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Multiple Settings Plot cravings! Partners wanted.


Barely contained chaos
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello hello!
I already have a thread for general rp partner search but these are some specific ideas I'd really love to try out. So I figured I'll make a separate thread just for these. Feel free to PM me directly if any of these plots catch your interest. :)

Brief ''About me''
-Been roleplaying about 12+ years on and off
-Post length: usually between 2 to 6 paragraphs, depending on the scene and what I'm given. Can be more if I'm feeling inspired.
-If I write with one main, my characters are female. Doubling up is possible! I don't like having more than two mains but I'll happily throw in various side characters.

What I'd like from you
-18+ in age, preferably 20+. I am in my twenties so that is why
-Ideally 2+ paragraphs per post. I'm not too strict with post length but I can't deal with oneliners. They kill my interest.
-Not exactly a requirement but I very much enjoy OOC chat. Doesn't necessarily have to be about our own lives but I enjoy chatting about characters and so forth. I always like that same energy.

About the roleplay itself
-Even though I have ideas I have come up with, help me plot details! I welcome other peoples' input
-Romance is very much welcome in each idea. I'm fine with MxF and FxF. MxM is also possible though I'm not very experienced in that.
-I will aim for daily replies but often my schedule won't allow that. Please be prepared for some days in between responses. I'm quite chill about this so I won't hound you.

Alright so here are the ideas I'm really wanting to try, especially the first two. I'm more than happy to flesh them out further and come up with things together as well. Some of them are a tad long, sorry in advance haha.

1- Of the ancient magic
TAGS: Fantasy•dystopian•adventure•rebellion

(This idea was inspired by Final Fantasy VII so you might see the similarities)

Magic was the beginning of it all. It flowed freely from the planet’s core and every living thing was blessed by it. It sustained life and made things green and beautiful. It was not at all uncommon for all manner of creatures to have magic within them. Some had tiny traces, others had more within them. And some were blessed with a special gift: they were able to tap into the planet’s magic sources directly and bring wonderful blessings for those around them.

For ages things remained peaceful. It all started to change when people began to develop industry. The true change began when someone realized that magic could be harnessed to work for industry. For a while this created abundance to the people. Cities grew with magic powering electricity and a multitude of other things. Slowly the company that mastered magic harnessing, known as Neptune, grew to a monopoly and eventually snaked its way into important roles in the government. They were gaining more and more power behind the scenes. It is so easy to go too far. Too much magic was being taken away to power gigantic cities. Green things started to die, leaving many areas a desolate wasteland. Magic started to die in people, leaving those with the gift a rarer and rarer occurrence. Monsters started to appear, created by a suffering planet.

Years later Neptune has ultimate control. Most people live in giant metropolises of metal, safe behind tall walls. Forests and green valleys are things of the past. The towns located outside on the deserts struggle and it is not uncommon for them to be wiped out by monsters entirely. People are divided by clear classes. Those working for Neptune have it the best. Money will also buy you safety and comfort. Poverty is a massive problem that Neptune has no real interest to solve. Magic users are incredibly rare and most work for Neptune as elite warriors. These warriors are sought after with great efforts by Neptune. Once found they almost without fail end up working for Neptune as no is not accepted as an answer. They are recruited by whatever means necessary: bribery, coercion, threats. Whatever it takes. These warriors deal with monsters and other big threats to the land. Many are also experimented on to try and strengthen them as well as replicate their powers, since their natural occurrence has become so rare. They are extremely well taken care of by their company but lead dangerous lives and many die young.

The biggest city, and the capital of the land, is called Spiritas. Spiritas has multiple levels built on several support pillars. People living up at the top of the pillars on massive plates are wealthy or high-level Neptune workers. They are safest from monster attacks and enjoy a better quality of life than everyone else. Normal workers and crafters or the so-called middle class live halfway up the pillars. Down at the bottom, on the ground are the slums where the rest live. Even with the wall they deal with frequent monster attacks and generally are barely scraping by at the best of times.

Spiritas houses the largest population by far and is where our story begins. Not all agree with Neptune’s actions and way of life. A rebel movement known as Gaia believes that the planet’s magic reserves are not infinite and that Neptune will end up killing them all. In their minds the peoples’ current opulent lifestyle must end so that they can return to their original way of life together with nature. They are still quite small and work behind the scenes to disrupt Neptune in every way they can. Their ultimate goal is to take Neptune down and return the stolen magic back to the planet. Muse A is part of Gaia. They are also one of the rare magic user, with very strong magic in them. They might have escaped from Neptune’s control or perhaps they have been hiding from them their entire life. Muse A strongly believes in Gaia’s mission and is eager to fight with them to the bitter end if they must.

One night a team from Gaia embarks on a mission. They break into one of Neptune’s research facilities with the aim of destroying it so it will have to cease operations. Inside, amidst the chaos of the attack, Muse A finds Muse B. Muse B is being held captive at the facility and begs Muse A to take her with them. Muse A agrees and they escape together. It turns out, that Muse B has strange magic they have never seen before, which is why she was being held by Neptune. Muse B agrees to join their fight as she knows she can never walk free as long as Neptune is around. Neither can Muse A. Will they succeed?

(So yes basically I have a character for Muse B planned out. Doubling up is possible. The roleplay would involve around their lives and taking down Neptune but details can be changed around some and I’m happy to world build together)

2- Only out at night
TAGS: supernatural•vampires•victorian•romance•fake dating•

The finest of society gather in London to socialize and seek advantageous matches in marriage. One of the most advantageous match is thought to be Muse A. They are cloaked in mystery: they come from an old and prestigious family with influence and more money than they can count. Nobody knows exactly what the family does for their wealth but everyone knows Muse A keeps busy because nobody ever seems to see them out and about during the day. It’s safe to say that Muse A is a huge catch for anyone. But Muse A is not making it easy. They are dodging marriage and for good reason: Muse A is a vampire. They can’t exactly go around marrying just anyone but for the time being they are needed in the public eye to maintain the family’s connections. It is a constant annoyance for Muse A who is dodging introductions and proposals left and right.

Meanwhile Muse B is dreading society for different reasons. They are of age to get married but the prospects of them doing so seem low. Muse B comes from what used to be a prominent and well respected family but due to a scandal the family was involved in, their name has been tarnished. Muse B must still try, even if they have to endure people’s gossip and ridicule.

One night Muse A and Muse B are at the same party. It gets to be a bit much for both of them and both seek refuge somewhere away from other people. They happen upon each other and they get to talking. For one reason or another they end up confessing their problems to each other. It just so happens they can be each other’s solution, at least for the time being. If they pretend to be courting, both could potentially get what they want. Muse A would gain peace from persistent suitors and Muse B’s reputation would rise by association, giving them a chance for a better match.

The two put up an act and at first it seems to be working well. But it’s so easy for feelings to get in the way. Then there’s the matter of Muse A’s secret, a barrier between them. And it might turn out, that Muse B has more connections to Muse A’s world than either of them know.

(Sooo a bit of Bridgerton meets vampires. In this I have all these plans for Muse B’s character that I’m dying to use. But once again doubling up is possible. In this I’m looking to expand the roleplay to explore a whole underground supernatural society of vampires and perhaps other beings in Victorian London with its own villains and all that fun stuff)

3- The werewolf games
TAGS: supernatural•werewolves•action•survival

There are hundreds of werewolf packs living in the US, some smaller, some bigger. A whole world hidden away from ordinary humans. They are all loosely united under one alpha and their pack, they are the ones at the top of the food chain. They all agree that they need to keep a low profile and keep their existence hidden from humans. However it is extremely difficult to control individual packs so some of them still pose a significant danger to humans. Because of this reason some humans do know of the werewolves and some have come hunters, killing any werewolf they can find.

In the past packs fought often for status and position in the werewolf society and to combat this, the highest alpha came up with a system. Once a year the packs will gather together. Traditionally every pack that is able will make the journey and attend. Trials are held (what these trials are would be decided together). From each pack one member is chosen to represent their pack. The chosen will compete with each other. The ones who complete the trials are given respect and glory, their pack rising through the hierarchy. The ultimate winner, the one who succeeds first, might even be accepted into the highest alpha’s pack. The trials must be completed within a time limit or the chosen participant will fail. Killing other contestants isn’t exactly necessary but it is not forbidden and happens frequently, making the trials very dangerous. Each pack chooses their participant differently so in the games usually some compete willingly while others do not.

This year Muse A and Muse B are the lucky, or unlucky, chosen from their perspective packs. They have arrived at the trials with no other choice but to do their best. The trials begin but it soon becomes very obvious that something is different this year. Somehow werewolf hunters have found out about this custom. They have sent hunters in greater numbers than ever seen before. The hunters have joined the trials and are taking contestants out whenever they can. MuseA ends up helping Muse B with a hunter and even though teamwork is against the rules, they decide to work together for the time being to survive this situation. But with an assault of this magnitude, could it really be a singular attack? Or does this bode war?

(Alternatively one of the characters could be a hunter who teams up with a werewolf because of their own reasons. This roleplay can last just for the duration of the trials or it can be expanded further, perhaps into full blown war.)

4- From Tír na nÓg
TAGS: supernatural•fantasy•victorian•alternative history•fae•rebellion•

(This one was inspired by the series Carnival Row but it's not necessary to have watched it.)

Humans and fae folk lived separately for hundreds of years. It was only a coincidence that humans ever discovered the home of the fairies. The survivor of a shipwreck found himself in Tír na nÓg and could hardly believe his eyes. The fae welcomed him and he stayed for a time, under their good care. But he began to feel homesick and eventually managed to return to his home. That was the beginning of the end. It didn’t take long for humans to travel to the home of the fae and many of them did not have good intentions.

Years later Tír na nÓg is a war zone. Armies from two different human nations battle for control of the magical land and its resources. The capital of one of the nations is a destination for many refugees fleeing the war. The fae and other non-humans are treated as second class citizens and often face mistreatment. Most of them are forced to live in the worst part of town known as the Row. Few non-humans get to live elsewhere in the city. In these cases, they are usually in someone’s service. In very rare cases, they get rich enough to own a property in better parts of town. Life is tough and naturally this has sparked rebellion in the hearts of some.

The Crimson Wings are a secret group that is aiming for the liberation of all fae folk especially. Most of their members are fae but some humans and other creatures have also joined as they believe in their cause. Ultimately they would want to return to a human free Tír na nÓg, but if that is not possible, at least non-humans and humans should be equal. Their methods at present are covert operations aimed at disrupting the government as much as possible. No peace until all are free is very much at the core of their thinking.

Muse A belongs to the Crimson Wings. They could be human, fae, or a halfling, up to the player. They are sent undercover to the house of the current active chancellor to seek information or in worst case scenario, assassinate the chancellor. Muse A must keep up their act of a harmless servant even though they are a capable fighter among other things. If they were discovered, it would mean certain suffering and death. At this house they meet Muse B, the chancellor’s youngest child, though all of them are adults at this point. Muse B has a secret of their own. The chancellor is not actually their father at all. Muse B is half fae, the result of an affair their mother has kept hidden all these years. Muse B must keep their wings hidden underneath their clothing at all times to avoid discovery. Their father is pushing for marriage for Muse B and for obvious reasons Muse B keeps declining. But the cage around them is getting smaller. How long can they possibly keep this hidden? Halflings are treated just as bad as full fae. The discovery of Muse B’s secret would lead to the devastation of their family and the banishment and possible death of Muse B.

Muse A and B become more and more tangled with each other as time goes on. Will they discover each other’s secrets? And what happens when someone on the Row decides that the only way they can fight back is the old ways and releases dark magic upon them?

(Here I have ideas for the role of Muse B. Once again doubling up is possible.)

5- Secret of the ruins
TAGS: scifi•dystopian•distant future•possible time travel

The world ended hundreds of years ago. The Earth has much changed from this event. There are forests where the trees grow as tall as skyscrapers. Some areas are deserted wastelands that go on for miles. Some places have been left completely under water, home to creatures nobody knows the names of. Strange monsters roam the land. Nobody left alive these days knows exactly how or why the world changed. Much has been lost to time. But it is known that humans at the time of the End lived among technological wonders in cities that defied belief.

Only ruins are left now. Muse A lives by shadow of such ruins. Most of their village is scared of the ruins and steers clear of them but not Muse A. They have always been fascinated by the ruins and everything they represent. They have been exploring the edges of the ruins in secret. Lately Muse A has been having strange dreams. They see images they can’t quite comprehend and hear a voice whispering numbers to them. The numbers are the same each time. The dreams have become so frequent that they are all Muse A can seem to think about. One day they realize that some of the images seem to be leading Muse A towards the ruins. Deciding that they must know, Muse A ventures into the ruins, deeper than they have ever been before. In one of the ruins they find a strange capsule that is glowing. On it there’s a screen. Unable to help themselves, Muse A types in the numbers from their dreams and the capsule opens. Inside… a person. Muse B. And they are still alive.

Muse B has been asleep for hundreds of years. And with their awakening, strange clocks have started inside multiple ruins…

(For this I have some ideas as to what is going on but they aren’t very concrete yet. Would love to plot this out with someone and do some world building)

Well then hopefully one of these at least caught your interest, dear reader! Hope to hear from you :)

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The Secret of the Ruins sounds sooo compelling and interesting to me!! I'd love to chat more about it!
The Secret of the Ruins sounds sooo compelling and interesting to me!! I'd love to chat more about it!
Sure. If you're interested you can send me a message and we can discuss! :)

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