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Fandom PKMN S/V RP?


The Gremlin you will drop kick to the moon.
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So I blame Twitter for getting me back into Pokémon Trainer RP (PTRP).

I really wanna do an RP with Arven, Penny, Nemona or another MC character and my Violet OC, Hope.

And for those who aren't in the know: Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are basically alternate universes of each other in a way unheard of in the Pokémon world before. ((Violet never mentions any specific Scarlet Area Zero Pokémon, and vice versa.))

My way around this is by having the games basically be same universe, but Naranja and Uva Academy are sister schools, Clavell had a twin brother named Lavel and they got to the point of basically sharing a building.
((Spoilers for end game stuff here :]))
Sada and Turo are married, but had constant arguments about how the research of Area Zero should go. Turo's lab is on the opposite end of the cavern in Area Zero than Sada. Both perfected their time machines, and summoned Past Paradox Pokémon and Future Paradox Pokémon. The two Koraidon and two Miraidon basically picked sides - the ones that the player gets both running off after losing but sticking together until out of Area Zero. The protagonist for Scarlet would end up taking Nemona with them to battle the stuff for the Scarlet story, while Penny would be for the Violet path. Arven would be constantly swapping between the groups when it's safe to. Eventually, once the MC's get to the Paradise Protection Protocol, the time machines would merge and the groups reunite for the final battle against the "bad" Koraidon and Miraidon.

It can take place wherever in the timeline: post game, pre-end game, or end game. I just ask that the trainer you play be 18 or over, in case we decide to ship, as Hope is 18.

Even if you comment on this wanting to, I'll be sending you a message to plot and such, since I don't wanna take up a lot of chaos messaging here. :3

Private Messages will also be where I send Hope's information and looks.

Thank you for baring with me!

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