Plots, plots, read all about it!

Sansa Stark

Queen in the North
Oooookie dokie, I've got some original plots and some fandom ones to dish out to you all. Please note that once a role is filled I will not be asking for more partners--one of each is enough for me!

Original Plots:


In a world of a growing America, the people are beginning to travel west to see what awaits them in such a land filled with possibility. A young woman, the daughter of a very rich man have settled in an area of your choosing. The only problem is, the Native Americans of a tribe also of your choice don't like their cruel treatment or their forced decision to either die or move from their sacred lands. As the tension grows and the threat of death looms over the innocent Natives, the young woman wanders into the woods and happens upon a Native man a bit older than her. The small language barrier sets them apart, but the two agree to meet on and off throughout the months and eventually fall deeply in love. Can their bonds to each other help stop the growing wars between their people, or will they perish for their crimes? I have no gender preference for this roleplay and I am more than willing to play either the young woman or the Native man.

WARNING: This will be a roleplay with violent racism and I will rate it M.


Revelle is torn. Long in it's complicated past, the Seven Gods gave special gifts to two eligible children of the kingdoms of Xaaron and Leyvetten. Sometimes the gifts were the use of magic, others an undefeatable skill at swordplay, or a chiseled use of language that could persuade any man or woman to do his/her bidding (within reason of course, the Gods are not sinful beings). But most importantly, the gods gave each Guardian a unique tattoo that no man could duplicate, to prove their Guardian status to any who might doubt.

Those days are long past. Xaaron, a country of great diversity and color and respect for the individual accused Leyvetten of being too traditional in holding its strict and often unnecessarily painful rules, while Leyvetten despised how Xaaron was drifting too far from tradition and keeping practices that would be considered inappropriate in the eyes of any Godsfearing person. The two countries grew to hate each other so much that wars broke out across Revelle, and with such rageful passion came the Seven Demons of the Underworld up from below. The demons imprisoned each of their counterpart gods within their seven temples, rendering them useless to help their home at war.

Centuries passed. War bred more war, and the lands of the Gods fell into ruin in their absence. A Guardian had not been seen since the Demons arose nearly five-hundred years past. Many began to feel helpless, the tales of Great Guardians turned into legends and bedtime stories. However, during the first solar eclipse Revelle had ever seen, two babies were born--one in Leyvetten, and one in Xaaron. Each was born with the tattoo of a Guardian, blessed by a god to save the world.

Can a man and woman from such diverse and spiteful countries work together to save the Gods and to bring peace back to Revelle? I would prefer to play the woman of Xaaron, but I am open to your characters ideas if you have them. I also have a map of this world and it's families set up; if you want to do this roleplay, I will not hesitate to send you this information upon your request!

WARNING: This roleplay will be violent, and I will give it an M rating.


Many centuries ago, the Kingdom of Layde was a place of light and music, dancing and laughter. It was the height of all marketing across all of Hellonde. The kings were just, the queens were merciful, and all the noble lords and ladies worked to support those who were less fortunate. But, as you can imagine, such a place of wonder was not build on virtue. King Gregor made a deal with Darkness, that all his people would be happy for centuries, boisterous and care-free, that Layde would be the paradise of the world. And all things must come with a price. Refusing to pay such a massive debt, Darkness flooded the kingdom of Layde, enslaved all it's people and murdered those who would resist it. The children of Darkness (essentially bigger, darker vampires) seized the Royal family and forced them to do terrible things, the cost of refusal being to destroy everything that was left of Layde. One of Darkness's children, the most powerful, named himself King Xavier and renamed Layde to Vrague, which means "paradise" in the Laydeish language. Horrors unspeakable were committed within the walls of the kingdom, and no other came to Vrague's rescue in fear of spreading the Darkness to their own countries.

Centuries later, where our story begins, all that remains of the Royal Line is the princess, aged sixteen and named Lysella, Xavier's favorite toy. But the girl was smarter than he anticipated. Upon just narrowly escaping, she flees to the temple of the old gods in hiding, where she meets a strange man with secrets of his own. In this roleplay, I will play the princess and you the "strange man". You can choose of he is a Child of Darkness or someone else, and depending on how in-depth you want to be in plotting we can easily choose a background for him and whatever way to progress through the story as we like.

WARNING: This will be a violent story, so I will rate it M.

Fandom Plots:


As you can probably guess, t
his gorgeous lady right here is my favorite female character through the entirety of ASoIAF, and its television counterpart. This is definitely one of my more vague options for you, as fandom plots are usually ones I liked to build together instead of setting them all up by myself. What I'm looking for is someone to love my Sansa, whether it be an OC or a canon character. We could go so many ways with her plotline, the Eyrie, King's Landing, Pentos, the Wall, Winterfell, anywhere. I will pair her with any canon character except the following - Joffrey, Theon, Ramsay, Stannis, any female character (Sansa is straight, for sure), Tywin, The Mountain, Oberyn, Ned, Bran, Rickon, Balon. Also, like I said, OC male characters are also welcome! This is the only roleplay type in my list that I will accept more than one partner for.

I am also currently looking for a Robb Stark, if any of you would like to play him and
not drop out, that'd be wonderful.


As the Game of Thrones option stated, my fandom ideas are always vague because I like to build them with a partner versus making the plotline by myself. That being said, my main idea for a Final Fantasy X roleplay is to scrap Yuna's party and instead make our own Summoner group to travel to Zanarkand. I'm very flexible on this part and I have a very vast knowledge of Spira, so even if you don't want to do a Summoner plot and instead make our story during the Eternal Calm, that is also fine with me! The underlying theme here is to create original characters in Spira's world, regardless of where. Feel free to talk to me about ideas!

Things I ask of you:

Don't let me take charge of the whole plot; this OUR story, not mine!

Please write at least two full paragraphs minimum per reply.

Be active: at least once a day or every other day.

Be respectful.

Good grammar and writing style is a MUST.

Don't be that godmodding jerk!

I high encourage you to come to me with new ideas for our story, should you have them.

I want lots of creative juices to flow.

Don't be shy! OOC chat is optional but I do enjoy it.

And that's about it! I hope some of you would like to get on board with at least a few of these plots. Reply to this post if you're interested and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day~!
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Yes but they are far from picky an rp cant be done by yourself

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[QUOTE="Sansa Stark]Take your pick! Do you think you can meet all my requirements? :) nice icon by the way!

I'm quite sure I can fit in. And thank you by the way :big grin:
I would love to do the GoT plot, if you don't mind and I can meet your requirements. There is one i'm not sure I can meet PERFECTLY. Considering that I'm a USMC Pilot, sometimes I'm on aircraft carrier sleep or on a mission. It shouldn't be too often that occurs, particularly because our activity has died down where I'll need to be on a carrier, AND plus I'm on leave right now.

It was just a fair warning, but I meet the other requirements perfectly.
Hooray to both of you, @akunoookami I look forward to doing plots with you. If the two of you wouldn't mind private messaging me we can get to plotting!

I do have an OC as well for the GoT plot to use instead of Sansa, but it all depends on which male character the both of you would prefer to play. PM me to get started, I'm getting excited! :)  
Great! I have a few Game of Thrones ones right now, so perhaps Final Fantasy X might be the better option? :)
It's been a while since I've seen a FFX roleplayer. That's why I posted. I might be interested... I've never made my own character though. I do have this idea where Seymore (or even perhaps somehow his son) come back again to destroy the original group of characters. However since I know you want to scrap them we could make it an original group of people.
You don't have to make your own characters, I suppose I could just replace Yuna with my own, or scrap Tidus altogether? Just something unique to make it our own story. Let me know what you think! 
Oh no,

My seemingly undying love for Game of Thrones is kicking in!

Quick! Abort! abortabortabortabortab-

Ahem, kidding aside, I would absolutely adore to have a Game of Thrones 1x1 going on. Now, noticing the amount of partners you seem have, if you feel like you can't support another one that is perfectly fine. Oddly enough, I'm actually craving a Jon x Sansa sort of ship, which I'm usually against Stark incest (even though Jon is a half-sibling), but this is an exception partially because we haven't seen the two interact and I have a basic concept in mind (plus, it isn't just going to be insta-romance, romance between the two would happen way, way later down the RP, especially considering, you know, half-siblings). Alternatively, if your feeling very venturous for whatever reasons, we could do a platonic, non-romantic RP with Arya and Sansa. Just throwing out some basic ideas, but like I said, if you are busy and don't feel like you can't support another GoT RP that is perfectly fine.
Jon and Sansa is literally 90% of what I'm craving, wow. I would love to do that with you! Shall we PM?
I would like to play the Revelle plot (#2) with you. Please send me the world map and the family list!

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