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Multiple Settings Plots and pairings always open so shoot me a message :)

Circus boy

New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Few quick things before plots

-Please be able to write a few good paragraphs, Two sentences is not enough to work off of
-message me what plots you are interested in
-Keep me posted if you know your gonna be away just give me a heads up
-* means really wanting to do

1. A were wolf plot
On your 18th birthday you gain your werewolf side/powers, except for some reason my charecter turns into a weretiger instead of a werewolf. You would play the leader/alpha or maybe heir and the roleplay would start at the second full moon since my 18th birthday, when you realise you still have yet to see me, and upon investigation, no one for that matter has seen my wolf form. You confront my character and(from here a see a few ways this plot could go)

*1.I lie and tell you I didn't receive my powers and you in turn take this as me must being sick and that you have to protect me from the rest of the group

2. I confess and it becomes a race to help me hide my seacret/or blackmail

for an added bonus of you wanted to do the whole mate thing I'd be down for that as well.

2. Accidental side kick
2a. Your a well known superhero who has always worked alone(does not care for people), that is until a recent disaster in which a burst of radiation in a small town killed everyone, well except for me, who was on the very edge of town that received just enough radiation to give me the ability to be able to rapidly heal and not kill me. A few months ago by and this is where the plot starts. A new 'super hero' has emerged taking on small petty crimes, problem is my character sucks at it. Unfortantley the public believes me to be your new side kick. The cirtsism starts pouring in that you leaving your side kick all alone and at first, while you didn't want to do anything. You realize that if you let things continue not only is your reputation at stake, but that this stupid kid is gonna end up getting themselves killed.

2b. Or you play a super villain who tracks me down and encourages me to be their new side kick, I think it would be funny to have a super villain and superhero fighting over who's side kick I become

3. Oh boy the mob
You play a mob boss who has been hearing a lot of talk about a new recruit. THeir speed, their fighting skills, their smarts, their amazing ability to shoot a gun with perfect accuracy. After so much talk even amoung your right hand man, you decide to take a look for yourself. Only to find out that their who is incredibly short/fragile looking in comparison to most in the mob and

*3A. Their just a kid(could be they really are or in the eyes of the mob boss they are. Would involve you deciding to personally train them could be dysfuctinal family vibes

3B. Shares a striking resemblance to the chief of police

*3C. Their a runaway from your top rival gang who came under a false identity trying to escape an abusive (and obssive) relationship with your rival gang leader

4. More than food
Your a vampire beyond bored with the world despite you being at the top of vampire society. You decide to have some fun and slip into the human world. Its not long before the smell of blood fills the air, you find a young child on the brink of death and feed them a little of your blood not thinking much of it, not enough to turn them but enough to let them be able to live until someone else found them. Few ideas for what happened next

4a. the child grabs you not in their right mind if your a fairy, figuring you wouldn't see them again you tell them yes, however you find yourself popping into the human world every know and again to check up on them and watch them grow from the shadows, however they can always sense you when you are around. You spoil them from a distance having more money then you know what to do with, and one day know grown (I'm thinking between 17-20) they confront you asking you to take them to the world of the fairies

4b. for this one the childer would be older like 12 to 17 and as you turn to leave they beg you to take them with you away from this hell hole. Asking you to either turn them or kill them because they couldn't go on living that way anymore. Problem is vampire law has very strict rules for who can, and can not be turned into a vampire. A very big one being no one under 21.

4c. All these years you have been waiting for them to become of old enough to take back to vampire world to become a blood bag. The reason why? Because that child's blood wasn't red, it was blue, at least to the vampires eye. The day comes that you kidnap them and plot starts there. You soon learn that this blue blood is like nicotine, and your not the only vampire that's want them for themselves.

5. I don't need your love
Basically I'm wanting to play somebody broken. Someone sassy, done with the world, and full of sarcasm. Who wants nothing to do with your charceter. What I want from you is to me infatuated with my character doesn't have to be obsessive but bonus points if it is. Someone that no matter how many times my character curses you out, puts you down, or just straight threatens you, you just keep on showing love and affection, preferably in a teasing manner. I want your character to be one that likes getting under my characters skin and no matter how many times my character tries to get under yours it just never happens.
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