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Fantasy Plot I really want to do! (CLOSED)



Hello lovelies of RPN! After recovering from the unfortunate case of writer's block, I have returned to provide hopefully an interesting plot and a somewhat gripping thread (I can't BB code for my life.)! If you're still here, here's some info on me:

- I am a minor, but have few age limits. 13-22 is fine with me!

- I am currently homeschooled, and have a fair amount of time.

- I am PST!

- I love OOC! Feel free to chat with me anytime!

- I have a mental illness that does get in the way of my will to write.

- My personal, mental/physical, and school life comes before RPN.

- My posts vary from semi-lit to literate depending on my mood or time, but I do like to adapt.

- I am open to ideas, and am one to suggest them! I am okay with doubling, playing different races (fictional or not), sexual preferences and genders! World building is def a favorite!

- I don't bump often.

- I probably will gush over partners' characters.

- I am available off site on most apps/platforms.

- I am patient and understanding!


- No disrespect or you're gone.

- Please do express ideas, don't make me do everything!

- Please be able to provide two solid paragraphs.

- If you're no longer interested in an RP, do not ghost and let me know. If you are to be gone for a long time, inform me of that as well.

- Everyone has a life, but please provide at least one reply a week.

- Do not come to me with Mary/Gary Sues.

- Be able to double.

- This is not a must, but please try to be open-minded to all types of OCs.

- DO NOT: break RPN rules, god-mod, lack effort, bump me constantly, etc..

- Please use semi-realistic or realistic face claims for sheets.

Therefore, Him.


Spirits, the topic of the otherworldly. The fear of death suffocates us all, whether we bring ourselves to believe in a higher power or not, even those who fail to question the barrier between us and the most holy or evil fear an encounter with that of the infernal. Alas, no human is aware of the explanation of our existence, when we fall only those who have can say, if they get the chance. Do they? When we fall into that deep, frigid ink of a void called death, where do we go? Is it truly an eternal sleep, lost of someone's own individuality, only echos of their life remaining. Or is it as they say- something truly.. remarkable, or something more.. gruesome?
A local healer suffers at the hands of the royal, along with his petite farming town Obeous. His/Her homeland cursed with the grim reminder of what it once was, bright and growing. Now plastered with pain and grime, his/her only wish is to protect those less than themselves, watching time flutter with their lost inspiration or plans. Little did they know, they'd soon receive a secret admirer, one they did not assume they'd view in their lifetime. Someone so.. occult.

This someone would visit so abruptly, assistance required not for them- but for a stranger. How.. odd. The lack of compassion for that of others had reached a high, it was certainly pleasurable to witness for the helper then, seeing as if hope in humanity was near lost but alas, nobody can truly have nice things. With the fall of another, it seemed as if the population was decreasing by the day, some had abandon their faith.

Plot: A spirit requires assistance of a town healer, reporting of an injured man near death bed. This man falls however- and the undead rubs off most affected by the occurrence, blaming himself for the stranger's gruesome fate. Tattered attire and a milky paste complexion proves the young man is far from the usual, it appears that is correct. Indeed, healers are that of herbs, healing, etc.. But do not forget, they usually dabble in other abilities and branches of magic, being well aware of the spiritual realm. This occult being recalls nothing of himself, even a title. He claims he is nothing, but wishes to help. He is aware of the pain and hate of the world, seeming as if that's all he knows as everything branching out from that he find so.. bizarre. The spirit's 'mind' is that of a child's, it needs room to grow- to remember. If honest, he hardly knows who he is, and how he remained in a physical build is unknown. Essentially, this RP is about either allowing the spirit to grow, become more human or to study, keeping him trapped in the bubble he's in. I prefer to be the spirit, this RP an be platonic or romantic (mxm or mxf) and is open for ideas and growth.

(I also have other plots up for mentioning in PM or a separate thread!)

(I mean, I'm in my 30s, so it might just be a bit creepy to know... but if you don't find anyone to partner up, you can always hit me up - I'd like to try out a weirded out grumpy healer. it looks like a curious idea to me.)
(I mean, I'm in my 30s, so it might just be a bit creepy to know... but if you don't find anyone to partner up, you can always hit me up - I'd like to try out a weirded out grumpy healer. it looks like a curious idea to me.)

Seriously, it's okay! Lmao, don't worry about it. I like to try and give everybody a chance! I actually really like that idea!

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