

Dialectical Hermeticist
Morning, friends & neighbours,

Haku has been kind enough to give me permission to playtest my RPG here, so I'm looking for players. :)

I'll be taking six players, and giving you detailed fluff and mechanical detail later. I fancy you'll be entitled to a copy of the rulebook when we go to print, too.

So, the gist'n'teasers:

Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria

The world of Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria is a harsh one. War and disease claim king and commoner alike. The Church of Degra Veen, Father of Man, wields ultimate power as it exploits the nobility and oppresses the peasantry. Hrothgard struggles under the schism between The Engineer's Guild and The King. Ke'Yan enjoys prosperity and despair hand in hand under the iron fist of Pontifex Pious IV. H'kaer and Kroms continue their decades long war. The Frontier is rich and vibrant where it isn't cruel and unyielding. Lama endures the depredations of the warring vampires and skinshifters alongside slavery to the northlanders.

Rogue Mages hide in the wilds, causing the Church to keep pressure on the Sanctioned Mages of Ymon. Vampires stalk the night. Skinshifters prey on the unwary. The Fair Folk steal children for their sport. Demons command degenerate cults. The Hollow Ones keep their tireless vigil. The Flesh howl their lamentations to the tyrannous stars.

This is a world where every decision could save a life or damn a village. Where life is cheap and death comes in many forms. Where we are reminded every day to be afraid of the dark.

Do you have what it takes to rise above the travails of the Dark Age? To fight back against the encroaching shadows? Will you die a hero, or live a legend?

Crucible is a Fantasy Horror Roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's World of Darkness, Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, and Crystal Dynamics Legacy of Kain series.

Players assume the character of a person living in this harsh world, and live out adventures set for them by the GM, or Historian. Supplemental rulebooks will later be available for players wishing to play as Hunters, Vampires, Skinshifters, Fair Folk, Demons, Hollow Ones, or The Flesh.
Sounds fun. I'm in.

I might have trouble taking The Flesh seriously, though. That's the name of a superhero from a show I watched as a kid. His power was nudity.
You know, I think I remember that cartoon...

At least you might not encounter Flesh. Consider yourself lucky if you don't.

This game is very cruel to human protagonists. :D
So let me get this straight, you're making a game based on three of the most crapsack worlds that have ever been invented ?


I volonteer to test too. Some fun to be had here. I kind of imagine flesh as some sort of hideous composite of human bodies melded together in some horror. Sort of like these things in the sewers of Vampire: Bloodlines.
If you'll have me, I'm in.

Grey's told me a little about his setting before. It sounds like WoD, but with the important difference of not sucking (I'm looking at you, Requiem, and especially YOU, Mage background).
Alrighty, that's five so far (and cheers, Sarky).

Don't worry, your characters will all be ordinary humans (unless you roll some really interesting mutations) and have complete free will. While the rulebooks for a couple of the supernaturals are written, more or less, I'm not testing those yet.

Also: Midboss, if I were to suggest that rumours had reached me implying you have a fondness for mudkipz....
I'd be very interested in playing too in such dark grim universe, but I would need some precisions.

What's the level of technology in the world ? Is it going to be techno medieval or just medieval ?

How have survived the humans so far if there are so many many creatures lurking in the dark ? (I mean in WoD the number of supernatural beings compared to the world population was scary... and mortals clearly did not stand a chance) ?
Technology is mainly just medieval - although the Engineer's Guild of Hrothgaard is reputed to command powerful, sorcerous engines, those in the know are fully aware they don't have a clue how any of them work (if anything, that makes them more dangerous - like a chimp with a hand grenade). It's also possible to stumble upon high-technology left behind by a mysterious precursor civilisation, but no one will get anything like that at chargen.

People survive because they outnumber the monsters, and because the monsters are prone to infighting.

There are also some factions who defend mankind - The Inquisition, The Warrior-Monks of Eotre, Bloodhunters, Dreamchasers, Freelancers, and The Vengeful Dead. Legends speak of a great and terrible purge that wiped many of the monsters from the world, and only in the last century or so have they managed to begin their ascendancy once more.

If this goes well, I'll run a campaign of Hunters of Imeria: Dark Age later where you can play as them. I may even allow people to spend XP to join some of the Hunter Factions over the course of this campaign.
Seeing as two of the games I was in have trounced out, I'd actually be down for this. There's nothing like getting your feet wet with something completely new, I like to think.

EDIT: Crap, I missed cyl's show of interest from earlier. Oh well. Should someone drop or lose interest before things get rolling, I'd love to play. Otherwise, have fun!
Well, if Cyl would like to play that's seven players right there - and I can honestly work with seven, but no more.
You sure? I really don't want to make this any more difficult for you than necessary. I've experienced first-hand what horrors larger-sized groups can bring to a game (ok, so it's not that bad - but still), so I can understand if you want to keep things as small as possible.
Nah, I enjoy running games with bigger groups. I've managed to keep eight players trundling along steadily before now and I wouldn't like to deny anyone who's interested so far a place.

If nothing else, I can rationalise it as trying a broad demographic. *shudder* Saying that makes me feel dirty.
+1 for fhg, if the game is going to be as scarily deadly as I think it's going to be... 1 more person means one more weapon and one more target for the bad guys to slash / bite / crush / mind control / burn with organic fluids / terrorize.

What's going to be our setting ? are we supposed to know each other or even to be a team at the beginning (best way to survive in this cruel cruel world) ? do we need to come out from the same nation ?
If you want to play, I will be putting all the setting details in the forum. :) However, I will say you can come from any of the nations listed, from any background. I'll handle the vagaries of bringing you together, but like as not you'll all be dumped in the same walled town for varying reasons right before something dramatic happens.

Bear in mind you have no reason to trust anyone from the start.

Also, the very, very first part of character creation involves rolling for mutations, because those show up at birth and could have an impact on how your character grows up.

EDIT: Also, Cyl, you are seriously reminding me why I wanted to run an X-Com game one of these days.
I'll think about it, but on condition you'll offer feedback in feedback thread. :)
Yep, forum is up. Go take a looksee at the rules and suchlike.

You should have a firm enough grasp on the setting, but there's more there.
Hmmm...I -may- be interested. Depends how my work scheduling for summer is. Should be fine though, so put me on standby.

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