"Comparison is the thief of joy."
- One on One
- Nation Building
- Off-site
Salutations, Friend!
Thank you for popping on by! I have another interest check here but decided to start from scratch. I have several idea spring boards in mind that differ than my usual so here goes! Overall, my main goal is to have fun, write a story that we enjoy, and communicate! Looking forward to hearing from you. ~ I do prefer DM rather than posting here to keep it clean. I do have Discord for easier plotting but I'll give that out once we've connected.
About me: PersonallySince people seem to need this information, I'll share it: I am female, but I primarily write male characters. I can do male and female characters though. I am not limited in what muse I do. I am 32, turning 33 in April! I have been role-playing since middle-school, so I would say I am pretty well-versed. I have a doggo who I love to share pictures and stories about! I am a pretty friendly, chill person and though in some of the rules I may come off strict, I am really flexible so long as there is communication. I work full time, have a side art-business (I am a sculptor!), and I care-give for two people in my household who have medical concerns. Suffice it to say I have a lot going on and I understand that things come up. I'll go over more details about my rp style and time limits etc in the next sections.
If there is something in particular you want to know about me, just ask me. I am more than happy to share as long as it is appropriate.
My Roleplay Style: What you can ExpectI will do this in bullet point format for an easier read.
+ Lazy Lit/Advanced - I generally write 3+ paragraphs depending on the scene, the character, what is given to me to work with. You don't have to be a novella writer, but I expect some detail to go off of in my post. I enjoy writing and want to get into my character's mind and explore concepts.
+ World development - I am mostly a fantasy writer and I LOVE building societies and worlds for the characters to evolve in.
+ Character development - I heavily focus on character struggles and development. I want to see the characters grow, test their ideals and watch them succeed or break them. The character struggle drives the roleplay!
+ No Ghosting - I. Despise. Ghosting. It leaves me feeling horrible and questioning if there is something I did and it does make me anxious. Because I do not like being ghosted, I WILL NOT GHOST YOU. I highly value communication. If I can't respond for a bit, I'll keep you updated and let you know, maybe even do some plotting if I can't respond to the rp right away. If something is not working, I will tell you and I expect the same. Sometimes, we can fix the problem and either do a new role-play, restart the one we are doing, or work something out. If it still doesn't work, then we can say good-bye and move on and potentially try again another time. I understand that things happen in life and we can't post all the time, but a little quick post saying 'hey busy, I'll respond next week' or something will keep me engaged and hopeful for a continued story rather than waiting and not knowing what the hell is happening and then suddenly noticing that you've left the rp and discussion without warning. That is FAR worse than just saying 'not vibing' and then leaving. Mini rant /end.
+ Multiple characters - Not necessarily for all rps, but I do enjoy playing more than one character and even if I only have one main character, I do play NPCS and add side characters to fill in the world.
+ Romance/Pairings - I play male and female characters though I tend to prefer male characters. I play characters in all sorts of different romantic pairings on the spectrum though I tend to do m/m. I don't have a limit here really. I don't really like F/F as a main pairing, but I don't mind it for side characters. I also don't like forced romance. If it works, it works. It doesn't have to be the main focus of the rp.
+ No hate/Discrimination - I am LGBTQI+ friendly. I am an ally. I do not want to hear hate speech or propaganda or discuss politics and religion. My views and my characters views don't mean the same thing. A character may have prejudices to work through, but I cannot emphasize this enough: I AM NOT MY CHARACTER. Characters aren't always going to be kind, but in OOC discussion between you and I, I expect respect and kindness as I will treat you the same.
+ Face claims - I prefer anime or art, but if you really want to do real human face claims, you're welcome too. I do like to include the character picture in the post. You don't have to.
+ Friendly! - I like having a discussion with my rp partner, create some kind of connection and plot or gush about characters. I loooovee sharing music videos and things that remind me of the characters.
+Posting - It varies due to the craziness of my life. Sometimes I can do multiple a day, once a day, once a week. Regardless, I will let you know if it is going to take me a while. If it has been a little bit of time, you can poke me. There has been cases where I thought I replied because I read it while I was working and worked on a post in my head but didn't actually send it. You can always reach me OOC.
What I expect from you+ No-one liners - You don't have to be a novella writer, but I expect at least 2-3 good paragraphs where we can see some life in the character, the scene, something for me to work off of. A one-liner will be an immediate buzz-kill.
+ Be over 20 - Since I am about to be 33, I prefer to have a rper around my age, especially with the dark themes.
+ Collaborate! - I want to make a story with you. I don't want to come up with everything. Help me create the story arch, the plots, the twists and turns.
+ Character development - Characters have nuances, wants, desires. I want to know what they struggle with! Part of the story is exploring them and I want to know about your characters and see them change, evolve.
+ No Ghosting - As mentioned above, ghosting gives me huge anxiety. Just communicate with me, I beg you. If it is not working, just tell me. I am not mean, I don't snap, I don't yell. I just like knowing something is over without waiting forever. I don't mind waiting for posts. I have stories that get a post once every few months. I don't mind this as long as you let me know. I'll wait. So main point I guess is just communicate. If you don't like something, tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.
+ Friendly - I'd enjoy having a friendship! if that is not for you, that's fine, but at least be open to plotting the characters and story! When you reach out to me, please include this somewhere so I know you read the post: Chocolate Frog.
+ No hate/disrespect - Characters have their own views and I do expect that we may have to explore this topic in rp with characters who aren't accepting and have prejudice and phobias, but outside of the rp, I expect respect and kindness and will not tolerate you being rude and mean. If you are rude and disrespectful, I will close the discussion.
+No God mod/taking over characters - Please do not take over my character's reactions and movements in the role-play. If something needs to happen and my character needs to be moved or maimed or whatever, please discuss with me first and I'll grant that. Most jarring thing and off-putting thing I can think of is seeing my character suddenly being taken over and reacting to things without me approving it. I will not do this to you. I will always ask.
Plots/ideas/sparks - more added as I think of them+mental health exploration
+ apocalypses
+ world turned upside down (literally or figuratively)
+ fantasy creature/hunter
+ fantasy-alien/fantasy alien
+ Artificial Intelligence /artificial intelligence or engineer or regular human
+ Greek gods/mortals.
+ Super hero/villain - I have one inkling of a plot here otherwise I need some convincing for this.
+ Mercenaries
+ single dad /new partner
+ warrior from two different sides having to work together
Fandoms - I don't usually do this, but I may do the following with OCS rather than canon characters, with our own plot. If you have a fandom in mind, you can ask me. This is not exhaustive.
+ Seraph of the End
+ Walking Dead
+ Avatar the Last Air Bender (continuing the story where the avatar is now an earth bender.)
+ Alien/Species
+ Jurassic Park -anything with dinosaurs!
+ Hazbin Hotel -with a caveat. It's complicated to state here but I am not interested in playing the hotel primarily or the story as it is written. Alternate timelines or story lines. I can play several of the characters (and is the only fandom I will do canon). I do enjoy playing Alastor and have a little more experience with that character. I have not watched Hellava Boss so don't know much about the accompanying sins or circles of hell. I think it would be interesting to play out the dynamic between Alastor and Vox and how their partnership potentially broke apart. Even human Alastor before the fall and then afterwards. Anyway, this one certainly needs a lot of discussion.
+ Yu Yu Hakusho - I guess this is the second anime I would be okay with playing canon characters. I particularly love Kurama and Hiei. Sorry, I do not ship them together. Still may need some convincing for a plot here.
+ Fruits Basket
+ Tsubasa Chronicles
+ Chobits
+ more to come.
I think that is it for now. If other ideas come to mind, I will add them here. I am mostly interested in these plot points, but I am happy to hear your ideas if you have something in mind. Also, here are some character ideas that I don't have a specific plot for but if you are interested in the character, maybe we can come up with something! Again, the more I think of them, the more I'll add them. This was intended to just be a skeleton post with some ideas but it has slowly become far more involved lol.
Thank you for popping on by! I have another interest check here but decided to start from scratch. I have several idea spring boards in mind that differ than my usual so here goes! Overall, my main goal is to have fun, write a story that we enjoy, and communicate! Looking forward to hearing from you. ~ I do prefer DM rather than posting here to keep it clean. I do have Discord for easier plotting but I'll give that out once we've connected.
About me: PersonallySince people seem to need this information, I'll share it: I am female, but I primarily write male characters. I can do male and female characters though. I am not limited in what muse I do. I am 32, turning 33 in April! I have been role-playing since middle-school, so I would say I am pretty well-versed. I have a doggo who I love to share pictures and stories about! I am a pretty friendly, chill person and though in some of the rules I may come off strict, I am really flexible so long as there is communication. I work full time, have a side art-business (I am a sculptor!), and I care-give for two people in my household who have medical concerns. Suffice it to say I have a lot going on and I understand that things come up. I'll go over more details about my rp style and time limits etc in the next sections.
If there is something in particular you want to know about me, just ask me. I am more than happy to share as long as it is appropriate.
My Roleplay Style: What you can ExpectI will do this in bullet point format for an easier read.
+ Lazy Lit/Advanced - I generally write 3+ paragraphs depending on the scene, the character, what is given to me to work with. You don't have to be a novella writer, but I expect some detail to go off of in my post. I enjoy writing and want to get into my character's mind and explore concepts.
+ World development - I am mostly a fantasy writer and I LOVE building societies and worlds for the characters to evolve in.
+ Character development - I heavily focus on character struggles and development. I want to see the characters grow, test their ideals and watch them succeed or break them. The character struggle drives the roleplay!
+ No Ghosting - I. Despise. Ghosting. It leaves me feeling horrible and questioning if there is something I did and it does make me anxious. Because I do not like being ghosted, I WILL NOT GHOST YOU. I highly value communication. If I can't respond for a bit, I'll keep you updated and let you know, maybe even do some plotting if I can't respond to the rp right away. If something is not working, I will tell you and I expect the same. Sometimes, we can fix the problem and either do a new role-play, restart the one we are doing, or work something out. If it still doesn't work, then we can say good-bye and move on and potentially try again another time. I understand that things happen in life and we can't post all the time, but a little quick post saying 'hey busy, I'll respond next week' or something will keep me engaged and hopeful for a continued story rather than waiting and not knowing what the hell is happening and then suddenly noticing that you've left the rp and discussion without warning. That is FAR worse than just saying 'not vibing' and then leaving. Mini rant /end.
+ Multiple characters - Not necessarily for all rps, but I do enjoy playing more than one character and even if I only have one main character, I do play NPCS and add side characters to fill in the world.
+ Romance/Pairings - I play male and female characters though I tend to prefer male characters. I play characters in all sorts of different romantic pairings on the spectrum though I tend to do m/m. I don't have a limit here really. I don't really like F/F as a main pairing, but I don't mind it for side characters. I also don't like forced romance. If it works, it works. It doesn't have to be the main focus of the rp.
+ No hate/Discrimination - I am LGBTQI+ friendly. I am an ally. I do not want to hear hate speech or propaganda or discuss politics and religion. My views and my characters views don't mean the same thing. A character may have prejudices to work through, but I cannot emphasize this enough: I AM NOT MY CHARACTER. Characters aren't always going to be kind, but in OOC discussion between you and I, I expect respect and kindness as I will treat you the same.
+ Face claims - I prefer anime or art, but if you really want to do real human face claims, you're welcome too. I do like to include the character picture in the post. You don't have to.
+ Friendly! - I like having a discussion with my rp partner, create some kind of connection and plot or gush about characters. I loooovee sharing music videos and things that remind me of the characters.
+Posting - It varies due to the craziness of my life. Sometimes I can do multiple a day, once a day, once a week. Regardless, I will let you know if it is going to take me a while. If it has been a little bit of time, you can poke me. There has been cases where I thought I replied because I read it while I was working and worked on a post in my head but didn't actually send it. You can always reach me OOC.
What I expect from you+ No-one liners - You don't have to be a novella writer, but I expect at least 2-3 good paragraphs where we can see some life in the character, the scene, something for me to work off of. A one-liner will be an immediate buzz-kill.
+ Be over 20 - Since I am about to be 33, I prefer to have a rper around my age, especially with the dark themes.
+ Collaborate! - I want to make a story with you. I don't want to come up with everything. Help me create the story arch, the plots, the twists and turns.
+ Character development - Characters have nuances, wants, desires. I want to know what they struggle with! Part of the story is exploring them and I want to know about your characters and see them change, evolve.
+ No Ghosting - As mentioned above, ghosting gives me huge anxiety. Just communicate with me, I beg you. If it is not working, just tell me. I am not mean, I don't snap, I don't yell. I just like knowing something is over without waiting forever. I don't mind waiting for posts. I have stories that get a post once every few months. I don't mind this as long as you let me know. I'll wait. So main point I guess is just communicate. If you don't like something, tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.
+ Friendly - I'd enjoy having a friendship! if that is not for you, that's fine, but at least be open to plotting the characters and story! When you reach out to me, please include this somewhere so I know you read the post: Chocolate Frog.
+ No hate/disrespect - Characters have their own views and I do expect that we may have to explore this topic in rp with characters who aren't accepting and have prejudice and phobias, but outside of the rp, I expect respect and kindness and will not tolerate you being rude and mean. If you are rude and disrespectful, I will close the discussion.
+No God mod/taking over characters - Please do not take over my character's reactions and movements in the role-play. If something needs to happen and my character needs to be moved or maimed or whatever, please discuss with me first and I'll grant that. Most jarring thing and off-putting thing I can think of is seeing my character suddenly being taken over and reacting to things without me approving it. I will not do this to you. I will always ask.
Plots/ideas/sparks - more added as I think of them+mental health exploration
+ apocalypses
+ world turned upside down (literally or figuratively)
+ fantasy creature/hunter
+ fantasy-alien/fantasy alien
+ Artificial Intelligence /artificial intelligence or engineer or regular human
+ Greek gods/mortals.
+ Super hero/villain - I have one inkling of a plot here otherwise I need some convincing for this.
+ Mercenaries
+ single dad /new partner
+ warrior from two different sides having to work together
Fandoms - I don't usually do this, but I may do the following with OCS rather than canon characters, with our own plot. If you have a fandom in mind, you can ask me. This is not exhaustive.
+ Seraph of the End
+ Walking Dead
+ Avatar the Last Air Bender (continuing the story where the avatar is now an earth bender.)
+ Alien/Species
+ Jurassic Park -anything with dinosaurs!
+ Hazbin Hotel -with a caveat. It's complicated to state here but I am not interested in playing the hotel primarily or the story as it is written. Alternate timelines or story lines. I can play several of the characters (and is the only fandom I will do canon). I do enjoy playing Alastor and have a little more experience with that character. I have not watched Hellava Boss so don't know much about the accompanying sins or circles of hell. I think it would be interesting to play out the dynamic between Alastor and Vox and how their partnership potentially broke apart. Even human Alastor before the fall and then afterwards. Anyway, this one certainly needs a lot of discussion.
+ Yu Yu Hakusho - I guess this is the second anime I would be okay with playing canon characters. I particularly love Kurama and Hiei. Sorry, I do not ship them together. Still may need some convincing for a plot here.
+ Fruits Basket
+ Tsubasa Chronicles
+ Chobits
+ more to come.
This isn't a fleshed out idea. I just had an idea of a ballet or some kind of dancer who has an accident that leaves them paralyzed or they lose a leg. Now they have to navigate a world where their dreams have crashed down around them. If they were in a relationship, that would put a huge strain on the relationship so we can explore that. Or have a new relationship come into the mix and see how they navigate things. Open to lots of ideas on this.
Also another vague one as it can go in SO many directions that we can discuss together. Essentially person calls a demon to make a deal. Perhaps 'demons' aren't actually DEMONS. They are something else but branded as such? What does the witch want so badly that they would risk a contract? Was it an accident? Initially, I would prefer the demon, but again, we can discuss all the avenues we can take.
I have been trying to get a partner for this one for AGES.
So basic idea is this: vampires and werewolves have been pit against each other. Humans fear vampires because vampires prey on them and werewolf packs have generally become protectors of these villages. Vampires have their own society and covens and though they do feed on humans, don't usually kill them. There are some bad vampire that do, but that is not the norm. Vampires have their own animals that they feed on, but they need werewolf or human blood to have children. They are a living race rather than revived dead and they cannot turn people. Werewolves however, Are humans that have been turned. Offspring from werewolf parings will be werewolves. We can discuss this and update this as needed with our ideas. It doesn't even have to be a vampire and werewolf dynamic. It could be two different fantasy races. The point is, they are enemies.
A family of vampires gets destroyed by a werewolf pack. A different werewolf alpha happens upon the wreckage and finds that the youngest vampire survived. It would be easy to kill the whelp, but then an idea comes to mind; why not use this opportunity? So they take the child in with the purpose of teaching the child that vampires are even monsters so that when he gets older, they could send the vampire lose on his own kind and infiltrate the covens. This obviously creates a huge identify crises for the vampire fledgling who hates wolves, but is taken in by them and groomed to despise his own race. So lots of mental drama to explore with the character. It would be fun to play the interactions and dynamics between the packmates and then later on when they do encounter vampires. So this one is a bit more involved, requiring us to play several characters, even if they aren't all 'main characters'. I would indeed love playing the fledgling here.
I made a character for another rp who has severe borderline personality disorder. I think it would be fun to explore. More details if you're interested in something with this! It does have some potentially triggering things so I don't want to go into detail on the forum without knowing personal limits on mentions.
It is the future where artificial intelligence has been integrated into society. Each passing day, these AI have grown and grown until there is a flicker of life. Now there are AI that potentially have their own consciousness. Initially, these 'broken' robots were destroyed. But what if they were left to their own devices? What would they become? Welcome to Project HOME.
When a robot shows signs of a consciousness, the government takes them in. The AI are placed into a downtown area t hat is completely gated and guarded. Humans are not allowed entry into this little section of homes. It has become the home of several AI bots who can do whatever they please inside this gated area. Robots are given opportunities to pick work and go to work. The credits they earn are far less compared to human counterparts as it is reasoned that robots don't need a lot of cash. What they do with the credits is up to them, but they are required to pay for their home and anything that they may need or require. The government is very hands off and doesn't provide support. They are on their own. They are monitored however to ensure that they do not harm humans and still abide by the rules. ANY of these robots cause harm to a human, then the project will be terminated and they will be all destroyed. This is an experiment, after all.
I have several ides for various plot points and it has a lot of potential. We can follow the story of several characters in this world and I would be happy to delve into the world building with you if you are interested! This one is kind of my baby XD.
I think that is it for now. If other ideas come to mind, I will add them here. I am mostly interested in these plot points, but I am happy to hear your ideas if you have something in mind. Also, here are some character ideas that I don't have a specific plot for but if you are interested in the character, maybe we can come up with something! Again, the more I think of them, the more I'll add them. This was intended to just be a skeleton post with some ideas but it has slowly become far more involved lol.
Jai'den is a fantasy creature of my making called a 'Golden Banshee'. They call themselves the Megraven. This race is generally pale with eyes of mixed white, blue, black, and gold flecks. Their eyes are extremely unnerving and most people can't keep direct eye contact with them. It is said that they can see a person's soul. The Megraven have horns on their head as well and often called 'devils'. They have a high sixth sense. They are mediums and can speak with, and see, the dead. They interact with them constantly. Their eyes are actually portals to the dead lands. They are capable of opening and closing portals for the ghosts to pass through. They can see when and where a person will die. Witches love to use the Megraven eyes in spells as the eyes are the seat of their power. It allows witches to power their scrying balls, among other things. Necromancers get huge power boosts from them as well. We can delve more into this as we like. When overwhelmed, they screech and it can make people's ear drums rupture. Too close and you can pass out or even die from the screech. Kids do a lot of screeching until they learn emotional regulation. Their screech is usually a last ditch effort. It does take a lot out of a banshee as well.
Now Jai'den was captured as a child in a black market. One of his eyes (sometimes both) has been taken and he had to suffer quite a few abuses. He managed to eventually escape but now he is a jaded individual who does not trust anyone. He can be a traveler trying to find his place in a world that tries to use his kind. He could be a great mercenary, healer, or even bard. This part of him is pretty flexible to the story.
Mina Hart is a character from another story I am writing but I also wanted to flesh her out a bit more. She is in a futuristic world where people value perfection, beauty, and fashion. People get augmentations and bio-upgrades as a fashion statement as much as for medical reasons. She was one of the élite and grew to be a highly coveted bioengineer and doctor. She was in an accident which left her scarred and missing an arm. Someone else obviously had to work on her to save her life. Afterwards though, she used her own skills to upgrade what she had been given and turn it to her own design and purposes to turn something ugly into something intricate and beautiful.
She has a big heart and wants to improve the living conditions of all kinds of people, not just the rich. She is an altruist and positive person, though she understands that not everything can be her ideal. Still, she tries.
Here I am playing three characters; two of which are ghosts.
"Shoo, shoo, dang it," Kegan muttered and waved his hands at the little boxer dog following him. It's white fur was covered in mud and dust from the rains. It was still very much a young dog, probably just out of its puppy year. It was emaciated though and it obviously had been in a rough spot with old bite marks as evidence of its battles. Kegan liked animals and he'd felt sorry for the pup so he'd given her a bit of the sandwich he'd gotten from someone.
Big mistake.
Now the dog was following him, her long tail a-swinging in excitement. No doubt the poor dog had been abandoned on the street when she was a puppy and had nowhere to go. She looked like a pure-bread - her shapes perfect, save for the fact that she was white. He knew breeders tended to kill or abandoned puppies that weren't perfect for shows. It was fucking messed up. She was friendly enough and since Kegan had given her a bit of kindness, she'd immediately fallen in love and her big brown eyes were just so full of hope. She licked at the air, intending to give him some kisses. She had been following him all day.
"Look, I'm in the same situation as you, baby girl. I don't have anything for you. I can't take care of you. I don't have money to feed you, clean you, care for you. I don't have a house to take you to," He informed her and pointed to himself. His own clothes were tattered with rips in his jeans around his knees and the fringes around his ankles. His dark jacket was dirty and was the only thing keeping him warm and some of the wind and rain out. He'd taken the chance to wash up in the last rain storm but his hair was getting dirty again. The vibrant red had faded to his normal copper and stuck out at odd ends and refused to stay straight. Kegan sported a tattered dark camping bag on his shoulders. Inside, he had a bottle of water a spare shirt and pant, half used first-aid kit, a lighter, pocket knife, a small tent, a bowl, rope, pepper spray - which he stole from his mother - and a sleeping bag. Oh, and a bag of chips.
Kegan had been hopping from house to house initially but he'd run out of friends to bother and his old boyfriend had turned out to be an ass not worth his time. So, Kegan found himself on the street with a few bare minimum things for survival. It wasn't the best situation, but it was what it was. He was still determined that somehow, he'd make it out of this situation on his own. He probably could try shelters but the first time he'd been there it had been... frightening. It almost felt safer out here on his own. And the people he'd interacted with had preconceived notions about why he was in the situation he was in and it was rather condescending. Maybe if he got desperate enough, he'd try again.
"You're better off without me, ya know."
She just panted, looked at him, and wagged her butt.
He threw his hands up in the air then. "Fine. Come along. But you'll see I got nothing. You'll run off then, I betcha." Kegan turned away and looked around himself. He'd come into a small little town and he'd just kept walking and now everything was kind of wooded. It was going to get dark soon. Maybe camping out in the trees out here would give him some peace. He'd been woken up early that morning from a cop telling him to move right along or he'd get arrested. He hoped there weren't any wolves out here. "Come on, pup," he said and started to walk through the twisting paths.
He tilted his head to the side when he realized that it turned into an actual path. Overgrown, sure, but still a path. It wasn't long before he'd reached a gate with twisting vines over it. There was a house here. No lights, no cars, nothing. It looked abandoned. And yet, he felt an almost electric energy here. What was giving that off? "That's strange..." he murmured. Part of him said he needed to turn around and away from this place. The other part of him was intrigued. Kegan squeezed through the gate, the dog following at his heels.
The closer they got to the house, the more Kegan felt heavy. There was something here. He didn't feel anything evil, but the energy here was intense. It almost felt like a weight had settled on his shoulders and was pushing at him. This place, it had to be haunted by something. When he'd been part of the Withers Coven, they'd opened his Inner Eye and he could sense the dead. Sometimes, depending on how much energy was present, he could see them. They usually were pale and hard to see, but it really just depended on the energy and how many ghosts were here. Did he dare cross the threshold and entangle himself in it? Kegan's blue eyes tore away from the door to look at the world around. It was getting dark. Soon, it would be hard to see. He didn't want to travel in these woods after dark. That felt far more dangerous than spending a night in a haunted manor. Most ghosts left you alone if you didn't mess with them and if they didn't know you could see them or hear them.
"Here goes..." he murmured to himself. He tried the door slowly and wasn't too surprised to see it open easily, albeit with a bit of a squeak. "Hello?" he called out loudly, just to see what would come to the noise. "Anyone here?" He glanced down when the dog's long nails scraped against the wood as she walked in beside him. She had gotten closer, practically pressing against his leg. Looked like she felt it too. Most animals could tell when there were spirits around. "I mean no harm! Just.. taking shelter for a minute." He didn't think anyone lived here. He mostly was informing the ghosts, just in case.
"Fie! Anoth'r one," Wilkin scoffed from the corner of the room. "M're mangy than the oth'r one." He'd just entered the main hall with Aeder beside him. He'd initially wanted to show Aeder something in the garden when this new stranger arrived. How did they go ages without strangers and then suddenly, two in such a short time? "T's liketh thy're multiplying," he complained.
Aeder simply shrugged his shoulders. His eyes had gone straight to the dog. He was surprised Wilkin's didn't. It had been so long since he'd seen animals this close. Would this be trouble? Almost as if on cue, the dog seemed to freeze in its tracks, staring at the two of them and then barking.
The living boy looked down at his dog and knelt down to pat her. "Hey, hey, it is okay. We'll be okay. You don't need to bark." he tried to soothe.
"Oh! A dog!" Wilkin exclaimed then. Wilkin's scowl immediately changed. He smiled warmly at the animal and dropped to his knees too. "Oh, puppy. Cometh h're. Oh behold thee," he cooed to it. He reached his hands out for it then. "I wonneth't hurt thee."
Aeder grinned at the change. Wilkin was such a softy. He was glad he had something to focus on instead of the fact that there was another living person here. Wilkin had told him before that he used to take care of animals. He bet this would sooth an ache in his heart, should the dog be a more permanent fixture here. The spirits watched as the dog, very, very slowly took a few steps towards Wilkin. Her tail was wagging but it was low, scared. Eventually she did come in range and Wilkin very gently patted her head, using his will to ensure his hands didn't pass t hrough. When she didn't look like she'd run, he scratched under his chin and then her little squishy cheeks. "good girl, ain't thee?" he cooed. "Just needeth to beest cleaned up."
"What are you doing, girl?" Kegan mused, putting on a show. He'd immediately seen the two ghosts and was actually rather startled. He could see them as clear as day. They almost looked alive. Well... save for the fact they had obvious signs of their death. The soldier had a gash in his side and the other one was.... burnt in some places. Oh that had to have been a horrible way to go. The initial shock of seeing them was wearing off and he brought his gaze down, hoping they hadn't realized he'd been staring directly at them. He was surprised to see them interacting with the dog so easily. She didn't seem too bothered by them. Friendly then. He hoped. The burnt one hadn't sounded like it at first.
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