Story Plot Synopsis


The Obtained Rose
So, I've created a story that I've been basically working on for about ten years or even more. This is the plot synopsis, which is pretty long since the story has so many aspects to it.

Hybrid Conundrum

The human race has evolved into a state of advancement to pursue the desire for a peaceful age for everyone. They have now successfully settled upon billions and billions of galaxies. Colonies are made to ensure law and order for their safety of their people. However, as humanity grows, so did conflicts. As well as a major turning point for the destiny of their existence. A sudden ray of vibrates traveled throughout the deepest realms of the universe, including the entire population of the human race. This strange event gave an enhancement to the human brain, causing the human race to grow super and powerful abilities. These abilities are now known as Gifts. Thus, changing the name "humans" to "Gifteds". But there are Gifteds that are more powerful than others. A new colony was created to finally gather order after the chaotic event of the rays, in which they named the phenomena Rebirth Day or R-Day. The colony Cessation has now all the Gifteds to training and are welcomed to a newly balanced and structured society. Everything seemed to be under control. That is until a threat that once perished during R-Day appears again.

A powerful Gifted, known as Nefarious, has returned. He is recognized as the original Gifted, the one that unleashed the rays and created R-Day. Not much was said between the relationship between Nefarious and the top colony before R-Day. However, Nefarious is known as the one that did the Million Years Massacre, a sudden attack that he unleashed from his superior Gifts that destroyed millions of galaxies. He was never seen afterward until his reappearance in front of Cessation. He wants revenge for what they have done to him. Thus, Nefarious declared war. His army, Revelations, is much smaller then Cessation, yet, Cessation hasn't been through proper training. It's been 10 years since the declaration of the War of Order. Tensions are on the rise, and Cessation is in need of more Gifteds.

The 10 Year Draft is on its final year, and it is clear that the war would last nearly a lifetime. That is when certain Gifteds of Cessation would emerge from the shadows to take charge. A number of six of the most powerful Gifteds are now titled as the Leaders of Combat or LoC's. Though they are superior to the rest of the Gifted population, they have much more issues on their own. Primarily with each other. Laura Bridgits still believes that she deserves a better life and is rather stuck up than cooperative. Lance Roiden only communicates and deals with those that are on his level of strength. Jenny Brunita is not much into those that are the most troubled. Gore Cogus usually seeks darkness and those that interfere him would pay an ugly price. Jared Macvin believes in him and only himself. But there is one individual that is most intriguing, yet corrupted. His name is Eli Macvin.

Eli knows that he is different compared to his fellow comrades. He knows he has dealt with so much, yet he can't remember his past. He doesn't know who he is. Or what he is. Only the two entities that possess him are the answers to his identity. All seems so hopeless and not worth living anymore. That is until he is now classified as a LoC. Introduced to the other powerful Gifteds, he feels like he doesn't belong. However, the events of the War of Order would soon change him. And everyone.

The War of Order would soon bring questions that no one would ask and answers that no one wants to hear. The Gifteds thought, at first, that the war is all for the sake of existence. But the adventure would no longer be a battle for order. It would be a war for life and death. Truth and lies. Purity and corruption. Trust and betrayal. Sanity and insanity. Secrets and confessions. But what matters the most for Eli, is his answers to his identity. Before it is too late for his sanity. For his friends. For his life.

Just wanted to see what are your opinions about this story since my dream is to create a comic and then an animated series along with it.

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