Playthings of the Gods


Patron "Name, God/dess of ..."


Physical Description (No pictures, but you can allude to a famous person)

Personality AND How they are inspired by patron god/dess

Daily Life/Backstory

Why they chose to become demi-god/dess

Skill or Weapons used

Skill or Weapon most desired from patron

2 sins/flaws

2 virtues/morals
Name: "Alexia Korba although I don't mind nicknames."

Patron: Artemis or Orthia (Spartan name)

Goddess of the hunt, fertility, wild animals, protector of girls until marriage

Gender: "A woman although it's common for me to be mistaken as otherwise...."

Age: "20."

Physical Description

Alexia has mid length wavy blonde hair which she mainly keeps tied back for practical purposes, slightly tanned skin due to the hours she spends outside in the sunlight, light freckles dappling her nose and cheeks, pert lips and vibrant green eyes. She's not overly tall for most women her age and is more on the lean side with less assets than most giving her an almost boyish outward appearance. If not for the more feminine features of her face she could be easily mistaken for a 'pretty' boy. She wears a knee length white chiton, much like her patron goddess and plain sandals. She finds it more practical to run around in rather than the lengthier dresses other women wear and doesn't much care for the opinions of others in regards to her appearance.

"You don't like how I look or something? Too bad."

Personality and how they are inspired by patron goddess

Alexia refuses to lie to people. When one is spotted she will call someone on it and insist that she know the truth, she is honest to a fault and will often suffer the consequences for her brutal honesty. She's also impatient, Alexia dislikes to be kept waiting or toyed with and will eventually give up entirely if something or someone takes too long, causing her to become frustrated and irritated. Alexia detests the mistreatment of abuse of others by those who are stronger than them, she refuses to stand idly by as someone is berated, beaten or demeaned in any form and will almost always intervene.

"Don't lie to me. I won't tolerate it."

Alexia was raised to worship Orthia, or more commonly known as Artemis, at an early age. The goddess is a popular one among Spartan women and as such she followed Orthia's stories and actions closely. She uses the goddess as a guideline for her own actions and aspires to be like her, to Alexia, she is the ideal.


Alexia grew up in Sparta, like all the women there she was trained athletically and educated well, unlike the girls and women of Athens who were mostly illiterate. As she became more active, Alexia discovered that she was just as strong if not stronger than a few of the boys her age and was a formidable opponent during sporting events and intellect.

As she grew up she began to fall in love and eventually, when she turned 18 she was happily married. Within a few months she fell pregnant and later gave birth to a healthy baby boy. All was well until nearly a year later when her son was struck with an illness, he died soon after contraction and it nearly broke Alexia. Even worse was when her husband fell in battle soon after. Now widowed and alone she often contemplates her purpose and theirs in quiet isolation, pondering why she was never told the full details of her late husband's death.

Now Alexia has become alienated. The topic for much gossip among women and ignored by Spartan men she focuses on helping those in need instead. She lives on the outskirts of the city, hunting wild game and entertaining herself with the wilderness and it's inhabitants, although she's of half a mind to begin travelling and seeing what the rest of the world has to offer.

"Don't......ask. Please."

Why they chose to become demi-goddess

To protect young women and girls mostly but she will help anyone in need if possible

"People need help and nobody else is doing the job. What have I got to lose?"

Skill or Weapons used

During her childhood, Alexia excelled with the javelin and is also skilled at archery

Skill or Weapon most desired from patron

The ability to communicate with animals or a special bow and quiver of some sort

2 sins/flaws

  • Blunt - Alexia often finds it difficult to be tactful in conversation and will say what she thinks in an often blunt or bold way that can offend some people
  • Impatient - She can't handle having to wait around for something or someone and will easily become irritated if forced to, sometimes giving up completely

2 virtues/morals

  • Compassion - she cannot abide the abuse of women and children, as well as weaker individuals, in any way shape or form
  • Honesty - Alexia finds herself unable to lie in any situation, she simply cannot bear deception and would much rather face the consequences
Thank you~ I'm glad you like her, I thought having a Spartan would make things interesting >:3
Obelix Vesallo

Patron - Hypnos, god of sleep

Gender/Age - Male, 21

Physical Description - Medium stature, although more towards the shorter side. Slender build, more built for feats of speed than those of strength. Dirty-blonde hair, often windswept or unruly, but always clean. His irises are curiously purple-colored. Almost always wearing his favorite cloak, dark purple with gold-colored trim and patterns.

Personality and inspiration from their god - Obelix is intelligent and clever, albeit witty, and he feels a deep connection with the world around him, and, so he claims, to Olympus itself. He prefers to remain inconspicuous, because of his spotty past with the law and because subtlety gives him an advantage in his pursuits. He tends to beat himself up over his mistakes, and tends to be somewhat brooding from time to time. But deep down, Obelix wants nothing more than to be the best he can possibly be, and to reach his true potential.

Daily Life/Backstory - Obelix is the son of two wealthy Athenian merchant elites, and was brought up with everything he could have wanted. However, his interest lay not in the world of money and business that he would inherit, but in individual pursuits of alchemy, exploration, and the contemplation of life's endless mysteries.

When he grew old enough to be independent, he funded his curious mind with money from selling potions and remedies through an apothecary business he started, but the monetary support it provided was substandard at best, and so Obelix involved himself in thievery and looting during the night for extra profit. His natural gift for subtlety resulted in him never getting caught, but after few years, his escapades began to irk powerful men, and he chose to cut his ties to all criminal action before he suffered the consequences. Obelix's days as a nighthawk never let him rest soundly very often from then on, but he opted to spend his extra time exploring ruins and tombs of legend around Greece instead of exploring people's pockets.

Why they chose to become demi-god/dess - To experience the most the world has to offer, and to have the power to explore the mysteries of life and existence.

Skill or Weapons used - Whip-blade usually concealed within right sleeve of cloak, and various concoctions in small vials (also concealed). Skilled in subtlety, thievery, lockpicking, pickpocketing, chemistry, and puzzles/problem solving. He is also proficient in the culinary arts, a byproduct of his passion for chemistry.

Skill or Weapon most desired from patron - Abilities related to sleep (i.e, sleep inducement through touch, astral projection whilst sleeping, or the obvious hypnosis). Perhaps a bottomless flask that dispenses somnolent liquid (sleep-inducing water or something of the sort)?

2 sins/flaws - Impatience and an uncontrollable superiority complex

2 virtues/morals - Ambition and steadfast perseverance

@Mr Brontosaurus
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Ione Easton

Patron: Tyche or Fortuna

Goddess of good luck and fortune.

Gender/Age: Female,19

Physical Description:
Ione is somewhat on the medium side when it comes to height specifically 5 feet and 7 inches tall. She usually wears custom fitted light leather armor that covers enough areas for minor protection, for traveling she wears a pure white cloak with a hood to cover her face. She has fair skin with piercing blue eyes she has a lithe form and also carries a large spiked shield on her back constantly.

Personality AND How they are inspired by patron god/dess: Ione is a very confident girl, she looks at any sort of challenge with excitement and confidence. Ione is known for being very kind, caring and helpful on many occasions. Due to Ione's studies since she was young she is very skilled in negotiations and is much more intelligent than she appears. Though at times she can be very hard-headed and try to do nearly impossible feats alone for personal reasons or gains which may be a little bit of greed as well. Though she is very loyal when she makes a friend and would do anything in her power to help them when in trouble.

Daily Life/Backstory:Ione once lived a very simple and happy life with her mother and father but those days are far far gone and forgotten to her, raiders destroyed her village and nearby town devastating the community and killing the men and raping the women. Ione's Father caught wind of the raiders plan and sent his only daughter off on her own so she could live her life like he had when he was younger. Ione had lived a poor life after that event and basically had to work for whatever she needed like food, money and shelter. Ione still keeping her confidence told herself that she was not gonna be defeated by the harsh challenges that stood before her instead she was gonna conquer it. Ione began stealing and stocking up on as much food, books, money and weapons as possible. She began to teach herself new things with books and just general life experience, she even used advantages like her gender to gain the upper hand on opportunities and opponents. She worked so hard until she was basically well off and equipped enough to travel on her own to other places in search for a means to end any sort of violence even if it meant using violence herself.

Why they chose to become demi-god/dess: So she could use Tyche great luck as a means to collect great fortunes to buy an empire and officially end all war.

Skill or Weapons used: A large spiked shield that she used and then created an art of fighting with nothing but the shield she is very deadly with it and lifts and moves around with the shield with great ease.

Skill or Weapon most desired from patron: A lucky amulet that will cause a massive amount of good fortune.

2 sins/flaws: She can be Hard-Headed and at times can be very Greedy

2 virtues/morals: She is very Loyal and is very Brave

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