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Plots! (Fandom and original.)


A Jedi knight Wannabe
Hello, its time for another plot post. As I've come up with a few new ideas I suppose its time to get them out of my mind and into text. As usual my requirements and shit like that will be first. Then the fun part will begin.

  • No post length requirement, but try to avoid one liners. (I'll attempt to mirror the length of my partners post.)
  • RPN rules apply, as always.
  • Swearing, gore, and all that stuff is fine with me
  • Two to three posts are week are fine. I understand how life is and busy it can make people.
  • I'm fairly active. But with school I may take a bit to respond.
  • My time is PST.
  • I enjoy fluff and all that romancy stuff.

Without further adieu, here are the plots.

Medieval Fantasy:

Plot Three: (Inspired by Dragonlance.) Childhood friends departed. A vow to meet many years later. But things can happen in a few years. People change, for better or worse, And people die. This reunion meant to be a happy event quickly goes south when a single man with a small goal creates a chain of events that put these friends in the middle of something unimaginable.


Three thousand years ago the Sorcerers of Chaos were banished to the void by a group of Hero's. These Hero's carried god like powers, as did the Sorcerers. Over the years the Hero's passed on, their tales slowly becoming myths. Even their descendants didn't believe them. Granted, they didn't know whom they were related too. Several murders have been happening over the galaxy now. Coincidentally several victims of these murders are the descendants of the Hero's. Now only two remain, conveniently they live on the same world, in the same city as well. Now their powers are begin to show reveal themselves. The lives of these two will never be the same again. (Expect several things from medieval Fantasy themes to appear. IE: Dragons, magic, and much more.)

The Galaxy of Enteria was a peaceful place. That was, until the discovery of Technology from a race known only as 'The first ones' was found. Now several corporations from other Galaxies are arriving, slowly buying worlds and establishing laws of their own, cruel laws. Adding on the secret wars waged between the corporations and the peace the galaxy knew was crushed and reformed into Anarchy.

Modified Fairy-tales/Origins/Continuations:

Before the the story everyone knows as 'Red Riding Hood' took place there was a pack of Wolves. Each of these Wolves was born with a power. Some could take the form of Humans, others could do amazing things with their breath. But when a hunting Party of Humans and Pigmen begin hunting them the pack is forced to go on the run, and are forced to do things that will change them forever, some for the better, but others for the worst.

After the Huntsman spared Snow Whites life he realized that he'd need to spend the rest of his life running. Unaware of the Evil Queens Death he continued running. Exhausted he attempted to set up camp. However he was raided by several Bandits. While he managed to fend them off he was heavily wounded. Unbeknownst to him a farm hand was nearby who happened to see the fight...And brought him to the farm in an attempt to save his life.

After Hansel and Gretel defeated the Witch Hansel devolved strange, violent tenancies. These continued as he got older, eventually causing him to become a deadly, empathy lacking witch hunter.


There was once a family. A Happy family. This family had one daughter. A beautiful daughter. But one night someone broke into their house. The Daughter, age six, was kidnapped. The family called the police. They found the daughter. But she wasn't alive. No. The Kidnapper did things to their daughter. The body was barely recognizable. The Father, enraged to the point that he nearly beat his wife when she tried to calm him down. So he left. He found the kidnapper. And what he did put what the man did to their child to shame. The wife was never able to look at him the same, and after a fight she splashed him with a frying pan of hot grease. Scarring him permanently. He left after that. And conveniently enough the towns murder rate jumped...

The Boogieman. A name feared by Children, and even some adults who are unlucky enough to become his target. But one night, as he creeps into a bedroom, intent on making sure tonight's target wont be sleeping he see's an act of abuse that he can't stand. But while he's unable to actually harm people in the normal world. He is able to interact with them, to strike fear into them, or in a rare occasion...Comfort them.

Post Apocalypse:

A few hundred years ago an incident, though few members of this generation know what caused it, turned most of the world into a barren wasteland, or in some parts a tundra where most freeze to death, rumor has it that there's also a few places with Tree's, and not the shriveled up black things we're all used too. As civilization continues to rebuild with the advanced technology left behind by the old world. But now people are wondering about these rumors. A part of the world that hasn't been ravaged? That's to good a possibility to pass up...This Rp is based around two survivors trying to find this possible sanctuary.

The year is 3025. Ten years ago a group of scientists attempted to create a new breed of soldiers. Ones who after being shot in combat, would get back up and fight with more savagery then before they were shot. This was the necrosoldier project. And it worked...Until the government got greedy. Sending the scientists into unknown space with their work they wanted the 'NecroSoldiers' to be able to transmit this to soldiers on the enemy side. Turning our enemies into allies seemed like a good idea...But what happens when the NecroSoldiers want their own army. Most of earths Military had this enhancement. As did the armies of many other planets allied with earth. And when the scientists came back from unknown space they had results...Just not the ones expected. Earth fell first. Many other planets fell afterwards...For how does one defeat an army that can get fully trained recruits in mere minutes? Five years after the event the Endoronians, one of the few surviving people attempted to create Genetically enhanced clones to battle the infected when they arrived in their sector. But they only managed to finish two before they fell... This Rp is based around two clones attempting to survive the galaxy they were brought into.



Vault 113. Like all Vaults it was created before the great war. But unlike all Vaults this one didn't let anyone in. Rather it was meant to open after one hundred and thirty years, assuming a nuclear war actually happened. This vault sent out a radio broadcast to any nearby radio's. When the wastelanders arrived and explored this Vault...Well, it closed behind them. This Vault was meant to turn Wastelanders into Vault Dwellers, and to see how people from the outside world would adjust to a peaceful underground life...Only to steal said life from them generations later...

Star Wars:

Infinities plot: What if Leia had followed Luke onto the Death Star? What if The Death Stars core had been shot during their battle with their Father? The Emperor Fled the Space Station while Son and Daughter managed to bring their Father back to the light. Now with the help of the Redeemed Anakin Skywalker the Rebellion must track down the emperor! (Requires both OC's and Canon characters.)

Canon (Not legends.) plot: The package has been delivered. Obi-Wan Kenobi, General in the Grand Army of the Republic and a Jedi Master slowly shifts into Ben Kenobi. The mysterious hermit who dwells away from civilization on Tatooine. But with Tusken Raider attacks getting worse and the Hutts becoming crueler each day Ben will realize that staying anonymous is hard for a Jedi. Especially when he sees a Thug forcibly dragging a woman to his speeder...

Boba Fett. The most feared Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, has just received a bounty for the recovery of an Imperial Moffs daughter. According to the bounty she was 'kidnapped by pirates for ransom'. Intent on collecting an easy bounty Fett tracks the pirates down rather easily. But theres more to this then he expects. The daughter isn't biological. The Moff intends to marry her, which is why she let the 'pirates' take her. Unintentionally Fett gets dragged into the middle of this. Now Fett will not only have to bring the Moffs daughter back to him, but also hunt down the 'pirates' so she wont be 'taken' by them again...Unless his view on the matter changes...

(More to be added on a later date.)
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Hello! I would love to roleplay with you! I would love to either roleplay the witch hunter, red riding hood, or the kidnapped one.
I'm good with any of those. Just a bit of a warning. The Kidnapped one will probably get rather dark.
Hello! If you're still on the hunt for partners, I'd be very interested in either the post-Snow White or Hansel and Gretel plot.
Woah, you've got some great plots up there. I really LOVE dark plots so this is right up my alleyway. If you're still open, I'd be open to any of the plots below:

A Happy Family

The Boogieman

Barren Wasteland post-apocalyptic

The first two are probably my favorite, but if you're open to any of them, let me know. Thanks!

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