only. <strong>8. What is your stance on romance?</strong> It´s a cool thing, and a good complement to any story. However, it has to be organic and properly paced and balanced. If it is not, it´ll fall flat. I prefer to have my romance occur with platonic relationships (romantic relationships with no sexual interaction of any form, for those with a different definition of "platonic"). This isn´t to say I won´t go beyond it if the situation/plot calls for it, just that that is my default. <strong>9. What is your stance on comedy?</strong> As previously mentioned, I love it. Especially commentary-style comedy. It is, however, a harder thing to pull off in writing than it looks. <strong>10. What is your stance on world building?</strong> It is a complete passion of mine, and something I believe is key to a really immersive and interesting roleplay. My roleplays, hence, are ALWAYS gonna have a world building session prior to their start or to even making the characters. <strong>11. What is your stance on the battle genre?</strong> It is a very interesting genre, and together with fandom, the first genre I ever played. It is a genre I love and really enjoy roleplaying with partners interested in it with fair-play. <strong>12. What is your average post-length?</strong> I consider myself a fairly detailed roleplayer with about 2-3 paragraphs of averge. I tend to mimic my partners, or try to, though it really depends on how inspired I feel. <strong>13. What kind of maturity are you comfortable with?</strong> If you don´t break my rules or limits, I´m fine with pretty much everything, as long as you don´t overblow it. <strong>14. Do you prefer threads or PMs?</strong> I have a preference for threads, as I need my PMs for communiation, as so I can´t stuff roleplays in PMs on top. They also go better on the list in my signature. <strong>15. Do you have any limits?</strong> Yes. Four major limits: 1. Breaking of RP common sense without explicit agreement: If you break the RPN rules, or turn our RP into a stash of porn, trolling, major rudeness, make OP stuff, etc... without us agreeing it is ok (breaking RPN rules is never ok, so don´t even ask if you´re thinking about it), that is unacceptable. 2. Anything even remotely related to the demonic or divine: These kind of things are just so mishandled 99.99% of the time that I just can´t bear to have it around in any RP where I can help it. I am fine with making up a religion and using that, and I can incorporate elements of polytheistic/extinct religions from real life, but I won´t agree to accept anything else on this. 3. Vague/half-assed stuff: I am NOT ok with the idea of "we´ll just make it up as we go along". That is ok for some fine-tuned details, but I won´t accept anyone saying they won´t bother properly making their characters/the world and making it up later is not a viable decision with me. If you have read this, add a smiley face to your post on this thread/your PM. <strong>16. Are in any chat platform or social media? (such as skype, discord, twitter, facebook, kik, etc...)</strong> I have skype and I have discord. <strong>17. Are you a first person or third person roleplayer?</strong> 1st person, I find it to be more natural and immersive. <strong>18. Do you prefer a faster, more energetic pace for the RP or a slower, more build-up pace?</strong> Both are just as fine with me. <strong>19. Are you capable of playing multiple characters?</strong> Yes, in fact I play multiple almost by default. <strong>20. Do you normally use character sheets?</strong> I always use and demand my partners do too. <strong>21. Do you prefer anime or realistic pics?</strong> Anime ones. <strong>22. Anything else one should be aware about?</strong> EVERYTHING. [more questions may come in the future]
"Dear diary, today I met a wild bear!" (about you)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiZxdal3qjOAhWOhRoKHfz_BSAQjRwIBw&url=http://azael1332ragnarok.deviantart.com/art/GIF-Log-Horizon-Creepy-Shiroe-454973410&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNF0PsG9UN2fDmscX4c6LUP3jfU03Q&ust=1470433621768716" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="gif__log_horizon_creepy_shiroe_by_azael1" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://orig11.deviantart.net/aa4a/f/2014/138/5/4/gif__log_horizon_creepy_shiroe_by_azael1332ragnarok-d7ivnqa.gif&key=335fb47e79ad8d5f50ec02ef26f1e764fd3ab669e14047d0c84135f91b4f3ace" /></a>
<em>If only the bear had been the scariest part... But they had a mission for me</em>
So, that is all said and done, let´s talk a little bit about my expectations of my roleplaying partner. Those obviously are a case by case scenario, as what I actually expect out of you depends on my impression of you, but there are some basic expectations I trust you can abide by: *you need to be able to play multiple characters- this isn´t to say you´ll always play multiple characters with me, but you may have to, and I don´t wanna suddenly find out you can´t when we actually need it. *your profile pic cannot be the opposite of your main character´s gender.- It doesn´t have to correspond to the gender of the character either, but my brain makes this automatic association between the profile pic and the typically roleplayed character. Don´t ask me why, I don´t know, I just know it happens, and that it could be harmful to the plot if I am constantly mistaking the gender of your character. Furthermore, I will also likely mistake YOUR gender for your profile´s, however unless you take offense in that, then I find it to be a little less important. *your profile pic cannot be abhorrent or disgusting- this ís to say, it can´t be something that literally makes me puke or cringe. I am a visually sensitive person, especially towards realistic pics of any kind of wound or disease and I won´t be able to roleplay with you if I can´t bear to look at your posts. *you need to be able to bounce ideas and be invested in the roleplay- if you don´t put effort into coming up with new stuff and in developing and expanding our ideas, and if you´re not dedicated to the roleplay, then there is an obvious result: it would be boring and pointless, a complete waste of time. let´s not waste the most precious resource there is, ok? *you need to be able to take criticism and be civilized: I expect to be talking to another 21st century human being. Although I feel that about half of society has been replaced with <em>homo erectus</em> again, RPN strives for a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, one I highly appreciate. As I mentioned, I am very critical and opinionated. If you can´t take that, and if you can´t help but explode at everything, then we´re just not right for each other. *you need to post the name of your favorite book if you read this far. *you need to collaborate: roleplaying is a collaborative effort, it is NOT just about what you like better or less. While those are certainly important factors, compromises must sometimes be reached and narrative basics must be followed. Also, I am really sick and tired of "bitch" type characters, so avoid them like a plague if you can. *you need to speak for yourself when necessary- don´t just agree with me on everything, don´t hesitate to express your thoughts and opinions, concerns, anything: this roleplay is yours as much as mine, I am not a superior being to you, so you have the right to express yourself and the duty to inform me of your needs and to contribute with your thoughts and ideas. *you need to answer all my staple questions
"I will only say this once..." "Sorry, I got distracted, what did you say?" (Rules)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1270423&show=50&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNGoSwmS-Khem4U1h6MTgovAY2apXg&ust=1470433896245672" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="6JoJZq8.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://i.imgur.com/6JoJZq8.gif&key=2b1938b3767e915a32cb9287cfee51b345bf676710420b9c94504d08cc50a65f" /></a>
<em>School is in session. Despair!</em>
Strictly speaking, what´s in the slide above are also rules, but here a few more...general rules, I guess? 1. respect all the rules 2. I reserve the right to add, remove and change rules if I deem fit 3. Try to chat OOC 4. Make proper character sheets 5. RPing will be on threads 6. Respect my limits and inform me of yours 7. For fandoms, have some awareness of the mechanics of that fandom 8. Try to inform me of any absence. Even if you don´t, however, I will understand, but when you get back, the very least I expect is a good reason for why you left me hanging. 9. Try to have daily replies. If you can´t, every three days should suffice (for RPing, only daily replies in OOC is an amazingly slow pace and frankly infuriating). 10. Be invested in the roleplay and inform me if you can´t. 11. Have basic roleplaying common sense. 12. Write 2+ paragraphs minimum, on average and respect the content minimum note: the content minimum is a concept which includes the minimal elements that must be present in a post for it to be acceptable for a roleplay. In this case, your post must include: *character thoughts, actions, reactions, and emotions *appropriate registry of any movement in time or space *decent description of scenery and positioning *appropriate interaction with any character your character should interact with *comment about one of the gifs if you have read the rules
This is an ex-parrot! (Bonuses!)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiNn4-Y5KjOAhXGyRoKHcIjCoYQjRwIBw&url=http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1453380&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNFc8-MZv6A_DhS_dWhxwi7xt-jk8g&ust=1470434997949649" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="tumblr_ny6me3cJdH1qa94xto1_500.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://49.media.tumblr.com/60dd66a4199f48d0732f331a9ed67da1/tumblr_ny6me3cJdH1qa94xto1_500.gif&key=02b14d5258fd24bcd855d82cf1365e63a20f78d1ebb3bb4013a56915212e0ecd" /></a>
<em>And as a bonus it´s my newest weapon!</em>
So, these are a few non-mandatory things, which I won´t demand off anyone, but I really appreciate them in my partner and they definitely win some points with me. *Make me feel- perhaps the greatest of all bonuses, making me feel is precisely the thing I seek in a roleplay. This isn´t feeling angry at my partner, what I want to feel is the posts, the scenes. I want each scene and each post to make me feel what it is suppose to: I want laugh at comedy, I want to cry at sad scenes, have my heart pumping in action sequences. However, this is extremely difficult, and few actually manage to do it, and even then, it´s rare. As such, it is a bonus, not a mandatory thing. *Cute anime girls- in gifs or in your profile pic (hypocritical as that may seem) can make my day and there were even instances when I posted in a thread simply because it had those. If disgusting pictures prevent me from roleplaying with someone because I can´t bear to look at them, these pics make me more excited about a roleplay partner, as they are enticing to my eyes. *lelouch vi brittania commands you to bark in your post or PM if you have this far! *being an artist- I am one of those dreamers that gets super envious everytime someone suggests drawing something for them for free or working in a graphic novel together and I miss the chance because I wasn´t the first poster (understandanbly, artists are awesome!). I suck at anything of the drawing sort, but and hence roleplaying with someone who CAN draw makes me want to impress them, in the fantasy that one day one of them will suggest drawing the characters or even the story itself. <img alt=" xD " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" title=" xD " width="20" /> *being open- this isn´t just being open regarding your feelings, ideas and opinions, but being understanding and willing to give a shot to whacky and unconventional ideas. I have a lot of those, all the time, and they tend to be among my favorites, so someone who can roll with it or even better, enjoy it like I do is definitely appreciated. *know your philosophy- I am a sucker for philosophy and I love a good argument. The search for the truth of things is one of my biggest passions and so, anyone who has a decent understanding of the basic terms or even someone who can simply make a proper argument/discussion with me are highly valued, if nothing else, for their rarity. *feed my ego- I have a GIANT ego, and while I do think of myself as someone who is willing to help and try not to be too cocky, I sometimes gotta show off just cause I can. But even if I don´t, I like feeling important, and more importantly, I like feeling appreciated. A little praising can work wonders with getting on friendly terms with me! <img alt=" ;) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" title=" ;) " width="20" />
Hmm... She needs more "plot" (Plots)
<img alt="qj8i8rb-gif.328694" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/attachments/qj8i8rb-gif.328694/" />
Let´s jump into the action now! So, plots, plots... More genres and ideas can be added to these plots, and remember, they are baselines. We can tweak them on certain aspets, we can more to them, whatever. Now... A- My character B- Your character Plot Template: Plot Name: Genres: Time Period: Mood: 1x1,1x2 or both: Description: Plot Name: Saved by the *bark*! Genres: Fantasy, comedy, slice of life, (mystery?) Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: B is living her life when she finds herself in a life-threatening situation. A saves her life as a result is transformed into a dog and only B can understand him. Thankful, B takes A in. Plot Name: Some Curses can be Blessings... Genres: fantasy, comedy, slice of life, highschool Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: For the longest time, B has had a crush on A. However, the two have become distant as A has become an isolated delinquent and B has become the student council president. However, this all seems to turn when B discovers a tail popping out of A, who reveals not a week ago he was cursed. He has no idea how to remove the curse, but he knows it has been getting worse and is turning him into a dog. B ceases the opportunity offering A help, in return for him becoming her pet. Plot Name: Parody Genres: Harem/shounen/magical girl , comedy, romance, fantasy Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 to begin with, possibly allowing more people to join in later. Description: A plot entirely based on twisting the tropes of a popular anime genre and creating an RP exploiting those twists till we are rolling on our bellies laughing. Note: willing to play the females here (in the harem scenario). Prefered, in fact. Unless we do it reverse harem. Plot Name: Papa? Genres: fantasy/scifi , battle, comedy, highschool Time Period: modern, futuristic or a mix of those Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: A is a failure. He is one of the many that participate in the "Grandiosa" tournament a new sport designed for the gifted race where they fight one another year after year. The prizes are totally worth it, though, but how would A know? He´s in highschool, when the powers peak their potential, and he´s already at the bottom of the tournament. Yet, as he comes home one day, he discovers a girl handing him a piece of paper. It seems he is that girls...father now. What will happen when A, a broke failure is given the task to adopt B, the greatest prodigy in this sport to date? Plot Name: Are you scared yet? Genres: fantasy; thriller , chase Time Period: modern Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: When B walked home that day, she never imagined she´d find a child (A) by the trashcan. The child doesn´t seem able to take care of itself, nor quite able to communicate. Soon, though, B learns that the child is actually being hunted by the higher-ups in the research facility she works for, but they refuse to let her know the details. Bound by her own morale, B escapes with A, taking him in as her child. Plot Name: Thy wish is granted, now gimme the cookie! Genres: magical girl; fantasy; slice of life Time Period: Modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: B is a shy girl with no friends. She is too scared to really talk to anyone, but she still wants them, badly. One day as she is having cooking somewhere, a creature pops out of the bushes, staring at the cookies. She offers the creature a cookie, and in return, the creature (A) introduces itself and tells her she will grant her a wish in return. B asks A to make her some friends. A grants her wish, stating she will have plenty of opportunity to make friends now, but in return, she will become a magical girl. Plot Name: Learning to put the "S" before the "he" Genres: highschool, comedy, romance Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: Ever since she moved to that high-stakes girls-only school, B has missed her long lost childhood friend, A, the most. He was her best friend after all, but now, she doubts she will ever see him again. Until he shows up in a skirt as the new transfer student. A is terrified, unable to call it quits. His extremely girly looks and his high intelligence caught the attention of a higher-up in the school who offered him a place. With little in the way of funds, he signed the papers without looking twice, and without realizing he had been mistaken for a girl. He now stands in a position where he can be arrested at any moment if anyone finds out of his real gender. He has only B to rely upon. Plot Name: The more pampered they go... Genres: fantasy, adventure Time Period: medieval or medieval-modern mix Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is a pampered princess who has never seen anything beyond the castle. She rarely is even allowed out of her room, but she is curious, so she sneaks into a carriage. Unfortunately, the carriage is robbed, and while she manages to escape, she is now lost in the woods, not knowing the way home. With no place to go but forward, she summons her familiar, A. Only, as it turns out, familiars are reflective of their summoner: A is as lazy as B is pampered and as powerless as she is clueless. Plot Name: YOU´RE the vampire?! Genres: fantasy, comedy, slice of life, romance Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: As some of you may know (or not) vampires age extremely slowly. It´s a fact B could check by herself when she went under the employement of the richest vampire in the land, A, to support her sick sibling. As it turns out, although he is decades older than her, A still looks like a young child, and acts accordingly. Can B put up with being A´s maid? Plot Name: Sensei! Genres: fantasy, romance Time Period: medieval, modern, futuristic, mix Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B, one of the bravest and most acclaimed princesses in history has no clue why everyone cringed when she requested to be taught by the most skilled fighter in her domain, not until she is taken to meet him...in the dungeons. However, despite A´s attitude and appearance, B orders his release in return for being taught by him for a full year. Plot Name: We´re ALL super. Genres: fantasy Time Period: modern, futuristic, modern-futuristic mix Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: the world has been gifted with superpowers and 90% of the people have them now. The internal tensions and conflict resulted in several governments being formed and replacing the old ones. The world was divided according to the type of powers one has, their origin. But now, the countries want to unite once more. The first key, they believe is showing people that represent their unity. A competition is started, with A and B coming out in a tie for first place. They are so chosen to become the first two-origin superheros on the world, and become a team. Plot Name: Welcome to the nightmare in my head Genres: fantasy, romance Time Period: modern Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is a journalist/blogger who has come to a small town where people are said to been having nightmares every night. It appears one person at random has a nightmare every night and wakes terrified, barely alive. The only thing in common is this mysterious figure nobody can quite remember but that all nightmares share. One night, B has a nightmare herself, where she meets A. She wakes up half-dead like the others, but soon starts to notice that the town has greatly improved from what it used to be. On the hunch that the nightmares had something to do with it, she devises a plan to get A to visit her nightmares again, and tries befriending him. Plot Name: Infetion Genres: fantasy, family, romance Time Period: modern, futuristic, post-apocayptic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both:1x1 Description: In a world where half the people have developed superpowers (albeit amazingly weak and mild), B and her older brother A get cast out of their own home when A is infected with a power-enhancing but mind-corroding disease. With nowhere to go, the siblings have to fend for one another, each concerned with how to save the other or help them at least. Plot Name: Young Love Genres: romance, comedy, highschool, fantasy Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: A and B are two highschool students madly in love with one another. However, they are both too shy to say anything and even try to disguise it, always misinterpreting the other´s acts of affection. Their own feelings don´t ever seem to get across, but they do not give up hope. Nonetheless, they bring themselves to just confess those feelings... Plot Name: Tv Reporters Genres: comedy, fantasy Time Period: modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: A and B are T.V reporters who go around the multiverse searching for the most exotic interviews. A parody RP where we can hear the side of the story from the likes of tentacle monsters, pantomine supervillains, and the janitor that forgot his keys in that exploding building... Plot Name: Cursed Blade Genres: fantasy Time Period: medieval Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x2 Description: When B is being chased through the woods, she ends up discovering a blade lost in the ground. She is surprised when the blade, A, threatens her, but she picks up anyways and defeats the ones chasing her. The threats turn out to be vane, but the two soon find out they have a common enemy: The king. So B, the runaway, and A the last magical sword go on a quest for revenge. (I´d like to add a third character (from another player), cause just between these I don´t see this working). Plot Name: If we had known Genres: fantasy, battle Time Period: modern, futuristic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: When a mysterious infection starts spreading through the world, infecting people at random, nobody knows what to do at first. It appears to turn people into literal monsters, based on the image they have of themselves. However, at the same time, people with abilities start appearing. These gifted are thus gathered and used as a task force, both soldiers and assassins. Their goal is to prevent as much damage as possible, even if it involves killing someone on the earlier stages of infection. A new method of clearing the infection has recently been developed. The monsters display glass sphere over their skin containing memories. By destroying those first, their minds are wiped and so is the self-image that creates the monsters. The original person becomes a memory-less husk which can be trained to serve as soldier to help the task force fight future cases. B is one of these cases and she has just been partnered up with a task force member, A. Unknown to her or anyone else, A is actually fighting the infection on his own body. Plot Name: Pay your taxes Genres: fantasy, mystery Time Period: futuristic, post-apocalytpic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: In this universe, the world scientists managed to connect with the magical side of the world, which was thus provoked into action. The world was quickly populated with all sorts of fantasy races, including the dragons. Greedy and political, the dragons ascended quickly and soon took over all governments and the globe. Their instaured an economic dictatorship. Nobody can afford to take them down, but that doesn´t stop some from trying. B is a detective who opposes this regime. The dragon´s "crime tax" a law that states that all criminals must pay a heavy tax for every crime or they will be sent into slavery until they have done enough service to pay twice the amount. B is using her detective skills to have the victims exert their own justice upon the criminal instead of having the criminal pay the taxes, thus "stealing" money from the government. What B didn´t count on was the government sending A, an elite tax collector, to deal with the problem that B is. A game of cat and mouse begins between the two, each trying to reach the criminal first for their own purposes. Plot Name: Hunter´s Hunter Genres: highschool, fantasy, romance Time Period: modern, futuristic, mix Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: In a world overwhelmed by monsters popping out everywhere, a certain highschool has begun preparing it´s students to fight back, teaching them how to use the power each of them has, and making them form pairs to go hunt monsters. A, particularly powerful monster, which B has been hunting for the longest time, manages to infiltrate the school and disguise himself as a student, ending up joining B´s team. Plot Name: Trapped Genres: Scifi Time Period: Futuristic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: In the near future, the first virtual reality game is created, and people flock to it. The AI is designed to evolve as time goes by to make an even more immersive experience. What the creators didn´t count for, though, was the AI gaining actual sentience. B is a pro player, on the top five in the game. She ended up staying behind to pick up an item until she sees a hand moving in her direction. The final raid boss respawned faster than it should have and took her captive. B is unable to escape, she can´t even log out, and the raid boss explains his motives: he doesn´t want to die again. He believes that, by taking her hostage, he may be able to prevent other players from coming in again, and thus, survive. Plot Name: The beauty of pride Genres: scifi, military Time Period: futuristic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: When A, world known genius courts the princess, his crush, he declares he´d take the world for her. To this, B laughs and agrees, and everyone laughs as well...until A´s immense pride drives him to actually try. A world-conquest initiative begins, and to B´s surprise, her father sends her with A as an emissary from their own country to what he believes could actually come to be the next dictator of the world Plot Name: I WILL tame you! Genres: fantasy, comedy, adventure, slice of life Time Period: medieval-modern-futuristic mix Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is the laughing stock of her class for lacking her family´s magic proficiency. Her family is a distinguished family of dragon riders, people who join in the new dragon-human sports where the dragons that were tamed can display the fruits of their partnership with the humans. One day, after being overly mocked, B declares she will tame the most powerful of the untamed dragons: A. B thus departs on a quest to find and persuade A to partner with her. She is only glad the delinquent is still in human form, a form used by dragons until such time as they bond with a human. Plot Name: We didn´t forget, honey! Genres: fantasy, slice of life Time Period: medieval and futuristic Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is the princess of the deep elven kingdom, but she has had terrible luck with her parents. They are always busy, and usually forget even her birthday. She is really surprised when they actually bring her a present, in the form of a human in strange clothes. A and his team are lost. They have no food or water left, they don´t know where they are, even though they were sent here to the depths. It was a set-up by the higher ups, for sure. But he can´t do anything about it now. To his surprise, they find a giant glowing castle. Thus, as they sneak in to what seems like a party to steal food, they are caught and A offers to stay behind as tribute to aiding his team to leave. The king agrees, and A becomes B´s new toy. Plot Name: At your service Genres: fantasy Time Period: futuristic Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: It´s a rainy day, and B really wanted to go play outside. She ends up sneaking out, and discovers something lost in the trash-can. The biggest toy she´s ever seen (A)! She brings it in, and it appears to turn on after a couple slaps. The thing bows down, and robotically states it is at her service. Plot Name: Genres: Time Period: Mood: 1x1,1x2 or both: Description: Plot Name: A Rich Chalice Genres: comedy, fantasy Time Period: modern Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is a rich, super pampered girl ,and of course, she acts accordingly, to the point of confusing a secret service agent for a butler and ripping a glass of champaigne off his hand. This causes, she failed to grasp, was actually a signal to take another agent and explain the latest case. B ends up getting thrown by mistake into a situation where she has to infiltrate world-domination maniac´s, A´s, organization and take him out. Plot Name: A shot through the heart Genres: fantasy Time Period: modern, futuristic Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is an assassin the best on her field. She has completely lost herself to grief and hate, and now sells every bit of herself by participating in any assassination job she is offered, for a decent sum of money. This is, until she fails to pull the trigger on someone when a strange feeling of...compassion... erupts in her chest when a stranger, A, tips his hat at her. Perplexed by the emerging of these long lost emotions, B decides to find A again and discover who he is and what he did to her. Plot Name: Paragons Genres: fantasy, romance, comedy Time Period: medieval, modern Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: When A, a powerful warrior from a time long gone, encased in frozen ambar to be awakened in the time his kingdom needed him, but somehow, he only woke up now. He is lost, alone, and challenging everyone, looking for a master to replace his old queen. B has been in love with this guy forever, and she wants to call his attention, to impress him. But how? The opportunity comes when a stranger appears in town beating everyone up. If she manages to defeat him, surely she will get her cruche´s attention. She thus challenges A and ends up defeating him by pure chance, causing A to obnoxiously recognize her as his new master, becoming immediately overprotective and overzealous. Plot Name: Lords Of Destruction Genres: comedy, fantasy, adventure Time Period: medieval Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: A and B are minions of a dark overlord who wants to take over the world. A parody RP about the misadventures of those two as they go about the world having to face all the clichés affecting heroes and villans. Who will ultimately win? Plot Name: Genres: fantasy, highschool, slice of life, comedy Time Period: medieval, modern Mood: light 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: B is a crappy student. She has an overwhelming pride, coming from her noble powerful family, which perfectly contrasts with her utter inability to cast a single spell properly. On the other hand, A, from the family of fallen nobles now peasants, is the top student, and even joins in the bullying on her even though he is bullied too. One day, B is coming home when she sees an injured cat on the road. She takes it home, and only realizes what she did when she leaves the shower to find A, whose curse dispelled in that very moment. Panicking, B casts the first successful spell of her life, turning A into a dog. Knowing now A has nowhere to go, and that his curse can only be dispelled in the anual visit to the school by the magic council, B decides to take care of A as her new pet. And humiliate him a little as payback. At the very least, it will mean she will no longer be the main laughing stock of her class! Plot Name: Caged Beauty Genres: fantasy, romance Time Period: medieval, modern Mood: dark 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: A beauty and beast style plot, where a girl (B) is sent to live with a monster (A) in hopes living with her will lead him to stop his plans to destroy the world Plot Name: That idiot in the I-phone... Genres: scifi, romance Time Period: modern, futuristic Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: both Description: When B, a highly skilled spy, successfully destroys all computers from a corrupt company hell bent on world domination, thus ending such plans, she had no idea all her devices had been hacked. While she worked the companie's AI created to defeat her hacked into her own stuff and in some kind of miracle happened to also have transferred to them, thus saving itself from anhilation. However, now that AI, A, is stuck on B's personal phone and laptop. A can't escape, and has no goals in existence , but B cannot throw those devices away, seeing how they also contain the only remaining pictures of her deceased parents/ friend/ whatever... Plot Name: Simple Battle Plot Genres: battle Time Period: any Mood: either 1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1 Description: just a simple 1x1 fight
Me, ambiguous? Well, yes and no. (Pairings)
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<em>Ah, to be loved...</em>
So, here are my pairings. Of course, each will need a plot and a world attached to it, but they´re as good a start as any other. <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Underlined</span> stuff is my preferred role, the number of asterisks is indicative of how much I am craving that particular pairing. More genres may be added than the indicated, simply the ones there are the mandatory. If there is a male role, I´m taking it. Feel free to pick as many pairings as it interests you: I am good at mixing stuff. <img alt=" ;) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" title=" ;) " width="20" /> pairings template: pairing: genre: gender pairing: pairing: Master X <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Servant</span> genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: Rider X <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mount</span> genre: fantasy gender pairing: MXF pairing: Owner x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Pet</span> genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Child</span> x Caretaker genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Researcher</span> x Battle Commander genre: Scifi gender pairing: MxF; <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Genderless</span> x F ; <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Genderless</span> x M pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Mecha Engineer/scientist/designer</span> X Mecha Rider genre: Scifi gender pairing: MxF pairing: Royalty x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Commoner/Merchant</span> genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: Human x<span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Supernatural or Fantasy Creature</span> genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: Supernatural or Fantasy Creature x Supernatural or fantasy creature genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Bullied</span> X Bully genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing:<span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Celebrity</span> x Fan genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF; FxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Teacher/Master/Instructor</span> x Student/Pupil/Trainee genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: (step?)Sister X <span style="text-decoration:underline;">(step?)Brother</span> genre: fantasy/scifi gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hydra</span> x Dragon genre: fantasy; highschool gender pairing: MxF; FxF pairing: Yandere x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Victim</span> genre: fantasy; highschool gender pairing: MxF pairing: Superhero x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Superhero/villan</span> genre: fantasy/ scifi; battle gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Supervillan</span> x Civilian genre: fantasy/scifi , battle gender pairing: MxF pairing: Bad Guy x Good Girl genre: fantasy; highschool gender pairing: MxF pairing: Good guy x Bad girl genre: fantasy; highschool gender pairing: MxF pairing: Rival x Rival genre: fantasy; battle gender pairing: MxF pairing: Werewolf x Werewolf genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Werewolf</span> x Vampire genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: Arranged Marriage genre: fantasy; highschool; comedy; romance gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monster</span> x Kind Girl genre: fantasy; gore ; romance gender pairing: MxF pairing: Somebody x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sick Person</span> genre: fantasy; romance gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">OP </span>x Weak genre: comedy; fantasy; adventure/battle gender pairing: MxF pairing: Little Girl x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Toy</span> genre: fantasy/scifi gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Badass Merc</span> x Employer genre: fantasy/scifi gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Strategist</span> x Soldier genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing:<span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Shapeshifter</span> x non-shapeshifter genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Genie</span> x Normal Person genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Brains</span> x Brawls genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Boyfriend</span> x Girlfriend genre: fantasy; romance; highschool gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Scientist</span> x Assistant genre: scifi gender pairing: MxF pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Deity</span> x Normal Person genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF pairing: Scientist x Experiment genre: scifi gender pairing: MxF; F x <span style="text-decoration:underline;">genderless</span> pairing: <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prince</span> x Princess genre: fantasy gender pairing: MxF
Gandalf, why don´t we just use the eagles? They solve ALL our problems!(Fandoms)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=&url=http://free-armor-trimming.tumblr.com/post/121193763020&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNGiOkT6cSvlJcO0xhg-9fkcqgHvLg&ust=1470434695674471" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="tumblr_npqj79ieNb1urgg6bo2_500.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://66.media.tumblr.com/4c956a404c6eb273d98d0566f7716a1b/tumblr_npqj79ieNb1urgg6bo2_500.gif&key=754a36661bc68f57d118bf37d23704eafe75d5c0bc6a3870373378ba89cedd3f" /></a>
<em> A little adventure can´t go that wrong, can it?</em>
Ok, so the moment some of you were waiting for: My fandoms. A couple notes before we jump into listing them: First, I do NOT allow cannon characters in my fandom roleplays. Not one, unless it´s like an NPC. Second, the cannon material has to nonetheless be respected. The story happened, it is not our story, and the mechanics work and have to be known. Now, for how these were picked, I´d like to say I´ve seen a lot more than these, and it is quite possible I missed some I would be happy to roleplay, so don´t hesitate to ask. That said, these were picked from a pretty extensive list, the criteria being what I have seen (and enjoyed), what I think it´s possible to make into something that isn´t a complete rip-off of the original and what I would enjoy making that thing. If a certain show or game failed to pass any of these, then it wouldn´t be fit to be made into a fandom. You may disagree, but unless you can convince me otherwise, shows I have rejected will remain that way. Now, for the actual list: *rakudai kishi no cavalry *Inukami *Charlotte *Overlord *Monster Musume *Tokyo Ghoul *Digimon *Noragami *Mikaguna Gakuen Kumikyoku *Nanatsu no Taizai *Absolute Duo *No Game no Life *Black Bullet *Konosuba *Musaigen no Phantom World *Boku no Hero Academia *A certain Magical Index *Dog Days *Kanokon *Darker than Black *Soul Eater *Shugo Chara (not finished yet) *Dragon Crisis *Dungeon ni deai o motomeru no wa machigatte iru darouka *problem children are coming from another world? *akame ga kill *magic the gathering *starcraft *world of warcraft
I use too many "..."... (Other Ideas)
<img alt="giphy.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://media.giphy.com/media/QoFwsaSnG7D5C/giphy.gif&key=df43650316dddb6b80b4bfe2fc7f2d9d6bba9e5b91516ba7727b5a4d7800f43a" />
<em>I really should start checking the expiration dates before I eat stuff</em>
this is a small collection of ideas I got over time about interesting (on paper) types of roleplay that I would like to experiment. They deviate from the typical format, and thus are not preferable choices for those starting out, as they are almost certainly an extra push for being such uncharted territory, at least from my experience. *Episodic Roleplay: The roleplay would consist of several pre-planned "episodes". Basically there is a certain list of things that have to be accomplished in any given "episode" and there is a limit number of posts that the two players can collectively post. *Interview Roleplay: It´s a roleplay where we just make our characters have them sit down and answer questions like a talk show. Yes, that´s it, absolutely nothing else happens in that roleplay. *Letter Roleplay: In this roleplay, the character don´t interact the normal way. Instead, each post is a letter one character sends narrating events from their perspective. *Musical Roleplay (coming soon!): A roleplay where the scenes and the plot are defined by music. We each pick music in turns that defines the tone of the scene and the lyrics define the events. *Magic the Gathering set making RP (coming soon!): A fandom RP of magic the gathering, set in an AU, with our characters being planeswalkers exploring a new plane. We will be using this to make a set of custom magic the gathering cards using the magic set editor program. *Commentary Roleplay (coming soon!) : A roleplay where we watch an anime together and have our characters discuss the episodes to one another.
Somewhere over the rainbow... things are exactly as they are in this side of the rainbow... (Settings)
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhq97K4KjOAhUGAxoKHR5FB2EQjRwIBw&url=http://gifsoup.com/view/5071341/saphira-and-eragon-fly.html&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNGPLvj5Fd1dgTkD6z0nfVDReUcDzA&ust=1470434242109167" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="saphira-and-eragon-fly-o.gif" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view6/20140716/5071341/saphira-and-eragon-fly-o.gif&key=05e26b33517ee4374c2e6ee85b5add50dbfcef49066fd2923ce2ca108746d5d2" /></a>
<em>Great view, isn´t it?</em>
So, the settings are the locations where the story takes place. Basically, this is a list of setting I enjoy and like to roleplay, though I always prefer to come up with something new: *Game world- whether we are stuck in a video game world, a world where things are resolved through games or reality got warped into a giant game, this settings and their odd rules can be incredibly fun to play with. (Genres: fantasy; comedy) *Magic Shop/caffé- come join our newly opened store. Let me let you in a little secret: our employees aren´t normal people. They are all magical beings, believe it or not. We hide ourselves in this place, and just live our lives making a living like anyone else. (genres: fantasy; slice of life) *Battle School- A highschool where the students are all gifted with some form of fighting technique that is their own and the student itself not only promotes this fights but is specifically designed to help you improve at them. (Genres: fantasy/scifi ; highschool) *Full New fantasy world- Nothing really beats a nice, custom-built fantasy world full of exciting new creatures and places and more importantly a really quirky and interesting magic system. (genres: fantasy)
Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it! (Themes)
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<em> Or maybe the one that changed...was her...him...her...him...they...this is too confusing!</em>
In roleplay, there are often topics we like to use or address. There are ideas we like to explore even if they are not directly tied to the plot. Scenarios we like to run to prove a point or just to make our story fancier. Here are some of my favored topics: *Transformations- whatever the transformation, the change in body and often, in mind, is a topic I really like using and one whose consequences I like to use for numberless purposes *Exotic Relationships- by exotic I mean exotic in roleplay. Many of them are pretty rare, such as big age gaps, and pet/owner or mount/owner relationships, but I like bringing them to my roleplays. *Philosophical Thematics- I like explore philosophical ideas and concepts in stories and roleplays are no exception to that. Whether it is shaping the society in a certain way or messing with the villan´s or heroe´s motivations, adding a little bit of philosophy to things really spices things up for me. *Family- The idea of a roleplay centered around the contruction and struggles of a family, especially when that is not voluntary is great in my opinion, especially when you see them warming up to one another becoming real family and rejoicing on life instead of losing to it´s inconviniences. *Heartmending- This kind of theme makes me feel warm inside. It´s basically people who have had their will or their hearts broken and are slowly given back their humanity and their warmth as the story progresses, often involving some form of romantic development, though not necessarily. *Cat and Mouse Games- I like it when stories, shows and roleplays involve interesting and intricate games of manipulation, deceiving and focus on perception and the flow of information to create some awesome narrative.
Tree´s a crowd... (Group RPs I need help with)
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<em>Aww, she´s so cute when she´s trying to kill me so it can be just the two of them!</em>
Group Roleplays Help Request Template: Name: Roleplay "level": Genres: status About: Need help with: Name: Digimon Roleplay Roleplay "level": detailed Genres: fandom status: ongoing About: An AU digimon roleplay where the barrier between the digital and human worlds is vanishing, and the city the rp takes place in was the first victim, as a large chunk of it merged with a part of the digital world. Everyone who lived there was infected with a mysterious disease that transformed them into wild digimon, and in the digital world, the disease is spreading out of control, twisting the digimon it infects. The Virus Counter is an organization created to explore the new frontier and if possible, fix the damage to both worlds. Need help with: Need more members Name: Kindergarten Roleplay Roleplay "level": detailed Genres: fantasy; school; slice of life status: planning stages About: a fantasy highschool roleplay with a twist: instead of a highschool, you have a kindergarten. Need help with: that plot alone isn´t going to be enough to drive the thread, I need more quirks and more plot. Name: VRMMOROG RP Roleplay "level": detailed Genres: fantasy; adventure status: in construction (for the past 9 months) About: An RP about an open-world virtual reality MMORPG, in which the players get stuck. This particular one has the particularity to have been designed to be halfway between total freedom and overrestriction for the game purposes: It offers a massive, but finite amount of choices, allowing players to experience near-absolute freedom in the character making, while keeping the feeling of the experience of playing a video game. Need help with: I need help in creating lore, zones, quests and the economic system. I will later need help managing and testing the roleplay.
Shameless promoting- no bad joke needed
<a href="https://www.google.pt/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj5u4zL3qjOAhWE1RoKHTyAD9cQjRwIBw&url=http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_gifs/4632720/Abathur+what+can+you+tell+me+about+op/&bvm=bv.128617741,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNFIYqGTlJgyPXdMvPbcLNRPhQVPgA&ust=1470433702173868" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="Abathur+what+can+you+tell+me+about+op+ad" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/Abathur+what+can+you+tell+me+about+op+adding+the_99f787_4632276.gif&key=1a8e33cb6d94527ac0e20abe8760d0a170b413ad5fe8b019b699e4551c6db8a1" /></a>
I make bad puns. My breakfasts are horrible sometimes... (goodbyes)
<img alt="7tjcl3-gif.328785" class="ipsImage" src="<___base_url___>/attachments/7tjcl3-gif.328785/" />
<em>But first, join me in a roleplay! <img alt=" :) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=" :) " width="20" /></em>
If you survived this far, congratulations. To meet this final boss (AKA roleplay with me) , just send me a PM AND comment here. Alternatively, send me a PM with the link to this thread. Also, spread over this thread there are four key things that have to appear in either your post here or in your PM to me. If I do not see them, I will have to assume you were not paying enough attention as you read, and since I said a lot of stuff, paying attention is important. So, if you haven´t found four, read again, with more attention. They can be anywhere on this thread, though I will tell you that each slide only has 1 at the most. Thank you all for your patience and happy roleplaying! <img alt=" ;) " data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" title=" ;) " width="20" /> [/centerblock]


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I bet the gradient answer is gonna get the most votes



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SerenaStark said:
Could we do a bad girl x good boy rp? Can I take the female role?
you clearly haven´t most sections here. Please read over the thread carefully before asking for a roleplay.
Oh right (:3),

well my favorite book is "The Keltic Myths, Gods and Legends of the old Ireland and Wales" by Miranda Aldhouse-Green.

I like the teddybear, but don't know what it's from.

Ehm.. Bark?
Chewed said:
Oh right (:3),
well my favorite book is "The Keltic Myths, Gods and Legends of the old Ireland and Wales" by Miranda Aldhouse-Green.

I like the teddybear, but don't know what it's from.

Ehm.. Bark?
Ok, I guess I just need a PM from you now. Sorry about the fuss, but reading the rules is important xD
Oh the things I do for fun, alrighty then. I do understand you want someone who's serious about it.
Smily face: (:3)

Favorite book: Bone, George (I have two...)

Comment about one of the gifs if you have read the rules: I like the dog one... xD

lelouch vi brittania commands you to bark in your post or PM if you have this far: GASP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS! SANS, WHAT DO I DO?!

I'm an artist (although, not a great one) and I meet all the rest of your standards.

I'm just shamelessly throwing out Undertale trash, aren't I? Anyways, my profile picture is of two male characters as little kids but they look pretty androgynous so... (I might change it later anyways)

I'd love to do any of this stuff. I personally prefer MxM, FxF, or GenderlessxF/M but I'm willing to do some FxM. A lot of these plots sound soooooo awesome! Maybe we can work stuff out in a PM?
SansLovesPugs said:
Smily face: (:3)
Favorite book: Bone, George (I have two...)

Comment about one of the gifs if you have read the rules: I like the dog one... xD

lelouch vi brittania commands you to bark in your post or PM if you have this far: GASP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS! SANS, WHAT DO I DO?!

I'm an artist (although, not a great one) and I meet all the rest of your standards.

I'm just shamelessly throwing out Undertale trash, aren't I? Anyways, my profile picture is of two male characters as little kids but they look pretty androgynous so... (I might change it later anyways)

I'd love to do any of this stuff. I personally prefer MxM, FxF, or GenderlessxF/M but I'm willing to do some FxM. A lot of these plots sound soooooo awesome! Maybe we can work stuff out in a PM?
See that list of questions in the "about me" section? Answer those to me in a PM, ok? :) pleasure doing business with ya.
Idea said:
Plot Name: The beauty of pride
Genres: scifi, military

Time Period: futuristic

Mood: dark

1x1,1x2 or both: 1x1

Description: When A, world known genius courts the princess, his crush, he declares he´d take the world for her. To this, B laughs and agrees, and everyone laughs as well...until A´s immense pride drives him to actually try. A world-conquest initiative begins, and to B´s surprise, her father sends her with A as an emissary from their own country to what he believes could actually come to be the next dictator of the world
Okay, so I came here because of the post you left at my search thread. I'm really interested in the plot above. So if you're interested, let's try this one.

Since I don't really know if you were joking or not in this thread: here my fav books of all time goes: Harry Potter. Yep, I'm a Potterhead.
Jessy753 said:
Okay, so I came here because of the post you left at my search thread. I'm really interested in the plot above. So if you're interested, let's try this one.
Since I don't really know if you were joking or not in this thread: here my fav books of all time goes: Harry Potter. Yep, I'm a Potterhead.
I wasn't joking. Trust me. I also wasn't joking when I said there were four things the thread required as confirmation of having read it properly.

Give me those and PM me the answers to the questions on the "about me" section. After that I will gladly RP that plot with you.

Thanks, and sorry for being such a hassle.

Fav book:I guess Alex Rider

Gifs:What's that Renji rip-off?

Command:Don't be stupid I won't *bark* wait WHAT WAS THAT!?

While I came here for a rp to use my assassin girl in I saw so many amazing rp ideas. So I GOTTA know can we do multiple rps together?
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi](^U^)
Fav book:I guess Alex Rider

Gifs:What's that Renji rip-off?

Command:Don't be stupid I won't *bark* wait WHAT WAS THAT!?

While I came here for a rp to use my assassin girl in I saw so many amazing rp ideas. So I GOTTA know can we do multiple rps together?

What rip-off?

Also, sure. As long as you meet my rules and requirements I don't mind making as many as you want. :)
In bonuses the guy swinging the big snake bone thing looks like Renji's zanpakuto.

Awesome then I'll send you the pm of my answers in a bit.


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