Playin' With My Friends - A concept.





What: General interest check.

Why: Crack.

When: Maybe never, depends.

Who: Me. (*is not the greatest GM, in fact I outright sucks.*)

I'm toying with a concept that involves a type of magic which turns toys/mundane items into 'guardians' or whatnot via contracts with the creatures that possess them, keeping theme if you would want an animalistic cannibal would be something like a godzilla action figure, mecha robot would be obviously very techy lasers and comps. etc. Each would have individual abilities this way.

Obviously I say magic, but it would be perhaps more supernatural phenomenom, maybe the people can be like . . . . 'Wielders'? who are just capable of making their specific toy move.

I don't know what the point would be . . . like at all, not just yet anyway. I just know I want it cartoony in terms of plot if there is one though, something childish and fun, not entirely sensical.

So, Playin' with my Friends?

So cute, so in ways they are imagionary friends as well just based off the toy? Do they grow as well? and only one toy per kid?
Yeah, one kid per toy, there are after all only many action figures out there that DON'T do the same thing. I'm thinking either imaginary friend type or an actual toy that grows big when 'Wielded'. . . I guess it's like a magical girl magic card except the card is a toy?
I don't think it has to be expressively limited to children per se, or even just teens, there's a stretch armstrong wielding child in all of us after all and this is a working development, as it stands though i'm thinking typical ages 16 and below. Once a plot IS formulated it could however wind up being less/more restrictive depending on direction, but yeah 16-.
That's because you rock! question is with so many to choose from. . . xD

I'm going to hopefully start plotting an outline later today hat can work, not sure yet of direction, but if anyone has any suggestions lemme know, i'm listening. I'll post those I come up with perhaps to give a general idea see if the interest holds.
I think kids and toys should be separate. That way we get more rp in, in ways. But like active people with active people and such. So if I play a toy it would be paired with someone else who plays a child.
I'm wondering if that would limit it a touch though? I mean your toy would have to suit the child and vice versa. . . mind you if there is a limit on both *say 3-4 either side* it may work. . . i mean for example take the MH doll concept, if all the players make male builds it wont work, and even then if they make a girl. . . Then again, i could always bring back my random pairing idea to put you with whatever toy you are given, it would certainly make things more interesting if you were a guy with a mh doll BP.

Hm. . . random concept- human transformation/merging with the toy for baddies or perhaps rogue toys with no home. . . you would use 'special abilites to combat the toys and 'purify' *cliche alert!* xD
Nonsense I had both action figures and dolls. And I've seen some cute videos on youtube where male children dress up as like jackson or what not.
Lol~ I don't mean guys don't play with dolls, but like i said though, depends on the concept of the male build, no? XP Similarly wih he girl, its fine hough, in that regard I figures roulette it is and you are teamed up with who you are given to make it fun (*Likes the idea of a princess type wielding a godzilla type) BP

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