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Fandom ‘Please don’t think too badly of me; we are what we are.’ Fandom 1x1 Search


Regular Decorated Emergency
Hey all! I’ve had a change in jobs and have found I have enough time to add one (possibly two) more roleplays! I am a female in my twenties and ask my partners to be over 18. Please PM me if you are interested!

Post Length; I would consider myself a literate writer. The standards on different sites seem to be a bit fluid, but advanced/novella style I would consider my cup of tea. I thoroughly enjoy writing and plotting. As I normally enjoy writing at least two main characters, I would guess an average of 600-800 words per character? I truly don’t like to keep track of such things and hardly will care if a response is shorter or longer given the plot events. When it comes down to it, I like to be able to react, show my characters thinking, and add the story in each response. I will add little scenarios that I believe add to the plot when I feel inspired. All I ask is that my partner also contributes to the plot and help with the NPCs.

Frequency; In a perfect world I would be able to post all the time. But given real life and the length of posts, I can only truly promise about once a week. OOC plotting and chats is fine, but I will not be on often in that either. Please tell me if you will be gone for weeks at a time and I will do the same.

Characters; My characters are complex and will often range in their motivates and alignment. Most of my characters fall in the grey area when it comes to moral reasoning and range from neutral to chaotic evil. They will have flaws; they will make questionable choices and will have a balance of strengths and weaknesses. Canon characters I often try to stay true to the source but depending on the character will do a combination of different source materials. I happily can write as a female or male character and give the same effort for each character I write.

Romance; Romance is fine, platonic is fine. I am a plot driven writer and care much more about a good plot than the love interest involved. I like to add it to roleplays as I think it adds some dimension or is a large part of a character, but I’ve had several long-term platonic role-plays that ended up being my favorites. I will not force chemistry between characters if there is none and prefer a slow burn in most cases. I’m okay with F/M and F/F for romance and F/M, F/F, M/M for platonic. I prefer to ‘double’; I like writing several main characters and would like a partner willing to do the same if needed.

Now onto the good stuff!

I have currently started re-watching Gotham and would love to come up with a plot! I really want to dive into the detective aspect of the show and would love to play Gordon or Bullock. The mob family would also be fun to explore!
I’m only in season two but am familiar with most of the characters in it. For this one, I am looking for either canon x canon or canon x OC pairings.

Characters I can play: Gordon, Bullock, Fish, or the villains

I will also throw out I’m a huge Batman nerd in general, so if Gotham isn’t your thing but you are interested in another Batman story arc let me know! I love the movies and Arkham games and would love to plot!

Pick your poison with characters, I’m fairly familiar with most of them.

Game of Thrones
I am always up for a GOT plot, whether we use it as a backdrop and create our own plot and world with original characters (which sounds awesome if I'm being honest) or use the books/show. Want to start from season one and work our way through? Or start where the show butchered the awesome characters and rewrite the ending? You got it.

Character I can play: OC x OC
Jon Snow, Jamie Lannister, Daenerys or Cersei Lannister

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