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Multiple Settings Plot cravings so partners wanted!


New Member
I have a regular search thread but these are some plots I'm really feeling right now so I figured I'd create a space just for them.

A short info of me first. Feel free to ask if I didn't mention something.
She/her, in my twenties.
I write multiple paragraphs, usually between 2 and 6 but it really depends on the scene. I also often try to mirror what I'm given. In any case I promise you will not see any few sentence replies from me.
I try to reply every week, sometimes multiple times a week. But I'm a university student with raging ADHD so your patience is much appreciated!

What am I looking for?
20+ only please. I'm well into my twenties so I just feel more comfortable writing with adults.
I don't have an exact minimum limit on how much you must write but I'd appreciate 2+ paragraphs. Gives me something to work with.
I prefer to write in PMs rather than on the public forum.
Work on ideas with me! I have these plots ready but I'll welcome your input to make the stories fun for both.
I love romance as a side plot and would happily include it. I'm fine with all pairings, so MxF, FxF and MxM. However I'm usually not interested in writing only a male character in an MxF pairing. I'd be happy to double up though!
OOC chatter isn't required but it's always appreciated! Gushing about our characters and plot twists and such helps me keep engaged with the story.

Alright onto the plots! If you'd like to try one of these out you'll be my new bestie!
Like I mentioned earlier, I'd like to keep working on these with my partner to polish them and create something great. So do throw in your ideas! And I'm happy to modify these plots in a way that allows doubling, if that's something you're interested in.


This first plot idea is very much dark fantasy and contains dark themes. I have a character in mind already for Muse B and her background is also rather dark. So if this is something you dislike, this might not be the plot for you. The whole roleplay shouldn't be all doom and gloom but there will be violence as well as themes such as overcoming trauma. Feel free to bring your more damaged characters along if you wish.

Everhaven was a holy city. Everyone knew it to house the main temple for the Goddess Thiarae, who reigns over light and life. Everyone knew the city. But so many had forgotten why it stood. Had forgotten about the ancient evil asleep under it. The kingdom was at peace and people had no reason to believe it wouldn’t continue to be so. But it only took one night of terror and violence for Everhaven to fall.

The people had no warning. Darkness swept across the land and plunged it into chaos. Nobody really knew what had happened and the king scrambled to protect his people from this threat whose name had already been forgotten.

Muse A finds themselves a champion for Thiarae. Perhaps they are willingly taking up this role, perhaps they were caught in circumstances beyond their control. Their backstory is for the player to decide. Nobody has heard from Everhaven and Muse A is sent there to try and discover what has happened. They arrive only to find the city in ruins, nothing but blood and death greeting them. Except for a mysterious woman. Muse B that appears from the shadows and seems to know exactly what became of Everhaven. She explains that the dark God Maldir has awakened from his slumber and intends to mould the world into his personal hell. Humanity’s days are numbered unless they form this last stand.

This next one is a sort of enemies to lovers, forced proximity type of deal.

Muse A and Muse B belong to different nations. The people of those nations are vastly different from each other and have been at war for as long as anybody can remember. Recently Muse A took over from their father and under their lead, their troops have begun to overtake ground. Muse A controls powerful magic and has proven extremely difficult to kill. Muse A’s enemies are getting desperate. If things go on as they have been, they will lose the war. In desperation they resort to ancient magic. A soul binding curse. They choose one of their own, Muse B, to become the sacrifice. In a secretive ritual they bind Muse A and Muse B’s souls together. Now the two are connected by this strange bond: whatever happens to one, happens to the other. The idea behind this? Kill Muse B and Muse A dies with them. One sacrifice to save the rest.

Unfortunately for them, Muse B isn’t on board dying. For their whole life, Muse B has thought that the rulers in their country are just. But after they have been kidnapped and chosen for this ritual, that fate is shaken. Muse B manages to escape their murder and runs to the place they could have never thought they would: to Muse A. Muse B manages to sneak in to see Muse A and explains to them the situation. The two become unlikely allies, forced by circumstances. They need to break this bond between them and agree to work together to accomplish this. If the bond is allowed to exist for too long it could have serious consequences. But the war rages on and the attempts on Muse B’s life won’t seize. On top of that they now must navigate their complicated relationship, as the bond between them grows stronger. Can the two overcome their situation?


Alright we have some angels and demons, enemies to friends to lovers shenanigans.

Demons and angels are sworn enemies. In the past battles have raged between them, causing horrible destruction to both sides and quite often to the innocent, clueless humans that live at the mercy of these beings. Not that most humans have any idea what a supernatural battleground the world truly is. For a hundred years or so both sides have agreed to maintain a very fragile balance in the human realm that exists right between their own worlds. Both sides have sent their own to live among the humans, to make sure neither side can grab too big of a hold over the humans. Technically they are not allowed to fight each other as that could draw attention from the humans. This rule is broken all of the time but usually nothing comes of it as long as they keep a low enough profile.

Recently things have started to change. Both angels and demons have been found dead in increasing numbers but the cause is yet to be determined. Naturally both sides blame the other and tensions are rising. In an effort to prevent war, the ones in charge have assigned teams of both demons and angels to work together to try and get to the bottom of what’s happening while keeping an eye on each other.

Muse A is a demon and Muse B is an angel. To the dismay of them both, they have been teamed up. Neither is excited to work with the other and to no surprise, they don’t really get along. But when they accidentally stumble upon a trail that could lead them to discover who is behind the killings, they’ll need to learn to trust each other and perhaps even more than that.

This next one also has demons and angels but with angels as potentially the bad guys. I fear I might have written this to be kind of confusing but I do have ideas for this! Especially for Muse B's character.

Angels keep order in the human world, a force unseen by the regular folk as they go about their lives in blissful ignorance. The angels have a rather complicated relationship with the humans. Some see them as precious beings to be guarded and protected. However to many they are like chess pieces on a board to be nudged around to achieve greater goals. Direct contact with humans is forbidden but the angels find a way to influence them, whispering in their ears or crafting dreams to influence them. Humans deemed special by the angels, some who have a mission to fill, might get their own personal guardian angel. Not that they would know of their existence.

Under the angels’ rule, The Fallen serve as unwilling pawns. All were once angels until they fell from grace, each for their own reasons, now forced to serve the ones they used to call their peers. Within that service is a glimmer of hope: the possibility earn back your grace and join the angels once more. The Fallen are the first line of defence humanity has against demons and other dark forces, though some would argue that they have more in common with the demons than they do angels at this point. Whenever a demon manages to break through from their realm, The Fallen are sent to deal with it.

Muse A used to be an angel. Not just any angel but one of the most powerful guardian angels around. Now one would have guessed they would ever fall. But fall they did, all for the love of a human. There was something so enigmatic about that particular human, something they could not leave alone. Muse A was sent to guard this human, instantly making them the forbidden fruit. Muse A knew they should leave it alone, even disguising themselves as human to talk to their ward was strictly against the laws but the more they did so, the deeper they fell. Until it was too late.

Falling is a rather confusing experience for an angel. Muse A’s memories of the event are fractured and they don’t properly remember what happened. They have a very hazy memory of their lover trying to attack them and the next thing they remember, is their lover laying in their arms dying, Muse A’s own hands covered in their blood. Confused about the betrayal, about the whole event, Muse A is left believing that they killed the human they fell for.

Years later, Muse A serves as a Fallen, haunted by their unclear past. They blame themselves for all of it, trapped with the mixed feelings of love and hatred towards their past lover. But Muse A has tried to move on as much as they could, still believing in the system the angels have set up, hoping that they can earn back their grace. That is until they meet Muse B. Seeing Muse B is like a punch in the gut, as they look exactly like the lover from Muse A’s past. Everything about them is identical. Muse A confronts this phantom from the past. Muse B claims they have no idea who Muse A is or what they are talking about. Muse A begins to doubt themselves. It should be impossible. That person died years ago, didn’t they? It has to be a freakish coincidence. Muse A tries to leave it alone but finds themselves keeping an eye on Muse B. A good thing too, as Muse B soon finds themselves the target of a demon attack.

Muse B has led an ordinary, boring life so far. There should be nothing mysterious about them whatsoever. Then why are there suddenly demons after them? Why does Muse A seem so familiar? What are the gaps in their memory that seem to appear ever more frequently the more Muse B tries to think back on their life?

The two get tangled up with each other, trying to solve this puzzle. The feelings between the pair are complicated as both struggle to piece together what happened to them. Could it be that what happened all those years ago didn’t go quite as Muse A remembers it? Perhaps a darker force moves behind these events, unseen, using both Muse A and Muse B to achieve a goal.

(So long story short: Muse A and Muse B were in love years ago. Muse B supposedly died and Muse A blamed themselves for this but things aren't quite so simple, as the two will find out there are a lot of outside influences that had a hand in what happened)

Next up vampires!

Muse A is a vampire and has been one for quite a long while. In that time they have known and lost many people but nothing has hurt quite like the loss of their best friend. They knew each other from childhood, even before Muse A became a vampire and were as close as siblings. The friend even accepted Muse A for what they were, after they confessed to having become a vampire. Something (can be decided by Muse A’s player) happened that lead to the best friend losing their life. Muse A tried to save them but was too late. As their last wish, the friend asked Muse A to take care of their family. Unable to refuse, Muse A agreed and did just that from afar until the friend’s children grew up. As time went on Muse A lost their contact with the family and their friend became a warm yet painful memory.

The friend’s family did in fact survive, generation to generation. Unfortunately the details of the friend’s death got rather twisted along the way. In the minds of their family, their ancestor wasn’t friends with a vampire but rather killed brutally by one. This led to their descendants becoming vampire hunters, each generation training the next one and passing on the tragic story of their ancestor. The family feels a sense of obligation to protect the world from vampires as they know of their existence and know that they hurt people.

Muse B is vampire hunter from this family, their newest generation. During Muse B’s time, the tensions between vampires and hunters have been escalating. Each side grows more desperate to rid the world of the other day by day. Muse B, having been raised from infancy to hate vampires, is willing to die for their cause. That is why, when they get injured in battle and get discovered by a vampire, they are willing to die.

Muse A had every intention of killing the hunter they found, they really did. But before they could, they realised who Muse B was. The descendant of their dear friend. They could not kill Muse B now, even if they still kind of wanted to. The promise Muse A had made all those years ago was still fresh in their mind. To Muse B’s great confusion, Muse A rescues them instead and clumsily begins to nurse them back to health.

Neither side tolerates any friendly contact with the other and both Muse A and Muse B would face terrible consequences if they were discovered. The two begin to form an unlikely bond, albeit the road to get there is rocky. But at the same time the vampires and hunters are still headed for what seems like all out war. Can Muse A and Muse B turn their backs on their own people or will they choose a path of their own?


This is some dark academia goodness, ideally. This can remain as a plot grounded in reality with human bad guys but it can also very easily be made into a supernatural plot as well!

The Briarwood university has an outstanding reputation of producing top notch graduates that go on to influential positions in society as well as high paying careers. It has enjoyed a position as one of the country’s most elite school for decades. But it is also known for another, more ominous reason. Students die there. Students go missing. Many are explained away as being unrelated but nobody can deny that the school has a dark history.

Muse A’s older sister went to Briarwood. She was a star student and should have gone on to lead an amazing life. She probably would have, had she not gone missing one October night. The police case seemed to go nowhere and was soon ice cold. She was assumed dead. People mourned but eventually moved on. Everyone but Muse A. They are determined to figure out what happened to their sister, even if everyone else has given up. For years they worked their butt of in school to be eligible to be accepted into Briarwood. Finally they get that letter. Muse A’s family assumes they are trying to honor their sister’s memory with their school choice but in reality they are looking to expose Briarwood university and its secrets.

Muse B is another student starting out, propelled into Briarwood to fill out their parents’ expectations. All they wanted to do was keep their head down and get through their studies. But strange things seem to start happening around Muse B. Little things, not necessarily enough to cause alarm but it still makes Muse B wonder. Quite by chance Muse B meets Muse A and Muse A learns of the situation. They quickly draw disturbing parallels to their sister’s disappearance years earlier and come to the conclusion that Muse B might be in danger. The two start working together, digging around and trying to uncover the school’s hidden secrets.

When the two stumble upon evidence of a hidden, dark society working within the school, they might very well discover that the truth is even more sinister than they ever thought.

If any of these ideas interested you, feel free to send me a message and we can try and get a story going. :)

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