Story Playing Transmission


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>>Incoming Tranmission
>>Link ON - Mission:HOPE_Last Contact:01032099

L-Log this on? Log Date, alright I think we´re's....twenty...a hundred? I Don't know anymore...I'll try to resume everything so far.

Earth, a planet on a far solar system, the third from the center out and only naturally habitable to the human species, so it was...

Upon advancing to a technological threshold wars got isolated being minor focused conflicts, that lowered the coin in the weapons industry, the big corporations made moves under the table and the last global war started, they got rich but in the end, they didn't knew that they wouldn't have the time to expend their wealth.
That was in 2098, at the start of the war, scientists previewed this events, using all their effort and going against the companies and governments they launched the last mission to space, code name..."Hope".

My father was the head scientist, he forced me to go...he wanted to protect me...
Our aim was a mega planet, discovered and left in secret from the crazy corporate people, far, very far, 22 light years away in a cryopod, data and all evidence of the project, destroyed after launch, the only thing that remains in the system is the register name of this mission with a high level security permission, only to be open with either a a password, or when this messaeg get´s back...

A planet with two moons, almost one astronomical unit from its star, a new Earth...*Sigh*...perfect in every single aspect...
When we arrived our starship remained in orbit as a supply station, a safe heaven with all kinds of instruments to also work as a massive satelite to collect data and we? We were sent down with individual ships, all shot down by something...

I...was rescued by someone, a native from the planet, a redhead teenager I think? I was technically a teenager to so by his looks I just assumed, although I was around forty years old with the cryopod sleep while still very young, what a beauty sleep huh?

When I woke up I was in a medical room, made of extraterrestrial tech, I couldn't move for the next days, had tubes and needles attached to my body, couldn't feel my legs...the boy was taking care of me, when I finally got to sit and speak, he made my food out of fruits and some kind of fish, it was actually good.*Chuckle*
I started communication, he had his own dialect but adapted to mine in less than a week.

He said just enough to make sure I knew where we were, showed me the surrounding and the internal building, it was a research installation.
After a month my body was fully recovered, no scars, no bruises, nothing, we were out for a walk for the first time, that was the first time I realized the world felt different, he showed me a place were an entire civilization lived, ruins, corpses taken by nature, he told me the story of the place.

That planet was called ZiGrennie, means "that's who is green", home to a race bipedal human like living beings, they didn't had a name like "humans" because it wasn't necessary in their conception.

They abandoned space travel focusing on themselves, past beyond adoration of gods, their philosophy, technology, education, health, all at an utopian level. Them there was a development of something, a cure to all diseases, to solve all healt problems, it's to complex to explain in here a nanobiological sentient virus combined with robotics engineering, for them that was like making a cake. The virus had one order, adapt to a body, cure and "upgrade" it.

It was a brilliant idea...but in the end the virus mutated bodies to fast, their natural system couldn't keep up, eventually the virus adapted to infect and "heal" the whole planet, every single life forms. A group of ZiKnal "those who make knowledge", basically the scientist, retarder the virus process and infected a pregnant woman, she gave birth to a child whose body could not only adapt but control the virus, his body was stronger, faster, smarter by an abnormal proportion, they called him Aillen Kaird, it means "The sunshine craftsmanship" believing he would bring a brighter future......he could not stop the virus, it had developed a neurological core somewhere on the planet. Eventually, his mother, father and everyone else around him succumbed and he remained alone...

The entire planet died and rebirth anew with the virus, animals and plants, but not them...

The boy lived alone for centuries, he watched everything die and come back to life...he created a solution, using his own body and years of experiments he came up with a vaccine, that's how I still alive, the month I was in bed was the time for the vaccine adjust my body. All my body functions are now at least 10 times greater than that of a human, be they athletes or study for the crazy part, the atmosphere here is almost identical to the Earth, so when I breath my cells consume nitrogen instead of oxygen rebuilding DNA structures while generating energy, making my lifespan indeterminable...ridiculous but yes...almost immortal.

He finally told me one last thing, what shot my comrades down was a cannon that had been built in the planet, no one goes in or out, the virus must remain here....of course I was shocked and angry, how could he hide from me the thing that killed all my friends? But after sometime I saw that it wasn't his fault or from anyone else, it was just the right thing and somehow I got lucky, I was now just like him, call it destiny if you believe in that kind of stuff...

The virus created creatures to hunt us down, it saw us as failures that needed correction, we didn't had anything else to do now...just the two of we decided to hunt the core...

Our days were, walking, hunting, eating, sleeping and repeat, he taught me to fight the monstrosities and we filled the nights with stories from our lost civilizations...those were good years...ten? maybe twenty good years...time stops making sense once you don´t grow old...

Them we found it, beneath the largest tree of the planet, a natural cave with it's own ecosystem...he didn't wanted me to go in...he said words that I never teached to him in all this time.

"I fear to be alone again"

We went in together after some emotional talk.
The virus core was fascinating, it was like looking in the insides of quantum computer processing data.
In the end he didn't killed the whole virus, he modified it making us a successful objective and lowering the mutation tax for any new infected.
After that we wandered back and found the emergency shuttle that wasn't destroyed during entry and that's how I'm recording this message.
I could do lot of things, but I can't let him alone, call this a variation of Stockholm syndrome or survival instincts, but I don't think I can keep living without him anymore...
Sometimes I wonder why I was the one alive... I guess we can't relay in science to answer all questions.


I'm sending this module and the ship back to Earth with instructions...if anyone survived come to this planet, the orbital cannon has been disabled I...we...are gonna rebuild, start again and we can offer you a chance to do the same.
This is Klya, last survivor of the Hope mission signing off.

>>End Of Signal.

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