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Realistic or Modern please y’all 😭


Junior Member
Hey ya'll! I haven't been active on here in ages but I miss writing so much! I've included some ideas that i've been dying to write for forever. Any questions, please ask, and I'm down to send a writing sample as well!


Set way in the past, when there were still kings and queens, and castles. Wars fought only with swords and cannons. The kingdom of Hallaway is ruled by tyrants. For the past few years there have been talks of over throwing the King and Queen, a small rebel army has already started gathering and planning. Character A is one of the leaders of the army rebeling. He was sent to the castle to try and find a rumored secret entrance into the castle. He was caught and thrown into the dungeon, they had tried him with treason, his execution date set for the morning. Character B is the King and Queen’s daughter. Ever since she heard of the rebellion she has been trying to find a way to find and get in contact with them. When one of the leaders ends up in her parents dungeon she decides to break him out, knowing that this might be the one chance she has to help overthrow her parents. ( You would be Character A).

Character A has a one night stand with a girl he barely remembers the name of. Forgets she even exists until she shows up on his door step with a baby ten months later. His baby. He let's the woman and the baby stay in his apartment for a few days and on the second night the woman leaves, abandoning Character A and the baby. His lifestyle definitely doesn't have room for a baby as he's kinda a party animal, not to mention just young, but it's his kid, he has to take care of them. Though he's not quite sure he's qualified. Character B is his neighbor. They've never liked each other and now that he has a loud baby crying through very thing apartment walls, she is going crazy. So about week in, the baby is still not sleeping at night, crying for hours on end, Character B gets out of bed, marches over to her neighbors house and demands to help him get the baby to sleep. (You would be character A)

Everyone thinks the future brings good things, new things. Advancements in technology, people living in space, peace. Maybe that's what the future could have brought, if humans weren't the way they were. War, after war, after war broke out around the world. People overthrew governments, formed their own societies, became even crueler than they were before. While there wasn't much of a traditional government anymore, people always fought for power. A woman by the name of Noir came to rule over one of the meanest, and deadliest sections of the new world. She named it Seven, for reasons unknown, but most suspect because she had to kill seven people before her to be in charge. Noir liked to watch people suffer, so she created a game. She had certain members of her army not for fighting, but for kidnapping. Their task was to bring back as many people of any age, gender, or health to an arena where she would keep them locked up and force them to fight to the death. There are about 30 people inside the arena who have never been beat. Noir calls them Reapers, tattooed the name on them and everything. It's approaching the 15th anniversary of the arena and Noir wanted to make it special, so she's holding The Reaping, an event where the Reapers must fight each other. Each Reaper gets a partner, chosen by Noir, who they must fight another pair of Reapers with. At the end when, only the two partners remain, they must fight each other. Noir has upped the ante, not only are their lives at stake, but their freedom. If they are the last Reaper standing, she'll let them go free. Character A is Noir's favorite fighter, in a deranged way, she considers him her son. She doesn't love him, she loves that he's easy to control, that he listens to her. Character B has tried to kill Noir multiple times and is convinced that Noir only keeps her alive because she wants to see her die an awful, gruesome death. The Reaping is here and everyone wants to survive. (You would be character A)
omg, i logged on for the first time in forever and see this thread?? i’d love to write something new if you’re down! i love the first two ideas ^^ super super glad to see you here again!!
omg, i logged on for the first time in forever and see this thread?? i’d love to write something new if you’re down! i love the first two ideas ^^ super super glad to see you here again!!
Ahhhh!!! I was gonna write you a message actually but didn’t know if you would see it! I’d love to write with you again!

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