Plethora of Souls OOC chat

Plenthora of Souls OOC chat

​ - story info, rules, and character registration sheet thread:

Plethora of Souls

There are five races in the world of Bucolic; Phoenixes, Blood Druids, Faes, Cruors, and Humans. Everyone is different, they all have different pasts, personalities, and motivations. Human souls are a coveted item in the world of Yaven with many uses. Some beings seek out to kill humans and obtain their souls and others are sworn to protect humanity.

Which side will you


1. No godmodding or controlling other people's characters without their permission

2. if you plan on killing someone's character please let that person know via pm before you post

3. I reserve the right to ban people for breaking rules, you will first get a warning

4. besides kissing and heavy petting all sexual acts will fade to black

5. You can make as many characters as you like but only ONE can be a phoenix, druid, fae, or cruor. All your other characters must be human. This role-play will have a lot of violence and fighting, your characters can die, and that is perfectly fine. If a human character is killed off you can make another, if a creature character is killed off you can make another. If you are playing a phoenix and they are killed you can choose to continue to play that character as they are reborn or you can choose to make a new character. Blood Druids can also bring people back to life.


- fantasy / steampunk

- Animatica; industrial city located on an island to the south of the main content of Bucolic. Technology center, similar to London. Citizen's have British-like accents. Most Fae are from here.

- Mainland
Bucolic: country side, covered with ripe hills and valleys, about the same size as France and similar landscape. Spaced out simple towns and villages, mostly farmers.

((I am going to wait until other people have made characters before I create my own.))

***one human soul can be fractured into 10 fragments***


Phoenix: (0/4)
:These types of people are immortal in the sense that when they die they turn to ash and are essentially reborn in a bright blinding flash of light. When they are reborn they appear to be about 6 years old and have no memory of who they were before, all they know is their name and that they are a phoenix and that their job is to protect human souls, no memory of anyone they knew or the things they did in their previous life. They age at the same rate as humans and have all the same characteristics except their eyes which are very brightly colored and glow at night. Each Phoenix has powers based on the color of their eyes. It is possible for there to be an evil Phoenix, but it would have to have a very good reason and if they died, they would start over inherently good again. (I will only allow one evil Phoenix character)

Neon Yellow

- can manipulate (but not create) electricity

- can cause their body to glow to light dark areas

- can communicate (not control) all creatures with wings.

weakness: contact with sand causes a wall of glass to form around them trapping them inside.

Neon Green

- can cause plants to grow rapidly and manipulate them

- is resistant to all kinds of plant based poisons

- ability to communicate (not control) animals that live on land (no birds or sea creatures).

weakness: hyper sensitivity to fire

Bright Violet

- can manipulate (but not create) water

- can breathe underwater

- ability to communicate with sea creatures (fish or mammals)

weakness: hyper sensitivity to electricity

Blood Druid (0/2)
: These creatures appear to look like what you might think would be referred to as a “dark elf” Skin colors range from light blue or purple to dark grey. Their hair is usually black, dark blue or dark green and their eyes are solid black. They use large amounts of their own blood to perform seriously powerful spells. Which means though their magic is strong, they can only cast 1-2 spells per month without having to be bed ridden until their body replenishes itself. The stronger the spell the more blood required. If they want to kill someone the amount of blood they must shed will make them have to be bedridden and helpless for up to four months and they won't even consider casting another spell for almost a year. If they kill more than one person at once with a spell they forfeit their own lives. They can be good, evil, or neutral. fragments of human souls allow them to use less blood for their magic and therefore let them cast spells more often. Not all Blood Druids seek out human souls, it's an even split.

other abilities:

- nocturnal sight

- able to speak with the dead without shedding blood. (to control or raise the dead they must shed blood)

- extremely good hearing and smell

Fae (0/2): Fae are not to be confused with cutesy fairies. These are more of a mix between magic users and dwarves. Their appearance is generally shorter (4ft-5ft tall), pointed ears, and light colored hair (ranging from white to dark strawberry blonde). They are mischievous creatures, who create what are known as trickster items. These are items that do not inflict damage, but are extremely useful ( including but not limited to; a compass that points to your heart's desire, a clock that can send you back in time limited to the last hour, a phone that lets you communicate with any one telepathically) Fae characters can carry on them up to five items at a time. They can be good, evil, or neutral. Fae need either fragments of human souls or fragments of animal souls to create trickster items, while human soul fragments create more powerful items, animal souls are much easier to obtain.

rules for trickster items:

- they must be mechanical or electronic

- they cannot be used to harm people

- they cannot create or restore life (but they can heal people who are still alive)

- trickster items are bonded to the Fae that made them so no one can steal them and use them unless they have the Fae's permission.

Cruor (0/4): These beings feed on pain emotional and physical. They are addicted to consuming human souls which gives them a feeling of intense euphoria, invincibility, and overall high. Appearance wise they look identical to humans, but their teeth are all long jagged canines and their eyes are red. Cruors are the arch enemies of the Phoenixes. It is possible for there to be a good one, but it would be a constant struggle and painful for them to live like that only feeding off of the pain of animals. (extremely rare, I will only allow one cruor character to be like this)


- they can turn into shadows and move around that way, only in dark areas

- super human strength at night ( being able to easily carry 500lbs)

- can use telekinesis on glass

- they can communicate telepathically with other cruors

Weakness: in direct sunlight they have none of their powers

Humans: Self explanatory, they would prefer to keep their souls and remain alive. Some befriend Fae and are given trickster items, some are the servants of Blood druids and take care of them after they cast powerful spells. Others have no idea what is going on.

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