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Fantasy Please read through, see if I got something you like. 😭


Ever-hungry for Stories
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello one and all. My name is Gorgenghast, but you can call me Gorgen, Ghast, or whatever you please!

I'm fairly new to RpNation, so please disregard my lack of knowledge here, but I can confidently say that I have been roleplaying for a good couple years now, so I'm not too amateur.

NOTE: If you want to see my interests, check fandoms, genres/themes, and OC's. If you find something you like, DM me.

Things to know about me:
- I am a true-blue guy.
- I am 18.
- I am straight.
- I'm not the biggest fan of CC, but that's also probably because I've never tried.
- Open to, if not prefer Discord RP's.
- Like to generate AI art of my OC's for reference.
- I can role with mature and/or extreme gore themes.
- Fun Fact: I'm the type of person who checks the word of the day just to expand their vocabulary for RP's. 😅

For those wondering if I am still accepting admissions, check status. I will update the moment there is any change, so it's pretty accurate if I say so myself. Even if it says it's closed, please let me know, because I might be in the process of getting out of an RP.

Status: Open (but selective).

But you (probably) don't care about that! So let's get down to...

What I'm looking for:

- 18+: This is generally the case, though it might get awkward with anyone 30+ due to the age-gap, so ages between 18 and 30 are a Goldilocks Zone. For those who are under, this restriction is negotiable, as long as you give me a really, and I mean REALLY good reason.

- OOC: It's easier for me to understand what type of character I'm working with if I can understand the person I'm talking to. So, feel free to chat, reach out, vent, share memes, etc. If that's not your jam, that's alright, but I prefer planning the story out before continuing on, so OOC will probably be needed to some degree.

- Words: I write about 200 words on average responses, but then again, I haven't really RPed with anyone who has written more than me, so there is that. I'm trying on making it lengthier! Likewise, I want someone who can do the same. Furthermore, eloquence is a MUST.

- Romance is heavily encouraged: I'm not making it a must, so for those who want to keep things platonic, I'm offering the opportunity. That said, I prefer romance. And, to note, my OC's are generally, if not always both male and straight. So... have fun with that. As for the "maturity level"... again, up to you guys. Just nothing off-the-walls crazy, you hear me?

- Reply once a week: Listen ya'll, I'm a student, so my schedule's going to be all over the place. For that reason, the MINIMUM is once a week. If you can't make that, just let me know ahead of time and all-is-good, and I'll do the same. If you want to reply more than once a week, feel free to! I'll most likely read your response over, but if I'm busy, I'll let you know and give you an ETA.

- COMMUNICATION IS CRITICAL: I go crazy if you ghost me for more than a week (especially so while we are still in the planning phase), so please communicate with me ahead of time or ASAP so that I know what's up and don't bombard you with DMs. On a different note, but still "Communication", I want to discuss how the story will go and plot points ahead of time. Now, improv is definitely encouraged, but just don't completely 180 on what we agreed on beforehand.

- Don't control my character: If you want my OC or CC to do something, ask for my consent first. More often than not, I won't ask for an explanation, but I get peeved when people touch my stuff without permission. You can also expect this of me.

- Actual Platform: I prefer RPing on Discord than here, but I'd rather go with your preference.

...now that that's over... let the fun begin!!!


A tried-and-true classic. Plus, I've read the books, so we can do the Cinematic Universe or the Book Universe.

- Trollhunters: Also part of the 3 Below and Wizards universe, this hit Netflix-series is on the table!

- Solo Leveling: I know a lot of people like this one, so imma toss it out there.

- :bishiesparklesl::bishiesparklesl::bishiesparklesl: Voltron: Legendary Defender: I've recently had a desire to RP with this particular fandom A LOT. I'm currently fiddling with an idea where (preferably) your OC is the pilot of the Black Lion, effectively making the the leader of Voltron, and mine was a random person chosen by Lotor's sincline mech. The mech, having built out of the same materials and with the same intents as Voltron (at least initially), has chosen my OC as the new pilot who is to go and help others. However, Lotor's spirit still clings to the mech. I have yet to decide whether he is a reformed spirit or a vengeful spirit, but I like this idea a lot! (We can definitely talk about swapping the roles if you want!).

- Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: I'm a real fan of this one, so I've got a few ideas and am definitely willing to take suggestions. A really fun idea that I just want to put out there is OC x OC between an incarnation and constellation, where the incarnation can somehow speak, communicate, and maybe even interact with their sponsoring constellation. We'd have to hash out the details, but you get the drift.

- World After The Fall: From the same author of ORV, there are three main settings we can go for here. A) The dystopian Earth with monsters everywhere. B) Inside, climbing a tower. C) Climbing up the Tree of Illusion! If haven't read, then just know that we can do option A and B just as it sounds, but you would have to have read WATF to know option 3.

- One Piece: A fun classic, so shoot your crazy ideas!

- Jujutsu Kaisen: We can play as OC's real close to Shibuya and all the mayhem, or perhaps some where far from where the main story is.

- The Merlin Saga: I love this book series, and if anyone else knows of it... let's have fun in Fincayra!

- Hyper Light Drifter: This one would require a lot more assumptions and world-building of our own, but why not?

Now that the fandoms are out of the way, I'll tell you some of the more broad ideas:

Genres / Themes:

- Modern-Day Mythology: For this one, it's basically like Percy Jackson or any Rick Riordan book: in modern day, creatures and gods from prevalent mythologies exist, and are either A) visible to people but symbiotic, or B) invisible to normal people, and generally hostile. Greek/Roman is my specialty, great in Christian, I'd like to say I'm decent in Norse, and I dabble in Chinese.

- Space Odyssey: Should be pretty self explanatory.

- Isekai: You should probably have the general idea. One of use is either a regressor, returner, or reincarnator, and live in a different world. S-Rank Adventurer, Level 100 - Hunter, you get the gist. We can also do one where neither OC is a regressor, returner, or reincarnator, but there are many different races inhabiting the continent. This is a pretty broad one topic that encompasses many different ideas.

- Reverse Isekai: Coming back from another world or getting sent to a modern-day earth when originating from another world.

- Post-Apocalypse: I have a lot experience with this one.

- Slice of Life: A nice, (hopefully) relaxing classic.

- Cross-Species: Vampires, werewolves, gods, demons, as long as the idea works, I'm down for anything.

- Creator x Creation: Maybe a scientists creates a robot who is instilled with life? A god molds a human?

- Pirates: We can spin it however you want, but yeah, shiver me timbers mateys.

- :bishiesparklesl: Mecha: Robots and mechs.

- Medieval: Knights, thieves, assassins... chivalry!

And, lastly my OC's. These guys are straight out of my brain, some without any general fandom or anything in mind, so if any interest you, let me know. Also, I don't mind changing things like age and other small stuff if necessary. I'm also down to make new OC's.


- Hart: A quiet and meek individual, who's cunning and savage-upbringing combined to make a living-weapon. Due to eating a mythical herb frequently as a child, his body and mind are sharpened so that he grew up in his genetically-optimal state. This doesn't have to be the case in RP's that aren't HTTYD, but he can talk to dragons, and has three other dragons that he treats as siblings.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: HTTYD.
- Gimmick: Savage
- Status: Open

- Weisel: Raised in a prominent clan as a child, he grew up spoiled and was a piece of crap. However, he was attacked by a vampire-esque dragon, causing him to transform into a dragon himself. After being treated by his home town as a devilish beast, he flew away and lived in solitude for many years, slowly reflecting and mellowing. However, even now, you can see strong traces of royalty in how he moves and speaks.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: HTTYD.
- Gimmick: Regal
- Status: Open

- Machina: Machina is a caring and sometimes goofy individual. He will help people without compensation, and enjoys entertaining children. Unfortunately, his lack of speech rarely allows these traits of his to shine. Paired with a tall, imposing cyborg body that gives others unease, he focuses most of his time on work. Other than that, he is easily flustered by certain things. To compensate for the absence of a voice, he installed a special device into his neck that records sounds and phrases and then uses them at a later date, kind of like Bumblebee from Transformers. There is practically never a time when a thing that he says with his vocal-device that 100% means what he intended, so people will have to read between the lines to understand his message.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: Isekai
- Gimmick: Mute
- Status: Open

- Hydralos: Being born between a gorgon and a dragonborn, he possesses prominent features from both races, as well as genetic abnormalities that were the cause of extreme estrangement as a child. Due to his childhood, he hates people in general, and will typically try to avoid any form of communication he can. Even with random strangers, you can tell by his tone that he doesn’t want to be there, and in the worst cases, if he determines the person(s) he is talking with to be bad people, he may kill them outright. The only one he cares about is his dragon, Ophichius. However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a moral code; the one principle he holds near-and-dear to his heart is to not harm innocents, though he has yet to encounter one. If someone can get past his hard outer layer, then one may find that he isn't beyond caring for others.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: Isekai
- Gimmick: Hateful
- Status: In-Use = Closed

- Enoch Sinclaire: Enoch is very different from his grandfather, the norse dragon Nidhogg, being very carefree and lax for such an important individual. He does whatever he wants on impulse, but also doesn’t feel like instigating anyone and minding his own business, unlike his grandfather, who is a violent and evil existence. It is because of this that gods and their descendants will invite him to parties and galas for the sake of getting closer to the only descendent of the black dragon. He will generally remain neutral, both uninterested and uninvolved, but will lash out fiercely if people try to manipulate him or take his possessions. Likewise, it is a mistake to confuse his inactivity with nonobservance. One of the qualities like his grandfather is that on rare occasions he will have an urge to fight, a thirst that he quenches by attending illicit demi-human fights. His abilities include turning into a giant black dragon, venom that can harm other Norse gods, and weak fire breathing.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: Norse Mythology / Modern Day
- Gimmick: Sly & Upperclass
- Status: Open

- Gallateo Galilei: He has a very ditzy and lighthearted yet genius personality. He is the type of person who always wears a smile on his face and is sociable. Occasionally, he will also make fun of people, but never anything deep that the recipient can’t laugh about. This contrasts another important feature about him: his brilliance. He has the curiosity of a mechanic and loves to take things apart in order to understand how they work. Furthermore, it only takes him a few moments to understand the inner-workings of things, so much so that it seems to be akin to breathing to the boy. However, for those who take time to understand him, it becomes clear that he is also very observant and clever. Just as easily as he can break down a machine, he does to a person, effectively gaining an understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and, in the process, how to manipulate them. That said, he never seems to be interested in controlling people, and will only do so to help them when they aren’t on the right path.
- Intended Fandom/Setting: Greek Mythology / Isekai
- Gimmick: Ditzy & Thinker
- Status: Open

If you have any other ideas, DM me! Want to ask me about a fandom you want to try, DM me! If you have any question directed to me specifically, DM me!
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